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From 1492 to 1630
by Henry R(obert) Plomer.
Printed for the Bibliographical Society
By Blades, East & Blades
Publ. 1903


Awdeley (J.) 23
Berthelet (T.) 11
Bill (J.) 51
Bishop (G.) 43
Bonham (W.) 13
Burby (C.) 41
Coldock (F.) 36
Dexter (R.) 37
Field (R.) 50
Harrison (J.) I 48
Harrison (J.) II 50
Illye (E.) 8
Judson (J.) 28
Judde (R.) 24
Kele (R.) 9
Kevall (S.) 18
Kitson (A.) 25
Newbery (R.) 39
Norton (J.) 45
Norton (W.) 30
Pepwell (A.) 16
Ponsonby (W.) 39
Pynson (R.) 3
Rastell (J.) 5
Reinalme (A. de) 35
Reynes (J.) 6
Reynes (L.), Widow 8
Rue, or Rewe (A.) 2
Rue or Rewe (J.) 1
Tottell (R.) 33
Toye (E.), Widow 15
Toye (R.) 12
VAutrollier (T.) 27
Waley, or Walley (J.) 26
Wanseford (G.) of York 2
Whitechurch (E.) 14
Wight (J.) 29
Wolfe (Joan), Widow 19
Wolfe (R.) 19
Wynkyn (J. Van) 3





1503. Boeidens, John P.C.C.  22. Blamyr
1517. Lawnd, William Comm. of London. 29. Bennet.
1529. Taverner, John P.C.C. II. Thower. (Abstract given in Arber's Transcript, Vol. II, p. 8.)
153½ Sedley, John P.C.C. 20. Tower. (Abstract given in Arber's Transcript, Vol. II, p. 8.
1535. Wilmott, John Comm. of London. 257. Tunstall
1540. Redman, Robert. P.C.C. 15. Alenger. (Abstract given in Ames' Typographical Antiquities.)
1541. Pepwell, Henry. P.C.C. 22 alenger. (Abstract given in Arber's Transcript, Vol. II, p. 9.  See also Bibliographica, Vol. I, p. 191.)
1543. Gough, John. Comm. of London. 132. Story.
1545. Gavor, James Comm. of London.  184.  Story.  (See Library, New Series, Vol. II, p. 384.
1547. Middleton, William, P.C.C.39. Alenger. (Abstract given in Arber's Transcript, Vol. II, p. 9)
1548. Tabb, Henry. P.C.C. 27. Populwell.
1548. Lawe, Thomas. Comm. of London, 211. Story
1556. Wayland, John. P.C.C. 9. Peter
1557. Hester, Andrew Comm. of London. 142. Harpesfield.
1559. Dockwray, or Docqueray, Thomas. P.C.C. 34. Chagnay. (Abstract given in Arber's Transcript, Vol. I, p. xxxiv.)
1567. Lobley, Michael. Comm. of London. 289. Huick.
1587. Middleton, Henry. Comm. of London. p. 104.
1598. Cooke, William. P.C.C. 11. Lewyn
1598. Cooke, Anne, Widow. P.C.C. 38. Lewyn
1598. Conway, Henry. P.C.C. 55. Woodhall
1601. Jackson, Ralph. P.C.C. 55. Woodhall.
1624. Aggas, E. P.C.C. 9. Clarke.
1625. Snodham, Thomas. P.C.C. 109. Clarke
1625. Pavier, Thomas. P.C.C. 19. Hele.




1501. Aitols, Sebastian, bookseller
1501. Coke, Christopher
1502. Lesquier, William, bookseller
1513. Castellam, George (?bookseller).
1514. Jacob, Henry, bookseller
1537. Hubbert, William, stationer
1537. Pilgrom, Garret, bookseller
1579. Clifton, Nicholas, stationer
1588. Archer, Humphrey, stationer
1591. Foxon, Robert, stationer.
1609. Harke, alias Gerebrand or Garbrand, Anne, Widow of Richard, bookseller
1613. Crosselie, John, stationer
1620. Barnes, Joseph, stationer.
1623. Pearce, Francis, stationer.
1628. Pynnart, Dominic, stationer.




 - A -
Abbott, William, 40
Abington, John, Clerk of Queen's Wood Yard, 11
Abstracts, Reason for giving, ii
Adam, Richard, 10
Adams, Elizabet, 23, 43.
 - Michael, 38.
 - Thomas, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44.
Adin, Charles, 50.
Aggas, E., 56.
Aitols, Sebastian, bookseller, Oxford, 57.
Alcocke, Thomas, 49.
Alday, or Allde, John, 10.
Aleyn, Thomas, pewterer, 10.
Allwaye, alice, widow of A. Allwaye, 38.
 - Anthony, 38.
Alphabetical List of Wills, vi.
Andrewes, Robert, scrivener, 30.
Andrews, Dr., 52.
Apsley, william, 43. 44.
Archer, Hunphrey, stationer, Oford, 57.
Argall, Thomas, 9.
Arundell, William, 43.
Assheley, __, 9.
Astilll, or Astell, John, 10.
Audley, Sir Thomas, 6.
Austin, William, Esq., 52, 53.
Awdeley, agnes, 23
 - Elizabeth, daughter of John Awdeley, 23
 - Elizabeth, wife of John Awdeley, 23.
 - Erasmus, 15.
 - Joan, 23.
 - John, vi, 16, 23.
 - Rachel, 23.
 - Sampson, 23.
 - B -
Bande, Anthony, scrivener, 16.
Bankes, John, 48.
Bannister, Anne, 48.
 - Henry, 48, 49.
Barbanson, John, 4.
Barker, Christopher, Queen's Printer, 16.
 - Christopher, son of Robert Barker, 47
 - John, 50.
 - Robert, King's Printer, 33, 47, 52, 53.
Barkham, Stephen, 52, 53.
Barnes, Joseph, stationer, Oxford, 57
Basile, Magdalene, 27.
Batt, Elizabeth, 48.
Bayly, John, 29, 30.
Bedell, 'Maister,' Preacher, 17.
Bedill, John, see Byddell, J., 4.
Bedford, Thomas, 16.
Berkeley, Elizabeth, 52.
Berthelet, Anthony, younger son of Thomas, 11.
 - Edward, son of Thomas, 11.
 - Margaret, wife of Thomas, 11.
 - Thomas, vi, 8, 11, 12.
Bigot, Sir Francis, 6.
Bill, Anne, daughter of John Bill, 53.
 - Anne, wife of John Bill, 46.
 - Charles, 53.
 - Elizlabeth, 52.
 - Fraunces, son of Richard Bill, 52.
 - Henry, 53.
 - Jane, wife of John Bill, 53.
 - John, King's Printer, 33, 42, 46, 51.
 - John, son of John Bill, 53.
 - John, son of Walter Bill, 47.
 - Richard, 52.
 - Walter, father of John Bill, 47.
 - William, brother of John Bill, 52.
Bing, Isaac, 37, 38, 39.
 - Alice, see Coldock, F., 38.
Bishop, Edward, 41, 42, 43.
 - George, vi, 9, 15, 19, 35, 38, 43.
 - Hester, 35.
 - John, 44.
 - Mary, 43.
Blanq, D. Le, notary, 28.
Blevin, Richard, 38
Boeidens, John, 55.
Bolt, Thomas, 10.
Bonde, Anthony, 13.
Bonevall, Peter, 27.
Bonfoy, Bastien, 27, 28.
Bonham, Benjamin, brother of William, 14.
 - John, 13 14.
 - William, vi, 8, 13, 14, 33.
Bonier, Elizabeth, 35.
 - Francis, 27, 35, 36.
 - John, 35.
 - Lucy, wife of F. Bonier, 35.
Books, Privilege for printing, 40, 47.
 - Sale of, 38.
 - Valuation of, 4, 7, 13, 42.
Boorage, James, see Burrage, 53.
Bourne, Henry, 43.
 - Nicholas, iv, 41, 42, 43.
British Record Society, i
Broke, Thomas, the elder, 15.
Brookehouse, Robert, 49.
Browne, Joseph, 43.
 - William, 17.
Bryckman, Arnold, 7.
 - John, 7.
Bullock, Robert, 9.
 - Susan, 43.
Burbage, Cuthbert, 53.
Burby, Cuthbert, iv, vi, 41, 43.
 - Edward, son of C. Burby, 41.
 - Elizabeth, wife of C. Burby, 41, 42, 32
 - Joan, 41.
Burie, Hester, 35.
 - James, 35.
Burrage, James, servant to John Bill, 51, 53.
Burton, Simon, 37.
Butler, John, 4.
Byddell, John, 3. 4.
Byrckman, see Bryckman.
 - C -
Calton, william 'paynter stayner,' 12.
Cambridge, University of, scholars, of, bequest to, 31.
Campion, Ayme, 3
 - Jone, 3
 - William, 3.
Canterbury, Prerogative court of, i, ii.
Castellalm, George, bookseller(?) Oxford, 57.
Castoll, John, 36.
Cawood, Barbara, daughter of J. Cawood, 9.
 - Edmund, son of J. Cawood, 9.
 - Gabriell, son of J. Cawood, 9, 22.
 - Grabriell, son of Gabriell Cawood, 43.
 - Isabel, daughter of J. Cawood.
 - John, iii, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16.
 - John, child of, mentioned, 9.
 - John, daughter of mentioned, 44.
 - John, wife if, mentioned, 8.
 - John, son of John Cawood, 9.
 - Mary, daughter of J. Cawood, 9.
 - Susannah, daughter of J. Cawood, 9.
Caxton, William, iii, 1.
Chambre, John, 9.
Chambers, Leonard, 17.
 - William, 17, 21.
Champernowne, Richard, 34.
Chevalier, Aron, 35.
Chidley, Robert, 3.
Chillorne, Christopher, 3.
Christ Church, Oxford, bequest to, 44.
Christ's Hospital, bequest to, 11, 31, 32, 43, 46, 48.
Clayton, Johan, 21.
Clifton, Nicholas, stationer, Oxford, 57.
Clownes, Sara, 35.
Coke, Christopher, stationer, Oxford, 57.
Coldock, Alice, wife of F. Coldock, 36.
 - Francis, vi, 18, 22, 36, 38, 39.
 - Isabel, 38.
 - Joane, or Johanne, 39.
 - John, son of Peter Coldock, 37
 - Peter, 36, 37, 38
Cole, Thomas, 10.
Collins, Richard, scrivener, 17, 22, 24.
Colman, Phillippe, 14.
Coltie, Edward, 38.
 - Myles, 37, 38.
Colwell, Richard, 32.
Commissary of London, Wills in the, ii.
Conway, Henry, 56.
Cooke, Alice, 48.
 - Anne, Widow, 56
 - Doctor, Bequest to, 9.
 - John, 16.
 - 'MIstress,' 29.
 - Thomas, 4.
 - William, 56.
Copland, Robert, 4.
Copper Plates, bequeathed by Thomas Vautrollier, 27.
Coston, Mistriss, 22.
 - Simon, 2.
Cowper, Alice, 11.
 - Nicholas, 24.
Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 14.
Cressey, Ralph, 5, 6.
Cromwell, Thomas, 5, 6.
Crooke, Samuel, 38.
 - Thomas, 38.
Crosbie, Sarah, 38.
Crosselie, John, stationer, Oxford, 57
Curzon, Walter, 33.
 - D -
Dallowe, Edward, 46.
 - Johanne, 46.
 - Thomas, 46.
Dane, William, 12.
Darby, Robert, 4.
Davyes, Edward, 'cowper,' 32
Dawson, Richard, 3.
Day, John, iii, 40.
Detton, Martha, daughter of G. Bishop, 43.
 - Thomas 43.
De Worde, Wynkyn, see Wynkyn de Worde (J.)
Dexter, Alice, widow, 37.
 - Ann, 37.
 - Dorothy, 37.
 - Elizabeth, wife of R. Dexter, 37.
 - Nicholas, brother of R. Dexter, 37, 38.
 - Robert, vi, 37, 38.
Dickens, Robert, 51
Diricke, Hercules, 4.
Dixon, Nicholas, 9
Dockwray, or Docqueray, Thomas, 7, 56.
Doctor's Commons, Records of, i.
Dodmor, Brian, 23.
Dollins, John, 35
Doolman, Johanne, 15.
Dorange, Peter, 27.
Draper, sara, 22, 29.
Drapers, Company of, bequest to, 29.
Dutch Congregation, bequest to, 35.
Duthill, James, 27
Dyson, Humphrey, notary, 51
 - E -
Ebbe, Sir Thomas, curate of St. Faith's,
Ebson, John, 51.
Edgar, Eleazar, 42.
Edwards, Elizabeth, daughter of John Harrison the Eldest, 48. 49.
 - Johan, 21
 - John, 47.
 - Roger, 48.
Egerton, Stephen, 38.
Elizabeth, Queen of England, loan to, 39.
Elyss, Cicell, 52.
 - F -
Farrer, Thomas, 40
Fenton, Joseph, 52.
Field, Jane, wife of R. Field, 50, 5 1
 - Richard, vi, 50
 - Richard, son of Richard Field, 51
 - Sauel, son of Richard Field, 5 1._
Fisher, Ana, daughter of Maudlyn Kem, 52.
Flaskett, Grace, daughter of Thomas Flasket 25, 29
 - Thomas, Son in Law of John Wiht, 29, 30
Foxe (J.) Book of Martyrs, 40
Foxon, Robert, Stationer, Oxford, 57.
Franckline, Henry, 52.
Fraunce, William, 10.
French Congregation, bequest to, 35.
Freburne, Edward, 14.
Fryer, Robert, 10.
Fuller, Johan, daughter of John Harrison, the younger, 10
 - G -
Gammage, Anthony, 15
Garret, Elizabeth, 52
 - William, 52, 53.
Garretson, Elizabeth, 37
Gatacre, Thomas, 24
Gaver, James, successors, to Wynkyn de Worde, 3, 4, 55.
Glamoyle, Robert, 14
Godfrey, Oliver, 32
Goodman, John, 9
Goodwin, Robert, 35.
'Gostwick's Wife,' 29
Gouch, Dr., 52
Gough, John, 4, 6, 55.
 - William, 53.
Goulston, Dr., 52
Gough, John, see Gough, J.
Grafton, Richard, iii, 12, 14.
Graves, Robert, 52.
Greston, Lucy, 9.
Griffiths, Rev. John, Index to the wills at Oxford, ii.
Groll, sister of Astanius De Reinalme, 35.
Gubbins, Hester, daughter of Thomas Gubbins, 48
 - John or Johan, daughter of John Harrison, 48, 49.
 - Thomas, 48.
Gulston, Theodore, 53
 - H -
Hales, Richard, 35.
Halsey, Abraham, 52.
Hammond, HEnry, 26.
 - Thomas, scholar in Oxford, 26.
Hanscatic League, 1.
Harke, alias Gerbrand or Barbrand, Anne, widow of Richard, bookseller, Oxford, 57
Harris, Andrew, 51.
 - Roger, notary, 38.
Harrison, Agnes, wife of John Harrison the younger, 50.
 - Anne, daughter of John Harrison the eldest, 21.
 - Benjamin, son of John Harrison the younger, 50.
 - Helen, 14.
 - Johan, daughter of J. Harrison the eldest, 21, 49.
 - John, the eldest, vi, 22, 48, 49.
 - John, son of John Harrison the eldest, 49.
 - John, the younger, vi, 48, 49, 50.
 - John, son of John Harrrison the younger, 50.
 - Joseph, son of John Harrison the eldest, 48, 49.
 - Josias, son of John Harrison the younger, 50.
 - Julian, wife of John Harrison the eldest, 48, 49.
 - Luke, 15, 19, 21, 22.
 - Mary, wife of John Harrison, 21
 - Mary, wife of Joseph Harrison, 48.
 - Phillip, son of John Harrison the younger, 50.
Harrison, Reginald, son of John Harrison the eldest, 21, 49.
 - Richard, 48.
 - Sara, 21.
 - Thomas, 22.
Harsnett, William, 44.
Harvey, ___, 40
Hawley, Edmund, 10.
Hawtrey, William, 34.
Henly of Kent, 15.
 - Mr., 49.
Henry VIII, King of England, nominated executor to will of J. Rastell, 5.
Henson, Francis, 35.
 - Marie, 35.
Henton, Richarde, 22.
Herbert, Rev. William, i.
Hester, Andrew, will of, iii, 7, 55.
Hewet, Alice, 31.
Heyes, Thomas, 37.
Heywood, Richard, 12.
Highlord, John, 43. 44.
 - Isabell, 43.
Hill, John, 38.
Hind, Thomas, 12.
Hind, Agnes, 29.
Hodgetts, John, 33.
Hoggetts, John, 46.
Holder, 'Mistress,' 22.
 - Robert, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Holinshed, Raphael, 19, 20.
 - his 'Chronicle,' iv, 22.
Holland, Henry, preacher, 38.
 - Mistress, widow, 38.
Holward, Thomas, 6.
Hopkins, William, 49.
Howell, Ralph, ii.
Hubbert, William, stationer, Oxford, 57.
Hulsone, John, 12.
Hunn, Johan, 21.
 - John, 19, 20, 21.
 - Reginald, 22.
 - Susan, 20.
Hunt, John, bequest to, 10.
 - Roger, 9.
Hunte, John, 49.
 - Thomas, 48.
Hustings, Court of, Calendar to Wills in, i, ii.
Hutchinson, Jerom, 15.
Hybblthwaite, ___, 9.
Hynton, ___, 47.
 - I -
Illye, E., vi, 8.
Ivie, Robert, 23.
 - J -
Jackson, Ralph, 30, 33, 56.
 - Roger, 40.
Jacob, Henry, bookseller, Oxford, 57.
Jenkenson, Robert, 40.
Johnson, Arthur, 9.
 - Basele, 15.
 - Peter, 9.
 - Robert, 9.
Jones, William, 28.
Jonseed, Mr., 39
Judson, Alice, wife of John Judson, 28.
 - John, vi., 28.
 - Richard, 28.
 - Thomas, 28.
Jugge, Anne, 24.
 - John, 24.
 - Johan, 24.
 - Richard, vi, 9, 12, 13, 16, 24.
Juxon, William, Bishop of London, 23.
 - K -
Kele, John, 10, 11.
 - Judith, 10.
 - Margaret, 10.
 - Richard, vi, 9.
 - Richard, uncle of Richard Kele, 10.
 - William, 10.
Kelly, William, 18.
Kelsick, Mr., Overseer to will of John Judson, 28.
Kem, Maudlyn, 52.
Kevall, George, 18.
 - Jane, 18, 19.
 - John, 10.
 - Margaret, 18.
 - Stephen, vi, 18.
Kindesly, William, 34.
King, John, 12.
Kitson, Abraham, son of Anthony, 25.
 - Agnes, daughter of Anthony, 25.
 - Ann, daughter of Anthony, 25.
 - Anthony, vi, 23, 25.
 - John, son of Anthony, 25.
 - Margaret, first wife of Anthony, 25.
 - Mary, wife of Anthony, 25.
 - Thomas, son of Anthony, 25.
Knight, Oliver, 9.
 - Robert of Bromley, 9.
Kyd, Agnes, 37.
 - Francis, 37.
Kydd, 'Mistress,' 9.
Kytson, see Kitson.
 - L -
Lambe, Ann, 52.
Lanne, Gedeon de, 36.
Lant, Richard, 10, 11.
Lathbroke, Thomas, 14.
Laundesdale, ____, 9.
Lauret, Gyles, bookbinder, 8.
Lawe, Thomas, 55.
Lawnd, William, 55.
Layfield, Edward, 24.
Lea, Edward, 35, 36.
Leate, Meriell, 52.
 - Robert, 52, 53.
Leeke, Thomas, 28, 29.
 - William, 37.
Lesquier, William, bookseller, Oxford, 57.
Lewes, Fraunces, 9.
 - Joanne, 9.
 - John, Procurator of Court of Arches, 7, 8, 9, 15, 50.
 - William, 9.
Literary Search Department, Somerset House, i.
Lobley, Michael, 56.
Locharde, Owen, 35.
 - Zeth, 35.
London, City of, Custom of, iii, 27.
Lord Chancellor, 5.
Lucas, Martin, 52, 53, 54.
Ludford, Simon, physician, 10.
Lynen, John, 4.
- M -
Maas, Robert, 4.
Man, Thomas, 38, 47, 48, 49.
Martin, Peter, 1.
Martyrs, Book of, 40.
Marvie, Adrian, 35.
Mason, Thomas, 38.
Mayatt, Robert, 14.
Melbourne, Laurence, 'cowper,' 31.
Melbourne, Marery, 32.
Middleton, Henry, 56.
 - Thomas, 42.
 - William, 55.
Miller, George, 50, 51.
 - George, son of George Miller, 51.
Mills, Leonard, 25, 30.
 - Martha, 30.
Modye, John, 50.
More, Sir Thomas, 6.
More, Sir Thomas, 6.
Morler, Robert, 40.
Morris, Mary, 38.
 - John, D. D., 52, 53.
Munck, Levin de, 36.
Myles, Thomas, 10.
 - N -
Naparius, Office of, 34.
Neale, ____, 35.
Neveson, Elizabeth, 20.
 - Stephen, 20, 22.
Newbery, Beatrix, daughter of Rbt. Newbury, 40.
 - Elizabeth, wife of Ralph Newbery, 39.
 - Francis, son of Ralph Newbery, 26, 39.
 - Griffin (?) brother of Ralph Newbery, 39.
 - Henry, Junr., 40.
 - John, cousin to Ralph Newbery, 39, 40.
 - Ralph, vi, 26, 39.
 - Robert, brother of Ralph, 39, 40.
 - Robert, son of Robert, 40.
 - Symon, son of Robert, 40.
 - Thomas, elder brother of Ralph, 39.
Newman, Gabriell, 17.
Nightingale, John, 40.
Norcott, John, 40.
Norgate, John, 40.
Norton, Arthur, son of B. Norton, 46.
 - Bonham, son of W. Norton, 14, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 45, 46, 47, 52, 53.
 - Edward, brother of W. Norton, 31.
 - Elizabeth, 43.
 - Felix, son of Mark Norton, 43, 44.
 - George, son of B. Norton, 46.
 - George, brother of W. Norton, 31, 33.
 - Jane, wife of B. Norton, 46, 47.
 Joane or Johane, wife of W. Norton, 13, 30.
 - John, King's Printer, vi, 33, 35, 44, 45.
 - John, son of B. Norton, 46.
 - John, son of Edward Norton, 31.
 - Joyce, wife of J. Norton, King's Printer, 45, 47.
 - Leonard, son of R. Norton, 46, 47.
 - Margaret, 14, 15.
 - Mark, 9, 10, 43.
 - Richard, brother of William Norton, - 31.
 - Richard, son of R. Norton, 31.
 - Roger, son of B. Norton, 46.
 - Sara, daughter of B. Norton, 46.
 - Thomas, author of "Gorboduc,' 15.
 - Thomas, son of B. Norton, 31.
 - William, vi, 13, 14, 17, 24, 30, 46.
 - William, son of B. Norton, 31, 46.
Nowell, Bookbinder, 4, 8.
Nowseley, John, 8.
Nuberry, see Newbery.
 - O -
Ode, Richard, 15.
Orphans, Court of, iv.
Osmonde, Huphrey, 29
Overy, Thomas, 39.
Owen, David, 2
 - Sir Roger, 47.
 - Sir Thomas, 33.
Oxford, Edward, Earl of, 34
 - Scholars of, bequest to, 31, 44.
 - Univ. of, Court of the Chancellor, Index to wills, ii.
 - P -
Palmer, Andrew, 17.
 - Peter, 33, 34.
Pavier, Thomas, 56.
Payne, John, 12.
 - Margery, wife of R. Payne, formerly wife of T. Berthelet, 12.
 - Richard, 12.
 - William, 29.
Pearce, Francis, stationer, Oxford, 57
Pelgrim, Judocus 2.
Pepwell, Arthur, vi, 15, 16, 17.
 - Henry, 4, 16, 55.
Pepwell, Humfrie, 15, 16.
 - Johane, 16, 17.
Peregrim, see Pelgrim.
Petitt, Jean, 1.
 - John, 1, 12.
Pilgrom, Garret, bookseller, Oxford, 57.
Pister, Dorothy, 26.
 - Robert, 39.
Points illustrated by these abstracts, iv.
Polan, Raulf, 2.
Ponsonby, Joane, wife of W. Ponsonby, daughter of F. Coldock, 36, 37, 39.
 - William, vi, 36, 37, 38, 39.
Powell, Thomas, 11, 12
Pownsabie, see Ponsonby.
Preston, Michael, 29.
 - Thomas, 29.
Printing Press, bequest by T. VAutrollier of a, 27.
Prisoners, bequests to, 10, 46.
Pynnart, Dominic, stationer, Oxford, 57.
Pynson, Joane, 3.
 - Richard, vi. e.
 - Q -
Quesie, John de, 36.
 - Peter de, 35.
 - R -
Rastell, Elizabeth, 5
 - John, iii, vi, 5.
 - John, son of J. Rastell, 5.
 - Jone, 5.
 - Richard, 25.
 - William, son of J. Rastell, 5, 6.
Rea, Francis, his Privilege referred to, 47.
Reade, Richard, 24.
Redman, Robert, 3, 55.
Reinalme, Ascanius de, vi, 27, 35.
 - Elizabeth, 36.
 - Jonas, 35.
Renys, John, 2.
Reynes, John, iv, vi, 2, 6, 8, 9.
 - Lucy, widow of J. Reynes, iii, vi, 6, 7, 8, 17.
Richardson, Richard, 8.
 - William, 10.
Richmond, Duchess of, 12.
Ridge, Edward, 12.
Right, Robert, 23.
Rigthorne, Magdalene, 20.
Rime, James, 35.
Roberts, James, 33.
Robottom, Mary, 17.
Rowbotham, James, 17.
Rue or Rewe, Andrew, vi, 2.
 - Andrew, brother of J. Rue, 1.
 - Joanne, 2.
 - John, vi, 1, 2.
 - Katherine, 2.
 - Katherine, sister of Andrew, 2.
 - S -
Salvoine, Martha, 11.
Sands, Melone, 34.
Saragold, Parson of St. Mildred in the Poultry, 41.
Saunders, Matthew, 3
Saunderson, Richard, 18
Savage, Alice, 13
 - Richard, 14.
Scampion, Edmund, 13.
Scott, ____, 40.
 - Bartholomew, 15.
 - Edward, 15.
Scottes, John, 'horner,' 40.
Scrivener, Peter, 38.
Sedley, John, stationer, will of, ii, 55.
Seres, William, 40.
Sevyon, Hubard, 18.
Sharpe, Dr. Reginald, Calendar to Wills of Freemen, i. ii.
Shawe, John, 28, 29.
Shepperd, or Sheppard, John, 19, 20, 23.
Shorte, Samuel, 29
Shurland, Edward, 38.
 - Martha, 37, 38.
 - Thomas, 37, 38.
Simpson, Mary, 23.
Simson, John, 23.
Skynner, Prudence, 11.
Slye, John, 28.
Smith, Alice, 29.
Smithe, Anthony, 13.
Smythe, Johan, 6.
 - John, 37.
 - Luttkyn, 2.
Snelling, Anne, 51.
Snodham, Thomas, 56.
Snowe, John, 3.
Spencer, James, 6.
 - Robert, 33.
Spicer, Sir Thomas, 2.
Somerset House, Literary Search Department, 8.
Stationers, Company of, bequests to, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16, 18, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43, 45, 48, 50, 52.
Stevenson, Julian, 17.
Stone, Mr., 39.
Stonyver, John, 40.
 - Martha, 40.
Stow, John, 23.
Strange, 'Mistress,' 29.
Studd, John, 4.
Sutton, Edward, 6, 7, 8, 9.
 - Faith, 9.
Symbola Heroica a book of pictures, 27.
Symons, Elizabeth, 24.
 - T -
Tabb, Henry, 8, 55.
Taillour, Johanna, 15.
Talkarn, 'Mistress,' 9.
Taverner, John, 55.
Taylor, William, 17.
Temple, "mistress,' 38.
'Thamesius,' daughter of John Waley, 26.
'Theater of the Good Enigmas' .. a book of pictures, 27.
Thomas, John, 26.
 - Martha, 39.
Thompson, Dennys, 38.
Tidder, Agnes, 4.
Tiler, Thomas, 49.
Tint, George, 49.
Tirer, Mary, daughter of J. Harrison the eldest, 48, 49.
 - Raphe, 48, 49.
Tottell, Richard, iii, vi, 33.
 - William, son of R. Tottell, 34, 35.
Tourner, John, 4.
Town, Humphrey, curate, 4.
Townley, John, 48.
Toye, Elizabeth, daughter of H. Toye, 15.
 - Elizabeth, wife of R. Toye, iii, vi, 12, 13, 15, 17.
 - Humphrey, son of R. Toye, 12, 15, 16, 17.
 - Humphrey, brother of R. Toye, 13, 15.
 - Johanne, daughter of H. Toye, son of R. Toye, 15.
 - Robarte, son of H. Toye, son of R. Toye, 15.
 - Rose, 12.
Tripp, parson of St. Faith's 43.
 - Henry, 39.
Tull, John, 10.
Tully, William, 52.
Turner, John, 6.
Tye, Mary, 38.
 - U -
Uby, Thomas, 23.
Upton, 'Mistress,' 22.
 - V -
Vanderbergh, ____, 35.
Vautrollier, Anthonette, sister of S. Vautrollier, 27.
 - Claude, brother of T. Vautrollier, 27.
 - Jacqueline, or Jaklin, wife of T. Vautrollier, 27, 51.
 - James, brother of T. Vautrollier, 27.
 - James, son of T. Vautrollier, 50.
 - Manesse, son of T. Vautrollier, 27, 50, 51.
 - Phillibert, nephew of T. Vautrollier, 27.
 - Simeon, son of T. Vautrollier, 27.
 - Thomas, iv, vi, 27, 51.
 - Thomas, Printing Press bequeathed by, 27.
Veale, Abraham, draper and stationer, 25, 26, 30.
Vernon, Richard, 23.
 - W -
Waley or Walley, Agnes, wife of J. Waley, 26.
 - Henry, grandson of J. Waley, 26.
 - John, vi, 13, 26.
 - Mary, 26.
 - Robert, son of J. Waley, 26.
Walker, Elizabeth, 43
 - Henry, 43.
 - Margaret, 16.
Wallis, Thomas, 2.
Walton, Izabell, 36.
Wanseford, Frederick, 2.
Wanseford, Gerard, vi, 2.
Warde, formerly Campion, Margaret, 3.
Warmington, Robert, 9.
Warren, John, 41, 42.
Warwick, Anne, Countess of, 35.
Waterson, Richard, 2, 37, 38.
 - Simon, son of R. Waterson, 37, 39.
Watkins, Richard, 18, 24, 32.
Watmer, Anne,
Wattes, Edmond, 33.
Wayland, John, will of, iii, 55.
Weaver, Edmond, 41. 42.
Wekes, John, 11.
Wetherell, John, 10.
Westminster, Printer at, 1.
Weywik, Meyner, 2.
Wheathill, Robert, 25.
Whitaker, Richard, 45.
Whitchurch, Edward, vi, 14, 15.
 - Edward, son of E. Whitchurch, 14.
 - Elizabeth, 14.
 - Margaret, 14, 15.
White, Edward, 44.
 - William, 44.
Whitlache, Thomas, 50.
Whytying, John, Master of the College of Lenum (Lynn), 2.
Wight, Gabriell, son of Thomas Wight, 30.
 - Jocosa, widow  of Thomas Wight, 30.
 - John, draper and stationer, vi, 24, 25, 29.
 - Katherine, daughter of J. Wight, 30.
 - Lucy, daughter of T. Wight, 30, 47.
 - Thomas, 30.
 - Thomas, son of Thomas Wight, 30.
Wilkes, Oliver, 44.
Williams, Richard, 35, 36.
Willson, William, 53.
Wilmot, John, 55.
Wilson, Anne, daughter of John Wifht, 30.
 - John, son of Henry Wilson, 29.
 - Mr., 25.
 - Thomas, 5.
Wislyn, John, 4.
Witheres, Richard, 3.
Woodall, Thomas, 13, 16.
Wogan, Mrs. Elizabeth, 52.
Wolfe, Garret, 21.
 - Henry, son of Reyner Wolfe, 20, 22.
 - Joan, widow of Reyner Wolfe, iii, iv, vi, 19, 20, 22, 37, 49.
 - Reyner, Reignald, or Reginald, vi, 9, 13, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 37.
 - Robert, son of Reyner Wolfe, 19, 20, 21, 22.
Woodcock, Hugh, 18.
 - T., 9.
Woodcuts bequeathed by T. VAutrollier, 27.
Worde, Wynkyn de, see Wynkyn de Worde, J.
Wouters, JOhn, 'the duche man,' 30.
Wright, Christopher, 38.
 - Edward, 6, 7.
 - Ralph, 47.
 - Richard, Scrivenor, 33, 47.
 - William, 41, 42.
Wyatte, Helleyne, 15.
Wynkyn de Worde, J., vi, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8.
 - Y -
Ylle, Edward, 5, 8.
 - John, 8.
 - Thomas, 8.
Young, William, 30, 33, 37.






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