Genealogy Express

A Part of Genealogy Express


Welcome to
Warren County, Illinois
History & Genealogy



Published Chicago: H. F. Kett & Co.,
Cor. 5th Ave. and Washington St.

Page 220 *


- S -
SALLINE, N., shoemaker; rep.; Luth.; from Sweden.
Saltzman, John, tobacconist; rep.; Epis.; from Germany.
Samson, Geo. A., carpenter; rep.; Meth.; from England.
Sandine, August, laborer; rep.; Luth.; from Sweden.
Sanstron, Nilson, carpenter; rep.; Luth.; from Sweden.
Savage, Charles S., teamster; rep.; from Iowa.
Savage, Ed., clerk for Babcock; boards at Baldwin House; rep.; from Maryland.
Savage, Henry, retired; rep.; U. P.; from Pennsylvania.
Savage, Henry S., student; rep.; from Iowa.
Saville, Chas. W., painter; rep.; U. P.; from Ohio.
Saville, John, blacksmith; rep.; U. P.; from Virginia.
Saville, J. F., musician; rep.; U. P.; born Illinois
Schall, W. P., restaurant; rep.; U. P.; from Pennsylvania.
Schussler, Geo., farmer; rep.; from Penn.
Scott, David, blacksmith; rep.; from Penn.
Scott, Frank, employed by Plow Co.; dem.; from Pennsylvania.
Scott, Geo., painter; rep.; from Pennsylvania.
Scott, James, merchant; rep.; Presb.; from Virginia.
Scott, James A., merchant; rep.; Presb.; born Illinois.
Scott, J. W., grocer; dem.; from New York.
Scott, John, D. D., professor Monmouth College; rep.; U. P.; from Scotland.
Scott, Mrs. Mary, Presb.; from Pennsylvania.
Scott, N. A., wholesale grocer; rep.; born Ills.
Scott, Robt. F., merchant; rep.; Presb.; born Illinois.
Scott, Wm. P., laborer; dem.; from Indiana.
Scott, Washington, painter; rep.; from Penn.
Scott, Walter B., merchant; rep.; Presb.; born Illinois.
See, Aaron, employee Plow Works; dem.; from New York.
Secrist, Mrs. M. B., widow; Presb.; from Penn.
Sexton, John, laborer, works at Pottery; dem.; Cath.; from Ireland.
SEXTON, W. H., County Clerk; born in Penn., June, 1837; Rep.; he came to this State in 1857, and to this Co. 1866; enlisted in the 83d I. V. I., and served three years; has held offices of City Clerk, Deputy Circuit Clerk, and Deputy County Clerk, previous to his election to office of County Clerk; married Martin Burlingame, in 1873; she was born in New York; has two children, one son and one daughter.
Shaw, Alex., grocer; dem.; from Virginia.
Shaw, Mrs. A. J., widow; Presb.; from Ohio
Sheldon, F. M., laborer; rep.; from Wis.
Shellenbarger, Wm. H., carpenter; dem.; Meth.; from Pennsylvania
Sheibel, Morris, barber; rep.; from Germany.
Sheridan, Geo., painter; rep.
Shehi, John N., teamster; rep.; from Ky.
Shields, John, blacksmith; rep.; U. P.; from Pennsylvania.
Shields, Wm., laborer; dem.; Cath.; from Ireland.
Shippy, L. M., tailor; dem.; from Ohio.
Shippy, Mack, baker; dem.; from Ohio.
SHOEMAKER, C. D., Mechanic; born in Chemung, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1828; came to this Co. in 1851; Rep.; enlisted Aug. 5, 1862, Co. A, 83d Regt. I. V. I.; remained in service till July 5, 1865; married Sophia Hoerner Dec. 28, 1854; three children, William H., Charles Jay and Effie Sophia.
Shoemaker, Jas., carpenter; dem.; from Penn.
Shoemaker, Samuel, carpenter; dem.; Presb.; from Penn.
Shores, Wm., farmer; dem.; from Ohio.
Shultz, August, employee Weir Plow Works.; from Germany.
Shultz, Fred, employee weir Plow Co.; dem.; from Germany.
Shultz, R. H., retired; dem.; from Ky.
Shultz, Wm. M., druggist and physician; from Kentucky.
Sickman, Geo., stock raiser; rep.; Chris.; from New York.
Signor, Geo., salesman; rep.; born Illinois.
Sinnickman, Henry, plow-maker; Luth.; from Denmark.
Sipher, J. W., lumberman; rep.; from New York.
Sipher, Moses, carpenter; rep.; Meth.; from New York.
Sistrom, Chas., cigar-maker; rep.; Sweden.
Skinner, E., laborer; rep.; Bapt.; born Ill.
Skinner, Moses, farmer; rep.; U. P.; from Tennessee.
Skinner, Pleasant, farmer; rep.; Bapt.; from Tennessee.
Skinner, Samuel, barber; rep.; Meth.
Sloan, Geo. P., farmer; dem.; from Tenn.
Sloats, Joseph, cattle dealer; dem.; from Ohio.
Slocumb, Lewis, painter; bds. Baldwin House; rep.; from New York.
Smalley, Geo., employee brick hard; dem.; born Illinois.
Smilie, D. B., laborer; dem.; Meth.; from Pennsylvania.
Smilie, David H., student; born Illinois.
Smilie, Geo. W., laborer; dem.; Meth.; born Illinois.
Smilie, Jo. G., laborer; dem.; from Penn.
Smiley, Wm. B., carpenter; dem.; from Penn.
Smith, Amanda J., Meth.; from Ohio.
Smith, Chas. T., cook at Baldwin House; rep.; from New Hampshire.
Smith, Clayborn, laborer; rep.; Bapt.; from Tennessee.
Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow; from Ohio.
Smith, Geo., laborer; rep.
Smith, Geo., laborer; rep.; from Tennessee
Smith, Geo. A., employee Wier Plow Co.; rep.; from New Hampshire.
Smith, Rev. J. D., pastor M. E. Ch.; Ind.; from New Jersey.
Smith, J. W., baggage-master R. R.; rep.; Presb.; from New Hampshire.
Smith, James, carpenter; rep.; born Ill.
Smith, Jas. H., painter; dem.; Meth.; from Ohio.
Smith, Jno., laborer; dem.; from Ireland.
Smith, Joshua, carpenter; rep.; from New York.
Smith, Lee H., painter; dem.; Meth.; born Ill.
Smith, Munson, carpenter; rep.; from New York.
Smith, Peter, blacksmith; rep.; Luth.; from Denmark.
Smith, Samuel, farmer; rep.; from Ky.
Smith, Samuel, Wier Plow Works; rep.; born Illinois.
Smith, S. W., printer; dem.; Lib.; from Ohio.
Smith, Wm., drug merchant; rep.; born Ill.
Smith, W., laborer; dem.; from Penn.
Smith, Wm. F., druggist; rep.; Bapt.; from Kentucky.
SMITH, WILLIS P., Dentist; born in Otsego Co., N. Y., Aug. 31, 1821; he came to this State in 1861; has held office of Alderman; married Miss Harmony Hubbard, 1846; she was born in N. Y.; has two children; lost one.
SMITH & DUNBAR, Druggists and Chemists; this house was established in 1835, by W. F. Smith, being the first in this line in the Co.; they are dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, glass, etc.
Snyder, Geo. W., attorney and notary public; Rep.; from Pennsylvania.
Sobey, Wm., blacksmith; dem.; from Engl'd.
Soderstrom, Jacob, boot and shoemaker; ind.; Luth.; from Sweden.
Solomon, Gus, clerk A. Kliner; from Prussia.
Soule, M. C., lumber-dealer; rep.; Meth.; from New York.
Spiegel, Hermann, cigar-maker; rep.; from Iowa.
Spriggs, J. A., book-keeper; re.; Presb.; from Pennsylvania.
Spriggs, G. H., druggist; rep.; Presb.; from Pennsylvania.
Spriggs, J. S., M. D. druggist; rep.; Presb.; from Pennsylvania.
Spriggs, J. W., druggist; rep.; from Penn.
SPRIGGS & BROTHER, Druggists; came to this Co. 1857; have been established in business twenty years.
Stack, John, R. R. employee; dem.; Cath.; from Ireland.
Stapp, Frank, farmer; dem.; from France.
Stapp, Guy, clerk Scott & Sons; rep.; Bapt.; born Illinois.
Stark, Gust., employee Wier Plow Co.; rep.; Luth.; from Sweden.
Steen, J. W., student; rep.; Presb.; from Ohio.
Steen, Miss M. R.; U. P.; from Penn.
Stedman, Nelson, foreman Wier Plow Works.; rep.; from Michigan.
Stedman, N., painter; rep.; from New York.
Stein, John, cigar-maker; rep.; from Swenden.
Stephens, John, laborer; Ind.; born Ill.
Stephens, Mrs. Martha, widow; Christ.; from Kentucky
Stephenson, Mrs. M. L., widow; from Penn.
Stephenson, Sam'l., retired; rep.; U. P.; from Kentucky.
Sternberger, John, cigar-maker; rep.; from Pennsylvania.
Sterrett, Margaret D.; U. P.; from Virginia.
Stevens, Chas., painter; rep.; Bapt.; from New Hampshire.
Stevens, David R., contractor and builder; rep.;
Stevens, Eugene W., carriage painter; rep.; Bapt.; from Massachusetts.
Stevenson, John, farmer; rep.; from Illinois.
Stevenson, Joseph, banker; rep.; U. P.; from Ohio.
Stevenson, J. H., restaurant; from Ohio.
Stevenson, Robert M., bookkeepr in First National Bank; rep.; U. P.; from Ohio.
Stevenson, Rob., teller in First National Bank.
Stevenson, Robt. E., employed in Weir Plow Works; rep.; from Pennsylvania.
Stewart, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow; Chris.; from Maryland.
Stewart, Isaac, clerk from Baldwin & Hawkins.
Stewart, James H., attorney; dem.; Presb.; from Kentucky.
Stewart, Mrs. S. M.; U. P.; from Ohio.
Stimson, F., agent American Express Co.; rep.; from New York.
Stitt, Miss I., milliner; U. P.; from Ireland.
Stoddard, H. G., painter; dem.; from Ohio.
Stokes, Hiram, laborer; rep.; Bapt.; from Virginia.
Strang, Mrs. Janet, widow; U. P.; from N. Y.
Streeter, Albert, laborer; rep.; Bapt.; from New York.
Streeter, D., carpenter; rep.; from New York.
Streeter, William, carpenter; rep.; from New York.
Strickler, Samuel, carpenter; rep.; Meth.; from Pennsylvania.
Strimmell, Thomas W., carpenter; rep.; from Pennsylvania.
Struthers, John, coach-maker; rep.; U. P.; from Virginia.
Sullivan, George, tinner; dem.; Cath.; from New York.
Sullivan, Jeremiah, hardware; dem.; from Maryland.
Sullivan, Wm. H., grinder at Weir Plow Works; dem.; from Vermont.
Sundberg, Peter, employee Weir Plow Works;

, Editor and Proprietor of Monmouth Review; Monmouth; born in Fayette Co., Penn., Oct. 13, 1828; came to this Co. in 1855; Dem; Prot; owns house and lot, with paper, valued at $5,000; Mr. S. established the Review in 1855, and has issued it regularly each week for the last twenty-two years; married Miss Mary L. Brewer, June, 1856; one daughter, Mary.
Swanson, Andrew, tailor and cutter; rep.; from Sweden.
Swanson, Nels, organs and musical instruments; rep.; Luth.; from Sweden.
Swanson, S., musical instructor; rep.; Luth.; from Sweden.
Swiler, C., farmer; rep.; from Pennsylvania.
Swiler, Daniel, plasterer; rep.; Ch. of God; from Pennsylvania.
Swinney, D. G., clerk; born Illinois.
Swinney, Ephraim S., retired; dem.; from Ohio.
Swinney, J. Milt., clerk; dem.; born Illinois.
- T -
TAYLOR REV. HARRY, pastor First Bapt. church; rep.; from Virginia.
Taylor, W. M., druggist; rep.; born Illinois.
Taylor, Wm. R., employed in Weir Plow Works.
Templeton, D. C., travelling agent of Weir Plow Co.; rep.; U. P.; born Illinois.
Templeton, Jno. A., travelling agent of Weir Plow Co.; rep.; U. P.; from Pennsylvania.
Tharp, Joseph, teacher; rep.; Meth.; from O.
Thomas, George, farmer; rep.; from New York.
Thomas, John, teamster; rep.; U. P.; from Tennessee.
Thomas, Thaddeus, laborer; rep.; from Va.
Thompson, John G., mason; rep.; from Ohio.
Thomson, Mrs. W. J., widow; U. P.; from Ohio
Thomson, Wm. C., farmer; rep.; from Penn.
THUSON, MARTIN, Libery and Feed Stable; Monmouth; born in Denmark, Dec. 24, 1847; came to this Co., in 1869; rep.; Luth.; always well supplied with good teams; charges reasonable.
Timonson, T., laborer; rep.; Luth.; Sweden.
Toal, Edward, laborer; dem.; Cath.; from Ireland.
Todd, Dennis, painter; rep.; Bapt.; from Iowa.
Todd, Miles, cooper; rep.; Bapt.; from Ohio.
Torman, John W., switchman; rep.; born Illinois
Tourly, John, laborer; dem.; Presb.; from Germany.
Torley, John, employee brick yard; dem. from Germany.
Townley, Mrs. Eliza B.; U. P.; from New Jersey.
TRACY, A. H., Teacher; Monmouth; born in Erie, Pa., June 18, 1821; came to this Co. in April, 1854; Rep.; Presb.; commenced teaching as a profession at the age of twenty-two years; after three years' service, he was elected as Examiner and Superintendent in Erie Co., Pa., which office he held for five years; then came to this State and settled in Monmouth; began his work of teaching here in Public Schools, May 8, 1854; six years of successful labor followed; served one term as School Commissioner of this Co.; married Miss Harriet E. Shirwin Mar. 11, 1852; have six children.
TRESHAM, W. D., Dealer in Boots and Shoes; Monmouth; born in Virginia, April, 1845; came to this Co. in 1867; has been engaged in the boot and shoe trade ten years; married Anna M. Swinney in 1871; she was born in Warren Co.; has two children.
Trulson, Nels, laborer; rep.; Luth.; from Sweden.
Tucker, Mrs. E. J.; National Hotel; Presb.; from Indiana.
Tuckey, Richard, laborer; dem.; Meth.; from England.
TURNBULL, DAVID, deceased; Farmer; born in Green Co., Ohio, Oct. 18, 1809; came to this Co. in 1833; Rep.; U. P.; married Miss Nancy Mitchell 1831, who was born in Pennsylvania; they had twelve children, of whom John M., Ann E., Sarah I., Mary A., William W., David A., Thomas B. and Nancy J. were spared to assume for themselves the duties of life; Mr. Turnbull was all his life an active citizen, a zealous worker, both in Church and State, and while he could not be called an office seeker, held almost continuously some needful but unprofitable office, from 1835 until near his death, which occurred May 10, 1871; he served two terms as Sheriff of the Co.; was several years Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and acted as Assistant Provost Marshal most of the years of the late war; having lived in Warren Co. from the time he came West in 1833, he was known by most of the citizens of the Co., and died enjoying their respect as fully as a positive, independent citizen could do.
Turnbull, John, merchant; dem.; U. P.; from Ohio.
TURNBULL, JOHN M., Postmaster; MOnmouth; born in Ohio, July 23, 1833; Rep.; U. P.; he came to this Co., Oct., 1833; enlisted in the 36th I. V. I., and was wounded and lost a leg before Atlanta; has held office of Postmaster since 1865; married Anna P. Orr, of Washington Co., Iowa, in Oct., 1854; has four children.
Turner, James M., farmer; rep.; Chris.; from Massachusetts.
Turtellotte, L. O., Dep. Co. Clerk; rep.; Univ.; from Massachusetts.





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