History of Mercer County,
Its Past and Present
Its Aboriginal History; Its Early Settlement and Development;
A Discription of Its Historic and Interesting Localities;
Sketches of Its Boroughs, Townships and Villages;
Neighborhood and Family Histories; Portraits
and Biographies of Pioneers and Representative
Citizens; Statistics, etc.
Also A Condensed History of Pennsylvania
Published: Chicago, Ill.:
Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers
Greenville -
JAMES R. WICK was one of the early
business men of Greenville, where he located
as a clerk in the store of J. & A. P.
Waugh in 1826-27. He was born in
Trumbull County, Ohio, in 1807, and was a
son of Rev. William Wick, a
Presbyterian minister. After clerking
a few years he began merchandising, and
continued in the mercantile business till
about 1850, when he started a private bank.
He was engaged in the brokerage line until
1856, and then removed to Wisconsin.
He finally returned to Greenville, and died
Nov. 1, 1865. Mr. Wick was the
second postmaster of Greenville, filling the
office from July, 1830, till October, 1831.
He was also a justice of the peace several
terms, and associate judge one term.
He was married in 1830 to Catherine,
daughter of Jacob Loutzenhiser, a
pioneer of Greenville, and reared a family
of six children. She died Oct. 11,
1887, surviving her husband nearly
twenty-two years.
Source: History of Mercer County,
Pennsylvania, publ. Chicago, Ill. by Brown, Runk
& Co. - 1888 - Page 835 |