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Macon County, Illinois
History & Genealogy

City of Decatur and Macon County, Illinois

A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement
"Local history is the ultimate substance of national history."  Wilson
The Pioneer Publishing Company


Orlando Powers

Edward Giles Powers
(this photo was found at

Samuel Powers

  POWERS FAMILY.  The history of Macon county would be incomplete without extended reference to the Powers family.  Through more than six decades the name has figured in connection with the development of this section of the state.  Orlando Powers came to Decatur in 1849.  In matters of public concern as well as in the conduct of large business enterprises he played a leading role on the stage of action.  He seemed ever to follow the mandate, "turn thy defeats into victory; make thy hopes a reality; never let thy personal interest constitute the bounds of thine horizon, but reach out for the larger, uplifting things of life."  Today there is no name spoken in Decatur with greater honor and reverence than that of Orlando Powers.  His business ability was proven in the wonderful success which he achieved; his honor in the rectitude of the methods which he followed; his patriotism in his support of municipal and national projects for the general good; his charity in the generous division which he made of his wealth to the unfortunate.
     He was a comparatively young man - thirty-seven years of age - when he came to Decatur, and from that time forward was closely associated with the business development of the city along those lines which have led to its substantial upbuilding.  Already his experiences had covered a wide range, and had developed in him the power of quick and accurate judgment and keen discrimination.  He was born near the village of Charlton, Saratoga county, New York, May 21, 1812, and pursued his education in the common schools, which he attended through the winter months, while the summer seasons were devoted to the work of the home farm.  He was sixteen years of age when his brother William requested that he should go to Havana, Cuba, and become his assistant in business there.  Proceeding to New York, he became a passenger on the schooner Helen, which encountered a severe storm three days later and was wrecked.  The rescue of Mr. Powers was certainly marvelous.  He and Captain Tucker, who commanded the vessel, together with three of the sailors, drifted upon the open sea for eleven days, clinging to the disabled hulk, part of which was out of water.  They subsisted upon a scanty supply of sea biscuit and raw potatoes, and a very short allowance of water.  When nearly famished because of lack of food and almost crazed by want of drink, they were picked up by a French brig bound for Bordeaux, and eventually landed at La Rochelle, whence they were taken on to Bordeaux by land.  Mr. Powers had no money nor clothing save that which he wore and was even without a hat but found a kind friend in an English gentleman who relieved his immediate wants and cared for him until opportunity came for him to return home.  Recrossing the Atlantic, he landed at New York, and through the assistance of business acquaintances and his elder brother, he was able to promptly discharge the indebtedness which it had been necessary for him to incur.  His people who mourned him as dead were greatly surprised and rejoiced to welcome him, for he proceeded at once by steamer up the Hudson river to his home.  He did not attempt again to enter business circles in Cuba, but on again leaving New York sailed for Mobile, Alabama, this time on a safe voyage, which brought him at length to his destination.  He was connected with business interests in Alabama and Mississippi in association with his brothers and brother-in-law, Chauncey Wilkinson, being located at different times at Mobile, Tuscaloosa, Prairie Bluff and Aberdeen.  In 1849, however, he heard and heeded the call of the middle west and Decatur gained thereby a citizen, the value of whose service in later years cannot be overestimated.  Two years previously he had visited this city, his mother and two brothers, George  and Samuel having located here some years before.  It was then a little town but the he recognized the fact that it lay in the midst of a rich country and gave promise of future development.  He therefore sought its opportunities when he left the south, and with the exception of about a decade passed in Jacksonville, Illinois, he continued a resident of Decatur from 1849 until his death.
     Even previous to this time the name of Powers had figured in connection with business activities in Macon county.  William Lorenzo Powers, who was bourn in New York city, Dec. 9, 1804, had removed to Mobile, Alabama, where he followed merchandising for a number of years and then came to Illinois, settling in Bloomington.  Making his home in that city, he engaged in the land business, entering extensive tracts in McLean and Macon counties.  He never resided in Decatur, but owned considerable property here, and in 1858 erected a building of three stories on East Main, between Water street and the alley west, which building is still standing.  He also owned a number of farms in Macon county.  He died unmarried, Aug. 28, 1858.
     Orlando Powers' initial business effort in Decatur was in the operation of a saw and grist mill, which he owned and conducted for some time.  He then turned his attention to merchandising as proprietor of a boot and shoe store, and therein laid the foundation for the success which in time placed him in the front rank among the business men of the city.  For many years he was the owner of the only set of abstract books in Macon county.  As he came into close touch with the people and learned of the district in which he had cast his lot, he realized that it must in time become a thickly settled region, because of the fertility of the soil.  He therefore invested in real estate, adding to his property from time to time until his holdings of both farm land and city realty were extensive.  When opportunity came for profitable sale he disposed of his holdings and also improved and developed his property.  In 1889 he erected the Decatur Opera House, a beautiful and substantial "palace of dramatic art."  Where the interests of the city were involved, as well as where private enterprises were concerned he gave liberally, and almost every public interest of Decatur benefited by his generous support, his cooperation, and his influence.  His name and example always carried weight and secured for any movement on project a large following.  This was due to the fact that his judgment was realized as uniformly sound, and all, moreover, felt  that the spirit of municipal loyalty was one of his strong characteristics.
     The year which witnessed Mr. Powers' arrival in Decatur also chronicled his marriage, Miss Charlotte E. Given, of Smithland, Union county, Kentucky, becoming his wife.  He had formed her acquaintance two years before in traveling on horseback from Mobile, Alabama, to Decatur, and the friendship which then had its inception, ripened into love and was consummated in marriage.  Unto Mr. and Mrs. Powers were born two daughters and two sons.  Alice, the eldest, born September 30, 1856, died on the 22d of April, 1878.  Charles G. Powers, the elder son, was born in Decatur, June 30, 1861.  In the public schools of this city he mastered the elementary branches of learning, afterward attended the Illinois College at Jacksonville, and also pursued a commercial course in Brown's Business College.  He was only thirteen years of age when he went to Jacksonville in company with his sister Annabel, who entered the Deaf Mute Institute there because of her hearing.  For eight years he remained in that city.  He entered upon the study of law in Decatur under the direction of the firm of Crea & Ewing, attorneys, but was not admitted to the bar, his object in studying law being to gain enough knowledge of legal principles to enable him to manage his father's business.  In 1884 the family returned to Decatur from Jacksonville, and Charles G. Powers took charge of the estate, which he yet supervises.  In this connection he displays keen insight, sound judgment, unfaltering enterprise and progressive methods.  The Powers estate is one of the largest in this section, and covers many business and residence properties in Decatur.  On the 21st of June, 1887, Charles G. Powers was married to Miss Effie Rogers, a daughter of Jason Rogers of this city, and they have one child, John Howard, born Aug. 23, 1895.  The parents are members of the First Presbyterian church, and are prominent in the social circles of the city.  Mr. Powers also belongs to the Decatur Club, the Elks Club and the Country Club, his recreation largely coming to him through his connection with those organizations.
     Howard W. Powers, the second son, was born in Decatur, June 20, 1864, and completed his education in the schools of Jacksonville, being a graduate of the Illinois College of that city.  He joined his brother in the management of the estate left by the father, and they have since been associated in business under the name of C. G. & H. W. Powers.  They are recognized as gentlemen of excellent business sagacity and keen foresight and in the supervision of extensive property interests have shown marked discrimination combined with an aptitude for successful management that is evidenced in the excellent results which attended their labors.  On the 19th of December, 1903, Howard W. Powers was married to Miss Mabel Durfee, a daughter of Captain George Durfee, of Decatur, and they have three children: Howard William, born Mar. 8, 1905; Given Durfee, Apr. 20, 1909; and Robert Charles, June 29, 1910.  Howard W. Powers has a home at Palm Beach, Florida, where he spends the winter months, while the summer seasons are passed in the north,  He, too, is a member of the Decatur Club, the Elks Club and the Country Club.
     Annabel Powers, born in Decatur, Aug. 8, 1867, lost her hearing when five years of age through spinal meningitis, and two years later the family removed to Jacksonville for the purpose of educating her at the Deaf and Dumb State Institution, remaining in that city for ten years.  She was married June 17, 1890, to Charles Kerney, of Evansville, Indiana, who died in Decatur, Aug. 1, 1902, leaving a daughter, Charlotte Wright, born Jan. 4, 1895.  Mrs. Kerney was married again on the 26th of May, 1904, becoming the wife of William C. Tilley, of San Francisco, where they now reside.  Mrs. Tilley owns a beautiful home of her own at Tiberon, across the bay north of San Francisco.
     When age conferred upon Orlando Powers the right of franchise he supported the whig party, but joined the republican party as a supporter of Abraham Lincoln during his first presidential candidacy.  He never faltered thereafter as an advocate of republican principles, for he deemed them most effective forces for good government.  He long held membership in the first Presbyterian church of Decatur, and was one of its most active and helpful workers, giving generous assistance toward building its house of worship, also to support its local interests and its missionary endeavors.  He was the founder of the scholarship in the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in the northwest.  He never made religion a think apart from his life - a Sunday observance as it were - but found in the teachings of the church the principles which guided his conduct and shaped his relations with his fellowmen.  A tale of sorrow or distress awakened his ready sympathy, and when it was in his power to render assistance he did so.  If a census could be taken of Decatur's citizens whom he has helped in one way or another, the number would reach up to a large figure.  Business firms and individuals alike received his assistance in hours of need, and his unostentatious method of giving aid makes it certain that many were the recipients of his bounty of whom the public have no knowledge.  When a public project was instituted for the benefit of Decatur, he was among the first to espouse the cause, and his citizenship was characterized by an unfaltering loyalty.  He was ever devoted to the welfare of his family, and the close companionship which existed between himself and his wife made theirs largely an ideal relation.  The death of Mrs. Powers occurred May 3, 1897.  For five years more Mr. Powers trod life's pathway, and on the 1st of July 1902, was called to the home beyond.  His were "the blest accompaniments of age - honor, riches, troops of friends."  It was his to preserve the precious prize of keen mentality to the closing hours of life, and when the end came, it was as "one who raps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams."
     The Powers family is now represented in Decatur by the two brothers, Charles G. and Howard W., who, managing the estate, are still actively concerned in the business interests of the city and are, moreover, leading figures in the social life of Decatur, and also Mrs. Annabel (Powers) Tilley, who spends most of her time at her winter home in California.
Source:  City of Decatur and Macon County, Illinois - Publ: Chicago - The Pioneer Publishing Company - 1910 ~ Page  40
EDWARD GILES POWERS whose life has been devoted to art and music, in which connection he has gained much more than local reputation, was born Sept. 7, 1861, in Decatur, where he yet makes his home.  He is a son of Samuel Powers, an honored pioneer resident of this city, now deceased.  His more specifically literary education was acquired in Jacksonville and in Philadelphia, while his musical education was obtained partially as a student in the New England Conservatory of Boston.  His training has been received under some of the best masters, so that he has made excellent progress in the development of the natural taste and talent with which nature endowed him and he has traveled extensively in foreign lands.
     On the 5th of April, 1905, Mr. Powers was married to Miss Bell McKee, a daughter of Edward Davis and Fanny Vorhees (Armstrong) McKee.  The family is well known and distinguished one of Portland, Oregon.  Mr. and Mrs. Powers have two children: Fanny Armstrong, who is so called in honor of her maternal grandmother; and Caroline Maria, who bears the name of her paternal grandmother.
     The home of Mr. and Mrs. Powers is one of the artistic residences of Decatur.  It is situated some distance from the road and is approached by a fine driveway.  The house is a frame dwelling, standing in the midst of spacious grounds, beautifully adorned by flowers, shrubs and shade trees.  It is in some respects a typical New England home and has but recently been completed.  It was made after a sketch drawn by Mr. Powers, who employed an architect to draw up the plans.  The interior indicates artistic taste and selection and Mr. Powers, being a lover of fine paintings, has chosen some canvases that indicate the master's hand.  The arrangement of the electric lights is such as to show these to the best advantage.  Among the notable and beautiful paintings which adorn his walls are a Quebec scene from St. Lawrence river, by Birge Harrison; a Colorado sunset and a golden sunset by Charles Partridge Adams; and a decoration of the Mississippi river, by a St. Louis artist.  The decorations of the rooms are all in perfect harmony, the floors are covered with the finest of Oriental rugs and designs, colors, lights and shades all make of the home a perfect picture.  Mrs. Powers has made a collection of Indian baskets from all over the western world, showing some particularly fine specimens.  Mr. Powers is president of the Municipal Art League.  He is a lover of good horses, is himself a fine horseman, and he is the owner of a cotton plantation in the south.  His home is a most hospitable one and is the delight of visitors who are in any degree endowed with artistic perception.
Source:  City of Decatur and Macon County, Illinois - Publ: Chicago - The Pioneer Publishing Company - 1910 ~ Page 642

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