Source: Daily Inter Ocean (Chicago, Illinois) Vol.:
V Issue: 251 Page: 3
Dated: Jan. 11, 1877
The Washburne & Moen Manufacturing Company Begin a
Campaing Against Wire Fence Manufacturers.THE RECORD OF
JAN. 10.
United States Circuit Court.
Charles Parker, of Boston, Mass, vs. Joseph
W. Harmon and J. C. Caldwell. Debt. $1,000.
Shorey & Shaffner, attys.
In re. Louis Roman, a bankrupt. Petition
of Louis Roman for review of the orders of the District
Court directing debtor to appear before Register Hibbard
for examination, no adjudication having taken place.
Monroe & Leddy, attys.
WIRE FENCE PATENTS. - The Washburn & Moen
Manufacturing Company of Worcester, Mass., and George L.
Ellwood, of DeKalb, Ill., brought a large number of suits
yesterday in the United State Circuit Court against various
parties for infringement of Wm. D. Hunt's original
patent, and other patents for an improvement in wire fences, now
assigned to them. The suits are as follows against the
following defendants:
1. Amos N. Klinefelter and Ezra L. Spangler, of
2. Rheubin H. Pooler
and Wm. T. Jones of LaSalle.
3. Wm. G. Hibbard, F. F. Spencer, A. C. Bartlett, and
A. D. Lamb, of Chicago.
4. Henry Wood, of Sycamore, DeKalb County.
5. Geo. W. Allen, of Creston, Ogle County.
6. Abram V. Wormley, of Oswego, Kendall County.
7. John O. Westlake, of Sycamore.
8. Hibbard, Spencer & Co., of Chicago
9. Henry Wood, of Sycamore.
10. Pooler & Jones, of Serena, Ill.
11. John O. Westlake, of Sycamore.
12. Joliet Man. Co.
13. Joliet Man. Co.
14. Klenefelter & Spangler, of Joliet
15. Timothy Hibbard, of Serena, Ill.
16. J. B. Harkness, F. K. Whittenmore, and
Justin E. Page.
17. Aoram V. Wormley, of Oswego, Ill.
18. Harkness & Whittemore, of Sycamore, Ill.
19. William Butters, of Freedom Twp., LaSalle County,
20. William Butters, of Freedom Township
21. Timothy Hibbard, of Serena, Ill.
22. George W. Allen, of Creston, Ill.
The complainants claim that their patents, on which they have
brought these suits, cover all the iron and steel barbs that are
not on wire fences, and the various methods of attaching the
barbs to the wire to make a barbed wire fence. They do not
claim that persons can make a plain wire fence and not infringe
their patents, but that no one can fix a barb on a wire for a
wire fence without infringing their patents. They have
commenced these suits against the makers, dealers, and users of
the different kinds of barbs and barbed wire for fence, in order
that they may obtain as soon as possible decisions determining
the questions of the validity of their various patents, and
whether these different makers are really infringers. The
farmers in many instances buy barbs and secure them to their
plain wire fences, making a barbed fence of it.
Washburn & Moen Manf. Co. claim that they by so doing
infringe their patents, and have here sued some farmers to test
the question. Coburn & Stricker of Chicago, are
complainants' solicitors, and S. H. Dodge, of Worcester,
of connsel. |