Iowa Genealogy Express

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Jasper County
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The History of Jasper County, Iowa
containing A History of the County, Its Cities, Towns &c.
Publ. Chicago: Western Historical Company
L. D., farmer, S. 26; P. O. Galesburg; owns
126 acres, valued at $3,600; born in Lincoln Co., N. C., in
1809; hi father was a school teacher, and, in that country,
his profession naturally led him to change his residence
quite often; they moved to the north part of Logan Co., Ky.,
in 1815; remained two years and moved to the south part of
the same county; stayed three yeas, and moved to Morgantown,
Butler Co., Ky., and when about 17 years old moved to Ohio
Co., Ky.; there they lived til 1846, and moved to Monmouth,
Warren Co., Ill.; there his father died in 1853, and in the
Fall of the same year he moved to Iowa, settling in Warren
Co., but, in 1854, he moved to this county, where he has
since resided. He married in Ohio Co., Ky., Dec. 25,
1834, Miss Nancy Storm; she was born in Grayson Co.,
Ky., Mar. 21, 1815, and died Feb. 1, 1851; their children
are Peter A., Walter M., Mary A. (now Mrs. Iler),
Jonathan L. and Nancy J. (now Mrs. Clark).
Married again Syrena Iler in Warren Co., Ill., in
1851; she was born in Ohio Co., Ky., in 1822; their children
are Eveline (now Mrs. Talbot), Thomas W.,
John R., Rozelia, Emily, Robert M., Phebe E. and
Melvina. Mr. E. is a Republican, and a member of
the M. E. Church. Mr. E.'s son, William H.,
enlisted in the 10th I. V. I.; was stationed at Cairo, where
he became sick and was discharged for disability; he
returned home, and his health improving, he re-enlisted in
the 33d I. V. I.; was engaged in several battles, but took a
fever and died at Little Rock, Ark., July 8, 1864.
The History of Jasper County, Iowa -
Publ. Chicago: Western Historical Company -
1878 |