History of Erie County, Pennsylvania
Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co.
merchant, Erie, was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, in 1845, and
came to America in 1856 with his mother, Magdalena Haller, who
settled in Canada, and is now buried in Roseville Cemetery, near
Paris, Ontario. Our subject, when fifteen years old, came
to Erie Co. and followed farming for three years. He then
took up merchandising and for nine years was a clerk in a
wholesale business. He subsequently established himself in
the business which he has since successfully conducted.
Mr. Haller was united in marriage, in Erie, in 1867, with
Mary Eberhardt, who departed this life in 1870, leaving no
issue, and is buried in the Erie Cemetery. Our subject's
second marriage in Oct, 1871, was with Sophia P. Schiller,
of Erie Co., who dying Nov. 20, 1880, left three sons - Chas.
J., Frank A. and Eddie. He was then united in
matrimony in Canada with Mary Otto, of Waterloo, Ontario,
who has borne him one daughter - Cora A. The family
are members of the German Evangelical Church. He is an
active member of the K. of H. society.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 |
Conneaut Twp. -
IRA HOGLE, farmer, P. O. Clark's Corners,
Ohio, was born Sept. 10, 1818, in the State of New York, and is
a son of William Hogle, who came to Erie County when our
subject was a small boy. He settled in Springfield
Township, and was one of the prominent men of the county.
He raised a family of ten children, and died about 1848.
Ira Hogle was united in marriage, Feb. 22, 1844,
with Miss Pattie Pope, who died Mar. 18,
1880. Six children were born to this union, two of whom
died in infancy. The survivors are Flora (wife of
Henry C. Dow), Wallace W., Ida B., Guy S.
Mr. Hogle married for his second wife, Dec. 13, 1880, Mrs.
Elizabeth Bennett, widow of Oren Bennett,
and daughter of Russell Buffum, of Ashtabula
County, Ohio. She was the mother of seven children by her
first husband, viz., Mary A. (wife of Alfred
Zimmerman), Joseph R,, Olive B. (now the wife of
E. Randall), Charles D., Emma J. (now the wife of
Frank Washburn), William A. and John.
Mr. Hogle has 153 acres of finely improved land.
During the war he held the office of Town Commissioner.
Three of his brothers engaged in the war—Manvill was
killed at the battle of Lookout Mountain, but Horace and
Hossa returned home after the conflict; both are now
living in Ohio. Our subject is a Republican in politics,
and during the war aided the Union by his able administration as
Commissioner. |