Genealogy Express

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Sangamon County


Source:  Daily Illinois State Register (Springfield, IL) - Page 6
Dated Aug. 3, 1892
Five Dollars Secured During the Bartender's Temporary absence - Residences Entered.
     E. Pluribus Unum Clay,  Edward Dunn and Leroy Potterfield were arrested yesterday morning by Detective Marks.  Dunn has been working for Freddie Yager, and yesterday morning when the bartender opened the store Dunn came in and began scrubbing the floor.  The bartender opened the safe to get some money with which to pay the ice man, and did not relock it.  He went into the back room, leaving Dunn still at work.  Dunn opened the safe and took from it $5 in quarters.  He took the money and gave it to Clay, and told him to keep it.  When arrested by Detective Marks, he denied it, but when Marks threatened to lock him up anyway he confessed and told Marks and Clay had the money.  The men have been on the bum and came here from Greenview, Miss.  A charge of larceny was made against Dunn, and Clay and Potterfield are charged with being accessories.

Burglars who were evidently hungry entered the residence of Deputy Sheriff Charles Seaman, No. 624 South Fifth Street and cleaned out the pantry.  It is supposed to have happened early yesterday morning.  They gained admittance to the house through the pantry window.  Nothing but edibles were taken.

When Harry McGrue's "chef-de-cuisine" waltzed gaily out to the summer kitchen yesterday morning to prepare the breakfast, she found that some measly tramp had crawled through the window and carried off everything but the stove, and a small but vigorous army of indignant flies.  "By golly," she said, when she went over to a neighbor's house to borrow enough to keep the family from starving until the stores opened, "they took a side of breakfast bacon, ten pounds of lard, nearly a dollar's worth of sugar, all the flour, and, in fact, everything that was fit to eat; enough, indeed, to last us a whole week.  I just wish that I could have caught the scamps," she added, as she went out, and it is lucky for the thieves that Molly failed to meet them.
Mr. McGrue lives at No. 822 East Capitol avenue, and he is mad, too.

     While the family were away from home last Friday, burglars entered the residence of L. M. Hess, No. 520 South Walnut street, and secured several dollars.

     C. Kemper, of the "A" room, is on the sick list.
     Mary Steele is a new hand in the train department
     Clara Williams is a new hand in the plate department.
     Josephine Stiffes is a new hand in the train department
     Mary Boulware commenced work in the train room yesterday.
     C. Landgraf, of the plate department, ahs left the factory
     John Fuller returned to work in the machine department yesterday.

Source: Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) Page: 10
Dated: Dec. 26, 1914
     List of letters remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Springfield, Ill., for the week ending Dec. 22, 1914
     Persons calling for these letters please say "advertised." and give date of list.
Domestic Letters:    
Albrecht, I. M.
Anderson, Ethel
Anthony, Stella
Archer, John
Arthur, Toanie
Baker, Willis
Barnes, J. S.
Baldwin, Elisha
Bailey, John
Basca, Joe
Bell, Thomas
Bell, Miss L.
Benson, Amelia
Benson, Ole E.
Bruesh, Alert
Blakeman, Hezekiah
Bevan, Charles
Bryant, C. M.
Browning, Neil
Bruning, James
Burke, Walter D.
Bush, I. B.
Carter, Will
Cable, Myrtle
Cheser, Grace
Clark, Charles H.
Cole, P. B.
Cotton, E. L.
Copper, Mrs. ____
Coulton, Roy
Cook, Charles
Cresen, Robert
Creighton, Chas. Z.
day, W. O.
Dayton, O. E.
Dailey, Kate
DeLong, J. C.
Doyle, J. M.
Dodson, Marshall
Dunn, Robert
Dyre, Dr. Charles
Dupont, Agnes
Dwyer, John
Earl, Ella
Edwards, Marie
Elders, W. F.
Emsley, Henry Eliver
Fairfield Co. O. Sysem
Faulstitch, Messrs
Faulstitch, Messrs.
Feuerbach, Lizzie
Findley, Edna
Flynn, Charles W.
Forbes, H. L.
Follis, C. W.
Frasco, Nick
Freizer, Verna
Furnam, Jisn
Gaskill, Harold
Ginsella, Cheas.
Goodner, Maud
Green, L. M.
Grusehnan, Kate
Hall, Ora
Hall, Charles
Hammond, J. B.
Harvey, Josephine
Harper, Miley

Heypki, Lee
Henderson, Anna
Houk, E. L.
Hopkins, Paul
Howard, Hattie
Howard, George A.
Inyart, George W.
Irwin, Robert A.
Johnson, Birt
Kammeron, Frank
Kellogg, Esther
Kelley, John
Kenyon, Mrs. ___ ___
Kennedy, Ormand
Koontz, Louise
Kolbe, Ernest
Kaneanas, Alex
Latimer, Charles
Larue, B. V. M.
Landan Bros.
Le Bar, John
Ligens, Arthur
Lock, George
Lyons, E. L.
Mandelbaum, M.
Malera, Ora
Manuel, Ralph A.
Marlin, Charle?
Matthews, James E.
May, __
Mayes, Sally
Martin, Otto
Metz, F.
Metz, Emma
McKeene, A. A.
McBride, David L.
McMardo, Fannie
McGory, Elizabeth
McQuinn, Jay
McMahon, Tim
McCormick, May
Metz, Mildred
Medlock, W. B.
Miller, J. L.
Mirqueles, Frank J.
Moore, William J.
Mohs, Emma
Myers, Golda B.
Newell, Dr. and Mrs. M. M.
Norris, Tom
Nolle, Gertrude
O'Brien, T. J.
People's Outfitting Co.
Preacher, R. B.
Pearson, Alice E.
Phechey, John
Pierce, Walter
Plunkett, R. J.
Powers, Eugene
Pruitt, Albert
prairie State Magazine
Rafferty, Charles H.
Roamer, Laura
Riley, Roosevelt
Rogers, J. C.
Rogers, Richard
Rogers, Pe____ie
Ross, Harve
Rourk, Miss ____
Reeder, Albert
Rothenhoefer, John
Schultz, Otto C.
Shafer, Laura C.
Skelson, Maude
Smith, Edna
Smith, Dorothy
Smith, Richmond
Smith, W. T.
Snodgrass, Walter
Springfield Specialty Co.
Stone, A. J.
Stone, Claude U.
Sweeten, Agnes
Szens, Anta
Taylor, William L.
Trieries, J.
Tenenbaum, Edith
Thoma, Josephine
Troxell, Nancy E.
Turley, Miss M.
Tucker, Hattie
United Profit Sharing Corp.
Wallace, W. A.
Walsh, Pauline
Warren, H. L.
Wax, Sarah J.
Weenick, Ruth
Whitlow, Minela
Whtesides,, William
Whiteford, J. M.
Wilkerson, J. E.
Wilcox, Samuel
Wiley, Richard
Willson, Myra Henderson
Willson, Lula
Wilson, C. A.
Wolfe, Edwin
Woman's Exchange
Wikoff, W. T.
Young, George C.
Yases, Frank
Zabel, Herman
Foreign Letters    
Anderson, G. E. Bonetta, Domenca Wood, L. A.
Returned Dead Letters    
Anderson, C.
Campbell, Marion
Creighton, R. G.
Rourke, Thomas
Van Wickle, R.
    James W. Patton, P. M.

 - William Dawley of Rochester was in the city yesterday.
 - Jackson Nut of Rochester was in the city yesterday
 - Mrs. J. M. Gilbert of Raymond is visiting relatives here.
 - Upton Renshaw of Custer spent yesterday with friends in the city.
 - Samuel Scholes of this city spent yesterday with friends at Streator.
 - John Woodruff of this city spent Christmas with relatives at Rochester.
 - Charles Campbell of Tallula spent yesterday with relatives in this city.
 - Earl Weaerof this city is spending the week end with relatives at Virginia.
 - William Corriss went to Cleveland, Ohio, to spend the holidays with relatives.
 - Carl Parks, 529½ West Washington street, returned from a business trip to Lincoln.
 - Miss Della Snyder of Morrisonville is spending the holidays with friends in the city.
 - Andrew Gunselman of this city left for Kansas to spend the holidays with relatives.
 - Mr. and Mrs. Daniel King of this city spent yesterday with relatives at Rochester.
 - Miss Eugenia Rude, 314 Adelia street, spent Christmas with relatives at Rochester.
 - Mr. and Mrs. George Cressey of this city went to Edinburg to spend Christmas with relatives.
 - William Noris
of the county recorder's office spent yesterday with relatives near Rochester.
 - M. I. Carper of this city spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Dunnavan at Rochester.
 - Mrs. Sarah Riddle of this city spent Christmas with her sister, Miss Augusta May at Rochester
 - Mr. and Mrs. James Coogan, 618 South Fourteenth street, spent yesterday with relatives at Lincoln.
 - R. O. Turley, Harry Hathaway and Fred Osenton of this city spent yesterday with friends in Buffalo.
 - Mrs. John Brandt of this city has gone to Petersburg to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. James Tarr.
 - Mrs. Robert Bothwell
, 505 South Glenwood avenue, is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. King, at Pana.
 - Mrs. William Fenstermaker, 1220 Governor street, returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Oliver Lorton, at Virden.
 - Mrs. Lee and daughter, Miss Olive, of this city spent Christmas with the former's sister, Mrs. S. J. McCoy, at Rochester.
 - Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kline of Taylorville spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kline, 1400 South Grand Avenue, East.
 - Mr. and Mrs. William Tilley of Taylorville spent yesterday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hester, 535 West Lawrence avenue.
 - Mr. and Mrs. Steuben Irwin of Pleasant Plains will spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gough, 928 Governor street.
 - Mrs. Anna Hagan of Lincoln is here spending the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Truitt, and family, 360 West Reynolds street.
 - Miss Ora Cantrall of Chicago is spending the holidays in this city with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Coon, 518 South Seventh Street.
 - Miss Ella McDaniels and Miss Helen Wittman of Pana, who are pupils at Sacred Heart convent here, are spending the holidays with their parents at Pana.
 - Mrs. Melvina King and daughter Miss Madeline, and son, Frederick, 313 West Monroe street, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Charle Martin at Rochester.
 - Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Taylor of Fairfield, Iowa, are visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Charles McClain, 313 West Monroe Street.  Mrs. McClain is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.
 - James F. Smith
of Shreveport, Iowa is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. L. Freund, 740 East Carpenter street, and his sister, Mrs. Anna Brennan, 431 North Seventh street.  Miss Mary Cantwell of St. Louis, also is a guest at the Freund home.
 - Paul Bodick
, ill at St. John's hospital with typhoid fever, is improving.
 - Mrs. Dollie Smith, 715 East Jackson street, who has been ill at St. John's hospital, is fast improving.
 - Mrs. L. W. Caldwell, who was taken to St. John's hospital Thursday, was slightly improved yesterday.
 - Mrs. May Appel, 920 North Fifth street, ill at St. John's hospital, was slightly improved last night.
 - Mrs. J. T. Weston is in a serious condition at Springfield hospital.  There was no change in her condition yesterday.
 - Bruno Sheffler, 1119½ South First street, who has been seriously ill at St. John's hospital for the last month, is showing no improvement.
 - John Bressmer of this city, who was taken seriously ill at his winter home in Miami, Fla., several days ago, was no better yesterday, according to word received in this city.
 - Mrs. W. H. England,912 North Grand avenue east, who has been seriously ill at her home, was taken to Springfield hospital Thursday.  She was not improved yesterday.
 - Mrs. Ida Hunt 820 Patton avenue, who has been ill at St. John's hospital with pneumonia for the last week, was able to be up yesterday.  She will probably be able to leave the hospital soon.
 - Joseph Schneider, 208 West Lawrence avenue, proprietor of the undertaking establishment on East Washington street, who has been very ill at his home for the last week, was slightly improved yesterday afternoon.




This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights