History of Peoria County, Illinois
Chicago - Johnson & Company
Note: The NAMES in 'CAPS' will have a
biography. All others do not have biographies available.
NOTE: Names with (*) next to them have longer

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EDWARD, farmer, Sec. 36, P. O.
Princeville, was born in New York State in 1825; came to
Peoria county in1854, and settled on section 36, his present
home; owns 450 acres of land, about 240 acres of which are
under cultivation, and is worth upwards of $17,000.
Married in 1857, Miss Rebecca Fulton, second daughter
of Josiah Fulton, one of the early settlers of Peoria
county; she was born in 1828, and has had nine children, six
of whom are now living. Mr. Mansfield has seen
many changes in this section of the county, and as the
result of hard labor in former years, is now living happily
with his family on one of the finest farms in the township.
Pg. 816 |
Mnnn, Wm.,
farmer, P. O. Monica
Martin, Anna, farmer, P. O. Princeville |
* MARTIN, L. B.,
M. D., P. O. Monica, Pg. 816 |
STEPHEN, retired, P. O. Princeville,
Pg. 816 |
McCallery, O.,
blacksmith, P. O. Monica |
* McCANN, T. P.,
farmer, Sec. 31, P. O. Monica, Pg.
816 - 817 |
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ORRIEN, wagon maker, P. O. Monica,
Pg. 817 |
McCready, P.
K., constable, P. O. Princeville
McDaniel R., drayman, P. O. Princeville
McDowell, Jas., painter, P. O. Princeville |
* McGINNIS, JOHN, stock dealer, P. O.
Princeville Pg. 817 |
McGregor, Duncan,
farmer, P. O. Duncan |
* McKUNE, JOHN, JR., thresher and auctioneer,
P. O. Monica. Pg. 817 |
McMillen, Charlotte,
farmer, P. O. Princeville
Mendel, D., farmer, P. O. Monica
Mendel, M., farmer, P. O. Monica
Merritt, B. F., farmer, P. O. Princeville
Miller, Catharine, farmer, P. O. Princeville
Miller, H., farmer, P. O. Princeville
Miller, M. A., P. O. Princeville
Miller, W. L., farmer, P. O. Monica
Miller, Chris., farmer, P. O. Duncan
MILLS, JOB B. Rev., P. O. Princeville |
* MOFFIT, A. C., wabon and carriage
manufacturer, P. O. Princeville. Pg.
817 |
Moody, M. F., P.
O. Princeville
MOODY, O., retired, P. O. Princeville
Moody, Talbot, farmer, P. O. Princeville
MORCOMBE, JOSEPH E., P. O. Princeville
Mott, W. W., farmer, P. O. Princeville
MOYNIHAN, J., Rev.., P. O. Princeville
Murdock, H., farmer, P. O. Princeville
Murdock, Isabella, farmer, P. O. Princeville
Murdock, James, farmer, P. O. Princeville
Murdock, W., farmer, P. O. Princeville |
* NELSON, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 29, P. O.
Monica. Pg. 817 |
* NICHOLAS, R. J., blacksmith, P. O. Mnica.
Pg. 817 |
Nelson, J.,
farmer, P. O. Monica
Nelson, John, farmer, P. O. Monica
Nelson, Philip, farmer, P. O. Monica |
O'Brien, Thos.,
farmer, P. O. Monica |
Padget, Mrs.,
farmer, P. O. Monica |
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* PALMER, THOMAS, farmer, P. O. Princeville.
Pg. 818 |
Parence, J.,
laborer, P. O. Princeville
Parker, Nancy, farmer, P. O. Princeville
Parnell, Wm., farmer, P. O. Monica |
* PELNAR, JOSEPH, blacksmith, P. O. Monica.
Pg. 818 |
Perkins, C. D.,
farmer, P. O. Princeville
Pert, T., retired farmer, P. O. Princeville
Pigg, Anderson, farmer, P. O. Monica |
* POTTS, DAVID, W., lawyer, P. O.
Princeville, Pg. 818 |
Pratt, J. A.,
blacksmith, P. O. Princeville
Pratt, O. S., blacksmith, P. O. Princeville |
* PROUTY, F. E., tinner, P. O. Monica,
Pg. 818 |