MICHAEL, editor and publisher of the Ohio Herald,
which paper he also founded, and an active factor in
community interests in the village in which he makes his
home, was born in New Washington, Clearfield county,
Pennsylvania, Nov. 18, 1852. He is a son of William
M. and Florinda J. (Humm) Michael, both of whom were
natives of the Keystone state and there spent their entire
lives but passed away some years ago. Their family
numbered thirteen children.
Pearl P. Michael, the fifth in order of birth
pursued his education in the public schools of Indiana,
Pennsylvania, and after putting aside his text-books he
entered upon an apprenticeship to the printing trade in the
office of the Messenger, a weekly paper published in the
city where his education was acquired. He gained a
good knowledge of the business and remained a resident of
Pennsylvania until 1876, when he went to Kansas City,
Missouri, and was employed on different daily papers of that
place for a number of years, or until 1891, when he came to
Ohio, Illinois. Here he founded the Ohio Herald and
with the exception of a period of seven years has since been
its owner and manager. He is now publishing the paper
with good success and its large circulation makes it an
excellent advertising medium. Viewed from the
typographical standpoint it is a well constructed sheet and
the patronage which is accorded it is indicative of the fact
that it is a bright, newsy journal.
Mr. Michael was married on the 2d of May, 1877,
to Miss Elmina G. Kirk, who was born in Ohio
township, Bureau county, May 28, 1859. Her parents
were Bernard and Malvina (Abbott) Kirk, the former a
native of Ireland and the latter of the state of New York.
In their family were four children, of whom Mrs. Michael
is the eldest, and by her marriage she became the mother of
two children: Everett Blair, who was born May
28, 1878; and Ethel Kirk born Dec. 13, 1890.
They were called upon, however, to mourn the loss of their
son, who died on the 31st of June, 1895. Mrs.
Michael was educated in the schools of Ohio township and
Princeton, completing a high school course, and she joined
her husband in Kansas City.
Interested in community affairs and loyal in his
devotion to the general good, Mr. Michael was
selected for ten years' service as president of the school
board, during which time his labors proved most effective
for the advancement of the cause of public education here.
He has likewise been president of the board of trustees of
the village of Ohio and so continues today.
Fraternally he is a Mason, belonging to Ohio lodge, No. 184,
A. F. & A. M., and to Princeton commandery, K. T. Both
he and his wife are connected with the Christian Science
church and their interests are allied with all those
movements which tend toward a broader view and toward
intellectual, esthetic and moral culture. Mr.
Michael started upon an independent business career with
no capital or influential friends to aid him. He has
found that success is ambition's answer and his friends and
neighbors recognize the justice of his claim to the
prosperity which he enjoys.
Source: Past and Present
Bureau County, Illinois By George B.
Harrington, A. M., Published:
The Pioneer Publishing Co. -
1906 - Page 181 |