- Portraits of Robert H. Watkins & Mrs.
Prudence Oliver Watkins |
betw. 240 & 241 |
- Judge Eli S. Shorter |
245 |
- Major Benjamin Talisferro |
250 |
- Jane Watkins |
251 |
- Robert
Watkins |
252 |
- Mr.
John Watkins |
252 |
Thompson Watkins |
253 |
- Joseph
Watkins |
253 |
- Isham
Watkins |
254 |
- The
Scotts and Jamiesons |
254 |
- The
Sykes Family |
257 |
- Hon.
John James Ormond |
260 |
- The
Banks Family |
268 |
- The
Harris Family |
269 |
- The
Clay Family |
270 |
- Family
of Matthew Clay, of Virginia (Born 1754) |
271 |
- Matthew
Clay, of Alabama |
274 |
- The
Chase at Melton's Bluff |
274 |
- Green
Clay, of Kentucky |
278 |
- Brutus
J. Clay |
278 |
- Cassius
M. Clay |
279 |
- The
Clays of Huntsville, Ala. |
283 |
- United
States Land Sales |
284 |
Sherman's infamous Order |
287 |
- Hon.
Clement Claiborne Clay |
288 |
- The
DeGraffenried Family |
291 |
- The
Fontains and Maurys |
293 |
*Fontaine, of Columbus, Ga. |
297 |
Fontaine, of Mississippi |
297 |
- Gen. R.
C. Tyler |
300 |
Commodore Matthew Fontaine Maury |
301 |
- Colonel
Abraham Maury |
304 |
- The
DeGraffenrieds - Second Part |
309 |
- John
Minor Maury |
317 |
- The
Saunders Family |
318 |
- Joseph
Saunders |
320 |
- The Declaration |
321 |
- Ephraim
Saunders |
323 |
- William
Saunders |
323 |
- Joseph
Hubbard Saunders |
323 |
Portrait of Rev. Turner Saunders |
betw. 324 & 325 |
- Thomas
Saunders |
325 |
- Rev.
Turner Saunders |
325 |
- Rev.
Hubbard Saunders |
329 |
Elizabeth Saunders |
331 |
- Martha
Saunders |
331 |
- Nancy
Saunders |
331 |
- Mr.
William Manning |
332 |
- Mr.
John Scruggs |
332 |
Governor Gilmer's Map of the Broad River
Settlement, Georgia, |
More or Less Complete, of Families by Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders Blair
Stubbs, New Orleans, 1899
Introduction |
Patents and
Court Records of Edward Saunders (or
Sanders), of Northumberland County, Va.,
1658 |
337 |
County Records Begin 1652 |
338 |
Genealogies: |
- Edward
Saunders |
338 |
Ebenezer Saunders |
341 |
- William
Saunders |
342 |
- Hubbard
Saunders |
346 |
- Mary
Gholson |
350 |
- Turner
Saunders |
- James
E. Saunders |
354 |
Portrait of Dr. Dudley Dunn Saunders |
betw. 356 & 357 |
- Dudly
Dunn Saunders |
357 |
- James
Saunders Billups |
360 |
- Thomas
Saunders |
362 |
- Hubbard
Family - Lancaster County, Virginia |
364 |
- Elliott |
365 |
- Foster
sketch |
366 |
- Billups
sketch |
367 |
- Yates
Family |
368 |
- Gholson
Genealogy |
373 |
- Dunn
(of Virginia) |
377 |
- Dunn
Family, of Surry, Sussex and Brunswick
Counties, Virginia |
379 |
- Dudley
Family Notes (of Virginia, and the South) |
386 |
- Dudley
(from the North Carolina Colonial Records) |
391 |
- Moore |
391 |
- Cantzon,
of South Carolina |
394 |
- Blair,
of South Carolina |
395 |
- Portrait of Mrs. Martha Ray Blair, |
betw. 396 & 397 |
- Flint,
and Ray Families of South Carolina |
398 |
McMillan, of South Carolina |
399 |
Kennedy, of South Carolina |
400 |
McCarthy |
400 |
Earliest Records of McCarthy in Virginia |
400 |
McCarthy (Brown's Americans of Royal
Descent) |
405 |
- Dates
of Creation of "South Side" Counties, in
Virginia |
408 |
- Oliver
Family |
408 |
- The
Earlier Olivers of Virginia |
409 |
- Oliver,
of North Carolina |
412 |
- Oliver
of Kentucky |
413 |
- Oliver
of Georgia |
413 |
- Oliver,
of Alabama |
416 |
- Oliver
Family, of Elbert County, Ga. |
417 |
- Portrait of John Oliver, of Petersburg,
Ga. |
betw. 420 & 421 |
Children of Dionysius Oliver, of Broad
River, Ga/ |
421 |
- Bibb
Family |
433 |
- Scott
Family |
442 |
- Banks
Family |
443 |
- Banks
Family, of Elbert Co., Ga., and Before that,
of North Carolina |
445 |
- McGehee
Family |
448 |
Excursus - Urquhart |
454 |
- Clark |
455 |
- Shelton
Notes |
457 |
- Shelton
and White Families |
458 |
- White
Family |
458 |
Saunders |
459 |
Saunders of Virginia |
462 |
- Some
Early Patentees of Virginia by the Name of
Saunders |
462 |
- Celey
Saunders' Line |
465 |
Thompson |
469 |
- Wells
Family Notes |
481 |
- Watkins
Gleanings |
485 |
- Some
Early Watkins |
485 |
Watkins, of York Co., Va. |
486 |
Watkins, of Henrico Co. |
488 |
Goochland, and Chesterfield, Watkins |
490 |
- The
Watkins Family (of Elbert Co., Ga.) |
492 |
Portrait of Maj. Robert H. Watkins |
betw. 494 & 495 |
Descendants of James Watkins the Second |
495 |
Portrait of Taliaferro, Demopolis, Ala
Portrait of Mrs. Martha Watkins Taliaferro |
betw. 500 & 501 |
Excursus - Harris |
511 |
Taliaferro, of Georgia |
512 |
- Coleman |
514 |
- Withers |
515 |
517 |
518 |
- Cantzon |
518 |
- McGehee
- Descendants of Thomas MeGehee |
519 |
Portrait of Thomas McGehee
Portrait of Elizabeth Gilmer McGehee |
betw. 520-521 |
- Oliver |
528 |
Excursus - Hill (For McGehee and Oliver
Families |
529 |
- Watkins |
530 |