Rhode Island Genealogy Express

A Part of Genealogy Express

Welcome to
Rhode Island
History & Genealogy

of the
Providence Plantations
New England
Printed by Order of the General Assembly
Edited by John Russell Bartlett
Secretary of State.
1776 to 1779
Publ. Providence:
Cooke, Jackson & Co., Printers to the State.




SHARON WICK'S note;  If anything is questionable, please contact me to let me check it.

- A -

Able-bodied men capable of bearing arms, act for numbering - 188
Aborn, Samuel, 60, 118
Adams, Ebenezer, Capt., 64, 80, 232, 248, 285, 598
 - John, 147
 - Samuel, 147
 -  letter from, to marine committee, 493
Alarm men, orders relative to, 67, 75
Albro, Clarke, 372, 504
 - John, Jr., 372
 - James, 74, 391, 545
 - Jeremiah, 192
Aldrich, Caleb, 330, 387
 - David, 392
 - William, has permission to accompany Jemima Wilkinson to England, 468
Alexander, Henry, 65, 79
Allen, Allin, Alice, 284
 - Christopher, 577
 - Gabriel, 79, 404, 408, 512
 - Joseph, 891, 533, 589
 - Matthew, 175, 595, 617
 - Nathan, 601
 - Pardon, 53
 - Paul, 158, 210, 316, 386, 404
 - Samuel, 410, 530
 - Thomas, 54, 137, 272, 348, 512
 - Viall, 46, 85, 394, 596
 - William, 6
Almy, Job, 2d, 6
 - Benjamin, 474
Alverson, Uriah, 201
Andrews, Abraham, 78, 278, 355
 - David, 392, 566
 - Samuel, 350
Angell, Daniel, 394, 536, 565
 - Hope, 414
 - Eber, 584
 - Israel, Co., 11, 86, 126, 280, 546, 600, 618, 636
 - Jabel, 392, 594
 - James, 74, 151
 - John, 221, 299, 390, 532
 - Rufus, 249
 - Samuel, 80, 392
 - Thomas, 219
Armstrong, Elijah, 264, 355
Arnold, Benjamin, Jr., 218, 254, 38
 - Caleb, 387
 - Elizabeth, 101
 - Isaac, 394, 535
 - Jabez, 127
 - James, 3, 5, 110, 201, 229, 386, 410, 529
 - James, Jr., 94, 107, 139, 218, 220, 890
 - James, 3d, 391, 533
 - Joseph, 10, 36, 586
 - Jonathan, 11, 18, 58, 84, 208, 218, 386, 529
 - Josiah, 191, 218
 - Noah, Jr., 152
 - Peleg, 299, 387, 598
 - Welcome, 230, 529, 385
 - William, 395, 597
Atwell, Amos, 6, 221, 532
Auchmuty, Robert, 600, 619
Austin, David, 372, 427
 - Ezekiel, 372
 - James, 400
 - Joseph, 191
Aylesworth, Judiah, 387
 - Judiah, Jr., 393, 535
 - Richard, 18

- B -

Babbitt, Elijah, 80
Babcock, Abijah, 435, 518
 - Adam, 225
 - Christopher, 393
 - Christopher, Jr., 566
 - George, 194
 - George Waite, 196
 - Henry, 53
 - Ichabod, Jr., 256
 - Joshua, 6, 56, 79, 194, 263, 316, 851, 8u7, 887, 410
 - Joshua, 2d, 849
 - James, 2d, Col., 201, 218
 - Nathan, 487
 - Nathan, 3d, 478
 - Nahum, 489
 - Paul, 489
 - Stephen, 128, 392, 545
 - Samuel, 316, 377, 497, 529, 563
 - William, 489
Bacon, David, 78, 107
 - Elijah, 272
Badger, William, 268, 355
Baggs, John, Jr., 407
Bagley, William, 476
 - Timothy, 488
Bailey, George, 392
 - Samuel, 564
 - Richard, 219, 254, 279
 - Richard, Jr., Capt., 399, 385, 394, 566
Balfour, Andrew, 233
Ballard, Jeremiah, 3d, 151
 - Ichabod, 151
 - Luke, 151
Ballou, Asalom, 394, 564
 - Benjamin, 575
 - Joseph, 374
 - Reuben, 65, 348, 564
 - Simeon, 392
 - Stephen, 534
 - William, 535
Bannister, John, 23
 - Thomas, 628
Barrows, Solomon, 415
Barber, Daniel, 73
 - Nathaniel, 309
 - Nathan, 529
Bardin, Nathan, 581
Barry, Capt., letters to S. Hopkins relative to Gen. Prescott, 282
Bartlett, Josiah, 34, 147
 - John, Dr., 256
Barker, John, 5, 268
 - Susannah, 513
Barnes, Henry, 15
Barton, Rufus, 128, 355
 - Seth, 355
 - William, 64, 498, 562, 587
 - lieutenant colonel, 263
 - reward voted to, for capturing Gen. Prescott, 290
 - recommended for Promotion, 290
 - appointed colonel, 328, 348, 356
 - certificate to, from the Governor, 358
Bates, John, 95
 - George, 566
 - Jonathan, 545
 - Jonathan, Jr., 393, 564
 - John, 432
 - Samuel, 432
Beal, Richard, 12
Belcher, Joseph, Col., 3, 97, 218
 - William, 10, 36
Belknap, Abraham, 4
 - Jacob,54, 264
Benchley, Arnold, 567
 - Joseph, 567
Bennett, Asa, 393, 535
 - Abel, 589
 - Asaph, 74
 - Joseph, 273
 - Robert, 534
 - William, 285, 325
Bentley, Arnold, 264
 - Christopher, 18
 - David, 79
 - William, 398
Berry, Peleg, 65, 606
Bethune, George, 505
Beverly, John, 299
Bickford, Benjamin, 80
Bellington, Daniel, 385
Bills of credit, see paper money,
Bissell, Hezekiah, 262
 - Samuel, 10, 36, 128
 - Thomas, 108
Black, James, 7
 - Samuel, 46, 564
Blackmar, Nathaniel, 299
Blankets and clothing for soldiers; resolve of Congress relative to, 28
 - committee to procure, 209, 246
 - apportion of, to towns, 253
 - may be impressed, 255
Bliven, Isaac R., 190
 - James, 356
 - William, 392, 534, 586
Block Island, certain articles may be brought from, 6
 - illicit commerce, at 505
Boone, Samuel, 355, 382
 - Mary, 588
 - William, 366
Borden, Benjamin, 439, 565
 - Samuel, 438
 - William, 218, 386
Borland, John, 55, 204, 525
Boss, James, 23
Boston Neck, hay and grain to be removed from, 58
Bosworth, Benjamin, 6
 - Edward, 530
Bounty to be allowed to soldiers, 103, 121, 198, 200, 247, 270, 277, 298, 306, 350, 483, 630.
 - officers to pay bounties, 201
 - letter from Gen. Greene relative to, 211
 - to seamen, 247
 - offer to
₤100 to each soldier, 570
Bourne, Shearjashub, 5, 110, 127, 219, 388, 531
Bowen, Ephraim, 11, 36
 - Ephraim, Jr., 635
 - Henry, 188
 - Isaac, 589
 - Jabez, 5, 6, 76, 127, 219, 221, 374, 422, 529, 583
 - Deputy Governor, 386
 - John, 269
 - Nathan, 24
 - Smith, 73, 414
 - William, 11, 272, 395
Bowler, Metcalf, speaker, 4
 - judge, 5, 16, 323, 507
Bowyer, Stephen, 177, 459
Box, Daniel, 640
Boyd, Andrew, 8
Bradford, Daniel, 188
 - William, Deputy Governor, 3, 11,1 57, 218,278, 842, 37, 616
 - William, elected delegate to Congress, 19
 - letter to General Washington Relative to exchange of prisoners, 27
 - thanks of the Assembly voted to, 399
 - statement of the account of, 539
 - William Jr., 11, 36
Branch, Daniel, 256
 - David, 640
Brayton, David, 299
 - John, 535
 - Joseph, 536
Brickwood, Edward, 17
Briggs, Abiezer, 597
 - Cornelius, 565
 - David, 559
 - Nathaniel, 514
 - George, 79
 - Randall, 300
Brightman, Mary, 574
Brimmer, Martin, 497, 505
Brinley, Francis, 258
Bristol, warrant to be issued against, 575
 - wood to be cut for the poor of, 527
Bristol, Ferry, fortification to be erected at, 49
British troops occupy Rhode Island, 56
Brown, Beriah, 6, 23, 138, 220, 309, 389
 - Beriah, Jr., 192, 400
 - Chad, Col. 5, 201, 221, 390, 532
 - Clarke, 11, 36, 290|
 - David, 412
 - Experience, 493
 - Fleet, 363
 - Godfrey, 322
 - Ichabod, Jr., 595
 - Israel, 492
 - James, 5, 191
 - John, 3, 10, 16, 21, 51, 59, 95, 130, 147, 148, 157, 195, 200, 203, 208, 218, 272, 377, 392, 491, 492, 508, 529, 547, 572
 - vessel for fire-ship purchased of, 103
 - John, of Hopkinton, 564
 - Joseph, 23, 50, 80
 - to prepare two fire-ships, 81
 - Levi, 395
 - Nathaniel, 6, 221
 - Nicholas, 196
 - Robert, 6, 529, 585,
 - Samuel, 474, 534, 566
 - Thomas, 435
 - William, 121
 - Zephaniah, 11, 36, 391, 533
Brown University used for barracks, 344, 349
Brownell, Thomas, 530
Browning, Wilkinson, 328
Bucklin, Daniel, 387
 - Joseph, Jr., 137
 - John, 393, 535
Bull, Nathan, 232, 239
Burdick, Jesse, 19, 394
 - Joseph, 488
 - Oliver, 489
 - Thompson, 489
 - Walter, 463
 - Weight, 19
Burgoyne, General, 325
 - letter from Gov. Cooke, relative to the embarkation of, 387
 - letter from Council of Massachusetts relative to, 338
Burke, Thomas, 214
 - Burkett, Ezekiel, 80
Burlingame, Benjamin, 393
 - Chandler, 568
 - Nehemiah, 394, 535, 565
 - Peter, 3de, 387, 410
 - Philip, 564
 - Susanna, 519
 - Pardon, 602
 - William, 393, 519, 535
Burr, Joshua, 138
 - Ezekiel, 442
 - Shubael, 410
Burton, John, 564
 - William, 564
Bush, Richard, 508
Butts, Enoch, 101

- C -

Cahoone, Daniel, 52, 59, 84, 208, 218, 229, 316
Cane, Jeremiah, 598
Card, Bowen, 566
Carder, James, 391, 533
Carlile, Thomas, 80, 260, 248, 511
Carpenter, Joseph, 128, 392
 - John, 191, 534, 560
 - Jotham, 469
 - James, 521
 - Nathaniel, 45, 535
 - Nathan, 264, 511, 564
 - Thomas, 500
Carr, Benjamin, 191
 - Caleb, 65, 348, 512
 - Edward, 190
 - Edward, Jr., 392, 534
 - John, 11, 155, 263, 248, 512
 - Robert, 191
 - Samuel, 4, 156, 291, 387, 427, 534
 - report of the committee on the farm hired by, 505
Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, 147
Carter, John, 23, 78, 137, 211
Carver, Robert, 349, 511, 5_7
Case, Immanuel, 4, 42, 131, 201, 209, 218, 220, 386, 422, 563
 - John, 600
 - William, 393
Casey, Silas, 159
Census of the men capable of bearing arms ordered, 188
Center, Senter, Isaac, Dr., 84, 530
Chace, Daniel, 433
 - James, 363, 434
 - James, Jr.., 363
 - John, 215
 - Joseph, 278, 355
 - Samuel, 14, 225
 - William, 492
Champlin, Christopher, 263
 - George, 474
 - Hazard, 572
 - Jabez, 6, 221, 389, 532, 552
 - Jesse, 6
 - Robert, 461, 501, 552
 - Samuel, 125, 236, 486
 - Stephen, 194, 291, 328
 - William, 285
Channing, Walter, 78, 512
 - William, 109, 138, 191, 211, 219, 369, 387, 474
Chapman, John, 11, 36, 201, 219, 254, 410, 480, 530
Chappell, Richard, 256
Cheeseborough, Amos, 623
 - Jabez, 489
Child, Cromel, 4, 23, 53, 56, 110, 138, 157, 190, 191, 219, 387
 - John, 5, 187, 220, 531
 - Sylvester, 4, 52, 58, 157, 203, 219
Church, Benjamin, 65, 99
 - Charles, 423
 - Nathaniel, 4, 158, 299, 391, 564
 - Peter, 221, 390, 532
 - Thomas, 3, 5, 50, 57, 111, 158, 323
Clapp, Job, 46, 128
 - Clarke, Abraham, 214
 - Benjamin, 552
 - Christopher, 46
 - John, 93, 566
 - John Innis, 235, 620
 - Joseph, 5, 11, 191, 219, 328
 - Jonathan, 65
 - Jonas, 552
 - Josiah, 328
 - Oliver, 126
 - Peleg, 474
 - Paul, 529
 - Phineas, 542
 - Simeon, 93, 189, 530
 - Simeon, Jr., 189
 - Thomas, 73, 222, 544
 - Walter, 376, 564
 - William, 432
Cleveland, John, 355
Clinton, General, 108, 642
 - Clothing, ordered to be purchased, 354
 - order relative to, 436
Coddington, John, 220
 - Mary, 239
 - William, 407
Coe, Benjamin, 565
Coggeshall, Joseph, 53, 188
 - Matthew, 127
Cole, Curtis, 73
 - Ebenezer, 256
 - John, 18, 79, 477, 601
 - John, Jr., 45
 - Thomas, 36
Coleman, Edward, 79
College in Providence used for barracks to be repaired, 344, 349
Collier, Sir George, 334
Collins, John, 3, 21, 23, 139, 218, 377, 530.
 - delegate to Congress, 388, 635
 - William, 432
Colvin, Benedict, 393, 535
 - George, 535, 602
 - John, 393, 535
Colwell, John, 7, 222, 439
 - James, 393
Coman, Joseph, 565
Commissioners to meet other states in  convention, 340
Compton, William, 583, 640
Comstock, Benjamin, 391
 - Andrew, 149
 - Adam, Lieut. 10, 36
 - letter to Governor Cooke, relative to clothing for the troops, 25
 - Job, 4, 21, 195, 219, 229, 816, 369, 387, 473
 - Gideon, 316, 386, 598
 - Joseph, 480
 - William, 89
Conants, Samuel, 105
Confederation and union proposed, articles of, referred to the next Assembly, 341
 - instructions to delegates in Congress, relative to, 364
 - action of the Assembly upon 365
Confiscation bill, committee appointed to draft, 341
Confiscating estates, act for 609
 - resolution relative to 631
Congdon, James, 138, 265
 - James, 3d, 15, 93, 97, 110, 131, 133, 139, 147, 191, 209, 227, 317
 - John, Jr., 393, 432, 545, 566
 - Joseph, Capt., 299, 552
 - Robert, 219, 254, 501
 - Samuel, 552
 - Stephen, 372, 552
 - Thomas, 394, 416, 535, 602
Continental Congress, letter to Governor Cooke relative to enlistments, 34
Congress, address of, to be printed, distributed and read in the several churches, 571
 - Order from, to receive ₤300,00, 627
Cooke, Abraham, Jr., 99
 - Ariah, 565
 - Isaac, 393, 565
 - John, Col., 6, 13, 43, 64, 138, 201, 221, 299, 390, 532
 - John, Ensign, 536
 - Nicholas, Governor, 3, 110, 137, 192, 218, 229
 - letters to General Nathaniel Greene, 30, 189, 216
 - letters to Gen. Washington -
 - "     "     " Oct, 5, 1776, 30
 - "     "     " Nov. 6, 1776, 54
 - "     "     " Dec. 8, 1776, 112
 - Announcing the occupation of R. Island, 11
 - "     "     "     Feb. 9, 1777, 140
 - "     "     "     Feb. 18, 1777, 142
 - "     "     "     Mar. 18, 1777, 192
 - "     "     "    Apr. 14, 4777 , 215
 - letters to Gove. Trumbull, of Conn., 55, 25, 258
 - letter to Commodore Hopkins, 69
 - Letter to members of the General Assembly, requiring their attendance, 71
 - letter to John Hancock, 172
Cooke, Nicholas, Governor, letter to the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire, relative to raising troops, 71
 - letter to the speaker of the General Assembly of Massachusetts, 217
 - letter to the committee of safety of New Hampshire, 257
   - allowance to, for extra services, 271
 - Letter to delegates in Congress, asking for a supply of money, 273
 - letter to Gen. R. Pigot, 284
 - letter to the Council of Massachusetts, relative to Gen. Burgoyne, 337
 - letter to the Council of Massachusetts, relative to troops, 238
 - thanks of the Assembly voted to, 399
 - Samuel, 393
 - Thomas, Jr., 322
 - Walter, 188, 220, 385, 531
 - William, 219, 387, 545, 575
 Coon, Elias, 564
 - William, Jr., 45
Corey, Francis, 437, 449
 - Olion, 355, 511
 - Philip, 398, 565
 - Thomas, 498
Cornell, Benjamin, 46
 - Ezekiel, Brig. General, 348, 362, 379, 496, 511
 - Gideon, 13, 1911, 249
 - Joseph, 264
 Cornwell, Col., 33
 Cotterell, David, 351
 - James, 79
 - Libbeus, 356, 394, 535
Council of the Governor, authority to, 22
Council of war appointed, 56, 316
 - wages allowed to, 208
 - members of, in 1777, 229, 316, 340, 422, 473, 545, 616
 - authorized to hold courts martial 262
 - act for the better regulating of, 419
Counterfeiting, act for the punishment of, 19
Cozzens, Benjamin, 474
 - Peter, 474
 - William, 190
Crab, Thomas, 268
Crandall, Amos, 11, 36
 - Azariah, 73, 210, 535
 - Caleb, 239
 - Edward
, 65
 - Joseph, 80, 188, 230
Uriah, 394
Cranston, Thomas, 344, 397, 557
 - Thomas, Jr., 398
Crary, Archibald, Col., 127, 263, 325, 348, 511, 583
 - resigns his commission, 546
Cross, John, 501 - Joseph, 385
 - Peleg, 566
Croswell, John, 625
Cushing, Matthew, 66
Cutter, Thomas, 363, 366, 382

- D -

Daggett, Timothy, 125
Davenport, William, 84
David, Ebenezer, 230
Davis, Benjamin, 400
 - John, 210, 394, 565
 - Jonathan, 126
 - Joseph, 188
 - Joshua, 529
 - Mumford, 566
 - Oliver, 586
 - William, 545, 585
 - William, Jr., 126
Day, Samuel, 392
 - Stephen, 534
Dayton, Henry, 299
 - Hezekiah, 391, 4474, 533, 539
Delegates to Congress; H. Marchant chosen, 127
 - H. Marchant, W. Ellery and Stephen Hopkins elected, 220
 - form of oath to be given to, 223
 - form of commission to, 396, 537
 - Hopkins, Ellery, Marchant and Collins, 530
Desertion, act to prevent, 640
Deserters, resolves, relative to, 8, 9, 143, 300
Deval, Jonathan, Jr., 79
 - Daniel, 286, 565
Dexter, Daniel, 512, 536
 - David, 126, 272
 - David, Jr., 469
 - John, 15, 53, 56, 188, 201, 356, 631
 - John Singer, 10, 36, 530
 - Daniel Singer, 355
 - Knight, Col., 138
 - Simeon, 264, 355, 512
Diamond, Benjamin, 154
 - Jonathan 393, 595
Dickens, Thomas, 515
Distilling, act to prevent, from corn, rye, barley, etc., 351
Dolliver, Joseph, Jr., 535
Donnison, William, 80
Dorrance, George, 392, 534
Douglas, David, 572
Downer, Silas, 191
Drake, Joseph, 278
Drafted men neglecting duty course to be pursued with, 324
Draughting soldiers, orders relative to, 81, 102, 180, 197, 277, 305, 317, 318, 328
 - Bounties and allowances to, 104
Drew, Margaret, 232
Dudley, Charles, 10
Dunn, Samuel, Jr. 264
Durfee, Durfey, Abner, 586, 595
 - Benjamin, Jr., 439
 - Richard, 439, 474, 565
 - William, 158, 175, 383, 446
 - Thomas, 474
Dyer, Charles, 7, 79, 179, 221, 329, 390, 532, 544
 - Charles, son of Edward, 564
 - Christopher, 126, 348, 512
 - Edward, 391
 - George, 201
 - Mary, 23
 - Samuel, 391, 545
 - William, 256, 356
 - William, Jr., 137

- E -

Earl, Thomas, 46
Easterbrooks, Thomas, 415
Easton, Dorcas, 311
 - Nicholas, 4, 440
Eddy, Esek, 564
 - John, 269
 - Oliver, 210
 - Richard, 189, 300
Elam, Gervas, 323, 638
Eldred, James, 391, 545
 - John, 577
 - Samuel, 227, 395
Elderkin, Bela, 158
Ellery, Christopher, 218, 220, 229, 386, 388, 397, 474
 - William, 34, 388
 - delegate to Congress, 530
 - letters to Governor Cooke, 161, 167, 170, 171, 216
 - delegate to convention, in Philadelphia, 634
Elliott, Robert, elected colonel, 64, 99, 348, 511
 - officers of his regiment of artillery, 354
Ellis, John, 407
Ely, Colonel, 314
Embargo recommended to the New England states, 53
 - acts for laying, according to act of Congress, 4, 30, 618
Emmerson, William, 394
Enos, Matthias, 598
Enlistments for soldiers, form of, 21, 43, 63
 - letter from Congress relative to, 34
Esten, Esek, 388, 404
The title of "His Excellency" first applied to the Governor, 302
Eyres, Thomas,  463

- F -

Fairbanks, Jonathan, 47
Fales, Nathaniel, 5, 219, 220, 387, 531
Fast, public, ordered, 14
Fees, act regulating, 640
Fenner, Arthur, Jr. 7, 557
 - Edward, 374
 - James, 73
 - John, 110
 - Richard, Jr., 391, 533, 536
Fenner & White, 159
Ferguson, Adam, 363
Ferriage, rate of, from Newport to South Kingstown, 603
Field, John, 564
 - Lemuel, 602
 - Mehitable, 158
 - Thomas, 392, 534
 - William, 4, 535
Finch, John, 127
Fire-ships to be procured, 80
Fiske, Caleb, Dr., 190
 - Daniel, 78
 - John, 6, 530
 - Squire, 45, 65, 565
Fiske, William, 80
Flagg, Ebenezer, 10, 36, 536
 - Josiah, 248, 353, 511
Four, apportionment of, to towns, 253
 - seizure of, 142
Fort Liberty, 9
Foster, John, 6, 220, 225, 373, 531
 - Jonathan, 489
 - Theodore, 3, 59, 109, 143, 220, 386, 529
Fowler, Samuel, 12
 - Mary, 311
Forage, act to supply the army with, 493
 - remonstrance of General Sullivan against, 522, 524
Franklin, Benjamin, 147
 - resented the state with a copy of Berenger's History of Geneva, 596
 - Mary, 190
 - Stephen, 502, 620
 - Stephen, Jr., 193, 541
Freebody, Samuel, 523
 - John, 623
 - Judith, 623
 - Thomas, 3, 24, 108
Freeborn, Gideon, 442
Friends, members of the Society of, exempt from military duty, 129
 - ordered to be drafted, 204
Frink, Amos, 356
Fry, Benjamin, 369
 - Richard, Col., 183, 389, 395, 577
Fuller, Joseph, 107, 391, 533, 565
Furneaux, Tobas, Capt., 16

- G -

Gardner, Benjamin, 125, 564
 - Caleb, 218, 616
 - Caleb, Jr., 256
 - Ezekiel, Jr., 567
 - Francis Willett, 79
 - George, Jr., 440
 - Henry, 498
 - John, 552
 - John, Jr., 600
Gardner - continued
  - Oliver, 134
 - Nathan, Jr., 567
 - Peleg, 328, 572
 - Paris, 192, 566
 - Sylvester, 3, 19, 201, 218, 299, 387, 410
 - Susannah, 239, 288
 - Samuel, 239, 404, 434, 518
 - Silas, 577
 - William, 126, 129, 239, 263
 - Garzia, John, 80, 248, 511, 619
Gates, Asa, 566
 - Horatio, Gen., Letter to Governor Cooke, 385, 443, 589
Gavitt, Gavit, Ann, 623
 - John, 391, 534
General Assembly, act for the payment of, repealed, 203
General election to be held in Providence during the occupation of  Rhode Island by the British, 188
General officers, extra allowances to, 560
General treasurer, authorized to hire money, 66, 75, 123
 - allowed
₤500 for extra services, 405
Gibbs, George, 268
Gibbs, Josiah, 74, 144
Gifford, David, Capt., 72, 218, 286
Gladding, Benjamin, 565
 - Nathaniel, 79, 354, 511
Glazier, John, 94
Gleason, Ezra, 329
Goff, Joseph, 289
Goldthwaite, Samuel, 625
Gorton, Benjamin, 65, 393, 535
 - Edward, 350
 - Othniel, 350, 529, 597
 - threats against, 605
 - Samuel, Capt., 299
 - Thomas, Capt., 299, 387, 390, 530, 533
 - William, 379, 494, 501, 513, 616
Gould, Nathaniel, 99
Governor's Council authorized to act, 22
Grain, an act to prohibit the distillery of, recommended to the other states, 296
 - ordered to be purchased, 502
Grant, Gilbert, 11
Gratuities to officers, committee to report on, 632
Gray, Pardon, 6, 138, 218, 222, 225, 244, 341, 385, 390, 492, 616, 640
 - Sarah, 256
Grey, Thomas, 6, 540
Greene, Abraham, 350, 369, 42
 - Amos, 393
 - Benjamin, 301
 - Charles, 395
 - Caleb, 393, 535
 - Christopher, 8, 36, 363, 515, 583, 635
 - colonel of Continental battalion, 239
 - Daniel, 79
 - Elisha, 219, 254
 - Elihu, 377
 - Griffin, 286, 395
 - Jacob, 4, 92, 131, 210
 - Job, 46, 79, 589
 - John, 4, 219,254, 387
 - Nathaniel, Gen., letter to Governor Cooke, relative to operations on Long Island, 26
 - letter from Fort Constitution, 32
 - letter from New York Island, 37
 - Coryell's Ferry, Dec. 21, 1776, 113
 - letter from Morristown, January, 23, 1777, 115
 - letter from Baskeridge, Mar. 6, 1778, 211
 - Philip, 5, 220, 531
 - Richard, 107
 - Sarah, 288, 311
 - Samuel, Jr., 393, 535
 - Thomas, 5, 15, 138, 159, 191, 220, 389, 490
 - Thomas, Jr., 566
 - William, 4, 56, 219, 229, 316, 369
 - judge, 5, 127
 - Governor, 386, 529
 - letters to Governor Trumbull, 424, 425
 - letter to Gen. Sullivan, 478
 - letter to General Assembly of Connecticut, 479, 499
 - letter to Gov. Geo. Clinton, N. Y., 499
 - letter to Gen. Washington, 541, 642
 - Greene, William, Governor, letter to Samuel Huntington, 642
 - Grinnell, Zebedee, 471, 625
 - Grozart, M., 311
 - Grimes, Capt., 10, 334
 - Gully, William, 392, 469
 - Gunpowder, act for the inspection of, 18

- H -

Haley, Samuel, 266
Hall, Daniel, 254, 385
 - Edward, 599
 - Joseph, 489
 - Lyman, 34
 - Levi, 227, 560
 - William, 269, 392
Halleen, James Joseph, 72
Halstead, Mr., 268
Hamlin, Samuel, 533
Hamlinton, Nathaniel, 104
Hammett, Malachi, 45, 65, 356
Hammond, Pain, 577
Hamlin, Samuel, 391
Hancock, John, President of congress, letters to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 27, 29, 31, 146, 172, 216
 - letter to do., enclosing act of independence, 117
Handy, Charles, 512
 - John, 10, 79, 268, 349, 512
 - John, Jr., 349
Harding, Stephen, 109, 240
 - Walter, 391, 533
Hargill, Christopher, 12
Harris, Andrew, 414
 - Caleb, 4, 13, 143, 158, 191, 201, 209, 374, 387, 408, 477
 - Ebenezer, 262
 - Gideon, 269, 416, 534
 - John, 127, 535
Hart, Naphthali, 586
Haszard, Enoch, 194, 218, 254, 387, 410, 494, 563, 578, 593
 - Jeremiah, son of Robert, 593, 601
 - Jeremiah, son of Jeffrey, 601
 - Jonathan, 15, 20, 24, 60, 473, 597
 - Jonathan J., 24, 131, 153, 175, 207, 387
 - Jonathan T., member of council of war, 616
 - Stephen, 593, 601
 - Stephen, Jr., 593, 601
 - Samuel, 593, 601
 - Thomas, 514
 - Thomas, son of Jeremiah, 601
Hatch, Estes, 600,  619
Hawkins, Elijah, 230
 - Job, 372
 - John, 190, 616
 - Joseph, Jr., 269
 - Nathaniel, 74, 263
Hayes, Jonathan, 268
Hazard, Carder, 5, 125, 220, 563
 - Eunice, 581
 - George, 5
 - Samuel, 583
 - Stephen, 328, 584
 - Thomas, 325
Haven, William, 80
Heath, Peleg, 219, 222, 254, 300, 391, 533
Helme, Nathaniel, 385, 572, 617
 - Rowse, J., 7, 110, 138, 158, 387, 540
 - Robert, 154
 - Samuel, 372
 - William, 356, 512
 - thanks of the Assembly voted to, 476
 - sword voted to, 491
Herrenden, John, 158
 - Simeon, 392, 534
 - Thomas, Jr., 151?
Herring, Newman, 263
Herrington, John, 46
 - David, 564
 - Ebenezer, 406
 - Reuben, 291
Hewitt, Charles, 356, 512
Hicks, Samuel, 207
Hull, Caleb, 564, 575
 - Stukeley, 545
Hilyard, David, 6, 222
 - Isaac, 272
Hitchcock, Daniel, 11, 36
Holden, Anthony, 366
 - Anthony, Jr., 391, 534
 - Charles, 20, 201
 - Charles, Jr., 3, 24, 211
 - John, 536
 - John, Jr., 126
 - Thomas, 3, 8, 58, 94, 387, 390, 529, 532, 564
 - bounty abstract of, 548, 549
Holloway, Abigail, 311
 - Polly, 311
Hopkins, Esek, Commodore, 38, 219, 284, 310, 374, 387, 4222, 530, 597
 - letters to Governor Cooke, 69, 70
 - ordered to put to sea, 69
 - letter of Governor Cooke to, 69
 - row galley placed under orders of, 100
 - Esek, Jr., 335
 - Joseph, 46, 79, 299, 393
 - Isaac, 392, 566
 - John, 230
 - Jonathan, Jr., 249
 - Rufus, 5, 531, 556
 - Samuel, Jr., 4, 188, 209, 535
 - Stephen, delegate to Congress, 530
 - Assembly votes thanks to, as a delegate to Congress, 13
 - member of the council of war, 56, 77, 220, 229, 278, 301, 514
 - letters to Capt. Barry, relative to Gen. Prescott, 282, 283
 - Pay for services, 407
 - Timothy, 219, 254, 299, 377, 387, 410
 - Zebedee, 256
Hopkinson, Francis, 147
Hoppin, Benjamin, 263, 348, 512
Horse racing, act to prevent, 351
Hospital to be established for the soldiers, 83
Hospital surgeon, regulation for, 130
Howard, William, 293, 534
Howe, Lord, flag of truce from, for exchange of prisoners, 41
 - Squire, 268, 355, 511
Howell, David, 131, 210, 258, 529, 564
Howland, Benjamin, 565
 - John, 481
 - John, Jr., 151, 414
 - Jemima, 288
 - Isaac, 239
Hoxsie, Gideon, 4, 219, 266, 316
 - Gideon, Jr., 127, 393
 - Joseph, 5, 125, 201, 220, 266, 389, 513
 - Peleg, 126, 263, 349, 500
Hoyle, Philip, 299
Hubbard, John, 597
 - Thomas, 109
Hughes, Thomas, 11, 36, 126, 301, 310
Hull, Elias, 126
 - Edward, 567
 - William, 175, 207
Humphreys, Josiah, 5, 220, 377, 387, 414, 531
 - Nathaniel, 355, 512
 - William, 36, 126
Hunniwell, Richard, 11, 36
Hunt, Joseph, Jr., 409, 437
 - Seth, 152
Huntington, Samuel, 147
Hutchinson, Mr., 215

- I -

Independence, Declaration of, 144
Ingraham, Joshua, 19, 24
Inman, Jeremiah, 535, 565
Inoculating for small pos, orders relative to, 407, 421
Irish, George, 4, 6, 136, 262, 267, 332
Iron, price fixed for, 133
Irons, Stephen, 393

- J -

Jackson, Elias, 356, 512
James, Allen, 154, 561
 - Joseph, 393, 427, 535
Jamestown, stock to be removed from , 48
Jenckes, Eleazer, 394, 536
 - Esek, 545
 - John, 59, 131, 210, 477, 616
 - Jonathan, Jr., 264
 - Icahbod, 564
 - Joseph, 597
 - Oliver, 11, 36, 126
 - Stephen, 148, 190, 272, 583
Jepson, John, 3, 5
Jerauld, James, 188, 533
Jerrold, Duty, 11, 36, 126
Jillson, Amos, 80, 268
Johnson, Allen, 392, 566, 583
Johnston, Isaac, 79, 391, 533
 - Reuben, 511
 - William, 210
James, Amos, 46, 441
Joslyn, Joseph, 84, 406
 - Thomas, 530

- K -

Kasson, Archibald, 7, 244, 390, 582?, 549
Keene, Charles, 891, 533
Kelly, John, 191
Kena, Asa, 79
Kentish Gards, 102, 395
Kilburn, John, 155
Kimball, Asa, 45, 188, 254, 299, 391, 533
 - Joseph, 13
 - Stephen, 299
King, John, Jr., 4
Kings county court house to be sold, 295
Kingstown Reds, 102, 148,227
 - officers of, 395, 561
Kinnicutt, Daniel, 84, 394, 536
Kinyon, John, 4
 - Joseph, 393
 - Moses, 552
 - Nathan, 493
 - Phineas, 73
Knight, Jesse, 190
 - Joseph, 7, 222, 439"
 - Jonathan, 392, 534
 - Jonathan, Jr., 299
 - Nehemiah, 189, 201
Knowles, Jeremiah, 473, 445
 - Samuel, 468, 542
 - William, 828

- L -

Lamphere, Champlin, 355
Langford, Holanby, 23
Lapham, John, 387, 410
Larcher, Timothy, 84
 - Lewis, 84
Larkin, John, 4, 143, 210
 - Timothy, 210
Larned, Benjamin, 111, 138
Lassell, John, 111
Lawless, William, 45, 65, 355, 512
Lawton, Jonathan, 174
 - Joshua, 412
Lawrence, Amos, 640
 - Joseph, 80, 139, 268, 576
Laurens, Henry, president of Congress, letters to Governor, Cooke, 320, 336, 370, 371
 - Letter to the speaker of the house of Representatives of Rhode Island, 369
Leach, Stephen,
Lee, Charles, General, letters go Gov. Coke, 55, 159
 - letter to do., recommending Gen. Malmedy, etc. 111
 - letters to, from General Malmedy, 160, 162, 163
 - Richard Henry, 214
Leland, Jesse, 119
Lewis, Beriah, 65, 393, 566
 - Elijah, 126, 457
 - Francis, 147
 - Oliver, 534
 - Peter, 534
 - Peleg
Lillibridge, Jonathan, 432
Lincoln, Major General, to be supplied with stores for his troops, 72
Lindsey, Benjamin, 139
Lippitt, Christopher, Col, 176, 228, 379, 387, 530, 583
 - Moses, 565
Little Compton, to have two field-pieces, 100
Littlefield, Simon Ray. 16
 - Simon, 510
 - William,
11, 36
Little Rest Hill court house, to be sold at auction, 251
Little Rest Hill court house, sold to Silas Niles, 309
Loans made by the state, seen general treasurer and paper money,
- asked for by Congress, subscriptions proposed for, 581
 - Lock, Timothy, 10, 36, 369, 392
 - Timothy, Jr., 566
Lottery authorized to raise money to build a bridge on Pawtucket river, 631
Love, William, 299
Lovell, Nathaniel, 602
Lovett, James, 387, 422
Low, John, 5, 6, 190, 220
Luce, Peter, 600
Luther, Martin, 376
Lyndon, Josias, 4, 109, 138, 191, 219, 308
Lyon, Susanna, 397

- M -

Macomber, Ebenezer, 65
 - Jonathan, 464
Malmedy, F. L. de, appointed chief engineer, 64, 67, 94, 101
 - recommended by Gen. Lee, 111
 - letters to Gen. Lee, 160, 162, 163
 - relieved from his command, 186
 - asks an honorary appointment as brigadier general, 259
Manchester, Christopher, 78, 248, 356, 511
 - Christopher, Jr., 45
 - Cyrus, 80
 - Isaac, 219, 254, 330, 387
 - Joseph, 79
 - Matthew, 287, 597
 - Phillip, 393
Manning, James, Rev., 272, 496
Manton, Daniel, 374
Marchant, Isabel, 312
 - Henry, 5, 58, 149, 364, 369
 - delegate to Congress, 127, 219, 367, 383, 530
 - letters to Gov. Cooke, 283
 - his account as delegate, 633
Maritime courts, orders relative to, 22
Marine committee of Congress to the council of war, 214
Martin, James, 84, 394
 - Nathaniel, 6, 201
 - Simeon, 10, 268
Martindale, Sion, 154, 343
Matthews, Caleb, 512
Matthewson, Allen, 535
 - Joseph, 154, 530
 - John, 390
 - Noah, 219
 - Daniel, 393
 - Mary, 498
Mason, David, 272
 - James, Dr., 407
Massachusetts, letters from the council of, 338, 339
Mauran, Joseph, 269
Maxson, Asa, 84, 392, 534
 - George, 535
 - Jesse, 6, 84, 244, 390, 530, 532
 - Jonathan, 78, 299, 391, 533, 545
 - Joseph, 566, 607
Maxson, Mathew, Jr., 264
 - Phineas, 19
 - Silvanus, 394
Maxwell, Levi, 256
Mayes, Samuel, 393
McKenzie, Catharine, 311
McLean, William, 482
Medbury, Benjamin, 109
Mease, James, 340
Military officers, Continental battalions, pay of, 466, 490
Military abstracts, report of the committee to examine, 378
Military exempts, 334
 - delinquents in the Rhode Island expedition, act relative to, 452
 - action against, 424
Militia, state officers of the 1st, 2d and 3d regiments, 6
 - Pay granted to, 8
 - Pay and rations of, 120, 579
 - organization of, 198
 - act obliging Friends and others of tender consciences, to do military duty, 205
 - Orders relative to, 226
Miller, Bernard, 412
 - to be tried by court martial, 429
 - Job, 412
 - James, 356
 - John, 356, 512
 - Joseph, 512
 - Nathan, 10, 94, 190, 201, 221, 299, 390, 422, 532, 544
 - Squire, 391, 533
 - William Turner, 110, 188, 414
 - William, 232
Minor, Asa, 230
 - Phineas, 635
Minerva, a British transport ship, wrecked on the shores of the state, 482
Maffatt, Thomas, Dr., 358
Monopolies and oppression by excessive, prices, acts to prevent and regulate, 85, 245
 - additional acts relative to, 134, 183, 250
 - additional act, fixing the price of labor, 183
 - repeal of act, 289
Monroe, Hezekiah, 261
 - Stephen, 261
Montayne, Tunis, Capt., 92
Montgomery, General, 27
 - Samuel, 439, 512
Morris, Robert, 147, 214
 - letters to General Washington, 165, 167
Morse, Philip, 80, 299, 355
Mosier, Ichabod, 468
Moulton, Micah, 11, 36
Mowry, David, 428
 - Daniel, 50, 188, 272, 519
 - Daniel, Jr., 4, 5, 23, 220, 389, 531, 557, 583
 - Daniel, 4th, 392, 534
 - Elisha, 222, 244
 - Elisha, Jr., 7
 - Job, 564
 - Philip, 428
Mumford, Benjamin, 110
 - Gideon, 5, 109, 138, 158, 220, 389
 - Nathaniel, 24, 110, 138, 158, 191, 331, 474
 - Paul, 194, 219, 220, 278, 301, 388, 529, 616
 - Samuel, 477
 - Stephen, 996, 134, 209
Munroe, James, Capt. 448
 - Nathaniel, 324
 - Stephen, 439

- N -

Narragansett Indians, petition from, relative to their lands, 573
 - act relating to, 574
Negroes, act for the enlistment of 359
 - (for other particulars relative to the negro regiment, see slaves.)
Nelson, John, 265
New England states, resolve of, relative of the pay of troops, 105
 - transmitted to Congress, 108
 - day of fasting recommended by, adopted, 109
Newport, while in possession of British, to choose its general officers in Providence, 175
 - to choose officers after the evacuation of the British, 383
 - wood ordered to be furnished to the poor of, 537
 - records of, taken by the British, correspondence relative to, 641, 642
 - town officers to be chosen for, 605
 - vessels, sunk by the British in the harbor of, 621
New Shoreham, inhabitants of, may return, 180
 - efforts to prevent communication with the army, 582
Newtown Rangers, 197
Nicoll, John, 12, 432
Nichols, Jonathan, Jr., 589
Nightingale, Joseph, Major General, 65
 - William, 268
Niles, Jonathan, 12, 23
 - Joseph, Jr., 535
 - Silas, 97, 194, 232
Nomquit Pond, 537
North Kingstown, alarm Company, officers of, 575
North Providence Rangers, officers of, 249, 567
Northup, Henry, 322, 344, 500, 566
 - John, 3, 5, 13, 91, 107, 147, 218, 220, 272, 308, 351, 387, 563
 - Samuel, 126, 355, 512
 - Stephen, 567
Noyes, Joseph, Col., 3, 6, 59, 153, 194, 244, 390
 - Thomas, 10, 239

- O -

Oath of allegiance, to be drafted by act, 858
 - reported by committee, 366
Offenders against the United States, court for the trial of, 237
Oliver, Andrew, 158
 - Coggeshall, 11, 36
 - Emor, 394, 536
 - Esek, 46, 394
 - Ezekiel, 565
 - George, 235
 - Joseph, 4, 189, 201, 209, 219, 254
 - Jeremiah, 11, 36, 126
 - Nathan, 230, 264, 349, 355, 512
 - Samuel, 394
 - Stephen, 11, 36, 126, 269, 393
 - Thomas, 564
 - Tilley M., 24
 - Thomas, Jr. 249
 - Thomas, Capt. 300
Oman, Henry, 398
Oneida Indians, presents to be given to, 147
 - to be conveyed to Gov. Trumbull, 149
Ormsbee, Ezra, 498
 - John, 73
Otis, Jonathan, 474
Overing, Henry, 600
Owen, David, 529

- P -

Page, Ambrose, 56, 137, 218
 - William, 80, 268, 355, 511
Paine, John, 501
 - Isaac, 566
 - Nathan, 151
 - Nathan, Jr., 151
 - Philip, 272
 - Robert Treat, 34, 147
Pallifer, Jacques, 229
Palmer, Philip, 355, 512
 - Thomas, 66, 261, 505
 - Walter, 45, 79
Paper money, report of committee to sign, 14
 - convention of New England states relative to, 49
 - convention recommended that no further emission be made of, 97
 - issues of, 124, 235
 - form of, 235
 - convention of the New England states and New York, relative to, 276
 - To be called in and sunk, 313, 418
Park, John, 127, 566
Parker, Clarke, 356
 - James, 65, 128, 348
 - Jacob, 210
 - Jacob, Jr., 143
 - Sir Peter, 366
 - Samuel, 74
 - Thomas, 264
 - Thomas, Jr., 393
Parks, John, 393
Pawcatuck river, act to preserve fisheries of, 617
Pawtuxet Rangers, 102, 543
Pearce, Christopher, 196
 - Daniel - 11
 - George, 209
 - Job, 391
 - John, 79
 - Joshua, 575
Pearce, Lawrence, 46, 566
 - Nathaniel, 4, 66
 - Preserved, 389, 529, 572, 530
 - Sylvester, 575
 - Thomas, 78
 - William, 159
Peck, Ambrose, 225, 540
 - George, Col., 219, 222, 299, 395, 632
 - Jonathan, 256
 - Lewis, 391, 533
 - Thomas, 191
Peckham, Barber, 46, 78, 128, 345, 512, 545, 566
 - Benjamin L., 153
 - Stephen, 638
Peirce, Joshua, 564
 - Charles, 536
 - George, Col., 4, 110, 158, 188, 387, 407
 - Job, 64, 533
 - Jonathan, 13, 301
 - Lawrence, 392, 545
 - Stephen, 586
 - Sylvester, 73, 564
 - William, 299
Pemberton, John, 299
Pendleton, Amos, 489
 - Ephraim, 391
 - Isaac, 488
 - Joshua, 391, 534
 - John, 489
 - Joseph, 533
 - Simeon, 391
 - Zebulon, 489
Penn, John, 34
Perigo, Robert, 308
Perkins, Samuel, 392, 534
Perry, Benjamin, 372, 492
 - Edward, 201, 210, 345, 387, 428
 - Freeman, 328, 498
 - Sarah, 329
Pettis, Mr., 474
Phillips, Christopher, 128, 263
 - Nathaniel, 230, 264
 - Peter, 408, 434, 529, 583, 598
 - Samuel, 128, 348, 356, 408, 511
Pigot, R., General, letter to Governor Cooke, 284, 326
 - letter to General Burgoyne, 337
Pigot galley, captured, 491
Piracy, act empowering the superior court to take cognizance of, 618
Pitman, Isaac, 268, 354, 511
 - William, 398
Pitt, Pitts, Benjamin, 355, 511
Place, Jeremiah, 566
Point Judith, grain, hay and stock to be removed from, 58, 73
 - report of committee to appraise articles lost at, 488
 - farm, report of stock on 592
 - farm, report of committee relative to, 608
Point Judith Pond, fisheries in, 621
Pollock, William Wilson, 110, 252
Postmasters exempt from military duty, 335
Potter, Asa, 152
 - Anthony, 394, 535
 - Benjamin, 473
 - Christopher, 4, 387, 529
 - David, 477, 572
 - Elisha, 463
 - Holliman, 36
 - Ichabod, 9, 628
 - James, 329, 355, 512
 - James, Jr., 577
 - John, 545
 - Josiah, 394
 - Joseph, 394, 535, 545
 - Rowse, 445
 - Robert, 73, 394, 445, 477, 535
 - Samuel, 255, 299
 - Samuel, son of Robert, 545
 - Simeon, 3, 24, 67, 150, 159
 - Stephen, 387, 388, 477, 531, 589
 - Stephen, son of John, 593
 - dispute with William Gorton, 593
 - Thomas Hazard, 17
 - Thomas, Jr., 45, 256, 390, 532, 598
 - William, #, 10, 24, 97, 126, 139, 191, 211, 218, 220, 374, 385, 489, 392, 393
 - Judge, 5
 - William, Scituate, 534
Powder, and lead to be furnished by towns, 99
Powell, Jeremiah, letter to Governor Cooke, relative to the militia, 25
 - letter to Governor Cooke, relative to convention at Springfield, 280
Prentice, Ichabod, 10, 36, 126
Prescott, Elizabeth, 284
 - General, letter of General Smith to 
 - correspondence, between S. Hopkins. British officers relative to, 282, 283
Price, Edward, 80, 355
Prisoners, British, allowed to buy a vessel and proceed to England, 15
 - retained for exchange, 16
 - Governor Bradford to Gen. Washington, relative to exchange of, 27, 29
 - various exchanges of 41, 73, 141
 - committee to meet Lord Howe relative to, 50, 51
Privateers, the Governor authorized to grant commissions to, 19, 161
 - Samuel Sheffield authorized to fit out, 234
 - American Tartar taken, 334
 - General Stark, 434
 - Diamond, 445
 - Blaze Castle, 448
Prize vessels not to break bulk until condemned, 618
Proud, John, 80
Providence, ship, Capt. Whipple, 245
Public buildings of the state, act for their preservation, 618
Punkatest Pond, 537
 - act relative to fish in, 517

- Q -

Quackett Brook, 438
Quakut farm, 517
Quakers relieved from doing military duty, 129
 - act requiring them to be drafted, 204
Quakers, penalty for a refusal to do military duty, 205

- R -

Randall, Eleazer, 264, 355, 522
 - Job, 386, 391, 529, 533
 - Joshua, 576, 586
 - Matthew, 79
 - Peter, 135
Rawson, Wilson, 10
Razee, Joseph, 394
Read, Abigail, 407
Read, Abigail, 407
 - Fear, Mrs. 190
 - Eli, 534
 - John, 432
 - Reuben, 263
Remington, Akraw, 434
 - Benjamin, 434
 - Captain, of Pawtuxet, 581
 - Dinah, 301
 - John, 11, 36,127, 511, 587
 - Sarah, 2288
Reynolds, Henry, 210
 - Jabez, 559, 601
 - Joseph, 5, 220, 595
 - Joseph, Jr., 393
 - John, 196, 221, 254, 293, 322, 350
 - report on the accounts of 547
Rhode Island brigade, officers of 6
 - regiments (two) ordered by Congress, officers of, 10
 - to be clothed from cargo of prize ship, 12
 - Gen. Spencer recommended to attack, 155
 - arrangements for, 155
 - resolved of Congress relative to an attack on the British at, 216
Rhode Island expedition, committee to inquire into the cause of the failure of, 310, 312
 - acts relative to delinquents in the late expedition against, 552, 470
 - report of committee of property lost in, 586
Rhode Island, resolution for the relief of the people of, 474
 - appropriation of
₤1,000 for, 475
Rhodes, James, 218, 256, 369, 504
 - Joseph, 79, 100
 - Nehemiah, 219
 - Robert, 299, 563
 - William, 218, 254, 389, 532
 - report relative to taking possession of certain lands in Glocester, 619
Rice, Henry, 6
 - Joseph, 595
 - John, 576
 - Randall, 263
 - Thomas, Jr., 218, 387, 391, 534
Richards, George, 80, 354
Richmond, David, 222
 - Percy, 4, 127, 158, 201, 200, 574
 - William, Col., 30, 31, 39, 823, 492
Riggs, Abimelech, 11, 65, 348, 391, 533
Robinson, Christopher, 268, 355, 587
 - Elihu, 227, 38
 - James, 154, 178
 - Rowland, 508
 - Sylvester, 5, 125, 176, 589
 - William, 404, 435, 509
Rodman, Daniel, 4, 21, 50, 60, 110, 143, 191, 385
 - Leonard, 105
 - Robert, 328
Rogers, Priscilla, 288
 - Robert, 79
 - Daniel, 474
Rome, George, 10, 194
Rose, John, 596
 - John, Jr., 16
Ross, Isaac, 393, 594
 - Thomas, 218, 254
 - John, 462, 486
Rounds, Bertram, 18, 249
 - George, 159
Row galley, Spitfire, officers of, 107, 230, 246
 - Washington, 242, 269
Ray, William, 65, 393, 535
Royall, Isaac, 66
Rumreill, Thomas, 218,316, 386, 474, 597, 616
Russell, Jonathan, 139
 - William, Col. 258

- S -

Salt taken in Newport, 615
Saltpetre, bounty on 22, 237
 - to be collected, 233
Sands, Edward, 128, 501, 515
 - Edward, Jr., 16
 - John, 16, 158, 515
 - John Jr., 16
 - Lucy, 577
 - Ray, Col., 59, 77, 179, 222, 567
Sanders, David, 486
 - Peleg, 179, 892, 534
 - Stephen, 392, 534
 - Waite, 500
Sayer, Joshua, 79, 248, 511
Sayles, Israel, 138
 - John, 529, 620
 - John, Jr., Col., 45, 159, 218, 310, 319, 386
 - Richard, Jr., 392
 - William, 78
Schedules of the Assembly to be sent to Congress, 481
Scituate Hunters, officers of, 249
Schuyler, General, Philip, letter to Governor Cooke, 68
Scott, Rhoda, has leave to accompany Jemima Wilkinson to England, 469
 - Jeremiah, 631
 - Jeremiah, Jr., 535
 - Joseph, 158
Seagar, Samuel, 179, 328
 - Joseph, 602
Seamans, Martin, 110, 138, 188, 230
Seamon to be impressed, 230, 245
Sears, George, Col. 3, 6
Searle, Nathaniel, Jr., 219, 356, 387
Senter, Center, Isaac, Dr., 84, 530
Sewall, Samuel, 194
Shaw, John, 46, 269
 - Sylvanus, 127, 230
Shearman, Abel, 18
 - Benjamin, 601
 - Charles, 319
 - David, 372
 - Humphrey, 474, 565
 - John, 238
 - Robert, 372
Sheffield, Benjamin, 510, 599
 - Jeremiah, 24, 149
 - Robert, 191
 - Samuel, 284
 - Thomas, 84, 244, 391, 463, 486
Sheldon, Benjamin, 392, 534
 - Caleb, 222
 - Christopher, 446
 - Daniel, 78, 264, 355, 572
 - Palmer, 345
 - Stephen, 45
Sheppardson, Benjamin, 4
Sherburne, Henry, 10, 36, 244, 535
Sherman, Roger, 148
Short, John, Jr., 536
Silver mine in Cumberland, aid to open the same, 374
 - committee to examine the mine, 374
Simmon, Jonathan, 577
Simmons, Adam, 387, 414
 - Ephraim, 393
 - Edward, 158
 - Gideon, report on the case of, 227
 - George, 393, 422, 583
 - Isaiah, 107
 - Peleg, 256
 - William, 393
Sisson, Elisha, 136
 - Gideon, 323, 325
Sisters, prize ship, 400
Slack, Benjamin, 374
Slaves, General Washington proposes to General Varnum to enlist, 359
 - letter of General Varnum to Gen. Washington relative to enlisting negroes, 641
 - resolution to enlist two battalions of, 359
 - value of, how to be estimated, 360, 363
 - protest relative thereto, 361
 - enlisted, master of, to receive interest on their value, 376
 - time for enlisting limited, 399
 - owner of, to be paid, 465
 - letter of Governor Cooke to Washington relative to, 524
 - act to prevent them from being carried out of the state, 618
Slocum, Charles, 174, 234, 309, 366
 - Ebenezer, 59, 174, 308, 366, 439
 - Edward, 36, 126, 536
 - John, 196
 - Peleg, 65
 - Sarah, 195, 344
Small pox, hospital to be established in North Providence, 119
 - towns may erect hospitals for 375
Smith, Christopher, 11, 36, 74, 319
 - Coomer, 392, 534
 - Ephraim, 368
 - F., Brig. General, letter to Governor Cooke, relative to Gen. Prescott, 281
 - Hezekiah, 567
 - Israel, 398, 534
 -John, 3, 10, 92, 129, 218, 387, 530
 - John, Jr., 219
 - Jonathan, 13, 249
 - Joseph, 560
 - Martin, 222A
 - Nehemiah, 564
 - Noah, 53, 138
 - Oziel, 392
 - Peter, 376
 - Richard, 6, 24, 109, 220, 389, 627
 - Royzel, 45, 65, 153, 267
 - Simon, 230, 372
 - Stephen, 201, 219, 254, 566
 - Thomas, 244
 - Thomas, son of John, 355
Smithfield Rangers, 395
Snow, James, 391, 533
 - Joseph, 565
 - Joseph, Jr., 602
 - Samuel, 268, 354, 511
Soldiers, act to raise a regiment for three months, Nov. 1776, 42
 - officers chosen for, 45
 - Act to raise seven hundred and fifty men and a train of artillery, 61
 - pay of, 66, 105, 106
 - mode of draughting, 81
 - act establishing hospital for, 83
 - rations established for, 92
 - five hundred ordered to be raised, 200, 224, 229, 243
 - quota of one thousand, for each town in the state, 203
 - fifteen months' brigade, 247
 - quota of each town for, 248
 - complain of the want of clothing, 296
 - act to prevent their selling camp utensils, 326
 - act for raising and equipping fifteen hundred men, 345
 - families provided for, 4055
 - eighteen hundred and thirty-nine to be raised for filling battalions, 409
 - apportionment of, to towns, 411
 - act for raising and equipping fifteen hundred, 509
 - brigade to be divided into two battalions, 561
 - in Continental army, pay of, 590
 - act to prevent them from being carried off by vessels, 617
Soule, Sowle, Henry, 154
 - Jacob, 59, 549
Southwick, Solomon, 356
Spencer, Ebenezer, 46, 269, 564
 - Hannah, 598
 - Mary, 350
 - Michael, 392
 - Randall, 427
 - Rufus, 219
 - Stephen, 18
 - Thomas, 53, 350, 369
 - Major General, 119
 - recommended to attack R. Island, 154
 - letter to Governor Cooke, 214
 - brigade to be formed under, 306
 - William, 552
 - Spink, Oliver, 73
 - Silas, 601
Spink, Nicholas, 601
Spitfire, galley, 10
Spooner, Charles, 155
 - Wing, 45
Sprague, Daniel, 394, 535
 - Ebenezer, 219, 294
 - Joseph, 392
Springer, Joseph, 79, 356, 512
 - Richmond, 126, 356
Springfield, convention to meet at relative to issues of paper money, 276
 - delegates to, 278
 - letter from Massachusetts relative to, 280
Sproat, Col., 265
Stable, James, 15
Stacy, Thomas, 155
Staff department of the army, act to inquire into, 618
Stafford, Arnold, 53, 457,
 - Daniel, 79, 393
 - John, 391, 533
 - Stukeley, 391, 534
Stanton, Augustus, 129, 239
 - Andrew, 264, 356, 512
 - Enoch, 256, 465, 492
 - John, Capt., 620
 - Joseph, 13, 319
 - Joseph, Jr., 4, 24, 52, 138, 387, 490, 530, 532, 544
 - resigns his commission as colonel, 328
 - Marlborough, 129
 - Robert, 387
Starbuck, Samuel, 7
State government, convention to form a plan for, 304
Stedman, William, 392, 566
Steel, bounty offered for the manufacture of, 240
Steere, Richard, 4, 5, 209, 220, 531
Stelle, Benjamin, 46, 79, 138, 256, 332
Sterry, Cyprian, 11, 36, 74, 78
Stevens, Robert, 504
 - Robert, Jr., 133, 286, 386, 397, 474
 - Samuel, 45
 - Thomas, Jr., 297
 - William, 110
Stillman, George, 179, 391, 462, 477, 534
Stillwell, Daniel, 565
Stockings ordered to be furnished by the towns to the soldiers, 314, 832, 450
Stoddard, Israel, 230
 - Israel, Jr., 355
Stone, James, 151
 - T., 84
 - Jeremiah, 512
 - Uriah, 578
Streeter, George, 564
Sufferings, records of the meetings of 380
Sumner, James, 102, 343, 423, 617
Sunderland, Daniel, 219
Sullivan, Maj. Gen., 416, 427, 489, 514
 - Memorial of, 397
 - thanks of the General Assembly voted to, 508
 - ordered to purchase and equip, an armed vessel, 513
Supplies for the army, resolution to prevent excessive charges for, 51
 - prices of, to be fixed by law, 58
 - act regulating prices of, 85
resolution of Congress relative to, 377
Suspected persons, orders relative to, 11, 515
 - committee to inquire into the conduct of, 558
Swan, Thomas, 46, 78
Sweet, Angell, 392, 534
 - George, Jr., 468
 - Samuel, 64, 88, 311
 - Sarah, 311
 - William, 47, 53
 - William, Jr., 392
Syren, ship, 16, 373, 400, 455

- T -

Taber, Constant, 474
 - Pardon, 385
Taggart, William, Capt., 323, 388, 531
Talbot, Silas, 10, 36, 80, 639, 640
 - thanks of the General Assembly voted to, 476
 - sword voted to, 491
 - commissioned to go on a cruse, 622
Tallman, Benjamin, 45, 64, 74
Tanner, Abel, 407, 530
 - John, 56, 131, 218, 229, 316, 386
Tappan, Dr., 268
Taxes, protest of Newport and other towns against, 131
 - report of committee upon, 150
 - protest against the tax bill, 150
 - act to assess, 176
 - not to be assessed upon inhabitants of towns in possession of the enemy
 - various assessments of, 295, 301, 330, 351, 352, 372, 377, 439, 471, 503, 509, 554, 556, 568, 617, 624.
 - protest against tax of 225,000, 569
Taylor, Edward, 256
 - John, 566
 - Joseph Spencer, 198
 - Nathan, 227, 394, 561
 - Philip, 188, 220, 388, 557
 - Robert, 227, 560
 - Samuel, 501
Tefft, Daniel, 566
 - Daniel, 3d, 372
 - Ebenezer, 24, 192, 211, 308, 385, 477
 - Gardner, 395, 561
 - George, 227, 440
 - Jeremiah, 394, 566
 - Joseph, 530
 - Pardon, 394, 566
 - Solomon, 211, 385
 - William, 137, 477
Tender consciences, acts for the relief of, 122, 204
Tenant, Gordon, 412
Tennant, George, 263
Test act, or declaration, 39
 - orders relative to, 22, 187, 291, 405, 447
Tew, Benedict, 126
 - Henry, Jr., 12
 - James, 23, 24
 - Paul, 6, 272
 - William, 36
Thanksgiving appointed by the Continental Congress, 321
Thayer, Esau, 552
 - Simeon, 36, 126, 256, 280, 635, 639
 - sword presented to, for gallant services, 279
Thomas, Alexander, 264, 356, 512
 - Benjamin, 432
 - Richard, 398
Thomson, Thompson, Charles, 29, 230, 322
Thompson, Ebenezer, 6, 224, 229, 316
 - Edward, 395, 469
 - Samuel, 486
 - Thomas, 45, 65
Throop, William, 535
Thurber, Samuel, Jr., 563
 - Edward, Jr., 583
Thurls, John, 132
Thurston, Elizabeth, 311
 - George, 377, 387, 535
 - George, Jr., 65, 394
 - Joseph, 394, 535, 566
Tibbitts, Waterman, 299
Ticonderoga, 281
Tillinghast, Benjamin, 4, 5, 188, 219, 220, 244, 389, 566
 - Daniel, 50, 126, 138, 209, 227, 228, 898, 545, 560
 - John, 64
 - Nicholas, 126
 - Pardon, 137, 377
 - Thomas, 6, 137, 201, 254, 299, 356, 387, 390, 529, 532, 566, 616
Toll by millers, act regulating, 617
Topham, John, Col., 36, 126, 155, 263, 348, 356, 511, 561
Tourtellot, Abraham, 356, 512, 553
 -- Daniel, 492
Tower, Enoch, 300
Townsend, Solomon, 46
 - Thomas, 577
Traffin, Philip, 349, 512
 - Trask, Ebenezer, 392, 534
Trasten, Philip, 79
Treason, act against, to be drawn, 239
 - act against, 246
Trevett, Eleazer, 372
Trim, Godfrey, 16
Tripp, Ezekiel, 468
Troop, William, 800
Troops, see soldiers
Troop of horse, report relative to an allowance to, 437
Troop, Amos, 110
 - William, 398
Trumbull, Governor, letter to Governor Cooke, relative to the attack on Rhode Island, 256
 - letters to Governor Greene, 4323, 443
Tucker, Richard, 534
Turner, Amos, 152
 - John, 3
 - Moses, 45, 154
 - Peter, 230
Tyler, Isaac, 107, 578
 - James, 392, 537,
 - Moses, 4
 - William, 540

- U -

Uunderwood, Benjamin, 4, 5, 110, 131, 156, 188, 219, 220, 319, 387, 388
 - John, 404
 - Joseph, 311
 - Mary, 311
 - Samuel, 376
United Company of Artillery Providence, officers of, 227, 560
Updike, John, 7, 316, 340, 386, 397, 412, 422, 501
 - Lodowick, 195, 480
Updike's Newtown, military company to be formed at 197
Utter, Jeremiah, 301

- V -

Varnum, James Mitchell, 10, 26, 32, 599, 601, 615
 - brigadier general, 64, 94, 544
 - appointed brigadier general in the Continental army, 173
 - letter to Washington, recommending that Rhode Island raise a battalion of negroes, 641
Vassall, William, 66, 261, 471
Vaughan, Joshua, 392, 545
 - John, 493
 - William, 514
Vendue, act to prevent the selling of goods by, 351
Vernon, Thomas, 12
Vessel (armed), ordered built, 153
 - five ordered to be fitted out, 270
Vincent, William, 191, 276, 369, 604

- W -

Wade, Nathaniel, 534
 - Zebulon, 534
Waite, Beriah, 138, 255, 385, 392, 497, 545
 - John, 16, 894, 561, 517
 - Yelverton, 7
Wallcutt, Benjamin Stewart, 78, 355
 - Benjamin, 264
 - see also Wolcutt.
 - Edward Kitchen, 507
Waldron, John, 66, 261
Walker, Philip, 566
 - William, 392
Wall, Daniel, 356, 512
 - Samuel, 188, 191, 589
 - William, 64
Wallen, Jonathan, 10, 96
Washington, General, letter from, relative to prisoners, 29
 - letter to Governor Cooke, relative to the army, Oct. 12, 1776, 34
 - return of officers recommended by, for new establishment, 36
 - letter to Governor Cooke, relative to the loss of Rhode Island, 112
 - letter to Governor Cooke, Jan. 20, 1777, 144
 - letter to Governor Cooke, Feb. 6, 1777, 189
 - letter to Governor Cooke, Apr, 3, 1777, 212
 - letter to Governor Cooke, Jul. 7, 1777, 281
 - letter to Governor Cooke, Jan. 2, 1778, 640
 - letter to Governor Greene, Nov. 23, 1779, 642
 - letter to Governor Greene, Dec. 25, 1779, 643
 - proposal to enlist slaves, and action thereafter, 359
Wanton, Gideon, 3, 12
 - John, 3
 - John G., 15
Ward, Henry, 4, 57, 77, 147, 218, 219, 229, 256, 275, 316, 386, 422
 - Report of his visit to Massachusetts to obtain aid for the state, 288
 - Samuel, 36, 126, 536
Wares, William Richmond, 355, 512
Warner, John, 80, 238, 354, 387, 410, 511
 - Moses, 416
 - Nathan, 564
 - Oliver Ring, 474
 - William, 602
Warren, Major General, 25
 - Joseph, 577
Warren, court records of, removed for safety, 74
Warren, ship, 230
Waterman, Andrew, 209, 529
 - Elisha, 4, 209, 631
 - James, 272
 - John, 6, 159, 221, 485, 529
 - Laban, 46, 394, 536
 - Thomas, 11, 30, 126, 127, 484, 583
 - William, 256, 563
Waters, Ebenezer, 139
Watson, Job, 194, 380, 571
 - Moses, 46
Weatherhead, Amaziah, 595
 - Enoch, 493
Weaver, Benjamin, 393
 - Elijah, 393
 - Joseph, 393, 535
 - Langford, 393, 535
Webb, James, 36, 126
 - Joshua, 394, 566
Weeden, Damaris, 311
 - Edward, 141
 - Hannah, 311
 - John, 125, 136, 148, 392
 - John, son of Daniel, 392, 534
 - Peleg, 311
 - Phebe, 311
Weight, John, 227, 356
 - Yelverton, 224
Welch, John, 356, 612
Welles, Edward, 219, 3231, 301, 308
 - Henry, 394, 535
 - James, 393, 534
 - John, 147
 - Thomas, 4, 5, 58, 110, 127, 189, 201, 219, 272, 300, 387, 388, 492, 531, 535
Weight, Randall, 394, 535, 566
 - Thomas, Jr., 394, 535
Weathers, Abel, 107
West, Benjamin, 74, 143, 210, 348, 512
 - Ebenezer, 11, 36, 126
 - Joseph, 268, 408
 - Timothy, 356
 - William, General, 4, 7, 94, 173, 201, 221, 224, 390, 493, 544
Westerly, a guard to be placed on the shores of, 124
Westcott, Caleb, 568
 - Ephraim, 4, 110, 201, 209, 219, 530
 - Gideon, 64, 80, 354, 511
 - Jabez, 80, 260, 268
 - Nathan, 79
 - Stukely, 265
 - Uriah, 8, 268
Wheaton, Joseph, 597
 - Seth, 391, 533
Wheeler, Bennett, 602
Whipple, Abraham, Capt., 245
 - Amos, 99, 394, 535
 - Benajah, 263, 348, 534
 - Benjamin, 469
 - Christopher, 132
 - Jeremiah, 5, 220, 389, 530
 - Joseph, 74
 - Peck, 369
 - Samuel, 78, 244
 - Simon, 244, 390, 532
 - William, 79, 214, 263, 349
Whitmarsh, Joseph, 11, 36
 - John, 126
 - Micah, 45, 65, 566
White, Walter, 586
Whitehorn, James, 372
Whitman, Jacob, 390
Whitridge, William, 256
Wickham, Thomas, 487
 - Charles, 363
Wight, David, 534
Wightman, Frederick, 236
 - Daniel, 588
 - George, 236, 345, 459, 514
 - Holmes, 236, 367
 - James, 366
 - Moses, 586
 - Philip, 564
 - Reuben, 74
 - Stephen, 299
 - Valentine, 625, 635
Wigneron, Stephen, 13, 46, 84, 439, 512
Wilbur, Wilbour, Aaron, 254
 - Aaron, Jr., 264
 - Samuel, 392, 534
 - William, 442
Wilkinson, Benjamin, 394
 - David, 137
 - Jemima, of Cumberland, a preacher, has permission to go to England, to preach there, and to take Mary Wilkinson and Rhoda Scott with her, 469
 - Philip, 232
 - March, 469
Willcox, Benjamin, 264, 355, 512
 - George, 46, 432, 566
 - Hezekiah, 407
 - Jeremiah, 272, 489
 - Jeffrey, 4, 322, 544, 564
 - Joseph, 251
 - John, 474, 512
Williams, Andrew, 159
 - Frederick, 394, 535
 - James, 65, 207, 263, 248, 356, 511
 - Jonathan, of Nantz, 596
 - Joseph, 159
 - Waterman, 147
 - William, 34
 - Zadock, 264
Wilmarth, Timothy, 387
 - Timothy, Jr., 221
Windsor, Abraham, 534, 564
Winsor, Olney, 480
 - Samuel, 219, 254
 - Stephen, 219, 231, 393, 534
Witherspoon, John, 34
Wolcott, Edward Kitchen, of Brookline, report on his petition relative to Point Judith Farm, 608
Wood, George, 564
 - Ichabod, 565
Wood, assessment to make on, for the use of the army, 357
Woodman, John, 2d, 565
Woodmansie, Joseph, Jr., 219
 - John, 394, 566
Wright, Ann, 599
 - David, 392
 - Peter, 73, 299, 391, 414
Wyatt, Lemuel, 474
Wyllis, Frederick, 596
Wythe, George, 34

- Y -

Yeates, Jonathan, 533
 - Samuel, Jr., 602
York, John, 635







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