History of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
with Biographical Selections
"A stoic of the woods, a man without a tear."
- Campbell's "Gertrude of Wyoming."
H. C. Bradsby, Editor,
Chicago: S. B. Nelson & Co., Publishers
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a prominent tobacconist, of Wilkes-Barre, was born at
Birkenfeld, near Bingen-on-the Rhine, Germany, Aug. 1, 1835,
a son of Carl and Dorothea (Schummer) Schwab.
He was reared and educated in his native country, where he
served an apprenticeship of two and one-half years at the
trade of tobacconist. On Nov. 5, 1854, he landed in
New York, after a voyage of thirty-five days, and came to
Scranton, Pa., where he remained four months. He then
located in Wilkes-Barre, this county, and here worked at his
trade three years, at the end of which time he removed to
Tunkhannock, and embarked in business on his own account,
remaining there three years. In 1861 he returned to
Wilkes-Barre, where he has since conducted a successful
tobacco business, and since 1865 has been located at his
present stand on south Main street. In 1857 Mr.
Schwab married Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas
and Mary M. (Baab) Goerlitz, of Wilkes-Barre, and has
four children: Jacob A., Mary F., John N. and
Charles F. He is a member of the German
Lutheran Church, and of the F. & A. M.; politically he is a
Source: History of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania,
Published Chicago: S. B. Nelson & Co. 1893 - Page 1326 |
butcher and drover, South Heberton, P. O. Freeland.
This gentleman stands in the front rank of business
enterprise of Luzerne county. He is a native of
Prussia, born Oct. 4, 1849. At the age of twenty he
came to America, and located in Lehighton, Pa., where he
remained about one year, when he removed to south Heberton,
and has since made butchering and droving the chief
occupation of his life; he carries on an extensive traffic
in this line, handling about forty head of cattle per week.
To give an estimate of the amount of business he does, we
can state that during the year of 1890 his books show over
$187,000 worth of business transactions. He is also
interested in real estate, owning the old Dunop
homestead in Freeland, and over twenty-five tenement
houses. Mr. Schwabe is a lover of blooded
horses, and does a great deal of horse dealing, sometimes
buying blooded horses by the carload. He is a man who
never hesitates to support any worthy public enterprise.
Mr. Schwabe was married in 1871 to Miss Margaret
Sophia Landmesser, and to this union have been born five
children, viz.: George, Francis, Gertrude, Emile
and Matilda. In politics our subject is a
Republican, but is not bound by party lines and prejudices.
Source: History of Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, Published Chicago: S. B. Nelson & Co.
1893 - Page 1327 |
farmer, Forty Fort, is the second in a family of four
children, two now living, of Jacob and Rachel (Fuller)
Shook, natives of Germany. He was reared on a farm
in Wyoming county, Pa., educated in the public schools, and
at the age of twenty-one commenced life for himself as a
farmer; also drove a milk wagon for four years. In
1857 he came to Forty Fort, and in 1875 purchased his
present farm. Since he came to Forty Fort he has
followed truck farming. He married Jane,
daughter of Peter and Maria (Finch)
Van Buskirk, natives of New
Jersey, and has one child, Frederick, who lives with
his parents. Mr. Shook has in his possession an
old cannon, known as "Old Buntie," found at Forty Fort about
seventy-five years ago by Hiram Denison while
plowing. It has been stolen several times, but at last
has found a safe resting place with Mr. Shook.
In politics he is a stanch Democrat.
Source: History of Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, Published Chicago: S. B. Nelson & Co.
1893 - Page 1354 |

William Swetland |
LUKE SWETLAND Source: History of Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, Published Chicago: S. B. Nelson & Co. 1893 -
Page 363 |