A Part of Genealogy Express

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Cook County, Illinois
History & Genealogy

Compliments of Commercial National Bank


Bailey, Bennett,  carpenter, Dearborn street, residence J. Gray's
Bailey, Harlow, laborer, Randolph street, 3d ward
Bailey, Henry, drayman, house Wabash street
Bailey, Justice, ship carpenter, N. Waer St. betw. Rush and Pine
Baillett, Richard, soap and candle maker, at C. Cleaver's
Bainard, Daniel,  physician, Clark st. opp. P. O. res. City Hotel.
Baker, Franklin, clerk to A. Follanshe, residence Tremont House
Baldwin, J. painter, at Dimmock & Stows, residence Western Hotel
Ball, Lebbus, residence Farmers' Exchange
Ball, S. R., house N. Branch, 4th ward
Ballentine & Sherman, dry goods and groceries, 122 Lake street (See card)
Ballentine, David, of B. & Sherman, Dearborn street bet Kinzie and Michigan
Ballingall, Patrick, of Smith & B. res. Illiois Exchange
Balts, Abram, cooper, at S. W. Tucker's house Randolph street
Bandle, Willis, b'smith, at Stow's Foundry, h. N. Branch, 4th ward
Bannister, T., overseer of Wood & Ogden's brickyard, 5th ward
Bannon, Andrew, teamster, Randolph street, b. Franklin and Market
Barber, James, lumber-yard South Water street, foot of Wells
Barker, P. O., Farmers' Exchange, Lake street, corner of Wabash
Barnard, Frederick S., teacher and Photographer, corner Clark and Lake street
Barnes, Hamilton, carpenter, Randolph street, between Clark and Lasalle street, house Madison street, West of Clark street
Barnes, Miss, teacher, Lasalle street, b. Washington and Madison
Barnes, Seth, editor "Better Covenant," Randolph street, b. Wells and Franklin street
Barnett, George, mason, at Worthingham's res. Mansion House
Barnum, Truman,  laborer, Dearborn st. b. Michigan and Illinois
Barr, James, shingle manufacturer, Madison street, South Branch
Barrows, D. A. & Co. confectioners, 147 Lake street (See card)
Barrows, James,  agent rail road line, res. Tremont House
Barrows, Phila A., Mrs. 147 Lake street
Barry, Andrew, waiter, City Hotel
Barry, Edward, laborer, house near North Branch Bridge
Barry, Samuel S., painter, at Cushing's house Monroe street, b. Clark and Lasalle streets
Bartlett, ____, res. 4th ward
Barton, Horace,  clerk, at Norton & Tuckerman's
Bascom, Flavel, clergyman, 1st Presbyterian Church, house cor of Clark and Washington streets
Bascom, Franklin, res. 3d ward
Basley, J., cigar maker, Dearborn street, b. Lake and South Water streets, res. Western Hotel
Bassett, George, labourer, South Water street
Batcheller, Ezra, clerk, at N. Sherman, jr. house Lasalle near Lake
Bates, A. S., cabinet maker, 190 Lake street, house same
Bates, E. D.,  carpenter, Randolph street, corner Wells street
Bates, Jacob R., bar keeper at Lake Street House
Bates, John, jr., auction and commission merchant, 174 Lake street house South Water street (See card)
Baumgarten, Charles, carpenter, house Randolph street, c. Lasalle
Baumgarten, Morris,  Illinois street, b. Dearborn and Walcott sts
Baxter, Patrick, laborer, house Lake street
Bay, Henry B., carpenter, res. Parnick Kelsey's
Beach, Oscar L., clerk, county clerk's office, res. Geo. Davis'
Beaman, Abraham,  shoemaker, at Solomon Taylor's 
Bearup, John I., teacher, res. North Water street
Beaumont & Skinner, attorneys at law, 92 Lake street (See card)
Beaumont, George A. O. of B. & Skinner, house State st., b. Randolph and Washington streets
Bebb, Morris, laborer, res. John L. Gray's
Becker, Alexander C., merchant, house Clark st. 6th ward
Bedwell, G. W., tin and coppersmith, at S. J. 'Surdam's, house Dearborn street, bet. Randolph and Washington
Beecher, George M.,  clerk, at Jerome Beecher's
Beecher, Jerome, boot, shoe, and leather store, 160 Lake st., house corner Michigan and Lake sts.
Beecher, Lewis, house Franklin st., b. Lake and Randolph sts.
Beer, Adam, shoemaker, at J. B. Mitchell's
Beer, Lawrence, shoemaker, corner Michigan and Wolcott sts.
Beers, Cyrenus, of Botsford & B., house Wabash st.
Belden, Wm. E., carpenter, house Water st., b Canal and Clinton
Belkley, ____, res. Sauganash Hotel
Bell, James, gardner
Bell, John, at Stow's foundry, res. Western Hotel
Bending, James, carpenter, house Wolcott st., b. Kinzie & Michigan
Benedik, S., merchant tailor, 187 Lake street (See card)
Bennett, Abel, saddler and harness maker, at Paine's
Bennett, S. C., teacher, school and residence corner of State and Madison streets
Bentley, John, laborer, at G. S. Hubbard's
Beradsley, H. H., Physician, office 136 Lake st., house Dearborn st., b. Lake and Randolph streets (See card)
Berdell, Charles, cabinet maker, at D. A. & E. M. Jones's
Berg, Adam,  grocery and tavern, Lasalle st., b. Lake and Rand sts
Berg, Anton,  at Charles E. Peck's
Berg, John, drayman, Monroe street, bet. Clinton and Jefferson
Berg, Joseph, saddler and harless maker, at Charles E. Peck's
Berry, Joseph, laborer, at G. S. Hubbard's
Best, Henry, teamster, Canal street, bet Lake and North Water
Bewsey, George, mason, res. John L. Gray's
Beygeh, Peter,  sausage maker, N. Water st., b. Clark and Lasalle
Bickerdike,  carpenter, Canal street, bet. Adams and Jackson
Bigelow, A., clerk at H. O. Stone's, house State street, bet. Washington and Madison
Bigelow, Henry W., clerk to S. J. Surdam, house Clark street, b. Washington and Madison
Biggs, John, sailor, house Market st., b. Washington and Madison
Bills, George R., clerk, at H. Norton & Co. res. Tremont House
Bird, J. H., at Dr. Brainard's, residence City Hotel.
Bishop, Dardanus, farmer, house corner of Stte and Jefferson sts.
Bishop, James E., dry goods, groceries, and hardware, 131 Lake st., residence Theophilus G. Greenwood (See card)
Blackman, Edwin, clerk at H. H. Magie & Co.'s, residence Mansion House.
Blaikie, A., of Ryerson & B., res. American Temperance House
Blair, Mrs. residence State street
Blair, Wm., stove and tin factory, cor Dearborn and South wAter sts., residence Tremont House
Blakeley, H. A.  of Loyd, B. & Co. residence Mrs. Boyer's
Blakey, John, carpenter, residence alley, b. Clark and Lasalle streets
Blanchard, Francis G., residence Wells st., b. Lake and Randolph
Blanchard, Joseph, at C. Follanshe's
Blandey, Christopher, clerk to John H. Foster, residence same
Blasy, Barnhard,  baker, corner of Lake and Wells sts., res. same
Bliss, Charles,  house 2d ward
Bliss, S. C. at Charles E. Peck's
Boggs, Charles T., carpenter, house State street.
Bolles, Nathan H.,  house Lake street, east of Dearborn
Bond, Harvey, laborer, house Clark st.
Bond, Heman S., clerk to Loyd, Blakesley, & Co., house east of Clark street
Bond, Hiram,  laborer, houe east of Clark street
Bond, James, painter, residence City Refectory
Boone, Levi D., physician, office Clark street opposite City Hotel, house State st. corner of Washington st. (See Card)
Booth, Daniel, carpenter, corner of Jefferson and Washington sts.
Bostwick, George M., bar keeper, at the Illinois Exchange
Botsford & Beers, stove and hardware, 109 Lake street (See card)
Botsford, I., tailor, Wells st., b. Randolph and Washington streets
Botsford, J. k., of B. & Beers, 109 Lake st., house Wabash street
Bowas, John, drayman, house S. Water st., b. State and Wabash sts.
Bowen & Cole, dry goods and groceries, 66 Lake street
Bowen, Erastus, of B. & Cole, house Michigan avenue
Bowen, Henry, carriage maker, house State street
Bowes, John P., at J. Gage's, house Clinton st., b. Adams and Jackson
Bowman, Ariel, house corner Dearborn and Madison streets
Bowman, Henry, res. at Ariel Bowman's
Bowmaser, Wm., cabinet maker, at J. B. Weir's
Boyce, A. D., clerk at L. M., Boyce's, residence at D. B. Heartt's
Boyce, L. M., wholesale and retail druggist and apothecary, 119, Lake street, Saloon Building, res. E. M. Willard's (See card)
Boyer, V. A., justice of the peace, Clark st., opp. P. O. res. South Water st., 2d ward. (See card)
Boyington, Chas. H.,  captain of schooner Charlotte, Indiana st., b. Pine and Sand sts.
Boyland, William, carpenter, First st., b. Clark and Wells sts.
Bracken & Tuller, dry goods and groceries, 161 Lake st. (See card)
Bracken, John,  of Bracken & Tuller, res. Wabash avenue.
Brackett, William W., editor and proprietor "Chicago Express," 92 Lake st., res. American Temperance House.
Bradley, Asa F., county surveyor, cor. Dearborn and Washington sts.
Bradley, Bristol, dentist, cor. Lake & Clark sts., res. Mrs. Merriam's
Bradley, Cyrus P., clerk, at Horace Norton & Co.s, house Madison st., b. Wells and Franklin sts.
Bradley, David M., printer, res. Jackson st., b. State and Clark sts. 
Bradley, Joseph, clerk, sat W. H. Adams & Co.'s
Brady, Geo., constable, res. near Clark and N. Water sts. 5th ward.
Brady, Michael, blacksmith, North Water st., near Clark st. res. cor. Lasalle and Wells sts.
Braise, Mrs., dress maker and tailoress, North Water st., b. Wolcott and Kinzie sts.
Brand, Alexander,  of Murray & Brand, res. cor Illinois and Cass sts.
Brayton, H. H., physician, Clark st., one door south of Methodist Church (See card)
Breen, John, packer at A. G> Burley & Co.'s
Breese, Robert B., clerk at James Hervey's, residence Clark street, b. North Water and Kinzie
Bridges, P. B., carpenter, Lake street, 4th ward.
Briggs, Benjamin, wagon maker, Adams st. W. of Lasalle st.
Briggs, Jeremiah, mason, residence S. of Adams st. W. of Clark st.
Brinckerhoff, John, physician, Clark st. office 143 Lake st., checkered drug store (See card)
Bristol & Porter, forwarding and commission merchants, cor. South Water and State sts. (See card)
Bristol, ____,  sailor, res. Michigan avenue
Bristol, R. C., of B. & Porter, residence on Reservation
Brock, John, clerk, at James Bishop's, res. Jas. T. Durand's
Brock, Michael, carpenter, 211 Lake st.
Brock, Mrs., straw and tuscan milliner, 211 Lake st.
Brown, Henry, city attorney, office corner of State and Dearborn sts. house corner of Wolcott and Ontario sts.  (See card)
Brooks, Samuel, res. Clark st., b. Madison and Monroe sts.
Brooks, Thos., tailor, Clark st., b. Lake and Water sts., res. Illinois st., b. Clark and Dearborn sts.
Brooksohonnedt, J. W., cooper, at Tucker's, res. Michigan st., b. Lasalle and Wells sts.
Brown, Chas. E., laborer on harbor, res. S. Jackson's
Brown, Clement,  res. Sauganash
Brown, Francis O., shoemaker, at Mitchell's, res. Dearborn st., b. Washington and Randolph sts.
Brown, Geo. E., printer, at Express office, res. at New York House
Brown, Geo., chair maker, r. Wells st., b. Randolph and Washington
Brooks, Henry E., ship carpenter, Kinzie st., b. Cass and Rush sts.
Brown, Jeduthan,  res. Sauganash Hotel
Brown, Jose. E., carpenter, Clark st. b. Madison and First sts.
Brown, Joseph, laborer, Madison st. b. Canal and Water Sts.
Brown, Mrs., dress and cloak maker, corner Lake and Wells sts.
Brown, Rufus B., clerk at J. P. Chapin & Co.'s, res. corner Lake and Wells sts.
Brown, S. B., Ohio st., b. Cass and Rush sts.
Brown, S. C., clerk, at E. P. Clark's, res. Ruel Ambrose's
Brown, S. L., clerk, at A. G. Burley's, res. W. H. Brown's
Brown, Samuel, blacksmith, and boarding house, 142 Lake st.
Brown, Thomas, drayman, res. Lasalle st., b. Ohio and Illinois sts.
Brown, William H., attorney, office Bank Building, res. cor. Illinois and Pine sts.
Brown, William, grocer, res. North Water st., b. Clark and Dearborn
Brown, William, res. Sauganash Hotel
Buchanan, Nelson,  saddler, at C. E. Peck's
Buckley, Noah pawnbroker, corner Randolph and Wells sts.
Buckley, Timothy, butcher, at Fulton Market, res. City Refectory
Buddington, John, res. Randolph st., 1st ward
Buell, Horatio, auction and commission, dry goods and groceries, stoves, 121 Lake st.
Buell, Norman, printer, Democrat office, res. D. M. Bradley's
Buhl, Charles, hat and cap store, 129 Lake st. (see card)
Bumpstead, Thomas, jr. house Wells st., b. Lake and Randolph sts.
Bunch, Clyborn,  Wells st., b. Madison and Washington sts.
Burch, G. H., of Newberry & B., res. City Hotel
Burdell, Nicholas, musician, house Washington st., b. Franklin and Wells sts.
Burdick, Amos W., carpenter, res. Randolph st., b. Washington and Franklin sts.
Burdick, E. porter, Mansion House.
Burgess, John, wagon maker, Randolph st. near Wells st., res. Michigan avenue (See card.)
Burke, John, laborer, 3d Ward, S. of Jackson st.
Burke, Lewis, S. of Madison st. E. of Lasalle st.
Burke, Patrick,  tobacconist, at Henry Chapman's
Burley, A. G.  of A. G. B. & Co., res. Tremont House
Burley, A. G. & Co. crockery store, 105 Lake st. (See Card)
Burley, Augustus H., of S. F. Gale & Co., res. Mrs. Haight's
Burley, Chas., clerk at S. F. Gale & Co., res. S. F. Gale's
Burnam, Ambrose, res. Wabash st., between Washington and Madison sts.
Burns, Michael, laborer, Tremont Hosue, res. Dearborn st.
Burton, Edward, talior, 162 Lake st., res. Same
Burton, George,  sailor
Burton, Henry, at E. Burton's
Burton, Horace, clerk, at Norton & Tuckerman's
Burton, Stiles, res. American Temperance House.
Busch, Franz, wagon maker, at Burgess's
Busch, John B., blacksmith, cor. Randolph and Market sts., res. Randolph, b. Wells and Franklin sts.
Bushnell, Wm. H. at K. K. Jones' peridocal depot
Butler, Horace, dry goods and groceries, and forwarding commission merchant, South 'Water street (See card)
Butler, John H., carpenter, at A. Loyds, residence Clark street, b. Madison and Monroe
Butler, Levi G., residence Clark street, b. Adams and Jackson
Butler, Nathaniel F., clothier, residence Monroe street
Butler, Richard, laborer, Ohio street, east of Rush
Butler, Wm. H., clerk at Horace Butler's
Butler, Wm. M., clerk at C. Walker & Co.'s res. N. F. Butler's
Butterfield & Collins,  attorneys at law, 105 Lake street
Butterfield, Carver, printer of the Prairie Farmer, 112 Lake st.
Butterfield, George, res. Tremont House
Butterfield, Jonas, captain, res. Franklin st.
Butterfield, Justin, of B. & Collins, res. c. Michigan and Rush sts.
Butterfield, Justin, jr., attor. Clark st. near S. Water st. (See card)
Butterfield, Wm., medical student, at Dr. Brainard's
Butterworth, S., Mrs. Water, near Wolcott st.
Buxton, O. S., wagon maker, at Humphrey's
Buzzard, S., laborer, at S. Jackson's





This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
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