A Part of Genealogy Express
Macon County, Illinois
History & Genealogy |
Source 2:
City of Decatur and Macon County, Illinois
A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and
"Local history is the ultimate substance of national history."
The Pioneer Publishing Company
1910 |
FOLLANSBEE HARDY. There is no doubt that the
newspapers largely control public opinion in America.
Here the press has a freedom known nowhere else in the world
and here the newspaper business has been brought to its
highest degree of efficiency not only in gathering the news
but in disseminating it to the millions of readers.
The general consensus of opinion is that a free press is a
necessity in a free government and all wrongs will in the
end right themselves even in the realm of the newspaper.
If a newspaper takes undue advantage of its freedom or fails
to present the truth it will in the end receive merited
condemnation. If a newspaper consistently maintains
high ideals it will gain the confidence of its readers and
its influence will be in proportion to the sincerity with
which it adheres to what is just and true.
Warren F. Hardy, the subject of this review, is
a representative of that branch of the press which aims to
maintain an honorable standard and thus to gain and retain
the respect and confidence of the people. As managing
editor of the Decatur Herald for three years past, he has
displayed those qualities that count for most in the
journalism of the country, and has gained an enviable
reputation in Decatur and Macon county as a man of marked
ability in a difficult profession and a citizen whose great
object it is to upbuild the community. He was born at
Blue Hill, Maine, Dec. 14, 1878, and is a son of Daniel
W. and Lydia (Follansbee) Hardy the father being a
minister of the Congregational Church.
The subject of this review was reared in a genial home
and early possessed advantages of training that have had a
controlling influence on his life. In 1896 he was
graduated from the Waterville, Maine, high school, after
which he attended Colby College for two years, then entering
Amherst College, graduating from the latter institution in
1900 with the degree of A. B. Mr. Hardy lost no
time in beginning upon his life work. He had a natural
liking for the newspaper and immediately after leaving
college became connected with the Lowell (Mass.) Mail
as a reporter. Here he received his introduction to
the calling for which he has proven to be eminently adapted.
We next find him as court reporter on the Springfield,
(Mass.) Union and from this position he became city editor
of the Evening Union and later city editor of the Morning
Union, being also night editor of the same paper for three
years, thus securing a varied experience that has qualified
him for any position in the newspaper field. In
January, 1908, he came to this city as managing editor of
the Decatur Herald and has filled this office with an
ability that has met with the general approval of the people
of the city and also of readers in central Illinois where
the Herald has an extensive circulation. Under his
management the paper has been greatly strengthened and its
sphere of influence extended. He is a clear and
forcible writer and has gained just recognition among his
brethren of the state press as one of the wide-awake and
progressive newspaper men of the modern school, who are
capable of a comprehensive grasp of the great issues which
effect the state and control the destiny of the nation.
On June 22, 1910, Mr. Hardy was united in
marriage to Miss Olive Belle Milner, formerly woman's
editor of the Decatur Herald. Mr. Hardy is a
republican in politics and a member of the University Club,
of which he was president 1910-1911. In college he was
a member of the Zeta Psi fraternity and his religious belief
is indicated by his membership in the First Congregational
church of Decatur. In the course of his life he has
aimed to deal justly and judge gently and in his career as a
journalist he has been governed by a moderation that makes
more binding the ties of society and strengthens those
relations by which men recognize each other as in a common
City of Decatur and Macon County, Illinois - Publ:
Chicago -
The Pioneer Publishing Company -
1910 ~ Page 101 |
City of Decatur and Macon County, Illinois - Publ:
Chicago -
The Pioneer Publishing Company -
1910 ~ Page 106 |
City of Decatur and Macon County, Illinois - Publ:
Chicago -
The Pioneer Publishing Company -
1910 ~ Page 109 |