History of Peoria County, Illinois
Chicago - Johnson & Company
Note: The NAMES in 'CAPS' will have a
biography. All others do not have biographies available.
NOTE: Names with (*) next to them have longer

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Rell, Charles,
farmer and gardener, P. O. Peoria |
Schnebley, C.
C., farmer, P. O. Peoria
Schnebley, E. M., farmer, P. O. Peoria
Schnebley, J. C., farmer, P. O. Peoria
Schuline, Leonard, gardner, P. O. Peoria
Sipp, Adam, farmer, P. O. Peoria |
Pg. 836 |
Smith, John R.,
retired merchant, P. O. Peoria |
GEORGE Pg. 836 |
Casper, farmer, P. O. Peoria
STAFFORD, WILLIAM, farmer, and gardener, Sec. 15, P.
O. Peoria
Stanley, John, farmer, P. O. Peoria
Steele, Godfrey, farmer, P. O. Peoria
Stringer, Wm., farmer, P. O. Peoria |
ANGELO A., Pg. 836 |
Nicholas, farmer, P. O. Peoria
Sweat, Eliza, farmer, P. O. Peoria |
retired, P. O. Peoria, was born in North Adams, Mass., Feb.
2, 1810, and is the son of Giles Tinker, a native of
that State. He is one of a family of thirteen
children, five of whom are now living. When twenty-two
years of age, he went to Honeye Falls, N. Y., in the foundry
business, and the following year embarked in the stove
business, shipping principally to Rochester. In this
he continued eight years, and then removed into Rochester
for one year, and thence to Kingsville, O., where he
started a foundry on his own account; resided there two
years and then removed to Kent, O., where for the next six
years he continued in the same business. In 1856 he
came to Peoria, and after two years in a foundry, started a
restaurant and conducted it for three years, buying at the
end of that period his present location on the borders of
Richwoods township, about two miles from the court house.
He married, Aug., 1829, Miss Ann Darling, who was
born in Birkshire county Mass., Nov. 11, 1810, by whom he
had six children, three of whom are now living: Susan,
now Ms. Isaac Cady, of Stafford, Conn.; Lida,
now Mrs. O. P. Norton, and Louise, now Mrs.
John Waugh. Mr. Tinker engaged very
extensively in the raising of fruit.
Pg. 836
SHARON WICK's NOTE: There is a Tinker in Ashtabula Co., Ohio
that invented a special non-rustable metal and made
beautiful tombstones. |
farmer, Sec. 19, P. O. Peoria |