Adams, Mrs. Helen, Postmistress
Aerl, Robert, live-stock dealer
Allen, H. A., foundryman
Alles, Fred L., editor and proprietor Pontiac Sentinel
Anabel, Samuel J., clerk
Ament, Cyrus W., land dealer
Ament, William T., lawyer
Anderson, John J. plasterer
Atterberry, Jas. C., Station Agent Paducah Junction
Atwood, A. D., carpenter
Agen, John, Laborer
Avery, O. F., Deputy County ClerkBabcock, Albert L.,
Babcock, H. O., dir. in agricu'l implem'ts.
Babcock, Judson W., groceries
Babcock, Rufus W., C. & A. Station Agt
Barney, Benjamin F., tinner
Barton, Joseph L., barber
Barton, William Laborer
Bates, D. S., portrait painter
Bawden, Thomas, foundryman
Bay, George W., carpenter
Bay, Wm. C., house and sign painter
Beach Brothers, dry goods
Beach, George H., dry goods
Bennett, Havilla S., express agent
Berry, William W., liquor dealer
Bigelow, Charles L., carpenter
Bigelow, L. H., carpenter
Bilger, B. F., cigar maker
Blackmore, Henry, livery and feed stable
Boulter & Wyman, livery and feed stable
Bond, F. H., shoemaker
Borg, Cris M., house and sign painter
Bourland, O.. P., Cash. Nat. Bank Pontiac
Bradshaw, John, laborer
Brewer, F. M., laborer
Britton, Robert, laborer
Brower, Arlineus, retired farmer
Brower, Martin I., lawyer and J. P.
Bruce, F. M., drayman
Brucker,Adolph, dry goods
Brucker, Francis, dry goods
Bruckner, John, janitor school house.
Bruner, John W., capitalist
Bruner, William H., groceries
Burgess, Thomas, laborer
Burke, William, liquor dealer
Burns, William, miller
Caldwell, James A., drug and book store
Calkins, Ebenezer, laborer
Camp, Apollus, farmer
Camp, Edgar, Clerk
Camp, Mrs. Mary Porter
Chapman, Amasa, engineer
Clark, John K., tinner
Cleary, John, laborer
Cleary, William, laborer
Clelland, Thomas, retired farmer
Clelland, Thomas, jr., laborer
Clelland, William H., laborer
Clemens, W. C., ice dealer
Collis, James, laborer
Conley, A. M., carpenter
Cook, Allen, butcher
Cook, Avery, capitalist
Cook, Edgar, groceries
Cook, Isaac, laborer
Cook, John, butcher
Cook, Micajah, farmer
Cook, W. H., butcher
Corbin, J. K., farmer
Cordeal, Sylvester, clerk in Circuit Clerk's office
Cotton, Byron A., bakery
Countryman, George, laborer
Countryman, Jacob, laborer
Countryman, Nelson, laborer
Coviezel, John L., butcher
Cowan, A. W., atty and real estate dlr
Cox, Andrew D., clerk in Circuit Clerk's office
Crane, Elizabeth, capitalist
Crawford, W. T., live stock dealer
Croswell, James t., druggist
Cullom, J. W., teacher
Curry, J. A., laborer
Culver, J. F. & Co., bankers real estate & insurance agent
Culver, Joseph F., banker, real estate and insurance agent
Culver, Mrs. Mary M.
Curry, J. A. laborer
Custer, Israel, carpenter
Daman, John W., jeweler
Dann, George, carpenter
Davison, Samuel, clerk
Dean, Edward, drayman
Deemer, John, carpenter
Denny, John N., horse dealer
Denslow, Samuel, miller
Denslow, W. F., miller
Dolan, Patrick, laborer
Dolde, Martin, wagon maker
Dorman, Theodore, cigar maker
Downing, Harrison, farmer
Downing, Isaac T., furniture
Duff, James, farmer
Duff, Jonathan, atty. and real estate agt.
Duffy, Benjamin A., insurance agent
Dye, Job E., grain dealer
Eagle, John W., farmer
Egan, John, Constable
Eminger, John H., merchant tailor
Evans, Richard, retired farmer
Evers, Frank O., clothing
Eylar, Daniel C., Assistant Cashier Livingston County Bank |
Fellows, J. A., prop. Title Abstract Books
Fender & Hills, carriage makers
Fender, Simon, carriage maker
Filkins, John W., druggist
Fillmore, Huling & Co., dry goods
Fillmore, Millard, dry goods dealer
Fisher, Augustus F., capitalist
Fisher, Jos., furniture maker and dealer
Folks, Richard D. carpenter
Foster, Robert F., plasterer
Fox, Michael, stone mason
Franklin, William L., blacksmith
Furzman, Wm. H., real estate & ins. agt.Gaff, James H., blacksmith
Garatt, Smith M., lawyer
Gaylord, Horace, physician
Gilbert, C. C., bakery and confectionery
Gore & Eyers, clothing
Gore, Henry W., clothing
Gore, William, farmer
Graber, Henry, wagon maker
Grandy, Truman E., groceries
Gray, Benj. W., harness & saddle maker
Greenebaum & Bro., dry goods & groceries
Greenebaum, Henry G., banker
Greenman, E. O., lumber dealer
Gregory, Ann, Mrs., restaurant
Gunsul & Blackmore, omnibus line
Gunsul, Henry B., livery and feed stable
Icenburger, J.
W., Baptist clergyman
Jenkins, William H., Circuit Clerk
John, Reason M., land agent
Johnson & Stuff, proprietors Free Trader
Johnson, Edden M., editor Free Trader
Johnson, Mrs. Morris.
Johnson, Mrs. Rebecca.
Johnson, Peter, physician
Johnson, Robert J., hotel keeper
Journdt, August, tailor
Johnson, Morris, retired farmer
Kay, John, farmer
Kay, Jos. T., land and insurance agent.
Kavanaugh Bros., liquor dealers
Kavanaugh, Dennis, liquor dealer
Keach, John C., carriage maker
Keck, C., lumber dealer
Kent, Edward E., grain dealer
Kent, Lester E., grain dealer
Kerr, George, retired farmer
Kingore, George R., stone cutter
Kingore, Perry M., printer
Knight, Charles, bricklayer
Krack, I. J., retired farmer and County Treasurer
Lacey, William S., hardware and agricultural implements
Ladd, Samuel C., farmer
Lawrence & Coook, groceries
Lawrence, Albert, Jr., groceries
Lawrence, Albert, retired farmer and capitalist
Lawrence, Sardis S., lawyer
Legg & Voght, boots and shoes
Legg, A. T., teacher
Lerbach, John, harness maker
Lewis, D. W., gunsmith
Limber, J. W., veterinary surgeon
Linell, Phillip S., harness maker
Lord, Wallace, carpenter & proprietor Lord's Opera House
Lunt, Robert T., grain dealer
Lunt, W. H. & Son, grain dealers
Lunt, W. H., grain dealer
Lutyen, L. F., drugs and fancy goods
Lyon, David M., boot and shoe dealer
Lyon, Douglass J., carpenter
Lyon, William B., retired merchant
Maples, E. R., Mrs.
Marsh, John W., farmer
Matthews, Rodolph, dentist
Maxwell, Frederick J., clerk
McCalla, John, boots and shoes
McDowell, H. H., lawyer
McEntee, Philip, laborer
McGregor, Charles A., jewelry
McGregor, E., Miss, mllinery
McGregor, M. J., Mrs.
McIntosh, E. W., house and sign painter
McKeen, James, farmer
McNichol, John, shoemaker
Miler, William T., blacksmith
Milke, Henry, liquor dealer
Miller, Philip M., barber
Minton, Joseph, laborer
Mitchell & Keck, lumber dealers
Moore, D. F., clerk
Moore, Elizabeth, Mrs.
Moore, Mattie, Mrs., millinery
Morrow, James E., banker
Mossholder, S. H., saddles and harness
Murphy, John, clark Nelson, James, Jr., carpenter
Nelson, James, retired far. and capitalist
Newcomb, George D., carpenter
Newman, George W., policeman
Norton, Hezekiah H., carpenter O'Brien, Matthew, laborer
O'Brien, Michael, laborer
O'Connell, Patrick, laborer
O'Donald, Kate, laborer
O'Hair, Thomas, laborer
Olney, R. & Co., title abstracts
Olney, Ransom, lawyer
Opperman, Julius, cabinet maker |
Owens, F. B., laborer
Owens, Maria, Mrs., capitalist Payne, M. L., Mrs.
Payne, William L., farmer
Payson, Lewis E., lawyer
Pearre, Otho F., atty. and Police Mag.
Peckham, John B., musician
Pemberton, Hiram P., farmer
Perry, James S., tailor
Perry, William W., Court House janitor
Perry, William, hotel, "Perry House"
Pierce & Newcomb, carpenters
Pierce, Andrew J., carpenter
Pillsbury, Nathaniel J., Judge 2d District Appellate Court.
Pillsbury, Stephen O., grocer
Pittinger, John, carriage trimmer
Pittinger, Wilson, groceries
Platt, Andrew J., propr. City Hotel
Platt, Harvey, laborer
Post, E. J., Mrs.
Post, F. F., grain dealer
Post, W. W., coal dealer
Pulliam, George W., drayman Rankin, Thomas J., plasterer
Reed, Henry B., shoemaker
Reed, Norman H., hardware
Reiley, E. & Co., millers
Reiley, Edward, miller
Remick, James W., clerk
Remick, Sarah, Mrs. millinery
Renoe, Mark A., druggist
Rice, George W., furniture
Ricketson, Mary, Mrs., restaurant
Ricketson, Shadrack, feed yard
Robinson, Benjamin E., County Sheriff
Robinson, Thomas C., coal miner
Rose, Moses, clothing
Rosenberger, Julius, clothing
Ross, Richard C., carpets
Runyan, John H. butcher
Schneider, John, butcher
Schultz, Ernst F., liquor dealer
Schwarz, Peter M., cigar manufacturer
Scouller, J. D., Supt. State Reform School
Shaw, George W., laborer
Shroyer, Ed. N., clerk
Sims, W. S., lumber dealer
Siner, James
Siverling, Daniel, poultry buyer
Siverling, E., Mrs., dressmaker
Slicker, Otto, painter
Slocum, Thomas, farmer
Smith, Frank, jewelry
Smith, John C., retired farmer
Smith, John W., drugs and books
Smith, Newton, retired farmer
Smith, Richard, poultry buyer
Snow, John, horse dealer
Springer, Uriah A., engineer
Stack, John, butcher
Stafford, John F., propr. Phoenix Hotel
Stewart, Samuel, physician
Stites, John J., physician
Storey, W. H., ,photographer
Strawn, Christopher C., lawyer
Streamer, Jacob, druggist
Strevell, Jason W., lawyer
Stuff, John S., printer
Sullivan, Michael, laborer
Tanquary, Sarah, Mrs.
Taylor, Eb., barber
Taylor, Proctor, merchant
Teed, Edward, boot and shoe mnfr
Teed, Merritt, boot and shoe mnfr
Terry, James T., lawyer
Tindall, Sarah, Mrs.
Townsend, H. H., dentist
Troy, Patrick, laborer
Turner, Joseph P., capitalist
Umphenour, Isaac, blacksmith
Umphenour, Jacob, laborer
Vanscoy, James, farmer
Virden, M. J., Mrs.
Virden, William T., bank clerk
Wait, Alvin, County Clerk
Wall, Wm., propr. Washington House
Wallace, Elon E., grocer
Wallace, r.R., atty. and County Judge
Ward, James G., blacksmith
Ward, Philip H., clerk
Warrander, Thomas, liquor dealer
Wash., Jas. R., abst., loan and ins. office
Waters, C. R., ,clerk
Welch, R. B., Principal Pontiac Schools
Westcott, L. K., post office clerk
Wheeler, C. R., City Marshal
White, James, laborer
Whitescarver, W. C., farmer
Wickery, John C., plasterer
Wilcox, Edward, clerk
Williams, Berry, laborer
Williams, Thomas, miller
Williamson, T. H., sta. agt., C. & P. R. R.
Wilson, Edward L., blacksmith
Winans, John C., clerk
Winters, Zeph., City 'Clerk
Wise, H. L., Street Commissioner
Wolgamott, John R., clerk
Woodford, George, ins. agent
Woodrow, John W., lawyer
Woolverton, H. J., Mrs.
Wright, L. C., paints, oils and glass
Wyman, Charles, livery and feed stable
Young, Jas. L., saddle and harness shops
Young, Sarah, Mrs. |