updated 5/5/2018
updated 6/1/2020
updated 9/8/2019
It's really hard to find a full map of the
world without it being very large. Even the map below is not
large enough as some of the words are not very legible. I will
continue to search for a better one.
Funny thing, I didn't realize that Russia is so huge and the U. S.
is so small. You know what they say... Big things come in
small packages. :-) It makes you wonder how
so many people from the other large and small countries wanting to
come to the United States can fit in this small country. There
are, however, lots of people from the U. S. going to other
countries, as well.
When you compare U.S. with those larger countries and
some of the smaller countries, you will find that there is a lot of
area that is not populated. The U.S. is getting fuller and
fuller. Maybe some day those immigrants will want to go home
so that they can have a 'back yard'. Yes, the larger
cities in the U.S. are filled with apartment buildings and cement.
I, myself, prefer a smaller town with room for my pets to run around
in the yard.
Hopefully with all the uprisings going on
in the countries in the mideast, etc., they will finally get rulers
(presidents) that will care about their people more than themselves
and expand the living areas by piping in water to the more remote
areas so that they can grow food and raise animals for food.
That is what the Americans did when we first settled our land.
America was nothing but forest land when it was discovered.
There were no roads, gas or water lines, no houses, no businesses no
nothing except, of course, fertile lands and lots of wildlife to
kill for food. Yes, that was the part that made our
country so inviting.
In the beginning, the U. S. Government took a lot of
'fine tuning'. We had several wars of uprisings to get the
government the way it needed to be so that the 'Land of the Free'
could actually be the 'Land of the Free' We lost a
lot of good men in the war along with the families that got caught
in the 'crossfire'. We had to realize that in order for our
families and descendants to be FREE, that some innocent people had
to die. Not on purpose but if they were in the way of the
enemy, they died. Neither the North or the South killed their
own people on purpose but if people from the opposite sides were in
the crossfire, well........... sometimes they died.
I am proud to say that I am from the North and live in
Ohio. As Ohio was very prominent in helping abolish slavery.
(along with other northern states) What is not widely known is
that the slaves were sent over to the U.S. 'for sale' by their own
people in Africa. The southerners took advantage of it, which
was not good. The northerners fought against it and won. (The
Civil War) There are No More Slaves in our country!
My own family came from Europe (mother's side) and
Mexico (father's side).
I am researching the surnames (at this time) of
Montgomery, Love, Murray, Grinnel (Grindol, Grindall, Grindle, etc),
Shook, Justice, McPheron (McFerrin, McFarren, etc.) Earp, Hernandez,
Valadez, and Becerra.
And..... That's all I have to say about that (for now)
~ Sharon
P.S. If any of this offends anyone, please let
me know as I am not a 'writer' and I just tried to explain things as
I, myself, understand them. If anyone can write it better,
please feel free to do so. Thanks, SW
