Gettysburg Compiler
(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania)
October 23, 1822 Page 3
Died at Lebanon, Conn., Miss Hepsibah Strong, aged
67 years. It is presumed that few cases have ever had a
parallel with hers. When she was 19 years old, she injured,
by a fall, the spinal marrow, in consequence of which, for
the long space of 48 years, she has never walked, or been
able to raise her head from the pillow; most of the time she
has been unable to bear the least noise, or the light; and
has gone through a scene of suffering, which nothing but
Religion could have enabled her to have borne. She possessed
in her youth a good understanding and a fine person, and was
on the eve of being married, when the misfortune happened,
which forever blasted all her earthly prospects. |