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Piatt County, Illinois
History & Genealogy


Piatt County History

together with a
Brief History of Illinois
from the
Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time

by Emma C. Piatt
With Map and Illustrations.




Bement Twp. -
MR. GEORGE H. HACKLER, farmer, Bement, was born in Tennessee, from which state he moved to Illinois, and in 1874 came to Piatt county.  He was married Feb. 28, 1852, to Miss K. Jones, and has six children living, Tryphena, John Byron, Elsie Jane, George Thomas, Owen and Charles W.  His second daughters married Mr. Warren Cain, has two children, Etta and Leonard, and lives in Bement township.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 374
Unity Twp. -
MR. S. V. HAGEMAN, hardware merchant, Hammond, is a native of Pike county, Illinois.  He moved from there to Logan county in 1863 or 1864, and in 1875 settled on a farm in Piatt county.   After staying there five years he left his farm, not selling it, however, and moved into Hammond, opened a hardware and grocery store in June, 1881.  He was married in 1874, to Lizzie Rathbun, of Pike county.  They have had three children, two of whom are living, Oscar Y. and Silas.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 427
Bement Twp. -
MR. HORACE HALDEMAN, miller, Bement, moved to Illinois in 1856, and to Piatt county in 1868.  His father, mother, and sister Lucetta, also came to Bement; the father died in 1874, the mother in 1879.  In 1868 Mr. William and Horace Haldeman and G. C. Nichols built the mill, the only one in town, and probably the largest in the county.  In 1872 Lucetta bought out G. C. Nichols' interest.  The two brothers and sister own residences and property in Bement.  Their cousin Sarah has lived with them since 1865, and has taught for a number of years in the Bement school.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 373
Bement Twp. -
MR. WILLIAM HALDEMAN, miller, Bement, was born in Pennsylvania, and came to this county in 1868.  He went to the army in 1862, from Scott county, in Co. H of the 129th reg. Ill. Vols., and remained three years.  He was in several battles, the principal of which are Buzzard Roost, Resaca and a part of the Atlanta campaign.  He was wounded at Atlanta and sent to rear.  In the battle of Peachtree Creek he thought every man in the regiment was down except himself, and he expected to go every minute.  Mr. Haldeman was married in 1867, to Mary Ferrington, and has four children, Lee, Maggie, Ella and Brandt.  Mr. William Haldeman and his brother Horace are the proprietors of the Bement flour mill.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 373
Monticello -
MR. L. HAMMERSMIDT, furniture dealer, Monticello, was born in Germany, and came to America and located in Monticello in 1866.  He has lived in Monticello ever since,  and owns his residence, a business house and two lots in the place.  He was married about twenty-six years ago to Henrietta Rump and has one daughter, Ella.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 294
Bement Twp. -
MR. W. W. HAMMOND, nurseryman, Bement, is a native of New York, from which state he moved to Texas and remained three years.  In 1869 he moved to Bement, and the next year started a nursery near the town, and has had a high ten or twelve acres in stock.  His is the only nursery which has been in Bement.  He owns a house and two lots in Bement.  Mr. Hammond was married Oct. 11, 1866, to Alvira Worthing, a native of New York.  All of their six children are living, Lena, Wilbur, Winifred, Alvira, Emma and Carrie.  Mr. Hammond's grandfather was in the revolutionary war, and his father fought in the war of 1812.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 373
Monticello -
MR. WILLIAM HANKS is a native of Kentucky.  His father, John Hanks, a native of the same state, moved from Kentucky to Indiana.  In 1828 he moved to Stevens Creek, Macon county, Illinois.  Previous to his moving to Illinois he lived for a time with Mr. Robert Lincoln in Spencer county, Indiana.  Mr. Lincoln came to Illinois the next spring (1829) after Mr. Hanks did, and moved into the house vacated for that purpose by him.  Mr. Hanks did, and moved into the house vacated for that purpose by him.  Mr. Lincoln remained with his family in this place for two years and then moved to Coles county.  His son Abraham (our martyred president) the meantime breaking prairie.  Abraham remained after his father had gone, and he and Mr. John Hanks built a float boat and went down the river to Springfield.  They were hired by a man in Springfield to go on the flat-boat to New Orleans.  They shipped bacon and flour to said city, sold the boat and then returned on a steamer.  Lincoln got $100 for his job, and with it entered eighty acres of land in Coles county.  His father lived on this place until his death.  Mr. John Hanks entered his first land with money obtained from the sue of the flat-boat.  After entering the land for his father, Lincoln became postmaster in a town near Springfield.  Probably the next move was in the Black Hawk war, and Mr. John Hanks was with him there.  In the winter of 1829 he made rails for Mr. Hanks' was his stopping place while attending court at Decatur.  Just before his inauguration he sent word for Mr. John Hanks to accompany him on a visit to his father.  During the visit to the father Lincoln told Mr. Hanks that he would never see home again.  Mr. Hanks was in the army and saw Lincoln again at the White House.  Mr. John Hanks is eighty years old and still lives in Macon county, on the old farm where he first settled.  Mr. William Hanks was married in 1853, to Mary E. Henson, who died in 1876.  They had two children.  Charles married Elizabeth Newhouse.  They, with their daughter Sarah,  reside in Monticello township.  Emma Hanks lives with her grandfather.  Mr. Hanks came to Piatt county in 1872, and now lives on what is known as the Scott land in Monticello township.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 292
Cerro Gordo Twp. -
MR. O. D. HANNA, carpenter and farmer of Cerro Gordo, township, was born in Pennsylvania in 1819.  His grandfather was in the revolutionary war, and was in sight of Valley Forge when Washington was there.  His father, Ephraim Hanna, was in the war of 1812, under Gen. Harrison, and was at the siege of Fort Meigs and Fort Sandusky.  He was discharged just before the battle of the Thames.  Mr. Hanna, the subject of our sketch, moved from his native state to Virginia, and from there to Ohio, and thence to Illinois, and was an early settler, with others of his family, in Woodford and Livingston counties.  Their name is in the history of both of these counties.  Mr. Hannah  was married in 1844, to Ann Thompson, who was born in Ohio in 1822.  Six of their eight children are living. Mary E. married William Pitcher, and with one daughter, Theodosia M., lives in Cerro Gordo township.  Phebe A., the wife of Richard Hanna, lives in Livingston county.  Sarah E., S. L., B. F. and Stephen are living at home.  Mr. Hanna was the first assessor of one of the townships of Woodford county after the township organization.  He is one of the few persons who have succeeded in keeping a record of some of the principal events of life.  The book in which he has kept such record was bought in Ohio about thirty-five years ago.  Mr. Hanna settled in Piatt county in 1878, and owns thirty acres of land in his home-place.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 483
Monticello -
MR. JAMES HARDING is a native of Ohio; came from there to Piatt county in 1869.  He was married in 1878, to Mary Prouse, and has one child, George.  His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harding, live in the county and have had eleven children, two of whom reside here, James and TaylorTaylor married Sarah Robins and has four children, Wilburt, Edward, Frank and Jesse.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 295
Cerro Gordo Twp. -
MR. O. J. HARLAN, merchant, is a native of Fountain county, Indiana.  He moved to Champaign county, Illinois, in 1841, and in 1870 moved from Macon county to Cerro Gordo, where he opened a store.  He now owns his store building, a residence and two lots in the place.  He was married in 1850, to Mary B. Maim, who died in 1858, leaving three children: Morgan; Julia C., who is the wife of George Grubb, of Macon county, and has two children, and Naomi who married John Hays, has two children and lives at Springfield.  Mr. Harlan was married again in 1859, to Sarah M. Ball, and has five children, Arthur A., John Marshall, Almitta, Florence E. and Lula MayMr. Harlan is a member of the Masonic and I. O. O. F. lodges.  He has been school director and at present is a member of the town board.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 485
Cerro Gordo Twp. -
DR. W. M. HARSHA, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Adams county, Ohio.  He went from that state to Texas, where he taught school a year, after which he attended the university at Lebanon, Ohio, where he graduated in the scientific and classical course in 1875.  From Lebanon he went to Ann Arbor and attended the medical school in the University of Michigan.  After spending a year in Florida, where he came to Cerro Gordo in 1879 and began the practice of medicine.  His practice gradually increased so that it was necessary for him to have assistance, and in 1881 Dr. H. C. Jones became his partner.  Dr. Harsha is also a partner in the drug store of "Harsha and McCrumb."  He was married June 1, 1880, to Adelia S. Hutchinson, a native of Ohio, and who was also a student of Lebanon.  Dr. Harsha is at present a member of the town board.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 485

Unity Twp. -
, a retired farmer, was born in Champaign county, Ohio, and is of German descent.  His father moved from Ohio to Montgomery county, Indiana, and in 1823 made the second settlement in that county.  He died in Illinois in 1857.  His wife died in Indiana in 1853.  Mr. Daniel Harshbarger was married in 1834, to Miss Huldah Quick, of Montgomery county.  They moved to Piatt county in 1837, and for the first summer lived with Daniel's father in a cabin built the same year.  In the fall Daniel went into his own round-log cabin covered with clapboards and containing a hickory pole bedstead.  When he came to the county he had $200 in money, five sheep, one horse, one cow, one hog, and some spinning wheels upon which Mrs. Harshbarger did all the spinning for the family.  Mr. Harshbarger now has a walnut chest which is a hundred years old and a pair of steelyards, which came from Germany, that are one hundred and fifty years old.  This family remained in their round-log cabin until 1848, when they built the second brick house in the county.  The brick was burned by Jim Bennet on Mr. Harshbarger's place.  Mr. and Mrs. Harshbarger still occupy this with their son John and his family.  When about fifty-five years of age Mr. Harshbarger stopped his long-continued hard labor and deeded his ten or eleven hundred acres of land to his children, with the proviso that they were to keep himself and wife.  After stating this fact to us he very contentedly remarked, "the children all appear to be reconciled to the way I divided it."  Mr. Michael Harshbarger is Mr. Daniel Harshbarger's oldest living son (see his name).  His daughter, Sarah, married Mr. Joseph Baker (see his name).  Mr. John Harshbarger was married in 1868 to Anna Gaw, from Indiana.  Their children are Carrie, William D. and Frank Merritt.  John is a farmer and stock dealer and lives on the old homestead place where he has lived all his life.  Miss Emma Gaw, Mrs. John Harshbager's sister, is making her home with them at present.  Miss Emma seems to possess natural talent for drawing.  We suggest that she should embrace all possible chances of cultivating such talent.  Barbara Harshbarger married William Carroll and is living in Douglas county.  Their children's names are Ivory Bell, Ivol, Icel Lee and Florence MabelMr. Daniel Harshbarger was the first justice of the peace in his section of the county.  He served as such for twelve years, until they began lawing, when he refused to serve longer.  A gentleman who has known "Uncle Dan" a long while says that he is "as honest as the day is long," and that his extreme sense of justice led him to be considered one of the best peacemakers in the county.  His law was, "Do right whatever the consequences," and he has been known to prevent suits many times by going out of his way to see the men and who united in the bonds of matrimony in Unity township, and for six or eight years performed the marriage ceremony for all who were married in Lake Fork timber.  We must tell a little joke on "Uncle Dan" which was related to us by a neighbor of his.  What we have already told of his peace-making abilities would lead one to think that it would grieve him very much to have a neighbor think ill of him.  One morning when out he met a neighbor, Mr. Thomas Goodson, who, instead of giving his usual "good morning!" said in a very sober tone of voice "I thought I would tell you there is a coolness between us."  -- Uncle Dan, "with a surprised and anxious look, and in that deep and earnest tone of voice of his said,  "Why, Tommy, Tommy, what is it!  I never had a hard feeling toward you in the world."  Mr. Goodson, after carrying his joke to the desired extent, remarked that "it was the sharp breeze which caused the coolness between them."  Mr. Harshbarger held the office of supervisor for one year.  He was the first person to make a profession of religion on Lake Fork and was baptized June 28, 1842, by Mr. John Collins, and in the same fall Mrs. Harshbarger, Mrs. Joseph Moore and Mrs. James Utterback were baptized.  Mr. Harshbarger relates that in early days in their neighborhood the people used often to get quite lonesome.  At Mr. Monroe's they used to go on top of the house to watch across the prairie, hoping to see some one coming.  In case they should, word would soon be sent around and all the neighborhood would collect at one house.  Since writing the above we have received the following items from Mr. John Harshbarger.  He took the measure of twelve of the apple trees which his father set out in 1839 and found that they averaged in circumference five feet and one inch - the largest measuring seven feet and three inches.  The tallest tree was forty feet and seven inches in height, and in the twelve the following varieties are represented, Early Harvest, Golden Pippin, Vandaver Pippin and Spitzenburg.  These trees are in the thriving condition and in 1881 some of them bore as high as twenty-five bushels of apples apiece.  Mr. Harshbarger has in his possession a Seth Thomas clock which has kept good time for fifty years.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 423

Unity Twp. -
MICHAEL O. HARSHBARGER, farmer, near Atwood, is a native of Indiana, and came to Piatt county in 1837. He was married October 30, 1862, to Emeline Stevens, who died in 1865, leaving one boy, Charles M. He next married Arville Whetsel in 1869. She had to children, Dora May and John Lee. Mr. Harshbarger owns about 460 acres of land, part of which lies in Douglas county. He has evidently been a hardworking man, as the result of his labors shows. In 1876 he built one of the finest houses in the county. It contains fifteen rooms and cost $8,000. The brick for the house were made on his own farm. He burnt some 180,000 brick and sold enough to pay for putting up the walls of his house. This is an example of thrift and energy not often shown in this country. In 1881 he built one of the best frame barns in the county. It is 68X60 feet, is two story, will hold sixteen horses and contain one hundred ton of hay. Mr. Harshbarger has made his money by farming and raising stock. When he was married he had $600 and some land which his father Mr. Daniel Harshbarger, gave him. In conversing with Mr. Harshbarger we quite readily discovered strong filial devotion, which most men of his age, if they have it, are quite successful in covering up. Since taking the above notes from Mr. Harshbarger, we have regretted to hear that his wife died on January 9, 1882.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 426
Unity Twp. -
SAMUEL HARSHBARGER, farmer, was born in Ohio in 1811. He moved from Ohio to Montgomery county, Indiana, in 1823, and from there to Piatt county in 1837. He was married in Indiana, to Sarah Quick, who had eleven children, seven of whom are living. Clarissa was the wife of Nathaniel Shonkwiler. Aaron married Arvilla Wildman, who had seven children. He moved to Texas, and next married Jennie Romine. His third wife was a Miss Waters, Elizabeth Harshbarger married Alfred Taylor (now deceased), and has five children. She lives in Champaign county. Ambrose Harshbarger married Margaret Richardson and lives on the old homestead place. They have six children, Samuel, Caroline, who married Wm. Taylor, and lives in Douglas county, Lucy, Effie, William and Henry. Jefferson Harshbarger married Francis Sexton and has four children. He lives in Champaign county. Isaac married Mary J. Goff. He has a large family of children, and lives at Atwood. Samuel married Emmazilla Wildman, and lives in Unity township. They have a family of children, some of whose names are Delia, Arthur, Clara B. and Reuben Horace. Naomi Harshbarger is the wife of David Corell, a sewing machine agent of Bement. They have two children living, May and William. Sylvia Harshbarger, deceased, was the wife of David Cade, of Douglas county. He was married again in 1881, and lives in Champaign county. The death of the first Mrs. Harshbarger occurred in 1853. Mr. Harshbarger next married Mrs. Melissa Holden, the widow of an old settler in that part of the county. She died about 1870, and Mr. Harshbarger took for his third wife Miss Eliza Randolph. The second year after Mr. Harshbarger moved to the county, there were seven families was sick except himself and son Aaron. Mr. Harshbarger had to leave the sick and go to mill at Eugene, Indian, seventy miles distant. Before going he threshed the grain by having the horses tramp it. He was gone eight days, and upon his return did not expect to find all the family alive. Mr. Harshbarger relates one of his deer hunts in the following manner: "I was standing in the woods on a log when I saw a big buck coming toward me. I let him come close and then shot. The gun cracked and the deer came bawling and jumping toward me, and I - climbed up a sapling." Mr. Harshbarger has long been regarded a, "bee hunter." He has worked with bees ever since he was fifteen years old. He has had bees every year since. He has made hundreds of dollars with his bees alone. He has found at least seventy bee-trees in his lifetime. The most honey he ever got out of a tree was ten gallons after it was strained. Mr. Harshbarger was ordained a minister in the Christian church in 1843, and has preached on a large circuit extending throughout this county and into Macon. DeWitt, Champaign, Vermilion, Douglas and Moultrie counties. He has evidently done a great deal of good in his lifetime, and his kindly countenance and earnest words indicate that he will do much more yet.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 425
Bement Twp. -
MR. JOSEPH HARTMAN, boot and shoe merchant, Bement, is a native of Germany, who came to America in 1856, and to Bement, Piatt county, in 1870.  He owns a house and lot in Bement.  He was married in 1857, to Catharine Hawk.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 377
Cerro Gordo Twp. -
MR. W. T. HAVENAR, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Moultrie county, Illinois, in 1850.  He next moved to Piatt county, where he owns eighty acres of land.  He was married in Ohio in 1847, to Elizabeth Hitchens, and has had seven children, six of whom are living.  James married Martha Thompson, and lives in Lake City.  Sarah J. married James Madison, has four children, and lives in Moultrie county.  John B. married Alice Patrick, has one son, William, and lives in Cerro Gordo Township.  Anna, wife of James Sinings, has one child and lives in Moultrie county.  William E. is still at home.  Mr. Havenar was one of a family of eight brothers, six of whom went all through the late war, were in some of the hardest battles, but did not receive a single wound.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 483
(SHARON WICK'S NOTE:   Click Here for Last Will & Testament)
Also:  Marriage Record - William Thomas Havenar, Male, b. OH, 1827 and Elizabeth Hitchens b. 1825 md. 1847 in IL.
Bement Twp. -
STEVEN B. HAWKES, Bement, came from Milwaukee to Piatt county in 1857.  His parents were from Charlemont, Massachusetts, and he was one of the family of nine children.  He was married in December, 1857, to Catharine T. Booth, and they have had three children, M. Miller, who died, Chas. F. T.  and J. Williard Booth.  Upon settling in Bement, Mr. Hawkes began farming.  In August he began working at the tank for the railroad company, and has been working there ever since.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes are members of the Methodist church.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 372
Unity Twp. -
MR. J. A. HAWKS, a miller and tile maker, of Mackville, is of English and German descent, and is a native of New York.  He came west of 1869.  He taught school a Mackville for four terms after he first came to the county.  He was in the general merchandise business for a time with Mr. Gross and then began milling.  In 1876 he bought the mill which Griggs & Marshall had built.  He was married in 1877, to Mary Mitchell, a native of Ohio.  They reside in Mackville and have no children.  Mr. Hawks went to the war from New York, in Battery G, 3d N. Y. Lt. Art.  Roanoke Island, Plymouth and Kingston were the principal battles in which he engaged.  He was never wounded, but was taken prisoner and was one month (words missing)  by prison.  Mr. Hawks has been superintendent of a Sunday school and township treasurer and supervisor.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 427
Bement Twp. -
ABRAHAM HAYS, farmer, Bement, was born in Ohio, and from there moved to Champaign county, Illinois, locating in April, 1861, in Piatt county, where he owns 160 acres of land, which he has improved himself, planting out over two miles of hedge in addition to doing some ditching.  He was married in 1865, to Dorothea B. Moma, who died, leaving three children, one of whom, Ida B., is living.  He next married Nancy E. Wilkin in 1873, and has three children, Charles E., Ada and William M.  Mr. Hays went to the army in 1861, in Co. C of the 25th Ill. reg., returning in September, 1864, having been in engagements at Pea Ridge, Corinth, Perryville, Peach-tree Creek, Mission Ridge, Resaca and Kenesaw Mountain, and having been wounded three times.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 374
Bement Twp. -
MR. H. M. HAYS, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ohio, and moved in 1861 from Champaign county to Piatt county, where he owns eighty acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvement, including the planting of two hundred trees and over one mile of hedge.  He was married Dec. 25, 1873, to Ollie C. Holm, and has two children, Mamie M. and Lulu L.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 374
Monticello -
, a farmer in Monticello township, was born in Ireland in 1830.  He left Ireland and landed in New York in 1851.  In speaking of this fact Mr. Hays very dryly remarked, "I ought to have left there twenty years before."  There was small-pox on board the ship which brought him to America, but Mr. Hays escaped its clutches.  He was raised a farmer, and, in coming to this country, thought to find a better opening for farmers than the old country afforded.  Mr. Hays has owned land in several townships in this county.  He landed here first in 1859, after a three years' residence in Macon county.  He was married in New York, to Miss Anna Ryan, a native of Ireland.  They have five children, three of whom, Nanno, James and Will, are living.  Mr. Hays was school director for eight years, and during this time was instrumental in the building of the school-house which is now at Hammond.  He is a member of the Catholic church.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page
Monticello -
, a merchant in Monticello, was born in 1841, in Indiana.  His parents were natives of the same state, and left him an orphan at the age of six.  He was married at Little York, Indiana, to Asenath S. Davis, a native of the same state and born in 1844.   They have had eleven children, five of whom were of one birth.  The quintette were born in Monticello, Sept. 18, 1880.  The longest life which either of the five had was twenty-two days.  They have four children living, William Albert, Edgar N., Charlie and Nellie.  In 1866 Mr. Hazzard brought a stock of goods to Monticello, where he located.  He has been a merchant since 1863.  He held the office of city treasurer for four years, and for six years was alderman.  He belongs to the Masonic lodge and to the Knights of Honor.  In 1861 Mr. Hazzard went to the army in Co. C of the 38th Ind. Inf.  After about ten minutes of fighting at Perryville (his first battle) he was wounded quite severely in his right shoulder.  He spent some time in the hospital at Louisville, Kentucky.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 293
Cerro Gordon Twp. -
MR. FRED HEATH, wagon-maker, Cerro Gordo, is a native of New York.  He moved to Ohio and then in 1857 located in Willow Branch township.  He came into Cerro Gordo in 1860, and for a time worked at carpentering.  He now owns a house and lot in the place.  He was united in marriage in 1852, to Flavilla Whitford, and has had nine children, five of whom are living.  Alice, the wife of John Valentine, has one child, Arthur.  The names of the other children are Fred A., Mary, John and Clyde.  Mr. Heath went from this township to the army in Co. K of the 107th Ill., and participated in the battles of Knoxville, Resaca, and others in the Atlanta campaign.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 485
MR. F. A. HEBERLINE, jeweler, Bement, was born in Pennsylvania.  Moved from there to Illinois in 1881, and to Piatt county the same year.  He is the only jeweler in Bement, and was married in 1881, to Anna Ganno.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 377
Unity Twp. -
MR. RICHARD HELTON, merchant, was born in 1822, in North Carolina.  His parents were natives of the same state, from which they moved to Wayne county, Indiana, sixteen miles in the woods from Newport.  They, with eight children, landed at this place between Christmas and New Year's, and the snow was knee-deep.  They lived here beside a big log and a camp-fire until spring, hauling all provisions on a one-horse sled from Newport.  Mr. Helton moved to Douglas county in 1857 or 1858.  He was married in 1838, to Ann Willis.   They have lived for ten or twelve years in Piatt county.  He was the first person who built a house in Atwood.  His store was the first in the town and he opened the first grain office in the place.  Henry Helton and wife, née Josephine Willingham, have one child, and live in Douglas county.  Joel married Mary Faulhaber, lives at Atwood and is also a grain dealer.  He has three children, Birdie and Gertie, twins, and Alfred.  George and Rebecca, the youngest daughter, lives at home.  Janie married Thomas Barnes, a carpenter, and lives in Atwood.  Mr. Helton is a member of the masonic order and of a life insurance society.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 426
Cerro Gordo Twp. -
MR. ANDREW HEMINGER, a farmer, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county in 1858.  He rented a farm for a time, after which he bought his present home of 160 acres, upon which he has put all the improvements.  He has put out about five acres of forest trees and two hundred fruit trees.  His first wife, nee Rachel Long, died leaving one child, which is now dead.  In 1877 he married Melinda Schoolcraft, who has had one daughter, Maud Heminger.  In 1862 Mr. Heminger went to the army in Co. K of the 107th Ill.  He was in the battles of Franklin and Loudon.  After the latter engagement he was detailed to the engineering corps.  He was also at the siege of Knoxville, during which time he found out what "hard times" meant.  Mr. Heminger bought apples at the rate of one dollar a dozen while in the army.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 484
Bement Twp. -
MR. JOHN HETISHEE, farmer, Ivesdale, is of German descent, and was born in Switzerland.  He left Switzerland in 1843, and remained in Havre de Gras, France, until the war broke out there in 1848 and the times grew hard.  He came to America to America that year and thinks he has never known anything but hard times until right now he begins to see his way clear.  He moved from New York to Ohio, and from thence to Illinois, about 1853, and since that date he has lived most of the time in Piatt county.  He now owns 480 acres of land, upon which he has planted a good many trees, and has made all other improvements.  He was married in New York to Elizabeth Ruf, and has had six children, William, Minnie, the wife of Jacob Rapp, of Kansas, Henry, Caroline, George and Frank.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 372
Monticello -
, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ross county, Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1862.  He now owns 200 acres of land, upon eighty acres of which he has put all the improvements.  The residence was built in 18789 and has put all the improvements.  The residence was built in 1879 and the barn in 1880.  His crops have been good.  In 1880-1 the crops averaged sixty bushels and fifty-five bushels respectively.  Mr. Hettinger and Margaret Morrison were united in marriage in 1852, and have had eleven children, ten of whom are living.  Martha J., married Emanuel Kerns, has four children and lives in Strawn.  The names of the other children are James, Nelson, John, William, Franklin, Edward, George, Oscar and Dora.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 295
Monticello -
, Monticello, was connected with the brickmaking interests of Piatt county for a number of years.  On March 10, 1864, he and his son-in-law, Mr. H. Shepherd, arrived in Monticello and at once contracted to make brick for and put up the wall of Piatt and Bryden's store building on teh southwest corner of the square.  They also made the brick for W. H. Piatt's residence, and for Mr. Bell's house in Bement, in all making near a million brick that summer.  In 1865 he bought Mr. Shepherd's interest, and for several years made from five to seven thousand brick a year.  Mr. Hicks still resides near Monticello, has been married twice and has several children.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 293
Bement Twp. -
MR. JOSHUA HILL, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1858 and located in Sangamon township.  In 1862 he moved to Bement, where he now owns a house and three lots.  He was married in 1868, to Lydia Peoples, and has had eight children, six of whom are living, William H., Sarah E., Charles, Edward, Louis and Franklin.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 372
Bement Twp. -
MR. N. G. HINKLE, hardware merchant, Bement, is a native of West Virginia, moved from there to Ohio in 1861, and then to Illinois in 1867.  Lived in the country north of Bement for a time and moved into Bement in 1874.  He owns residence and lot, besides another house and lot.  He went to the army from Ohio in Co. C of the 12th Ohio Cav., and was out three years, participating in the battles of Nashville, Mount Sterling, Abington, Virginia, and several skirmishes.  He has held several offices in the township, being commissioner of highways for five years, and school-director nearly ever since he has been in the state.  He is a member of the Odd-Fellows of Bement.  Mr. Hinkle was married in 1866, to Alice Hannah, and has two children, Bettie and Ida May.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 373
Monticello -
MR. PETER HITCHENS, Monticello, was born in Ohio, moved to Indiana, thence to Vermilion county, Illinois, then to Piatt county in 1862, locating at Bement.  In 1863 he went to Monticello, in 1872 moved to Mansfield, and has since returned to Monticello.  Mr. Hitchens married Susan Doll, of Ohio, and has six children living.  Sarah Ann is the wife of John May lives in Indiana and has four children; John Married Sarah E. Ray, and lives in Iowa; Martha married Mr. Pender, and died, leaving one child; Margaret married Wm. Ray, and lives in Virginia; America married Rilely Tatman; George married Sarah Carr, has one child, Clarence, and is a blacksmith in Mansfield; William married Lina Conoway, has two children and is a blacksmith in Mansfield.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page  294
Monticello -
MR. ELIAS HOFFHINES is a native of Ohio, and moved from there to Piatt county in 1869, locating where he now lives.  He owns eighty acres, which he partially improved himself.  Mr. Hoffhines was married about 1861, to Martha Robinson, also a native of Ohio, and has had twelve children, of whom nine are living, Isaac, Newton, Zelda J., Sarah E., Homer, David, Cassius, whose twin died, Daniel and the twins Mary and Clara.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 294
Bement Twp. -
MR. LEVI HOFFHEINS, farmer, Bement, was born in Pennsylvania and moved to Ohio with hsi father when eleven years old.  After remaining there ab out forty years he moved to Piatt county in 1872.  Mr. and Mrs. Hoffheins own 106 acres of land.  Mr. Hoffheins was first married about 1845, to Lavina Shumaker.  Ten of their children are living.  Oran married about 1845, to Lavina Shumaker.  Ten of their children are living.  Oran married Mary Brillman, has three children, and lives in Bement township.  Samuel H. married Laura Koeher and lives on the same section.  William N. married Abbey Quick and lives in Champaign county.  George  lives in Missouri.  Lucinda, the wife of William Alexander, ahs one child.  Ella is the wife of Charles Martin.  Sarah is married and lives in Bement.  Rosa is the wife of Charles HoldermanClinton and Emma are at home.  Mr. Hoffheins married Rachel Wolf in 1851.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 377
Bement Twp. -
MR. ABRAHAM HOLDERMAN, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ohio, who, in 1867, moved to Piatt county, where he owns 320 acres of land, which he haw principally improved.  He was married about 1850, to Eliza A. Barnthouse and has four children:  Ella, the wife of David Dawson; Alice, who married Mr. L. Campbell; Laura, the wife of Samuel Campbell and mother of two children; and J. C. Holderman, who married Miss Hoffheins and has one son, Holly.  Mr. Holderman's farm has yielded fair crops.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 377
Bement Twp. -
MR. BENJAMIN GOLD HOPKINS' parents were of English descent and natives of Connecticut, where they lived and died.  The subject of our sketch was born Mar. 4, 1811, in Cornwall, Connecticut.  In 1831 he was married to Mary Stanton, of Salisbury, Connecticut, and in 1839, with his wife and family of four children, moved from Connecticut to Waverly, Morgan county, Illinois.  For the benefit of the curious whom they might meet on their way, on one side of the wagon was printed "From Connecticut," while on the other side was "To Illinois."  This, however, seemed to only partially satisfy the people, for through whatever section of the country they passed they were the recipients of innumerable messages to brothers, sisters, sons and daughters in Illinois.  These innocent message-senders believed, seemingly, that all the inhabitants of Illinois were acquainted and neighbors.  About 1855 Mr. Hopkins moved from Greene county, Illinois, to a farm about one and one-half miles from Bement, which place he improved.  It is now owned by Mr. Elihu Fisher.  Upon his arriving at Bement he found but about three buildings in the place.  These were two dwelling houses and an office owned by Mr. Joseph Bodman.  There were about two women in the town, and one of these was nicknamed "Curly," because of the abundance of her curling locks.  After remaining in the vicinity of Bement for over two years Mr. Hopkins moved to Christian county, where he remained for about four years, and then returned to Bement for the purpose of opening a grocery and provision store.  He estimates that during the fourth year he was in this business he sold $70,000 worth of goods.  After remaining in this business about sixteen years he moved again.  Since leaving Bement he has lived in various places, but most of his time has been spent in Champaign county, where he opened a merchandise store in Homer about four years ago.  Mr. and Mrs. Hopkiins had nine children, four of whom were born in Connecticut.  Samuel J. was married in Greene county, where he lived at the time of his death, two years ago.  He left a wife and large family of children.  Frank G. married Clara, a daughter of Senator Greene, of Missouri.  He kept a hotel in Bement for a time, but now has three children and lives in Canton, Missouri.  Mary E. is the wife of Mr. J. C. Evans, of Bement.  Ellen G. is the wife of William Godwin, of Bement.  (See his name.)  Julia is the wife of N. L. Furgeson, has five children and lives in Kansas. Edward S. is unmarried and lives in Kansas.  Richard Hopkins was a member of the first school taught in Bement.  He enlists when seventeen years old in Co. D, 73d Ill. reg.  He was in about twenty battles and was wounded in the arm at Chickamauga.  After the war he returned to Bement and worked in Hopkins & Godwin's store.  He next was in the hardware business with Mr. Evans.  He was married in 1868, to Damie Coffeen, has three children and lives in Homer.  Belle Hopkins, who received $100 a month while helping in the store in Bement, was married Oct. 3, 1872, and has several children.  Mr. B. G. Hopkins survives his wife, who died about 1878.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 370
Cerro Gordo Twp. -

Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page

Cerro Gordo Twp. -
MR. ISAAC HOWELL, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Macon county, Illinois, in 1826, or 1828.  He first settled in Piatt county about one mile northeast of where he now lives.  He moved unto his present farm of eighty acres in 1858 and has since made all the improvements of the place.  He planted out about 250 trees and in 1878 built his neat and comfortable frame residence.  He was married in 1843, to Mary Widick, who has had eight children, five of whom are living.  George married Sarah Widick, has one child and lives in Kansas.  William went to the army in Co. H of the 39th reg. and was killed.  Emily first married Tho. Manzey, who died.  She next married Wm. Alsberry, and with two children, John and Louis, lives in Cerro Gordo township.  Ellen married Edward Zinn, has one child and lives in Cerro Gordo township.  John married Anna Kelsey and is also living in Cerro Gordo township.  Eva is a school-teacher and lives at home.  Mr. Howell was quite a hunter from the time he could hold a gun until he was twenty years old.  He has helped to kill at least fifty wolves, has killed as many as three or four deer a day, and for a good many years killed from thirty to forty deer a year.  When quite young he lost an eye by the bursting of a cap when trying to kill a squirrel.  Mr. Howell owns some 320 acres of land besides what he has in his home-place.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 482
Cerro Gordo Twp. -

Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 

Bement Twp. -
MR. CHAS. B. HUBBELL, carpenter and builder, Bement, is of English descent, and was born in 1820 in New York.  He moved from there to Green county, Illinois, about 1852, and then to Bement in 1857, where there were then but two or three houses.  He began farming, and well improved 106 acres of land just east of Bement.  He now owns seventeen acres and residence just out of the corporation.  He planted at least 500 trees near Bement.  Mr. Hubbell has held some of the smaller offices in the county.  His father was in the war of 1812 and his grandfather was in the revolutionary war.  Mr. Hubbell was married in 1845, to Maria C. Vedder, a native of New York, and they have had six children, five living:  Julia E., who is the wife of Wm. Putman, lives in New York; Delia married Mr. Jno. Garver, then Reber Huston; Emma C. is the wife of Frank Corser; Helen died when about twenty years old; Francis F. and Lucius L. are at home.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 372

Monticello -
MR. S. H HUBBELL, grain merchant, Monticello, is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio.  He first came to the county in 1855, stayed a few months and returned to Cincinnati.  He first came to the county in 1855, stayed a few months and returned to Cincinnati.   In 1860 he came back and stayed until he entered the army.  After the war was over he located permanently in Monticello.  For a number of years he was a member of the merchandise firm of Piatt, Hubbell & Co., but now is working in the mill and elevator owned by E. A. Townley & Co.  He went to the army in 1862, and stayed until the close of the war.  He held the positions of adjutant and first lieutenant, and was in the following principal battles:  Knoxville, Franklin, Nashville, and those of the Atlanta campaign.  He had his horse taken by Morgan, but was never wounded or taken prisoner.  He was married in November, 1865, to Miss Jennie Townley, of Cincinnati.  They have had two children:  Edward Townley and Harry Piatt.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 391
Cerro Gordo Twp. -
MR. ROBERT HUDGEN, a farmer and school-teacher near Cerro Gordo, is a native of Kentucky.  His father moved to Macon county in 1848.  Robert settled in Piatt county in 1862 and in 1875 moved onto his present home-farm of forty acres.  When he was a young man, and when Cerro Gordo was first started, he went to the place for the purpose of buying some town lots, but the swampy appearance of the country deterred him.  He has taught school for about sixteen years of his life.  While teaching in the fall of 1881 he fell from the rostrum, injuring one of his limbs so that he was obliged to stop teaching for a time.  He was married in 1864, to Paulina Vancil.  Three of their five children are living, Owen, Lola and Grace.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 484
Monticello -
, lawyer, Monticello, is a native of Madison county, Ohio.  When but two years old his parents came west, and Charles has lived in Piatt county ever since.  His father, Daniel Hughes, came west in 1864 or 1865, and has never been heard of since.  His mother died, leaving five children, three of whom are living.  Mr. C. Hughes was a farmer until seventeen or eighteen years of age, when he began teaching school.  From this time he alternated his teaching with his going to school and studying until he entered the bar.  During this time he attended the state university at Champaign for a year.  He was united in marriage, in 1878, to Miss Pamelia CombsMr. Hughes is one of the self-made young men of the county.  His own efforts have placed him where he now stands.  In 1880 he was elected to the office of state's attorney.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 294
Cerro Gordo Twp. -
MR. E. O. HUMPHREY, teacher, La Place, moved from Ohio, his native state, to Illinois, locating in 1868 in Douglas county.  He moved in 1878 to Piatt county, where he has since been teaching school.  He attended school at the State Normal and at Terre Haute, Indiana.  He was married Oct. 27, 1881, to Minerva Smith, a native of Bath county, Kentucky.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 486
Monticello -
MR. REBER HUSTON, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, from which state he came to Illinois, and in 1874 when into business for Lodge & Huston, of Monticello.  He is still in the same business, and owns a residence and three lots in the town.  He was married in July, 1875, to Mrs. John Garver, nee Anna D. Hubbell, and they have had two children, Charles and Earnest.  Mr. Huston's uncle, Mr. James Reber,  who was the first probate judge in this county, lived in Monticello for a time.  Mr. Reber died, leaving a wife and several children, who now reside in Ohio.
Source: History of Piatt County History together with a Brief History of Illinois from the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi to the Present Time by Emma C. Piatt With Map and Illustrations. 1883 - Page 294



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