History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
Genealogy Memoirs
Illustrated -
Vol. II
The Lewis Publishing Company
NOTE: If you want a
biography transcribed, you MUST list the State and the County in the
Thank you, Sharon Wick
The career of this well-known and popular citizen of
Latrobe, Westmoreland county, illustrates what is possible
of accomplishment on the part of the honest and earnest man
who comes to our shores from foreign lands and here puts
forth his best efforts making his way to the front.
Mr. Abbaticchio came from his native land to America
without financial reinforcement or influential friends, and
by industry and good management has gained a position of no
questionable prosperity, while he has so ordered his course
as to commend himself to the confidence and good will of
those with whom he has come in contact in the various
relations of life. He is now the proprietor of the
Latrobe Hotel, where he offers excellent accommodations to
the traveling public and where he has built up a large and
prosperous business, being one of the successful hotel men
of the section of the state.
Mr. Abbaticchio is a native of the famous city
of Naples in the fair land of Italy, where he was born
January 26, 1842, the son of Nicholas and Pauline
Abbaticchio, who there passed their entire lives, the
father having been a grocer. Archangelo was
reared to manhood in his native land, in whose schools of
none the highest order he secured his education. He
followed the trade of a barber from his fourteenth year
until 1873, when he, by having a friend in Monastry, near
Latrobe, Pennsylvania, was induced to seek higher fortune in
the New World. He landed in New York City, July 16,
1873, and soon found his way to Westmoreland county, where
he operated barber shops in Latrobe, Greensburg, Scottsdale,
Connellsville, Indiana and Derry for a period of seventeen
years. His was the first Italian family to settle in
Latrobe, where now so many of his countrymen reside.
While working the above period at the trade he had carefully
conserved his resources in a financial way, and having
higher ambitions he engaged in the hotel business at
Latrobe, where he purchased "The Latrobe House," a good
property upon which many additional improvements have been
made in the intervening years. He has succeeded in
building up an excellent business, having given his personal
attention to every detail during the past sixteen years.
His motto has ever been "honesty and uprightness."
Indeed he may well be called a model, and his actions may
well be patterned after by not only the foreign born but
native born citizens. Since he landed
ACKERMAN, one of the leading and substantial business
men of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, and ex-member of
the Pennsylvania house of representatives, was born April 9,
1845, in Unity township, Westmoreland county, a son of
Henry and Catherine (Smith) Ackerman. The
progenitor of the Ackerman family in America was
Philip Ackerman, the grandfather of Henry S., a
native of Germany, who emigrated to this country. settling
in Unity township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
He married Christina Reed and had a son Henry.
Henry Ackerman, son of Philip and Christina
(Reed) Ackerman, and father of Henry S. Ackerman,
was born on his father's farm, Feb. 2, 1801. He
followed agricultural pursuits, owned an excellent farm,
achieved the most gratifying success in this line, and was
held in high esteem by his neighbors. Politically he
was a life-long Democrat, and while taking a lively interest
in the affairs of that organization never aspired to public
office. He cast his first presidential ballot for
General Jackson, and served one term as school
director. In matters of religion Mr. Ackerman
was a member of the Lutheran church at Youngstown, and
frequently served as local officer. In 1828 Mr.
Ackerman married Catherine Smith, daughter of
Joseph Smith, of Derry township. They had nine
children, one of whom was Henry S., mentioned
hereafter. The death of Henry Ackerman occurred
April 5, 1885, and his demise was sincerely mourned by a
large circle of friends.
Henry S. Ackerman obtained his early education
in the common schools of Unity township. After leaving
school he engaged for some years in agricultural pursuits,
and later learned the trade of carpenter, which occupation
he followed with considerable success for nine years.
In 1879 he opened a music store in Greensburg, opposite the
Zimmerman House. He carries a full line of fine
organs and other first class musical instruments, and has
established an extensive and profitable trade in
Westmoreland, Fayette and Indiana counties, and has several
men constantly in the field canvassing. In addition to
musical instruments he also handles White sewing machine.
Mr. Ackerman is a man of keen business ability, and
this with his unflagging energy and tenacity of purpose is a
prominent factor of his signal success in business he is a
strong defender of the principles advanced by the Democratic
party, and works earnestly and untiringly for its success.
In 1880 he was nominated by the Democrats of Westmoreland
county as a candidate for the legislature and was elected.
During his term in the legislature he acquainted his duties
with efficiency and credit, his conduct receiving the
highest commendation at the hands of his party. In
matters of religion he accords with the doctrines of he
Weaver, daughter of William Weaver, of Mount Pleasant
township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. |