- A - |
Able-bodied men
capable of
bearing arms,
act for
numbering - 188 |
Aborn, Samuel,
60, 118 |
Adams, Ebenezer,
Capt., 64, 80,
232, 248, 285,
598 |
- John,
- Samuel, 147
- letter from, to marine committee, 493 |
Alarm men,
orders relative
to, 67, 75 |
Albro, Clarke,
372, 504
- John, Jr., 372
- James, 74, 391, 545
- Jeremiah, 192 |
Aldrich, Caleb,
330, 387
- David, 392
- William, has permission to accompany Jemima Wilkinson to England, 468 |
Henry, 65, 79 |
Allen, Allin,
Alice, 284 |
Christopher, 577
- Gabriel, 79, 404, 408, 512
- Joseph, 891, 533, 589
- Matthew, 175, 595, 617
- Nathan, 601
- Pardon, 53
- Paul, 158, 210, 316, 386, 404
- Samuel, 410, 530
- Thomas, 54, 137, 272, 348, 512
- Viall, 46, 85, 394, 596
- William, 6 |
Almy, Job, 2d, 6 |
Benjamin, 474 |
Alverson, Uriah,
201 |
Abraham, 78,
278, 355
- David, 392, 566
- Samuel, 350 |
Angell, Daniel,
394, 536, 565
- Hope, 414
- Eber, 584
- Israel, Co., 11, 86, 126, 280, 546, 600, 618, 636
- Jabel, 392, 594
- James, 74, 151
- John, 221, 299, 390, 532
- Rufus, 249
- Samuel, 80, 392
- Thomas, 219 |
Elijah, 264, 355 |
Benjamin, Jr.,
218, 254, 38
- Caleb, 387
- Elizabeth, 101
- Isaac, 394, 535
- Jabez, 127
- James, 3, 5, 110, 201, 229, 386, 410, 529
- James, Jr., 94, 107, 139, 218, 220, 890
- James, 3d, 391, 533
- Joseph, 10, 36, 586
- Jonathan, 11, 18, 58, 84, 208, 218, 386, 529 |
- Josiah,
191, 218
- Noah, Jr., 152
- Peleg, 299, 387, 598
- Welcome, 230, 529, 385
- William, 395, 597 |
Atwell, Amos, 6,
221, 532 |
Robert, 600, 619
Austin, David,
372, 427
- Ezekiel, 372
- James, 400
- Joseph, 191 |
Judiah, 387
- Judiah, Jr., 393, 535
- Richard, 18 |
- B - |
Babbitt, Elijah,
80 |
Babcock, Abijah,
435, 518
- Adam, 225
- Christopher, 393
- Christopher, Jr., 566
- George, 194
- George Waite, 196
- Henry, 53
- Ichabod, Jr., 256
- Joshua, 6, 56, 79, 194, 263, 316, 851, 8u7, 887, 410
- Joshua, 2d, 849
- James, 2d, Col., 201, 218
- Nathan, 487
- Nathan, 3d, 478
- Nahum, 489
- Paul, 489
- Stephen, 128, 392, 545
- Samuel, 316, 377, 497, 529, 563
- William, 489 |
Bacon, David,
78, 107
- Elijah, 272 |
Badger, William,
268, 355 |
Baggs, John,
Jr., 407 |
Bagley, William,
- Timothy, 488 |
Bailey, George,
- Samuel, 564
- Richard, 219, 254, 279
- Richard, Jr., Capt., 399, 385, 394, 566 |
Balfour, Andrew,
233 |
Jeremiah, 3d,
- Ichabod, 151
- Luke, 151 |
Ballou, Asalom,
394, 564
- Benjamin, 575
- Joseph, 374
- Reuben, 65, 348, 564
- Simeon, 392
- Stephen, 534
- William, 535 |
Bannister, John,
- Thomas, 628 |
Solomon, 415 |
Barber, Daniel,
- Nathaniel, 309
- Nathan, 529 |
Bardin, Nathan,
581 |
Barry, Capt.,
letters to S.
Hopkins relative
to Gen.
Prescott, 282 |
Josiah, 34, 147
- John, Dr., 256 |
Barker, John, 5,
- Susannah, 513 |
Barnes, Henry,
15 |
Barton, Rufus,
128, 355
- Seth, 355
- William, 64, 498, 562, 587
- lieutenant colonel, 263
- reward voted to, for capturing Gen. Prescott, 290
- recommended for Promotion, 290
- appointed colonel, 328, 348, 356
- certificate to, from the Governor, 358 |
Bates, John, 95
- George, 566
- Jonathan, 545
- Jonathan, Jr., 393, 564
- John, 432
- Samuel, 432 |
Beal, Richard,
12 |
Belcher, Joseph,
Col., 3, 97, 218
- William, 10, 36 |
Abraham, 4
- Jacob,54, 264 |
Arnold, 567
- Joseph, 567 |
Bennett, Asa,
393, 535
- Abel, 589
- Asaph, 74
- Joseph, 273
- Robert, 534
- William, 285, 325 |
Bentley, Arnold,
- Christopher, 18
- David, 79
- William, 398 |
Berry, Peleg,
65, 606 |
Bethune, George,
505 |
Beverly, John,
299 |
Benjamin, 80 |
Daniel, 385 |
Bills of credit,
money, |
Hezekiah, 262
- Samuel, 10, 36, 128
- Thomas, 108 |
Black, James, 7
- Samuel, 46, 564 |
Nathaniel, 299 |
Blankets and
clothing for
resolve of
relative to, 28
- committee to procure, 209, 246
- apportion of, to towns, 253
- may be impressed, 255 |
Bliven, Isaac
R., 190
- James, 356
- William, 392, 534, 586 |
Block Island,
certain articles
may be brought
from, 6
- illicit commerce, at 505 |
Boone, Samuel,
355, 382
- Mary, 588
- William, 366 |
Benjamin, 439,
- Samuel, 438
- William, 218, 386 |
Borland, John,
55, 204, 525 |
Boss, James, 23 |
Boston Neck, hay
and grain to be
removed from, 58 |
Benjamin, 6
- Edward, 530 |
Bounty to be
allowed to
soldiers, 103,
121, 198, 200,
247, 270, 277,
298, 306, 350,
483, 630.
- officers to pay bounties, 201
- letter from Gen. Greene relative to, 211
- to seamen, 247
- offer to ₤100 to each soldier, 570 |
Shearjashub, 5,
110, 127, 219,
388, 531 |
Bowen, Ephraim,
11, 36
- Ephraim, Jr., 635
- Henry, 188
- Isaac, 589
- Jabez, 5, 6, 76, 127, 219, 221, 374, 422, 529, 583
- Deputy Governor, 386
- John, 269
- Nathan, 24
- Smith, 73, 414
- William, 11, 272, 395 |
Bowler, Metcalf,
speaker, 4
- judge, 5, 16, 323, 507 |
Bowyer, Stephen,
177, 459 |
Box, Daniel, 640 |
Boyd, Andrew, 8 |
Daniel, 188
- William, Deputy Governor, 3, 11,1 57, 218,278, 842, 37, 616
- William, elected delegate to Congress, 19
- letter to General Washington Relative to exchange of prisoners, 27
- thanks of the Assembly voted to, 399
- statement of the account of, 539
- William Jr., 11, 36 |
Branch, Daniel,
- David, 640 |
Brayton, David,
- John, 535
- Joseph, 536 |
Edward, 17 |
Briggs, Abiezer,
- Cornelius, 565
- David, 559
- Nathaniel, 514
- George, 79
- Randall, 300 |
Brightman, Mary,
574 |
Brimmer, Martin,
497, 505 |
Francis, 258 |
Bristol, warrant
to be issued
against, 575
- wood to be cut for the poor of, 527 |
Bristol, Ferry,
fortification to
be erected at,
49 |
British troops
occupy Rhode
Island, 56 |
Brown, Beriah,
6, 23, 138, 220,
309, 389
- Beriah, Jr., 192, 400
- Chad, Col. 5, 201, 221, 390, 532
- Clarke, 11, 36, 290|
- David, 412
- Experience, 493
- Fleet, 363
- Godfrey, 322
- Ichabod, Jr., 595
- Israel, 492
- James, 5, 191
- John, 3, 10, 16, 21, 51, 59, 95, 130, 147, 148, 157, 195, 200, 203, 208,
218, 272, 377,
392, 491, 492,
508, 529, 547,
- vessel for fire-ship purchased of, 103
- John, of Hopkinton, 564
- Joseph, 23, 50, 80
- to prepare two fire-ships, 81
- Levi, 395
- Nathaniel, 6, 221
- Nicholas, 196
- Robert, 6, 529, 585,
- Samuel, 474, 534, 566
- Thomas, 435
- William, 121
- Zephaniah, 11, 36, 391, 533 |
Brown University
used for
barracks, 344,
349 |
Thomas, 530 |
Wilkinson, 328 |
Bucklin, Daniel,
- Joseph, Jr., 137
- John, 393, 535 |
Bull, Nathan,
232, 239 |
Burdick, Jesse,
19, 394
- Joseph, 488
- Oliver, 489
- Thompson, 489
- Walter, 463
- Weight, 19 |
General, 325
- letter from Gov. Cooke, relative to the embarkation of, 387
- letter from Council of Massachusetts relative to, 338 |
Burke, Thomas,
- Burkett, Ezekiel, 80 |
Benjamin, 393
- Chandler, 568
- Nehemiah, 394, 535, 565
- Peter, 3de, 387, 410
- Philip, 564
- Susanna, 519
- Pardon, 602
- William, 393, 519, 535 |
Burr, Joshua,
- Ezekiel, 442
- Shubael, 410 |
Burton, John,
- William, 564 |
Bush, Richard,
508 |
Butts, Enoch,
101 |
- C - |
Cahoone, Daniel,
52, 59, 84, 208,
218, 229, 316 |
Cane, Jeremiah,
598 |
Card, Bowen, 566 |
Carder, James,
391, 533 |
Carlile, Thomas,
80, 260, 248,
511 |
Joseph, 128, 392
- John, 191, 534, 560
- Jotham, 469
- James, 521
- Nathaniel, 45, 535
- Nathan, 264, 511, 564
- Thomas, 500 |
Carr, Benjamin,
191 |
- Caleb,
65, 348, 512
- Edward, 190
- Edward, Jr., 392, 534
- John, 11, 155, 263, 248, 512
- Robert, 191
- Samuel, 4, 156, 291, 387, 427, 534
- report of the committee on the farm hired by, 505 |
Charles, of
Carrollton, 147 |
Carter, John,
23, 78, 137, 211 |
Carver, Robert,
349, 511, 5_7 |
Case, Immanuel,
4, 42, 131, 201,
209, 218, 220,
386, 422, 563
- John, 600
- William, 393 |
Casey, Silas,
159 |
Census of the
men capable of
bearing arms
ordered, 188 |
Center, Senter,
Isaac, Dr., 84,
530 |
Chace, Daniel,
- James, 363, 434
- James, Jr.., 363
- John, 215
- Joseph, 278, 355
- Samuel, 14, 225
- William, 492 |
Christopher, 263
- George, 474
- Hazard, 572
- Jabez, 6, 221, 389, 532, 552
- Jesse, 6
- Robert, 461, 501, 552
- Samuel, 125, 236, 486
- Stephen, 194, 291, 328
- William, 285 |
Walter, 78, 512
- William, 109, 138, 191, 211, 219, 369, 387, 474 |
Chapman, John,
11, 36, 201,
219, 254, 410,
480, 530 |
Richard, 256 |
Amos, 623
- Jabez, 489 |
Child, Cromel,
4, 23, 53, 56,
110, 138, 157,
190, 191, 219,
- John, 5, 187, 220, 531
- Sylvester, 4, 52, 58, 157, 203, 219 |
Benjamin, 65, 99
- Charles, 423
- Nathaniel, 4, 158, 299, 391, 564
- Peter, 221, 390, 532
- Thomas, 3, 5, 50, 57, 111, 158, 323 |
Clapp, Job, 46,
- Clarke, Abraham, 214
- Benjamin, 552
- Christopher, 46
- John, 93, 566
- John Innis, 235, 620
- Joseph, 5, 11, 191, 219, 328
- Jonathan, 65
- Jonas, 552
- Josiah, 328
- Oliver, 126
- Peleg, 474
- Paul, 529
- Phineas, 542
- Simeon, 93, 189, 530
- Simeon, Jr., 189
- Thomas, 73, 222, 544
- Walter, 376, 564
- William, 432 |
Cleveland, John,
355 |
General, 108,
- Clothing, ordered to be purchased, 354
- order relative to, 436 |
John, 220
- Mary, 239
- William, 407 |
Coe, Benjamin,
565 |
Joseph, 53, 188
- Matthew, 127 |
Cole, Curtis, 73
- Ebenezer, 256
- John, 18, 79, 477, 601
- John, Jr., 45
- Thomas, 36 |
Coleman, Edward,
79 |
College in
Providence used
for barracks to
be repaired,
344, 349 |
Collier, Sir
George, 334 |
Collins, John,
3, 21, 23, 139,
218, 377, 530.
- delegate to Congress, 388, 635
- William, 432 |
Benedict, 393,
- George, 535, 602
- John, 393, 535 |
Colwell, John,
7, 222, 439
- James, 393 |
Coman, Joseph,
565 |
Commissioners to
meet other
states in
convention, 340 |
William, 583,
640 |
Benjamin, 391
- Andrew, 149
- Adam, Lieut. 10, 36
- letter to Governor Cooke, relative to clothing for the troops, 25
- Job, 4, 21, 195, 219, 229, 816, 369, 387, 473
- Gideon, 316, 386, 598
- Joseph, 480
- William, 89 |
Conants, Samuel,
105 |
and union
articles of,
referred to the
next Assembly,
- instructions to delegates in Congress, relative to, 364
- action of the Assembly upon 365 |
bill, committee
appointed to
draft, 341 |
estates, act for
- resolution relative to 631 |
Congdon, James,
138, 265
- James, 3d, 15, 93, 97, 110, 131, 133, 139, 147, 191, 209, 227, 317
- John, Jr., 393, 432, 545, 566
- Joseph, Capt., 299, 552
- Robert, 219, 254, 501
- Samuel, 552
- Stephen, 372, 552
- Thomas, 394, 416, 535, 602 |
Congress, letter
to Governor
Cooke relative
to enlistments,
34 |
address of, to
be printed,
distributed and
read in the
churches, 571
- Order from, to receive ₤300,00, 627 |
Cooke, Abraham,
Jr., 99
- Ariah, 565
- Isaac, 393, 565
- John, Col., 6, 13, 43, 64, 138, 201, 221, 299, 390, 532
- John, Ensign, 536
- Nicholas, Governor, 3, 110, 137, 192, 218, 229
- letters to General Nathaniel Greene, 30, 189, 216
- letters to Gen. Washington -
- " " " Oct, 5, 1776, 30
- " " " Nov. 6, 1776, 54
- " " " Dec. 8, 1776, 112
- Announcing the occupation of R. Island, 11 |
Feb. 9, 1777,
- " " "
Feb. 18, 1777,
- " " "
Mar. 18, 1777,
- " " "
Apr. 14, 4777 ,
- letters to Gove. Trumbull, of Conn., 55, 25, 258
- letter to Commodore Hopkins, 69
- Letter to members of the General Assembly, requiring their attendance,
- letter to John Hancock, 172 |
Cooke, Nicholas,
Governor, letter
to the states of
Connecticut and
New Hampshire,
relative to
raising troops,
- letter to the speaker of the General Assembly of Massachusetts, 217
- letter to the committee of safety of New Hampshire, 257
- allowance to, for extra services, 271
- Letter to delegates in Congress, asking for a supply of money, 273
- letter to Gen. R. Pigot, 284
- letter to the Council of Massachusetts, relative to Gen. Burgoyne, 337
- letter to the Council of Massachusetts, relative to troops, 238
- thanks of the Assembly voted to, 399
- Samuel, 393
- Thomas, Jr., 322
- Walter, 188, 220, 385, 531
- William, 219, 387, 545, 575
Elias, 564
- William, Jr., 45 |
Corey, Francis,
437, 449
- Olion, 355, 511
- Philip, 398, 565
- Thomas, 498 |
Benjamin, 46
- Ezekiel, Brig. General, 348, 362, 379, 496, 511
- Gideon, 13, 1911, 249
- Joseph, 264
Cornwell, Col., 33
Cotterell, David, 351
- James, 79
- Libbeus, 356, 394, 535 |
Council of the
authority to, 22 |
Council of war
appointed, 56,
- wages allowed to, 208
- members of, in 1777, 229, 316, 340, 422, 473, 545, 616
- authorized to hold courts martial 262
- act for the better regulating of, 419 |
act for the
punishment of,
19 |
Benjamin, 474
- Peter, 474
- William, 190 |
Crab, Thomas,
268 |
- Azariah, 73,
- Caleb, 239
- Edward, 65
- Uriah, 394
344, 397, 557
- Thomas, Jr., 398 |
Archibald, Col.,
127, 263, 325,
348, 511, 583
- resigns his commission, 546 |
Cross, John, 501
- Joseph, 385
- Peleg, 566 |
Croswell, John,
625 |
Matthew, 66 |
Cutter, Thomas,
363, 366, 382 |
- D - |
Timothy, 125 |
William, 84 |
David, Ebenezer,
230 |
Davis, Benjamin,
- John, 210, 394, 565
- Jonathan, 126
- Joseph, 188
- Joshua, 529
- Mumford, 566
- Oliver, 586
- William, 545, 585
- William, Jr., 126 |
Day, Samuel, 392
- Stephen, 534 |
Dayton, Henry,
- Hezekiah, 391, 4474, 533, 539 |
Delegates to
Congress; H.
Marchant chosen,
- H. Marchant, W. Ellery and Stephen Hopkins elected, 220
- form of oath to be given to, 223
- form of commission to, 396, 537
- Hopkins, Ellery, Marchant and Collins, 530 |
Desertion, act
to prevent, 640 |
relative to, 8,
9, 143, 300 |
Deval, Jonathan,
Jr., 79
- Daniel, 286, 565 |
Dexter, Daniel,
512, 536
- David, 126, 272
- David, Jr., 469
- John, 15, 53, 56, 188, 201, 356, 631
- John Singer, 10, 36, 530
- Daniel Singer, 355
- Knight, Col., 138
- Simeon, 264, 355, 512 |
Benjamin, 154
- Jonathan 393, 595 |
Dickens, Thomas,
515 |
Distilling, act
to prevent, from
corn, rye,
barley, etc.,
351 |
Joseph, Jr., 535 |
William, 80 |
George, 392, 534 |
Douglas, David,
572 |
Downer, Silas,
191 |
Drake, Joseph,
278 |
Drafted men
neglecting duty
course to be
pursued with,
324 |
soldiers, orders
relative to, 81,
102, 180, 197,
277, 305, 317,
318, 328
- Bounties and allowances to, 104 |
Drew, Margaret,
232 |
Dudley, Charles,
10 |
Dunn, Samuel,
Jr. 264 |
Durfee, Durfey,
Abner, 586, 595
- Benjamin, Jr., 439
- Richard, 439, 474, 565
- William, 158, 175, 383, 446
- Thomas, 474 |
Dyer, Charles,
7, 79, 179, 221,
329, 390, 532,
- Charles, son of Edward, 564
- Christopher, 126, 348, 512
- Edward, 391
- George, 201
- Mary, 23
- Samuel, 391, 545
- William, 256, 356
- William, Jr., 137 |
E - |
Earl, Thomas, 46 |
Thomas, 415 |
Easton, Dorcas,
- Nicholas, 4, 440 |
Eddy, Esek, 564
- John, 269
- Oliver, 210
- Richard, 189, 300 |
Elam, Gervas,
323, 638 |
Eldred, James,
391, 545
- John, 577
- Samuel, 227, 395 |
Elderkin, Bela,
158 |
218, 220, 229,
386, 388, 397,
- William, 34, 388
- delegate to Congress, 530
- letters to Governor Cooke, 161, 167, 170, 171, 216
- delegate to convention, in Philadelphia, 634 |
Elliott, Robert,
elected colonel,
64, 99, 348, 511
- officers of his regiment of artillery, 354 |
Ellis, John, 407 |
Ely, Colonel,
314 |
recommended to
the New England
states, 53
- acts for laying, according to act of Congress, 4, 30, 618 |
William, 394 |
Enos, Matthias,
598 |
Enlistments for
soldiers, form
of, 21, 43, 63
- letter from Congress relative to, 34 |
Esten, Esek,
388, 404 |
The title of
"His Excellency"
first applied to
the Governor,
302 |
Eyres, Thomas,
463 |
F - |
Jonathan, 47 |
Nathaniel, 5,
219, 220, 387,
531 |
Fast, public,
ordered, 14 |
Fees, act
regulating, 640 |
Fenner, Arthur,
Jr. 7, 557
- Edward, 374
- James, 73
- John, 110
- Richard, Jr., 391, 533, 536 |
Fenner & White,
159 |
Ferguson, Adam,
363 |
Ferriage, rate
of, from Newport
to South
Kingstown, 603 |
Field, John, 564
- Lemuel, 602
- Mehitable, 158
- Thomas, 392, 534
- William, 4, 535 |
Finch, John, 127 |
Fire-ships to be
procured, 80 |
Fiske, Caleb,
Dr., 190
- Daniel, 78
- John, 6, 530
- Squire, 45, 65, 565 |
Fiske, William,
80 |
Flagg, Ebenezer,
10, 36, 536
- Josiah, 248, 353, 511 |
of, to towns,
- seizure of, 142 |
Fort Liberty, 9 |
Foster, John, 6,
220, 225, 373,
- Jonathan, 489
- Theodore, 3, 59, 109, 143, 220, 386, 529 |
Fowler, Samuel,
- Mary, 311 |
Forage, act to
supply the army
with, 493
- remonstrance of General Sullivan against, 522, 524 |
Benjamin, 147
- resented the state with a copy of Berenger's History of Geneva, 596
- Mary, 190
- Stephen, 502, 620
- Stephen, Jr., 193, 541 |
Samuel, 523
- John, 623
- Judith, 623
- Thomas, 3, 24, 108 |
Gideon, 442 |
Friends, members
of the Society
of, exempt from
military duty,
- ordered to be drafted, 204 |
Frink, Amos, 356 |
Fry, Benjamin,
- Richard, Col., 183, 389, 395, 577 |
Fuller, Joseph,
107, 391, 533,
565 |
Furneaux, Tobas,
Capt., 16 |
- G - |
Benjamin, 125,
- Caleb, 218, 616
- Caleb, Jr., 256
- Ezekiel, Jr., 567
- Francis Willett, 79
- George, Jr., 440
- Henry, 498
- John, 552
- John, Jr., 600 |
Gardner -
- Oliver, 134
- Nathan, Jr., 567
- Peleg, 328, 572
- Paris, 192, 566
- Sylvester, 3, 19, 201, 218, 299, 387, 410
- Susannah, 239, 288
- Samuel, 239, 404, 434, 518
- Silas, 577
- William, 126, 129, 239, 263
- Garzia, John, 80, 248, 511, 619 |
Gates, Asa, 566
- Horatio, Gen., Letter to Governor Cooke, 385, 443, 589 |
Gavitt, Gavit,
Ann, 623
- John, 391, 534 |
Assembly, act
for the payment
of, repealed,
203 |
General election
to be held in
during the
occupation of
Rhode Island by
the British, 188 |
officers, extra
allowances to,
560 |
authorized to
hire money, 66,
75, 123
- allowed ₤500 for extra
services, 405 |
Gibbs, George,
268 |
Gibbs, Josiah,
74, 144 |
Gifford, David,
Capt., 72, 218,
286 |
Benjamin, 565
- Nathaniel, 79, 354, 511 |
Glazier, John,
94 |
Gleason, Ezra,
329 |
Goff, Joseph,
289 |
Samuel, 625 |
Benjamin, 65,
393, 535
- Edward, 350
- Othniel, 350, 529, 597
- threats against, 605
- Samuel, Capt., 299
- Thomas, Capt., 299, 387, 390, 530, 533
- William, 379, 494, 501, 513, 616 |
Nathaniel, 99 |
authorized to
act, 22 |
Grain, an act to
prohibit the
distillery of,
recommended to
the other
states, 296
- ordered to be purchased, 502 |
Grant, Gilbert,
11 |
Gratuities to
committee to
report on, 632 |
Gray, Pardon, 6,
138, 218, 222,
225, 244, 341,
385, 390, 492,
616, 640
- Sarah, 256 |
Grey, Thomas, 6,
540 |
Greene, Abraham,
350, 369, 42
- Amos, 393
- Benjamin, 301
- Charles, 395
- Caleb, 393, 535
- Christopher, 8, 36, 363, 515, 583, 635
- colonel of Continental battalion, 239
- Daniel, 79
- Elisha, 219, 254
- Elihu, 377
- Griffin, 286, 395
- Jacob, 4, 92, 131, 210
- Job, 46, 79, 589
- John, 4, 219,254, 387
- Nathaniel, Gen., letter to Governor Cooke, relative to operations on
Long Island, 26
- letter from Fort Constitution, 32
- letter from New York Island, 37
- Coryell's Ferry, Dec. 21, 1776, 113
- letter from Morristown, January, 23, 1777, 115
- letter from Baskeridge, Mar. 6, 1778, 211
- Philip, 5, 220, 531
- Richard, 107
- Sarah, 288, 311
- Samuel, Jr., 393, 535
- Thomas, 5, 15, 138, 159, 191, 220, 389, 490
- Thomas, Jr., 566
- William, 4, 56, 219, 229, 316, 369
- judge, 5, 127
- Governor, 386, 529
- letters to Governor Trumbull, 424, 425
- letter to Gen. Sullivan, 478
- letter to General Assembly of Connecticut, 479, 499
- letter to Gov. Geo. Clinton, N. Y., 499
- letter to Gen. Washington, 541, 642
- Greene, William, Governor, letter to Samuel Huntington, 642
- Grinnell, Zebedee, 471, 625
- Grozart, M., 311
- Grimes, Capt., 10, 334
- Gully, William, 392, 469
- Gunpowder, act for the inspection of, 18 |
H - |
Haley, Samuel,
266 |
Hall, Daniel,
254, 385
- Edward, 599
- Joseph, 489
- Lyman, 34
- Levi, 227, 560
- William, 269, 392 |
Halleen, James
Joseph, 72 |
Halstead, Mr.,
268 |
Hamlin, Samuel,
533 |
Nathaniel, 104 |
Malachi, 45, 65,
356 |
Hammond, Pain,
577 |
Hamlin, Samuel,
391 |
Hancock, John,
President of
letters to the
General Assembly
of Rhode Island,
27, 29, 31, 146,
172, 216
- letter to do., enclosing act of independence, 117 |
Handy, Charles,
- John, 10, 79, 268, 349, 512
- John, Jr., 349 |
Stephen, 109,
- Walter, 391, 533 |
Christopher, 12 |
Harris, Andrew,
- Caleb, 4, 13, 143, 158, 191, 201, 209, 374, 387, 408, 477
- Ebenezer, 262
- Gideon, 269, 416, 534
- John, 127, 535 |
Hart, Naphthali,
586 |
Haszard, Enoch,
194, 218, 254,
387, 410, 494,
563, 578, 593
- Jeremiah, son of Robert, 593, 601
- Jeremiah, son of Jeffrey, 601
- Jonathan, 15, 20, 24, 60, 473, 597
- Jonathan J., 24, 131, 153, 175, 207, 387
- Jonathan T., member of council of war, 616
- Stephen, 593, 601
- Stephen, Jr., 593, 601
- Samuel, 593, 601
- Thomas, 514
- Thomas, son of Jeremiah, 601 |
Hatch, Estes,
600, 619 |
Hawkins, Elijah,
- Job, 372
- John, 190, 616
- Joseph, Jr., 269
- Nathaniel, 74, 263 |
Hayes, Jonathan,
268 |
Hazard, Carder,
5, 125, 220, 563
- Eunice, 581
- George, 5
- Samuel, 583
- Stephen, 328, 584
- Thomas, 325 |
Haven, William,
80 |
Heath, Peleg,
219, 222, 254,
300, 391, 533 |
Nathaniel, 385,
572, 617
- Rowse, J., 7, 110, 138, 158, 387, 540
- Robert, 154
- Samuel, 372
- William, 356, 512
- thanks of the Assembly voted to, 476
- sword voted to, 491 |
John, 158
- Simeon, 392, 534
- Thomas, Jr., 151? |
Herring, Newman,
263 |
John, 46
- David, 564
- Ebenezer, 406
- Reuben, 291 |
Hewitt, Charles,
356, 512 |
Hicks, Samuel,
207 |
Hull, Caleb,
564, 575
- Stukeley, 545 |
Hilyard, David,
6, 222
- Isaac, 272 |
Daniel, 11, 36 |
Holden, Anthony,
- Anthony, Jr., 391, 534
- Charles, 20, 201
- Charles, Jr., 3, 24, 211
- John, 536
- John, Jr., 126
- Thomas, 3, 8, 58, 94, 387, 390, 529, 532, 564
- bounty abstract of, 548, 549 |
Abigail, 311
- Polly, 311 |
Hopkins, Esek,
Commodore, 38,
219, 284, 310,
374, 387, 4222,
530, 597
- letters to Governor Cooke, 69, 70
- ordered to put to sea, 69
- letter of Governor Cooke to, 69
- row galley placed under orders of, 100
- Esek, Jr., 335
- Joseph, 46, 79, 299, 393
- Isaac, 392, 566
- John, 230
- Jonathan, Jr., 249
- Rufus, 5, 531, 556
- Samuel, Jr., 4, 188, 209, 535
- Stephen, delegate to Congress, 530
- Assembly votes thanks to, as a delegate to Congress, 13
- member of the council of war, 56, 77, 220, 229, 278, 301, 514
- letters to Capt. Barry, relative to Gen. Prescott, 282, 283
- Pay for services, 407
- Timothy, 219, 254, 299, 377, 387, 410
- Zebedee, 256 |
Francis, 147 |
Benjamin, 263,
348, 512 |
Horse racing,
act to prevent,
351 |
Hospital to be
established for
the soldiers, 83 |
regulation for,
130 |
Howard, William,
293, 534 |
Howe, Lord, flag
of truce from,
for exchange of
prisoners, 41
- Squire, 268, 355, 511 |
Howell, David,
131, 210, 258,
529, 564 |
Benjamin, 565
- John, 481
- John, Jr., 151, 414
- Jemima, 288
- Isaac, 239 |
Hoxsie, Gideon,
4, 219, 266, 316
- Gideon, Jr., 127, 393
- Joseph, 5, 125, 201, 220, 266, 389, 513
- Peleg, 126, 263, 349, 500 |
Hoyle, Philip,
299 |
Hubbard, John,
- Thomas, 109 |
Hughes, Thomas,
11, 36, 126,
301, 310 |
Hull, Elias, 126
- Edward, 567
- William, 175, 207 |
Josiah, 5, 220,
377, 387, 414,
- Nathaniel, 355, 512
- William, 36, 126 |
Richard, 11, 36 |
Hunt, Joseph,
Jr., 409,
- Seth, 152 |
Samuel, 147 |
Hutchinson, Mr.,
215 |
- I - |
Declaration of,
144 |
Joshua, 19, 24 |
Inman, Jeremiah,
535, 565 |
Inoculating for
small pos,
orders relative
to, 407, 421 |
Irish, George,
4, 6, 136, 262,
267, 332 |
Iron, price
fixed for, 133 |
Irons, Stephen,
393 |
- J - |
Jackson, Elias,
356, 512 |
James, Allen,
154, 561
- Joseph, 393, 427, 535 |
Jamestown, stock
to be removed
from , 48 |
Eleazer, 394,
- Esek, 545
- John, 59, 131, 210, 477, 616
- Jonathan, Jr., 264
- Icahbod, 564
- Joseph, 597
- Oliver, 11, 36, 126
- Stephen, 148, 190, 272, 583 |
Jepson, John, 3,
5 |
Jerauld, James,
188, 533 |
Jerrold, Duty,
11, 36, 126 |
Jillson, Amos,
80, 268 |
Johnson, Allen,
392, 566, 583 |
Johnston, Isaac,
79, 391, 533
- Reuben, 511
- William, 210 |
James, Amos, 46,
441 |
Joslyn, Joseph,
84, 406
- Thomas, 530 |
- K - |
Archibald, 7,
244, 390, 582?,
549 |
Keene, Charles,
891, 533 |
Kelly, John, 191 |
Kena, Asa, 79 |
Kentish Gards,
102, 395 |
Kilburn, John,
155 |
Kimball, Asa,
45, 188, 254,
299, 391, 533
- Joseph, 13
- Stephen, 299 |
King, John, Jr.,
4 |
Kings county
court house to
be sold, 295 |
Kingstown Reds,
102, 148,227
- officers of, 395, 561 |
Daniel, 84, 394,
536 |
Kinyon, John, 4
- Joseph, 393
- Moses, 552
- Nathan, 493
- Phineas, 73 |
Knight, Jesse,
- Joseph, 7, 222, 439"
- Jonathan, 392, 534
- Jonathan, Jr., 299
- Nehemiah, 189, 201
Jeremiah, 473,
- Samuel, 468, 542
- William, 828 |
- L - |
Champlin, 355 |
Holanby, 23 |
Lapham, John,
387, 410 |
Timothy, 84
- Lewis, 84 |
Larkin, John,
143, 210
- Timothy, 210 |
Benjamin, 111,
138 |
Lassell, John,
111 |
William, 45, 65,
355, 512 |
Jonathan, 174
- Joshua, 412 |
Lawrence, Amos,
- Joseph, 80, 139, 268, 576 |
Laurens, Henry,
president of
letters to
Governor, Cooke,
320, 336, 370,
- Letter to the speaker of the house of Representatives of Rhode Island,
369 |
Leach, Stephen, |
137 |
Lee, Charles,
General, letters
go Gov. Coke,
55, 159
- letter to do., recommending Gen. Malmedy, etc. 111
- letters to, from General Malmedy, 160, 162, 163
- Richard Henry, 214 |
Leland, Jesse,
119 |
Lewis, Beriah,
65, 393, 566
- Elijah, 126, 457
- Francis, 147
- Oliver, 534
- Peter, 534
- Peleg |
129 |
Jonathan, 432 |
Lincoln, Major
General, to be
supplied with
stores for his
troops, 72 |
Benjamin, 139 |
Col, 176, 228,
379, 387, 530,
- Moses, 565 |
Little Compton,
to have two
100 |
Simon Ray. 16
- Simon, 510
- William, 11, 36 |
Little Rest Hill
court house, to
be sold at
auction, 251 |
Little Rest Hill
court house,
sold to Silas
Niles, 309 |
Loans made by
the state, seen
and paper
- asked for by
proposed for,
- Lock, Timothy, 10, 36, 369, 392
- Timothy, Jr., 566 |
authorized to
raise money to
build a bridge
on Pawtucket
river, 631 |
Love, William,
299 |
Nathaniel, 602 |
Lovett, James,
387, 422 |
Low, John,
190, 220 |
Luce, Peter, 600 |
Luther, Martin,
376 |
Lyndon, Josias,
4, 109, 138,
191, 219, 308 |
Lyon, Susanna,
397 |
- M - |
Ebenezer, 65
- Jonathan, 464 |
Malmedy, F. L.
de, appointed
chief engineer,
64, 67, 94, 101
- recommended by Gen. Lee, 111
- letters to Gen. Lee, 160, 162, 163
- relieved from his command, 186
- asks an honorary appointment as brigadier general, 259 |
Christopher, 78,
248, 356, 511
- Christopher, Jr., 45
- Cyrus, 80
- Isaac, 219, 254, 330, 387
- Joseph, 79
- Matthew, 287, 597
- Phillip, 393 |
Manning, James,
Rev., 272, 496 |
Manton, Daniel,
374 |
Isabel, 312
- Henry, 5, 58, 149, 364, 369
- delegate to Congress, 127, 219, 367, 383, 530
- letters to Gov. Cooke, 283
- his account as delegate, 633 |
Maritime courts,
orders relative
to, 22 |
Marine committee
of Congress to
the council of
war, 214 |
Martin, James,
84, 394
- Nathaniel, 6, 201
- Simeon, 10, 268 |
Sion, 154, 343 |
Matthews, Caleb,
512 |
Allen, 535
- Joseph, 154, 530
- John, 390
- Noah, 219
- Daniel, 393
- Mary, 498 |
Mason, David,
- James, Dr., 407 |
letters from the
council of, 338,
339 |
Mauran, Joseph,
269 |
Maxson, Asa, 84,
392, 534
- George, 535
- Jesse, 6, 84, 244, 390, 530, 532
- Jonathan, 78, 299, 391, 533, 545
- Joseph, 566, 607 |
Maxson, Mathew,
Jr., 264
- Phineas, 19
- Silvanus, 394 |
Maxwell, Levi,
256 |
Mayes, Samuel,
393 |
Catharine, 311 |
McLean, William,
482 |
Benjamin, 109 |
Mease, James,
340 |
battalions, pay
of, 466, 490 |
report of the
committee to
examine, 378 |
exempts, 334
- delinquents in the Rhode Island expedition, act relative to, 452
- action against, 424 |
Militia, state
officers of the
1st, 2d and 3d
regiments, 6
- Pay granted to, 8
- Pay and rations of, 120, 579
- organization of, 198
- act obliging Friends and others of tender consciences, to do military
duty, 205
- Orders relative to, 226 |
Miller, Bernard,
- to be tried by court martial, 429
- Job, 412
- James, 356
- John, 356, 512
- Joseph, 512
- Nathan, 10, 94, 190, 201, 221, 299, 390, 422, 532, 544
- Squire, 391, 533
- William Turner, 110, 188, 414
- William, 232 |
Minor, Asa, 230
- Phineas, 635 |
Minerva, a
transport ship,
wrecked on the
shores of the
state, 482 |
Maffatt, Thomas,
Dr., 358 |
Monopolies and
oppression by
prices, acts to
prevent and
regulate, 85,
- additional acts relative to, 134, 183, 250
- additional act, fixing the price of labor, 183
- repeal of act, 289 |
Hezekiah, 261
- Stephen, 261 |
Montayne, Tunis,
Capt., 92 |
General, 27 |
Samuel, 439, 512 |
Morris, Robert,
147, 214
- letters to General Washington, 165, 167 |
Morse, Philip,
80, 299, 355 |
Mosier, Ichabod,
468 |
Moulton, Micah,
11, 36 |
Mowry, David,
- Daniel, 50, 188, 272, 519
- Daniel, Jr., 4, 5, 23, 220, 389, 531, 557, 583
- Daniel, 4th, 392, 534
- Elisha, 222, 244
- Elisha, Jr., 7
- Job, 564
- Philip, 428 |
Benjamin, 110
- Gideon, 5, 109, 138, 158, 220, 389
- Nathaniel, 24, 110, 138, 158, 191, 331, 474
- Paul, 194, 219, 220, 278, 301, 388, 529, 616
- Samuel, 477
- Stephen, 996, 134, 209 |
Munroe, James,
Capt. 448
- Nathaniel, 324
- Stephen, 439 |
- N - |
petition from,
relative to
their lands, 573
- act relating to, 574 |
Negroes, act for
the enlistment
of 359
- (for other particulars relative to the negro regiment, see slaves.) |
Nelson, John,
265 |
New England
states, resolve
of, relative of
the pay of
troops, 105
- transmitted to Congress, 108
- day of fasting recommended by, adopted, 109 |
Newport, while
in possession of
British, to
choose its
general officers
in Providence,
- to choose officers after the evacuation of the British, 383
- wood ordered to be furnished to the poor of, 537
- records of, taken by the British, correspondence relative to, 641, 642
- town officers to be chosen for, 605
- vessels, sunk by the British in the harbor of, 621 |
New Shoreham,
inhabitants of,
may return, 180
- efforts to prevent communication with the army, 582 |
Newtown Rangers,
197 |
Nicoll, John,
12, 432 |
Jonathan, Jr.,
589 |
Joseph, Major
General, 65
- William, 268 |
Niles, Jonathan,
12, 23
- Joseph, Jr., 535
- Silas, 97, 194, 232 |
Nomquit Pond,
537 |
North Kingstown,
alarm Company,
officers of, 575 |
North Providence
officers of,
249, 567 |
Northup, Henry,
322, 344, 500,
- John, 3, 5, 13, 91, 107, 147, 218, 220, 272, 308, 351, 387, 563
- Samuel, 126, 355, 512
- Stephen, 567 |
Noyes, Joseph,
Col., 3, 6, 59,
153, 194, 244,
- Thomas, 10, 239 |
O - |
Oath of
allegiance, to
be drafted by
act, 858
- reported by committee, 366 |
against the
United States,
court for the
trial of, 237 |
Oliver, Andrew,
- Coggeshall, 11, 36
- Emor, 394, 536
- Esek, 46, 394
- Ezekiel, 565
- George, 235
- Joseph, 4, 189, 201, 209, 219, 254
- Jeremiah, 11, 36, 126
- Nathan, 230, 264, 349, 355, 512
- Samuel, 394
- Stephen, 11, 36, 126, 269, 393
- Thomas, 564
- Tilley M., 24
- Thomas, Jr. 249
- Thomas, Capt. 300 |
Oman, Henry, 398 |
Oneida Indians,
presents to be
given to, 147
- to be conveyed to Gov. Trumbull, 149 |
Ormsbee, Ezra,
- John, 73 |
Otis, Jonathan,
474 |
Overing, Henry,
600 |
Owen, David, 529 |
P - |
Page, Ambrose,
56, 137, 218
- William, 80, 268, 355, 511 |
Paine, John, 501
- Isaac, 566
- Nathan, 151
- Nathan, Jr., 151
- Philip, 272
- Robert Treat, 34, 147 |
Jacques, 229 |
Palmer, Philip,
355, 512
- Thomas, 66, 261, 505
- Walter, 45, 79 |
Paper money,
report of
committee to
sign, 14
- convention of New England states relative to, 49
- convention recommended that no further emission be made of, 97
- issues of, 124, 235
- form of, 235
- convention of the New England states and New York, relative to, 276
- To be called in and sunk, 313, 418 |
Park, John, 127,
566 |
Parker, Clarke,
- James, 65, 128, 348
- Jacob, 210
- Jacob, Jr., 143
- Sir Peter, 366
- Samuel, 74
- Thomas, 264
- Thomas, Jr., 393 |
Parks, John, 393 |
Pawcatuck river,
act to preserve
fisheries of,
617 |
Rangers, 102,
543 |
Christopher, 196
- Daniel - 11
- George, 209
- Job, 391
- John, 79
- Joshua, 575 |
Lawrence, 46,
- Nathaniel, 4, 66
- Preserved, 389, 529, 572, 530
- Sylvester, 575
- Thomas, 78
- William, 159 |
Peck, Ambrose,
225, 540
- George, Col., 219, 222, 299, 395, 632
- Jonathan, 256
- Lewis, 391, 533
- Thomas, 191 |
Peckham, Barber,
46, 78, 128,
345, 512, 545,
- Benjamin L., 153
- Stephen, 638 |
Peirce, Joshua,
- Charles, 536
- George, Col., 4, 110, 158, 188, 387, 407
- Job, 64, 533
- Jonathan, 13, 301
- Lawrence, 392, 545
- Stephen, 586
- Sylvester, 73, 564
- William, 299 |
Pemberton, John,
299 |
Pendleton, Amos,
- Ephraim, 391
- Isaac, 488
- Joshua, 391, 534
- John, 489
- Joseph, 533
- Simeon, 391
- Zebulon, 489 |
Penn, John, 34 |
Perigo, Robert,
308 |
Perkins, Samuel,
392, 534 |
Perry, Benjamin,
372, 492
- Edward, 201, 210, 345, 387, 428
- Freeman, 328, 498
- Sarah, 329 |
Pettis, Mr., 474 |
128, 263
- Nathaniel, 230, 264
- Peter, 408, 434, 529, 583, 598
- Samuel, 128, 348, 356, 408, 511 |
Pigot, R.,
General, letter
to Governor
Cooke, 284, 326
- letter to General Burgoyne, 337 |
Pigot galley,
captured, 491 |
Piracy, act
empowering the
superior court
to take
cognizance of,
618 |
Pitman, Isaac,
268, 354, 511
- William, 398 |
Pitt, Pitts,
Benjamin, 355,
511 |
Place, Jeremiah,
566 |
Point Judith,
grain, hay and
stock to be
removed from,
58, 73
- report of committee to appraise articles lost at, 488
- farm, report of stock on 592
- farm, report of committee relative to, 608 |
Point Judith
Pond, fisheries
in, 621 |
Pollock, William
Wilson, 110, 252 |
exempt from
military duty,
335 |
Potter, Asa, 152
- Anthony, 394, 535
- Benjamin, 473
- Christopher, 4, 387, 529
- David, 477, 572
- Elisha, 463
- Holliman, 36
- Ichabod, 9, 628
- James, 329, 355, 512
- James, Jr., 577
- John, 545
- Josiah, 394
- Joseph, 394, 535, 545
- Rowse, 445
- Robert, 73, 394, 445, 477, 535
- Samuel, 255, 299
- Samuel, son of Robert, 545
- Simeon, 3, 24, 67, 150, 159
- Stephen, 387, 388, 477, 531, 589
- Stephen, son of John, 593
- dispute with William Gorton, 593
- Thomas Hazard, 17
- Thomas, Jr., 45, 256, 390, 532, 598
- William, #, 10, 24, 97, 126, 139, 191, 211, 218, 220, 374, 385, 489,
392, 393
- Judge, 5
- William, Scituate, 534 |
Powder, and lead
to be furnished
by towns, 99 |
Jeremiah, letter
to Governor
Cooke, relative
to the militia,
- letter to Governor Cooke, relative to convention at Springfield, 280 |
Ichabod, 10, 36,
126 |
Elizabeth, 284
- General, letter of General Smith to
- correspondence, between S. Hopkins. British officers relative to, 282,
283 |
Price, Edward,
80, 355 |
British, allowed
to buy a vessel
and proceed to
England, 15
- retained for exchange, 16 |
- Governor Bradford to Gen. Washington, relative to exchange of, 27, 29
- various exchanges of 41, 73, 141
- committee to meet Lord Howe relative to, 50, 51 |
Privateers, the
authorized to
commissions to,
19, 161
- Samuel Sheffield authorized to fit out, 234
- American Tartar taken, 334
- General Stark, 434
- Diamond, 445
- Blaze Castle, 448 |
Prize vessels
not to break
bulk until
condemned, 618 |
Proud, John, 80 |
ship, Capt.
Whipple, 245 |
Public buildings
of the state,
act for their
618 |
Punkatest Pond,
- act relative to fish in, 517 |
Q - |
Quackett Brook,
438 |
Quakut farm, 517 |
Quakers relieved
from doing
military duty,
- act requiring them to be drafted, 204 |
Quakers, penalty
for a refusal to
do military duty,
205 |
R - |
Eleazer, 264,
355, 522
- Job, 386, 391, 529, 533
- Joshua, 576, 586
- Matthew, 79
- Peter, 135 |
Rawson, Wilson,
10 |
Razee, Joseph,
394 |
Read, Abigail,
407 |
Read, Abigail,
- Fear, Mrs. 190
- Eli, 534
- John, 432
- Reuben, 263 |
Remington, Akraw,
- Benjamin, 434
- Captain, of Pawtuxet, 581
- Dinah, 301
- John, 11, 36,127, 511, 587
- Sarah, 2288 |
Reynolds, Henry,
- Jabez, 559, 601
- Joseph, 5, 220, 595
- Joseph, Jr., 393
- John, 196, 221, 254, 293, 322, 350
- report on the accounts of 547 |
Rhode Island
officers of 6
- regiments (two) ordered by Congress, officers of, 10
- to be clothed from cargo of prize ship, 12
- Gen. Spencer recommended to attack, 155
- arrangements for, 155
- resolved of Congress relative to an attack on the British at, 216 |
Rhode Island
committee to
inquire into the
cause of the
failure of, 310,
- acts relative to delinquents in the late expedition against, 552, 470
- report of committee of property lost in, 586 |
Rhode Island,
resolution for
the relief of
the people of,
- appropriation of ₤1,000
for, 475 |
Rhodes, James,
218, 256, 369,
- Joseph, 79, 100
- Nehemiah, 219
- Robert, 299, 563
- William, 218, 254, 389, 532
- report relative to taking possession of certain lands in Glocester, 619 |
Rice, Henry, 6
- Joseph, 595
- John, 576
- Randall, 263
- Thomas, Jr., 218, 387, 391, 534 |
George, 80, 354 |
Richmond, David,
- Percy, 4, 127, 158, 201, 200, 574
- William, Col., 30, 31, 39, 823, 492 |
Riggs, Abimelech,
11, 65, 348,
391, 533 |
268, 355, 587
- Elihu, 227, 38
- James, 154, 178
- Rowland, 508
- Sylvester, 5, 125, 176, 589
- William, 404, 435, 509 |
Rodman, Daniel,
4, 21, 50, 60,
110, 143, 191,
- Leonard, 105
- Robert, 328 |
Priscilla, 288
- Robert, 79
- Daniel, 474 |
Rome, George,
10, 194 |
Rose, John, 596
- John, Jr., 16 |
Ross, Isaac,
393, 594
- Thomas, 218, 254
- John, 462, 486 |
Rounds, Bertram,
18, 249
- George, 159 |
Row galley,
officers of, 107,
230, 246
- Washington, 242, 269 |
Ray, William,
65, 393, 535 |
Royall, Isaac,
66 |
Thomas, 218,316,
386, 474, 597,
616 |
Jonathan, 139
William, Col.
258 |
S - |
Salt taken in
Newport, 615 |
bounty on 22,
- to be collected, 233 |
Sands, Edward,
128, 501, 515
- Edward, Jr., 16
- John, 16, 158, 515
- John Jr., 16
- Lucy, 577
- Ray, Col., 59, 77, 179, 222, 567 |
Sanders, David,
- Peleg, 179, 892, 534
- Stephen, 392, 534
- Waite, 500 |
Sayer, Joshua,
79, 248, 511 |
Sayles, Israel,
- John, 529, 620 |
John, Jr., Col.,
45, 159, 218,
310, 319, 386
- Richard, Jr., 392
- William, 78 |
Schedules of the
Assembly to be
sent to
Congress, 481 |
officers of, 249 |
General, Philip,
letter to
Governor Cooke,
68 |
Scott, Rhoda,
has leave to
accompany Jemima
Wilkinson to
England, 469
- Jeremiah, 631
- Jeremiah, Jr., 535
- Joseph, 158 |
Seagar, Samuel,
179, 328
- Joseph, 602 |
Seamans, Martin,
110, 138, 188,
230 |
Seamon to be
impressed, 230,
245 |
Sears, George,
Col. 3, 6 |
Nathaniel, Jr.,
219, 356, 387 |
Senter, Center,
Isaac, Dr., 84,
530 |
Sewall, Samuel,
194 |
Shaw, John, 46,
- Sylvanus, 127, 230 |
Shearman, Abel,
- Benjamin, 601
- Charles, 319
- David, 372
- Humphrey, 474, 565
- John, 238
- Robert, 372 |
Benjamin, 510,
- Jeremiah, 24, 149
- Robert, 191
- Samuel, 284
- Thomas, 84, 244, 391, 463, 486 |
Benjamin, 392,
- Caleb, 222
- Christopher, 446
- Daniel, 78, 264, 355, 572
- Palmer, 345
- Stephen, 45 |
Benjamin, 4 |
Henry, 10, 36,
244, 535 |
Sherman, Roger,
148 |
Short, John,
Jr., 536 |
Silver mine in
Cumberland, aid
to open the
same, 374
- committee to examine the mine, 374 |
Jonathan, 577 |
Simmons, Adam,
387, 414
- Ephraim, 393
- Edward, 158
- Gideon, report on the case of, 227
- George, 393, 422, 583
- Isaiah, 107
- Peleg, 256
- William, 393 |
Sisson, Elisha,
- Gideon, 323, 325 |
Sisters, prize
ship, 400 |
Slack, Benjamin,
374 |
Slaves, General
proposes to
General Varnum
to enlist, 359
- letter of General Varnum to Gen. Washington relative to enlisting
negroes, 641
- resolution to enlist two battalions of, 359
- value of, how to be estimated, 360, 363
- protest relative thereto, 361
- enlisted, master of, to receive interest on their value, 376
- time for enlisting limited, 399
- owner of, to be paid, 465
- letter of Governor Cooke to Washington relative to, 524
- act to prevent them from being carried out of the state, 618 |
Slocum, Charles,
174, 234, 309,
- Ebenezer, 59, 174, 308, 366, 439
- Edward, 36, 126, 536
- John, 196
- Peleg, 65
- Sarah, 195, 344 |
Small pox,
hospital to be
established in
Providence, 119
- towns may erect hospitals for 375 |
Christopher, 11,
36, 74, 319
- Coomer, 392, 534
- Ephraim, 368
- F., Brig. General, letter to Governor Cooke, relative to Gen. Prescott,
- Hezekiah, 567
- Israel, 398, 534
-John, 3, 10, 92, 129, 218, 387, 530
- John, Jr., 219
- Jonathan, 13, 249
- Joseph, 560
- Martin, 222A
- Nehemiah, 564
- Noah, 53, 138
- Oziel, 392
- Peter, 376
- Richard, 6, 24, 109, 220, 389, 627
- Royzel, 45, 65, 153, 267
- Simon, 230, 372
- Stephen, 201, 219, 254, 566
- Thomas, 244
- Thomas, son of John, 355 |
Rangers, 395 |
Snow, James,
391, 533
- Joseph, 565
- Joseph, Jr., 602
- Samuel, 268, 354, 511 |
Soldiers, act to
raise a regiment
for three
months, Nov.
1776, 42
- officers chosen for, 45
- Act to raise seven hundred and fifty men and a train of artillery, 61
- pay of, 66, 105, 106
- mode of draughting, 81
- act establishing hospital for, 83
- rations established for, 92
- five hundred ordered to be raised, 200, 224, 229, 243
- quota of one thousand, for each town in the state, 203
- fifteen months' brigade, 247
- quota of each town for, 248
- complain of the want of clothing, 296
- act to prevent their selling camp utensils, 326
- act for raising and equipping fifteen hundred men, 345
- families provided for, 4055
- eighteen hundred and thirty-nine to be raised for filling battalions,
- apportionment of, to towns, 411
- act for raising and equipping fifteen hundred, 509
- brigade to be divided into two battalions, 561
- in Continental army, pay of, 590
- act to prevent them from being carried off by vessels, 617 |
Soule, Sowle,
Henry, 154
- Jacob, 59, 549 |
Solomon, 356 |
Ebenezer, 46,
269, 564
- Hannah, 598
- Mary, 350
- Michael, 392
- Randall, 427
- Rufus, 219
- Stephen, 18
- Thomas, 53, 350, 369
- Major General, 119
- recommended to attack R. Island, 154
- letter to Governor Cooke, 214
- brigade to be formed under, 306
- William, 552
- Spink, Oliver, 73
- Silas, 601 |
Spink, Nicholas,
601 |
galley, 10 |
Spooner, Charles,
- Wing, 45 |
Sprague, Daniel,
394, 535
- Ebenezer, 219, 294
- Joseph, 392 |
Joseph, 79, 356,
- Richmond, 126, 356 |
convention to
meet at relative
to issues of
paper money, 276
- delegates to, 278
- letter from Massachusetts relative to, 280 |
Sproat, Col.,
265 |
Stable, James,
15 |
Stacy, Thomas,
155 |
Staff department
of the army, act
to inquire into,
618 |
Arnold, 53, 457,
- Daniel, 79, 393
- John, 391, 533
- Stukeley, 391, 534 |
Augustus, 129,
- Andrew, 264, 356, 512
- Enoch, 256, 465, 492
- John, Capt., 620
- Joseph, 13, 319
- Joseph, Jr., 4, 24, 52, 138, 387, 490, 530, 532, 544
- resigns his commission as colonel, 328
- Marlborough, 129
- Robert, 387 |
Samuel, 7 |
convention to
form a plan for,
304 |
William, 392,
566 |
Steel, bounty
offered for the
manufacture of,
240 |
Steere, Richard,
4, 5, 209, 220,
531 |
Stelle, Benjamin,
46, 79, 138,
256, 332 |
Sterry, Cyprian,
11, 36, 74, 78 |
Stevens, Robert,
- Robert, Jr., 133, 286, 386, 397, 474
- Samuel, 45
- Thomas, Jr., 297
- William, 110 |
George, 179,
391, 462, 477,
534 |
Daniel, 565 |
ordered to be
furnished by the
towns to the
soldiers, 314,
832, 450 |
Israel, 230
- Israel, Jr., 355 |
Stone, James,
- T., 84
- Jeremiah, 512
- Uriah, 578 |
George, 564 |
records of the
meetings of 380 |
Sumner, James,
102, 343, 423,
617 |
Daniel, 219 |
Sullivan, Maj.
Gen., 416, 427,
489, 514
- Memorial of, 397
- thanks of the General Assembly voted to, 508
- ordered to purchase and equip, an armed vessel, 513 |
Supplies for the
army, resolution
to prevent
charges for, 51
- prices of, to be fixed by law, 58
- act regulating prices of, 85 |
resolution of
relative to, 377 |
persons, orders
relative to, 11,
- committee to inquire into the conduct of, 558 |
Swan, Thomas,
46, 78 |
Sweet, Angell,
392, 534
- George, Jr., 468
- Samuel, 64, 88, 311
- Sarah, 311
- William, 47, 53
- William, Jr., 392 |
Syren, ship, 16,
373, 400, 455 |
T - |
Taber, Constant,
- Pardon, 385 |
William, Capt.,
323, 388, 531 |
Talbot, Silas,
10, 36, 80, 639,
- thanks of the General Assembly voted to, 476
- sword voted to, 491
- commissioned to go on a cruse, 622 |
Benjamin, 45,
64, 74 |
Tanner, Abel,
407, 530
- John, 56, 131, 218, 229, 316, 386 |
Tappan, Dr., 268 |
Taxes, protest
of Newport and
other towns
against, 131
- report of committee upon, 150
- protest against the tax bill, 150
- act to assess, 176
- not to be assessed upon inhabitants of towns in possession of the enemy
- various assessments of, 295, 301, 330, 351, 352, 372, 377, 439, 471,
503, 509, 554,
556, 568, 617,
- protest against tax of 225,000, 569 |
Taylor, Edward,
- John, 566
- Joseph Spencer, 198
- Nathan, 227, 394, 561
- Philip, 188, 220, 388, 557
- Robert, 227, 560
- Samuel, 501 |
Tefft, Daniel,
- Daniel, 3d, 372
- Ebenezer, 24, 192, 211, 308, 385, 477
- Gardner, 395, 561
- George, 227, 440
- Jeremiah, 394, 566
- Joseph, 530
- Pardon, 394, 566
- Solomon, 211, 385
- William, 137, 477 |
acts for the
relief of, 122,
204 |
Tenant, Gordon,
412 |
Tennant, George,
263 |
Test act, or
declaration, 39
- orders relative to, 22, 187, 291, 405, 447 |
Tew, Benedict,
- Henry, Jr., 12
- James, 23, 24
- Paul, 6, 272
- William, 36 |
appointed by the
Congress, 321 |
Thayer, Esau,
- Simeon, 36, 126, 256, 280, 635, 639
- sword presented to, for gallant services, 279 |
Alexander, 264,
356, 512
- Benjamin, 432
- Richard, 398 |
Charles, 29,
230, 322 |
Ebenezer, 6,
224, 229, 316
- Edward, 395, 469
- Samuel, 486
- Thomas, 45, 65 |
Throop, William,
535 |
Thurber, Samuel,
Jr., 563
- Edward, Jr., 583 |
Thurls, John,
132 |
Elizabeth, 311
- George, 377, 387, 535
- George, Jr., 65, 394
- Joseph, 394, 535, 566 |
Waterman, 299 |
Ticonderoga, 281 |
Benjamin, 4, 5,
188, 219, 220,
244, 389, 566
- Daniel, 50, 126, 138, 209, 227, 228, 898, 545, 560
- John, 64
- Nicholas, 126
- Pardon, 137, 377
- Thomas, 6, 137, 201, 254, 299, 356, 387, 390, 529, 532, 566, 616 |
Toll by millers,
act regulating,
617 |
Topham, John,
Col., 36, 126,
155, 263, 348,
356, 511, 561 |
Abraham, 356,
512, 553
-- Daniel, 492 |
Tower, Enoch,
300 |
Solomon, 46
- Thomas, 577 |
Traffin, Philip,
349, 512
- Trask, Ebenezer, 392, 534 |
Trasten, Philip,
79 |
Treason, act
against, to be
drawn, 239
- act against, 246 |
Eleazer, 372 |
Trim, Godfrey,
16 |
Tripp, Ezekiel,
468 |
Troop, William,
800 |
Troops, see
soldiers |
Troop of horse,
report relative
to an allowance
to, 437 |
Troop, Amos, 110
- William, 398 |
Governor, letter
to Governor
Cooke, relative
to the attack on
Rhode Island,
- letters to Governor Greene, 4323, 443 |
Tucker, Richard,
534 |
Turner, Amos,
- John, 3
- Moses, 45, 154
- Peter, 230 |
Tyler, Isaac,
107, 578
- James, 392, 537,
- Moses, 4
- William, 540 |
U - |
Benjamin, 4, 5,
110, 131, 156,
188, 219, 220,
319, 387, 388
- John, 404
- Joseph, 311
- Mary, 311
- Samuel, 376 |
United Company
of Artillery
officers of,
227, 560 |
Updike, John, 7,
316, 340, 386,
397, 412, 422,
- Lodowick, 195, 480 |
military company
to be formed at
197 |
Utter, Jeremiah,
301 |
V - |
Varnum, James
Mitchell, 10,
26, 32, 599,
601, 615
- brigadier general, 64, 94, 544
- appointed brigadier general in the Continental army, 173
- letter to Washington, recommending that Rhode Island raise a battalion
of negroes, 641 |
William, 66,
261, 471 |
Vaughan, Joshua,
392, 545
- John, 493
- William, 514 |
Vendue, act to
prevent the
selling of goods
by, 351 |
Vernon, Thomas,
12 |
Vessel (armed),
ordered built,
- five ordered to be fitted out, 270 |
William, 191,
276, 369, 604 |
W - |
Wade, Nathaniel,
- Zebulon, 534 |
Waite, Beriah,
138, 255, 385,
392, 497, 545
- John, 16, 894, 561, 517
- Yelverton, 7
Wallcutt, Benjamin Stewart, 78, 355
- Benjamin, 264
- see also Wolcutt.
Edward Kitchen,
507 |
Waldron, John,
66, 261 |
Walker, Philip,
- William, 392 |
Wall, Daniel,
356, 512
- Samuel, 188, 191, 589
- William, 64 |
Jonathan, 10, 96 |
General, letter
from, relative
to prisoners, 29
- letter to Governor Cooke, relative to the army, Oct. 12, 1776, 34
- return of officers recommended by, for new establishment, 36
- letter to Governor Cooke, relative to the loss of Rhode Island, 112
- letter to Governor Cooke, Jan. 20, 1777, 144
- letter to Governor Cooke, Feb. 6, 1777, 189
- letter to Governor Cooke, Apr, 3, 1777, 212
- letter to Governor Cooke, Jul. 7, 1777, 281
- letter to Governor Cooke, Jan. 2, 1778, 640
- letter to Governor Greene, Nov. 23, 1779, 642
- letter to Governor Greene, Dec. 25, 1779, 643
- proposal to enlist slaves, and action thereafter, 359 |
Wanton, Gideon,
3, 12
- John, 3
- John G., 15 |
Ward, Henry, 4,
57, 77, 147,
218, 219, 229,
256, 275, 316,
386, 422
- Report of his visit to Massachusetts to obtain aid for the state, 288
- Samuel, 36, 126, 536 |
Wares, William
Richmond, 355,
512 |
Warner, John,
80, 238, 354,
387, 410, 511
- Moses, 416
- Nathan, 564
- Oliver Ring, 474
- William, 602 |
Warren, Major
General, 25
- Joseph, 577 |
Warren, court
records of,
removed for
safety, 74 |
Warren, ship,
230 |
Andrew, 209, 529
- Elisha, 4, 209, 631
- James, 272
- John, 6, 159, 221, 485, 529
- Laban, 46, 394, 536
- Thomas, 11, 30, 126, 127, 484, 583
- William, 256, 563 |
Ebenezer, 139 |
Watson, Job,
194, 380, 571
- Moses, 46 |
Amaziah, 595
- Enoch, 493 |
Benjamin, 393
- Elijah, 393
- Joseph, 393, 535
- Langford, 393, 535 |
Webb, James, 36,
- Joshua, 394, 566 |
Weeden, Damaris,
- Edward, 141
- Hannah, 311
- John, 125, 136, 148, 392
- John, son of Daniel, 392, 534
- Peleg, 311
- Phebe, 311 |
Weight, John,
227, 356
- Yelverton, 224 |
Welch, John,
356, 612 |
Welles, Edward,
219, 3231, 301,
- Henry, 394, 535
- James, 393, 534
- John, 147
- Thomas, 4, 5, 58, 110, 127, 189, 201, 219, 272, 300, 387, 388, 492, 531,
535 |
Weight, Randall,
394, 535, 566
- Thomas, Jr., 394, 535 |
Weathers, Abel,
107 |
West, Benjamin,
74, 143, 210,
348, 512
- Ebenezer, 11, 36, 126
- Joseph, 268, 408
- Timothy, 356
- William, General, 4, 7, 94, 173, 201, 221, 224, 390, 493, 544 |
Westerly, a
guard to be
placed on the
shores of, 124 |
Westcott, Caleb,
- Ephraim, 4, 110, 201, 209, 219, 530
- Gideon, 64, 80, 354, 511
- Jabez, 80, 260, 268
- Nathan, 79
- Stukely, 265
- Uriah, 8, 268 |
Wheaton, Joseph,
- Seth, 391, 533 |
Bennett, 602 |
Abraham, Capt.,
- Amos, 99, 394, 535
- Benajah, 263, 348, 534
- Benjamin, 469
- Christopher, 132
- Jeremiah, 5, 220, 389, 530
- Joseph, 74
- Peck, 369
- Samuel, 78, 244
- Simon, 244, 390, 532
- William, 79, 214, 263, 349 |
Joseph, 11, 36
- John, 126
- Micah, 45, 65, 566 |
White, Walter,
586 |
James, 372 |
Whitman, Jacob,
390 |
William, 256 |
Wickham, Thomas,
- Charles, 363 |
Wight, David,
534 |
Frederick, 236
- Daniel, 588
- George, 236, 345, 459, 514
- Holmes, 236, 367
- James, 366
- Moses, 586
- Philip, 564
- Reuben, 74
- Stephen, 299
- Valentine, 625, 635 |
Stephen, 13, 46,
84, 439, 512 |
Wilbur, Wilbour,
Aaron, 254
- Aaron, Jr., 264
- Samuel, 392, 534
- William, 442 |
Benjamin, 394
- David, 137
- Jemima, of Cumberland, a preacher, has permission to go to England, to
preach there,
and to take Mary
Wilkinson and
Rhoda Scott with
her, 469
- Philip, 232
- March, 469 |
Benjamin, 264,
355, 512
- George, 46, 432, 566
- Hezekiah, 407
- Jeremiah, 272, 489
- Jeffrey, 4, 322, 544, 564
- Joseph, 251
- John, 474, 512 |
Andrew, 159
- Frederick, 394, 535
- James, 65, 207, 263, 248, 356, 511
- Jonathan, of Nantz, 596
- Joseph, 159
- Waterman, 147
- William, 34
- Zadock, 264 |
Timothy, 387
- Timothy, Jr., 221 |
Abraham, 534,
564 |
Winsor, Olney,
- Samuel, 219, 254
- Stephen, 219, 231, 393, 534 |
John, 34 |
Wolcott, Edward
Kitchen, of
report on his
relative to
Point Judith
Farm, 608 |
Wood, George,
- Ichabod, 565 |
Wood, assessment
to make on, for
the use of the
army, 357 |
Woodman, John,
2d, 565 |
Joseph, Jr., 219
- John, 394, 566 |
Wright, Ann, 599
- David, 392
- Peter, 73, 299, 391, 414 |
Wyatt, Lemuel,
474 |
Frederick, 596 |
Wythe, George,
34 |
- Y - |
Jonathan, 533
- Samuel, Jr., 602 |
York, John, 635 |