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History and Genealogy

by John Craig
1740 - 1749

Publ. by L. B. Hatke, Staunton, Va.

Copied from the Marriage Records of the Old Presbyterian Church of Alexandria, Va. 1789-1825


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PAGE 6 - continued
Gordon, Thomas John 1740 Nov. 2
Givins, Thomas John 1741 Mar. 11
Gay, Samuel Elizabeth 1741 Apr. 19
Glass, John Samuel 1741 June 18
Gordon, Thomas Cressil 1741 Aug. 30
Gillespy, James Margaret 1741 Oct. 4
Greenlee, James James 1741 Oct. 16
Gay, Samuel Rebecca 1742 Sep. 26
Gillespy, James Elizabeth 1743 Jan. 16
Gibson, Robert Mary 1743 Mar. 13
Grier, John Mary 1743 June 20
Greenly, James Samuel 1743 June 30
Gordon, Thomas Martha 1744 Mar. 10
Gillespy, Thomas James 1744 Mar. 18
Gilkeson, Robert Isabel 1744 Aug. 20
Gibson, Alex. James 1744 Aug. 20
Givens, John Sarah (see 18) 1745 Jan. 13
Gibson, Robert Elizabeth 1745 Mar. 19
Glbreth, Sam'l. Thomas & Elizabeth  twins 1746 Feb. 26
Glass, John Sarah 1746 Mar. 16
Gordon, Thomas Sarah 1746 Mar. 23
Gilliland, Nathan Katherine 1746 May 29
Gilmore, James Elizabeth 1746 June 1
Givins, John Ann 1746 Aug.
Gibson, Alexander Christian 1746 Aug.
Gay, Samuel William 1746 Aug. 12
Gillespy, Alexander Elizabeth 1746 Oct.
Garner, Alex. John 1747 May 1
Galt, Robert James 1747 Aug. 17
Gillespie, Thos. William 1747 Oct. 18
Gordon, Thomas Margaret 1748 Apr. 3
Glass, John Samuel 1748 Apr. 10
Givans, John John 1748 July 10
Gibson, Alex Mary 1748 Sep. 5
Gibson, Robert James 1749 Mar. 19
Gillespy, Mathew James 1749 Sep. 17
Givens, James Deborah 1749 Sep. 17
Gillespy, Jacob Martha & Mary, twins 1749 Apr. 27
Harrison, Jeremiah (adult)   1740 Nov. 3
Hughes, Henry Sophia 1740 Nov. 5
Hayes, Patrick Hugh 1740 Dec. 10
Hook, Robert Esther 1740 Dec. 13
Henderson, Thomas Michael 1741 Feb. 22
Hays, Charles John 1741 Apr. 19
Hutchison, John Mary & Isabel, twins 1741 Apr. 24
Harris, Sam Thomas 1740 May 10
Hickman, Joshua William 1740 July 19
Hamilton, Arch Andrew 1740 July 19

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Hale, William William 1740 Oct. 15
Hale, William John 1740 Oct. 15
Hays, Charles Andrew 1740 Oct. 19
Henderson, Elizabeth 1740 Dec. 20
Henderson, Thomas Thomas 1742 Mar. 14
Henderson, John Mary 1742 May 23
Hutchison, John William 1742 June 6
Hickman, Joshua Samuel 1742 Aug. 8
Henderson, William Ellenor 1742 Oct. 24
Hanna, Joseph Alexender 1742 Nov. 28
Harnsford, Jonathan Mary 1742 Dec. 16
Henderson, Alexander John 1742 DEc. 19
Hooks, Robert Robert 1743 Jan. 26
Henderson, Samuel John 1743 Jan. 30
Herrison, Jeremiah Lidea Donnell 1743 May 17
Hinds, William William 1743 June 30
Hays, Patrick Rebecca 1743 June 30
Hamkilton, Arch Ginny 1743 Sept. 5
Hickman, Joshua Mary 1744 Feb. 5
Hutchison, John Gennet 1744 Mar. 10
Hutchison, George George 1744 Mar. 25
Henderson, Alex. John 1744 Apr. 22
Herrison, Elizabeth (adult)   1744 July 27
Holmes, John Jean 1744 July 29
Hogshead, James John 1744 Sep. 9
Henderson, David Robert 1744 Oct. 29
Henderson, William Susanna 1744 Nov. 25
Hooks, Robert Martha 1745 Jan. 16
Hall, Edward Jennet 1745 Feb. 12
Henderson, Samuel Margaret 1745 Mar. 17
Hood, John   1745 Apr. 7
Hanna, Joseph Jennet 1745 June 12
Henderson, John John & Margaret 1745 Aug. 19
Harrison, Jeremiah Nehemiah 1745 Dec. 5
Hickman, John Rachel 1746 Jan. 12
Henderson, Alex. Samuel 1746 Mar. 03
Hogshead, James James 1746 Apr. 6
Holmes, John Katharine 1746 Apr. 13
Hays, John Rebecca 1746 June
Hamilton, Arch Alexander 1746 June
Henderson, William Elizabeth 1746 July
Hill, Johnston Robert 1746 July
Henderson, Dan Mary 1746 Aug. 10
Hall, William Elizabeth 1746 Sept. 10
Hooks, Robert George & Jean, twins 1746 Oct. 1
Hood, John Robert 1746 Oct. 2
Hall, Edward Isaac 1747 May 31
Herrison, Abigail, adult   1747 Jan. 21
Henderson, William Rachel 1747 Feb. 1
Hay, Andrew John 1747 Mar. 2
Hamilton, Arthur William 1747 Mar. 6


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