Oakwood township lies on
the western border of Vermilion County. Its
greatest length is from east to west and is twelve
miles. Its width north and south is six miles.
It includes a part of six congressional towns and the
whole territory consists of sixty-five and three fourth
square miles. The township has a diversified
surface and soil. There is little of the soil that
cannot be said to be deep, rich and very productive.
The eastern part of the township used to be covered with
a heavy growth of timber, but this has been cut until
now there can hardly be said to be much timber left.
Within the past ten or more years there has been much
draining of the land in this township; indeed a note of
warning has been sounded lest this draining into the
streams becomes a menace to those who own land along the
banks and suffer from the overflow of the same.
Stony creek flows one-half way across the township from
the south. There is plenty of water for the
township. On the eastern border is the Middle Fork
of the Vermilion river; on the south side of the Salt
Fork; through the center is Stony creek, which rises in
the northwest corner of ht township and flowing
southeasterly empties into the Salt Fork.
Oakwood township is crossed by the Peoria division of
the New York Central Railroad. Like the greater
part of Vermilion County, Oakwood township is an
agricultural section. It is traversed from east to
west by the trolley of the Illinois Traction system,
which follows the railroad within a few feet all the way
across the township. Oakwood township is truly
historic ground, it being where the salt springs were
located, and where the first settlement of the county
was made. The coal industry of Oakwood township
has been of importance. This is fully considered
in the chapter on coal and coal mining. Oakwood
finds her early history in that of Pilot, Vance and
Catlin or more explicitly: On the 2d day of
October, George A. Fox, supervisor from Vance
township, offered a resolution creating a new township
from the territory of Vance, Catlin and Pilot, in
accordance with the prayer of certain petitioners from
said townships. At this time Mr. West was
supervisor from Pilot and Mr. Church was
supervisor from Catlin townships. The supervisors
concluded to delay action until the March session of the
next year in order that all persons connected with the
proposed change could have opportunity to approve or
disapprove of the meas-
[pg. 435]
ure. Accordingly on the 9th of March, 1868, the
petition presented at the meeting of the previous fall
was again taken up, and Mr. Fox urged the passage
of the resolution to create a new township. A
great effort was made to have the matter again delayed,
but it was without success. The prayer of the
petitioners was grated and an election was ordered for
the purpose of selecting township officers.
In considering the villages in Oakwood township the
first named is to be Newtown.
This village was laid out by Benjamin Coddington,
and the plat of it was filed June 15, 1838. The
first man to locate in this township was Stephen
Griffith. The plat of Newtown was
simple. It was located on a cross road and the
streets were but two, called Main street and High
street. These streets were the roads which crossed
at this point. Newtown at present does not in the
least suggest the possibility of being an abandoned
town. It is a bright, well painted village which
presents the appearance of having attained its desire
and in no way disappointed that other more favored
villages have because of railroads and other advantages
made long strides in its advance. Newtown had a
future at one time but that is so far in the past that
it would never be guessed at present.
Conkeytown is another old
village which had outlived its usefulness. The old
mill which was a landmark for so long a time is gone and
likewise many other well known building. Mr.
Conkey came to this section in 1851 and operated a
general country store. He came from Eugene,
Indiana. Mr. Denman set up a blacksmith
shop and Mr. Conkey had a post office.
Conkeytown was a village of promise but its glory is
gone, the village has long since been merged into a farm
and every year less and less of the old town remains.
Muncie is a village on the
railroad fourteen miles west of Danville. This
village was surveyed by Mr. Alexander Bowman and
its plat recorded in September, 1875. The station
at Muncie was first opened in 1876. William
Lynch was the first agent. Since Dr.
Fithian owned much land through Oakwood township
when the railroad first went through a station was made
on his farm given his name. So it was Dr.
Fithian had Mr. Guy, the county surveyor, lay
out a village and plat the same which was filed in 1870.
This plat was a perfect square containing eight full and
eight fractional blocks, lying on both sides of the
railroad. This village was either more favorably
located or was more extensively advertised than the
other stations on the road, for it has been more
prosperous. It has been a great point for buying
and shipping of stock and grain.
Oakwood station was laid out in 1870, but has never
been the active village that Fithian has proved to be.
This place has been a good shipping point for the coal
interests on the Salt Fork, but this interest has been
so very uncertain during recent years that no village
can grow on the many strikes.
Sidell township occupies the southwestern corner
of Vermilion County having Edgar and Champaign counties
respectively for the western and southern boundaries and
Vance to the north and Catlin to the east. Until
1867 Sidell formed a portion of Carroll township, for
political purposes. The name of Sidell was given
to the township in honor of John Sidell who owned
much property in the township. The valley of the
Little Vermilion river runs nearly
[pg. 436]
through the center of the township having the ridges or
strips of high land which bounds this valley on the
northern and southern boundaries of Sidell township.
This beautiful valley has more the appearance of a basin
here and encloses some of the richest farming land in
Illinois. The prairie flies which infested these
prairies were a dreadful pest. In august a man was
obliged to do all his gravelling with a team in the
There were few scattering settlers in this section
before 1850, but there was nothing like general
cultivation of this portion of Vermilion County until
1855 or '60. It was in 1853 that Michael
Sullivant entered forty-seven thousand acres lying
in a body in Sidell township and Champaign County.
The portion lying in Sidell township went into the hands
of his son Joseph, and he kept it as a stock farm
so long as he was able. His tract afterward became
the famous Allerton farm. One of the farms
of Sidell township is the one yet known as the Allen
farm. This farm was a sheep farm while yet
Mr. Sullivant was running his estate, and the way
the sheep were managed together with the other
arrangements of the affairs of this farm makes it even
yet pointed out as a famous place.