LEONARD, a prosperous cheese maker, residing at
Middletown Springs, Vermont, is considered an expert cheese and
butter maker. He has had wide experience in the business
and fully understands the correct methods employed to secure the
best results.
Mr. Leonard was born in the village which is
still his home, July 5, 1856. He is the elder of two sons,
who, with a daughter, comprised the offspring of his parents.
His only brother, George Leonard, is a sturdy farmer, and
a confirmed bachelor. The daughter, Ida, died, when
three years old. The subject of this sketch was reared on
a farm, where he remained until he attained the age of eighteen
years. He then began to learn the craft to which he has
since devoted his energies. After working with R. C.
Cook, at Shoreham, Vermont, for about three months, he had
completely mastered the business and was able to start into
trade for himself.
The first cheese factory of which he had charge was at
Hampton, New York. Since then he has put up and conducted
several factories at different places. He has been located
at the following places Clarendon, six years; Weston, four
years; Pawlet, one year; Tinmouth, two years; Granville, two
years; Hampton, one year; Ausable, one year; Castleton, three
years; North Georgia, Vermont, one year; and Middletown Springs,
five years. Erwin Leonard is a son of Calvin and
Abigail (Caswell) Leonard.
His paternal grandparents lived in
Poultney, Vermont. They reared four sons and three
daughters. One daughter married, but the other remained
single. The sons are all now deceased. Each left a
small family. Calvin Leonard was also a native of
Middletown Springs, where his birth occurred in 1810. He
followed the occupation of farming in the same town where both
he and his wife were born, reared, married, spent their lives,
and died. Calvin Leonard was joined in marriage
with Abigail Caswell, in 1849.
Mrs. Leonard was a daughter of John Caswell,
who died July 13, 18130. The Caswell family is
particularly noted for longevity. Valetta Caswell,
a maiden aunt of the subject of this sketch, attained the
remarkable age of ninety-two years. His uncle, Josiah
Caswell, died May 20, 1833, when only eighteen years old,
and his little sister Rosealba was accidentally killed by
a rolling log. She was only four years old. The
cemetery at Middletown Springs contains about twelve Caswell
graves. Many of the members of the family there buried
died at an advanced age. The maternal grandmother of Erwin
Leonard died Dec. 22, 1864.
Jesse Caswell, the great-uncle of Mr. Leonard,
was a Congregational missionary to Siam. While there he
taught the King of Siam the English alphabet. After
returning to America, the missionary died. Upon learning
this fact, the King sent his widow $1,000. Another
great-uncle, Vanira Caswell, died in Castleton, where his
widow also died, in 1899, in her ninety-fourth year.
Mr. Leonard is an enterprising business man and is a general
favorite in his community. He is a master Mason.
Source: Book of Biographies, containing Biographical
Sketches of Leading Citiznes of Rutland Co., Vt - Publ. 1899 -
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