A Part of Genealogy Express
Welcome to
Hartford County, Connecticut
History & Genealogy

Src. #1: The town of
Rocky Hill was incorporated May, 1843, and taken from
Wethersfield. The Congregational Church at Rocky Hill -
formerly called Stepney - was organized June 7, 1727, being the
Third Society of Wethersfield. The marriages recorded as
(See Book III)
Src. #2: Rev. Calvin Chapin ordained Apr.
30, 1794 performed marriages
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Saunders, John of Litchfield |
Russel, Martha |
1774 Mar. 17 |
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Savage, Asahel |
Deming, Abigail |
1792 Mar. 22 |
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Savage, Giles of Middletown |
Smith, Olive |
1790 Mar. 14 |
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Savage, Solomon of Middletown |
Bulkley, Lydia |
1783 Nov. 27 |
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Scovel, Jinny |
Risley, George |
1794 Oct. 22 |
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Selah, Zadoch of Stamford |
Miller, Nancy |
1786 ___ 23 |
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Shepard, Noah of Chatham |
Corey, Ruth of Wethersfield |
1795 Aug. 30 |
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Sizer?, Anthony |
Wa____, Lucretia of Middletown |
1785 Jan. 4 |
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Smith, Bina |
Grimes, John |
1768 Oct. |
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Smith, David |
Goodrich, Temperance |
1766 Sep. 25 |
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Smith, Levi |
Collins, Sarah |
1784 Jan. 29 |
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Smith, Lucy of Glastenbury |
Brooks, Joseph |
1786 ___ 17 |
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Smith, Olive |
Savage, Giles of Middletown |
1790 Mar. 14 |
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Smith, Ruth |
Blyn, Hosea |
1773 Nov. 8 |
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Smith, Samuel of Middlebury |
Goodrich, Amelia of Glastenbury |
1797 Sep. 28 |
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Standish, Lois |
Cowing, Israel |
1773 May 27 |
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Standish, Mary |
Belding, Abner |
1771 Oct. 24 |
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Stanley, James |
Butler, Sarah |
1773 Jan. 21 |
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Stebbins, Samuel |
Boardman, Sarah |
1784 Aug. 12 |
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Steel, Thomas, Jr. of Lenox, Mass. |
Bordman, Candace |
1798 May 13 |
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Stillman, Rebecca |
Burr, Samuel of Hartford |
1773 Jun. 17 |
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Stoddard, Ebenezer |
Williams, Deborah |
1767 Oct. |
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Stomer, George |
Ebro, Margaret |
1767 |
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Storrs, Patty |
Phelps, Bishop of ____ |
1791 Oct. 2 |
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Strong, Betsey of Glastenbury |
Bidwel, ____ of Glastenbury |
1799 Oct. 2 |
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Sutler, John of Claverack |
Reynolds, Anna |
1784 Sep. 13 |
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Taylor, John of Glastonbury |
Chambers, Phebe |
1773 Sep. 25 |
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Taylor, Lydia |
____, Michael |
1771 Jan. 23 |
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Tenan, Asahel of Chatham |
Chapman, Edna of Glastenbury |
1797 Nov. 1 |
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Thayer, Jonathan |
Edwards, Honor |
1796 Sep. 1 |
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Tilden, Stephen of Lebanon |
Goodrich, Dorothy |
1787 ___ 16 |
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Treat, John |
Hanmore, Prudence |
1782 Oct. 16 |
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Treat, Sally of Glastonbury |
Blynn, William |
1797 May 10 |
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Tryon, Ezekiel of Glastenbury |
Harris, Betsey of Glastenbury |
1799 Aug. 11 |
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Tryon, Hannah of ____ |
Gilbert, Josiah of Berlin |
1790 Nov. 11 |
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Tucker, Alpha of Bolton |
Misner, Elizabeth |
1798 Feb. 12 |
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Tucker, Mary |
Wells, Josiah |
1786 May 11 |
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Wa____, Lucretia of Middletown |
Sizer?, Anthony |
1785 Jan. 4 |
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Walton, Silas |
Belding, Rosetta |
____ |
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Walton, Silas |
Belding, Rosetta |
____ |
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Warner, Daniel |
Griswold, Sarah, widow |
1766 Sep. 24 |
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Warner, Elisabeth |
Bordman, Levi |
1790 Sep. 2 |
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Warner, Elizabeth |
Goodrich, Ezekiel |
1783 Jan. 1 |
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Warner, Eunice |
Goodrich, Gideon |
____ |
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Warner, Levi |
Butler, Anna of Middletown |
1782 Sep. 1 |
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Warner, Lois |
Ames, Benjamin |
1785 Sep. 8 |
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Warner, Lucy |
Bull, Russel |
1795 Dec. 17 |
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Warner, Mehitable |
Grimes, Josiah, Jr. |
1773 Jun. 14 |
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Warner, Mitty |
Benton, John |
1798 Nov. 29 |
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Warner, Prudence |
Wolcott, Josiah |
1772 Mar. 30 |
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