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Welcome to
Bourbon County, Kentucky
History & Genealogy



History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison & Nicholas Counties

with an outline sketch of
The Blue Grass Region,
By Robert Peter, M. D.

Edited by William Henry Perrin.
O. L. Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers, Lakeside Building.

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  - Its Founder and Projector
 - Early Growth, Prosperity and Manufacturing Interests
 - Churches and Church History
 - Sunday Schools
 - Secret Societies, etc.
 - The Cemetery
 - Schools and Colleges
 - Their History and Influence

     THE village of Millersburg was founded by Maj. John Miller, in 1798, who was the original owner of the land upon which it stands, and for whom it was named.  He was one of the colony mentioned in the preceding chapter, and came out and pre-empted land in 1775.  Maj. Miller laid out his town in the year mentioned above (1798), under an act of the Legislature passed for the government of laying out towns, and had surveyed into lots one hundred acres of land.  Seven trustees were appointed, in whom were vested the power of controlling the land which had been devoted to town purposes, and their successors have since exercised a supervising control over it and the affairs of the town.  The charter was amended by an act of the Legislature in 1873-74, and again in 1878- 79, for the appointment of officers, etc.  The following article is from the Bourbon News, published in Millersburg and is so applicable to the town, and contains so much good sense, that we give it entire.  Under the head of "Our city and her wants,'' the News says:
     The signs of the times indicate that the people of Millersburg are not as progressive a people as citizens of other and smaller towns in the State.  Our wants are many - so many that we can only speak of those which are absolutely necessary to advance our town to the front rank, where she properly belongs.  There may be many impediments of which we have no knowledge, that have heretofore prevented our "city paps" from taking steps toward remedying the evils of which we propose to speak.  Be that as it may, if it has been impossible for them to take any action in these things, it is time for the citizens to take into consideration the necessity of improvement in several matters of which we shall make niention.  Where shall we begin?  Let us notice first the most important want - a fire company with

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a good engine.  "We know not at what moment a destructive fire may reduce to ashes our entire city, hence we should be prepared to meet the destructive element with a well-organized fire company.  'Tis true, an engine cannot be had for any small sum of money, but the cost of an engine is not to be compared to the loss that would follow a fire in the business portion of our town.  The question of a fire company will be duly considered after the greater portion of our town is in ashes.  The next thing in order will be street lamps.  Within the recollection of the oldest inhabitant, night pedestrians in our town have been dependent upon moon to guide them along paths of safety.  But this should not last forever.  Our sister cities no longer depend on the uncertain light of the moon, and why should we?  At very little expense, lamps sufficient to light the entire town could be procured.  Street lamps would not be such an important factor if it were not for the fact that when a person lifts his foot from the ground he has not the faintest idea where it will land the next stop.  We undoubtedly have rougher sidewalks and crossings than any other town in the known universe.  Why is it so?  If the persons owning the property will neither repair nor construct sidewalks, it behooves the city authorities to act.  What can the "powers that be " do?  Purchase the material, procure the hands, have the work done, and have the same charged to the persons owning the ground.  They will cheerfully foot the bill, for it has certainly been neglect on their part that such work has not been done long ago.  If any one should refuse to pay for such work, they can be compelled to do so.  Why are violators of the law, who are tried and sentenced by the courts of this place, sent to Paris to work out the penalty on her streets when our streets need work so badly?  There is one other matter to which we wish to direct special attention, and that is the fence - or the place where it ought to be - around the public square.  The square is the property of the town, and the town has turned it out to grass, or, rather, has turned the stray stock in to grass.  The place could be made an ornament to the town, and every one who claims to be a resident of this place should make it his duty to see that it is kept in good condition.  We only desire to call attention to the above wants, and do not speak of them simply for the sake of having something to grumble about.  They are things that are important, and demand immediate attention.  Millersburg can be made a most desirable place in which to locate.  It now has many advantages over other towns in the State.  Persons coming here to seek homes are not favorably impressed with the dilapidated condition of public property.  There are no appearances of thrift; on the contrary, appearances are against us, and indicate a lack of that spirit of progress which characterizes other towns.  Our educational interests are great inducements to persons seeking a place to locate.  Our people are thrifty, in educational interests, but they are over-looking some very important points, which, if attended to, would redound to their interests in the end.  There may be circumstances over which our authorities have no control, that have prevented them from taking any steps looking toward the improvement and building-up of our town; if so, it is to be hoped that they will push aside every impediment and open up a new era in the history of this place.
     The first store in Millersburg is believed to have been started by a man named Smoot.  Henry Savery, a very enterprising Frenchman, opened a store soon after Smoot.   These stores were both established between 1800 and 1805.  Robert and Joseph Miller, sons of Maj. John Miller, had a store as early as 1808.  This was quite a business little place in early times, and sold large quantities or goods.  Flour, whisky and pork were shipped on flat-boats to New Orleans, where they were paid for, usually, in silver.  The silver was taken by the merchants to Philadelphia and Baltimore, where it was laid out in goods, and the goods hauled across the mountains in wagons or conveyed on pack-horses.  The very transportation of the money was a serious undertaking.  Just think of carrying several thousand dollars in silver from New Orleans to Philadelphia on horseback - there were no steamboats then, nor railroads.  It was easy enough to go to New Orleans on flat-boats, but to come back up the river they were not much of a success.  Hence, people traveled in those days principally on foot and horseback.  The trade of Millersburg grew rapidly, and it was one of the live and enterprising business places of the country.  A post office was established in an early day, and Louis Vimont was the first Postmaster.  He held the office for a great many years, and was finally turned out by Gen. Jackson, under the rule that "to the victor belongs the spoils."  Vimont would not support Old Hickory for the Presidency, and by the eternal! the old hero kicked him out of the office.  Since his day, the following men and women have served as Postmaster General of the little "burg:" Charles Talbott, Aquilla Willetts, Bassett, Isaac Parnell, Mrs. Kelley, Mrs. Vimont, and the present incumbent, R. B. Boulden.
     The town of Millersburg was, in the old time, quite a manufacturing center.  Flour- mills, hemp factories, fulling-mills, cotton factories, carding machines, distilleries, etc., etc., were in operation.  As early as 1817, William F. Baker had a fulling-mill in the village.  He was a grandson of William MillerJoseph Miller started a woolen factory in 1818, in a stone building, which is still standing near the Hinkston.  Samuel Colvin ran a carding-machine near the same place about 1830.  A hemp and rope factory was built on land now owned by Joseph A. Miller, opposite the railroad depot, but by whom the building was originally put up is not known.  About the year 1828, Robert Batson commenced the manufacture of spinningwheels, both large and small sizes.  This business he kept up for a number of years, in fact until we became too proud to use them, and too fastidious to wear clothes of home manufacture.  A man named James had a large fanning-mill factory here as early as 1810, and in 1844 William Larimore commenced the manufacture of hemp cradles.  He did a large business, shipped them to Missouri, and to all parts of Kentucky, and made quite a

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fortune in the business.  But these busy scenes have passed.  The railroad, the great revolutionizer of the nineteenth century, has opened up other fields, and carried manufacturing interests to more eligible localities.  The very limited railroad facilities of Millersburg has deprived her of her manufactories, and will keep her in that condition until her means of shipping are improved.  As it now is, but little is left, except a tradition of former glory, and Davie's distillery - the latter just opened for business, and fully described in a preceding chapter.
     Of the early newspapers of Millersburg, we have learned but little.  In a copy of the Bourbon News before us, we see reference made to A. Dudley Mann, ''once the editor of the Kentucky Intelligencer; published in Millersburg about 1824, during the Jacksonian candidacy days, at the old Vimont building.''  Beyond this mere allusion, we learned nothing of the Intelligencer.  The Bourbon News, published by Bruce Champ, Esq., is a large eight-column paper, and was established by Champ & Roby, the first number being issued on the 12th of January, 1881.  Shortly after the paper started, Mr. Champ bought out his partner; Roby, and conducted the paper at Millersburg until 1882, when he removed his office to Paris, issuing the first number of the News from that city on the 7th of March.  The paper started with a cash capital of eighteen dollars, and by energy and perseverance the proprietor has worked up a large circulation, and is furnishing to his readers an excellent paper.
     The Millersburg Deposit Bank was chartered March, 1870, and went in operation the 1st day of September of that year. Its directors then were: William McClintock, Jr., President, Robert Tarr, William McMiller, John T. Taylor and Thomas McClintock; with Dr. A. G. Stitt, Cashier.  Since the first year, its paid-up capital has been $50,000. Its career has been one of the most fortunate and successful known to the history of banking.  Although it experienced the financial crisis of 1873, and witnessed the failure of a number of its debtors, yet all their paper had been so securely indorsed that not a loss was sustained!  After a term of near seven years had been passed, the cashier was presented with a valuable gold-cased chronometer, by the stockholders, in consideration of his not having sustained the loss of a dollar to that date!  And to this period - in the twelfth year of its progress, but a single loss has been met - a small one - and that by a loan recommended by a director, in opposition to the judgment of the cashier.
     Its present Directors are: Robert Tarr, President, William McMiller, Sr., James M. Hughes, Thomas McClintock and John A. Miller, Jr., with same at the beginning.  John W. Poynter was clerk for the first year; Willie Elliott, the second year; and George F. Stitt, from that time to the end of 1881, and from then until the present time, March, 1882, Harmon A. Stitt, Hiram Bassett, Teller, from the fall of 1872, to the present.
     The Millersburg Cemetery Company was chartered Feb. 28, 1860, and the company regularly organized thereunder on the 28th day of April succeeding, by the election of the following persons, by the stockholders, as Directors - Dr. A. G. Stitt, Dr. G. S. Savage, William McClintock, Jr., Z. M. Layson, Horace R. Miller, James McMiller and
Jesse H. Boulden.
A meeting of said Trustees was thereupon immediately held, at the same place - in Dr. Stitt's office, Millersburg - when Jesse H. Boulden was elected President of the Board, Dr. Stitt, Secretary, and William McClintock, Jr., Treasurer.  On the 30th of same month, the Trustees met and decided to purchase a portion of land from each, John McClintock and William Bradley, so as to comprise a tract of about thirteen acres, at $200 per acre.  The plat has since had about three acres added to it.  In June, following, Mr. Benjamin Grove, Topographical Engineer, of Louisville, Ky., was employed to lay out the grounds, at a fee of $250.  On the 14th of July, after, Mr. Patrick Maney and several others were employed and put to work on the grounds, under direction of the engineer, and by Saturday, Sept. 15, 1860, the carriage drives and avenues were graded and the lots all ditched, when, on the afternoon of that day, the stockholders met on the ground, pursuant to a request in the Kentucky State Flag, of Paris, and proceeded to draw for lots to which they were entitled, as shareholders of $100 each,  They were Harmon D. Ayres, Mrs. B. A. W. Bryan, Jesse H. Boulden, J. H. Forsyth, Z. M. Layson, Alexander S. Miller, William McMiller, James McMiller, Horace R. Miller, John A. Miller, John M. Miller, James A. Miller, Joseph W. Miller, William M. McClintock, Jr., John McClintock, George S. Savage, A. G. Stitt, James Whaley.
     The total receipts from all sources, to this date, for sale of lots, digging graves and for products of the grounds, etc., exceeds $15,000; all of which has been expended for inclosing, grading and ornamenting the grounds; for a vault that cost near $1,000, and for a lodge for the superintendent, which cost $2,500, except $1,000 invested in bank stock, and about $5 on hand.  At the beginning of the enterprise, lots were sold at 15 cents per square foot, surface measure, and $3 was the price for digging a grave; but the present price for lots is 25 cents per foot, and $5 for a grave.  The present Directors are: J. H. Boulden, President; A. G. Stitt, Secretary; Z. M. Layson,

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Treasurer; William McMiller, Alexander McClintock.  But one vacancy has occurred in the Board of death, since its organization, nearly twenty-two years since, viz., William McClintock, Treasurer.
     The topography of the grounds is very handsome, and the soil could not be better adapted, as neither clay nor rock has ever been reached in any of the hundreds of graves yet dug!
     It contains a great many handsome monuments, of Scotch granite, American and Italian marble, ranging in cost from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.  It is said to be the most neat and handsomely kept cemetery in the State; in fact, as a visitor to it remarked, " the lovliness of these grounds robs the grave of half its gloom." Mr. William Bassett, Jr., has been Superintendent for the last two years.
     Millersburg is like unto "a city that is set on an hill;" its churches and educational facilities produce a light that "cannot be hid."  Its church history dates back beyond the memory of man almost; The first Methodist Church was built in Millersburg in 1827, but the church society was organized long previous to that date, and the "circuit riders'' preached at different houses, mostly at Thomas Purnells.  The building was a plain brick, 30x40 feet.  About the time the church was finished, there was a "great shaking in the dry-bones of the valley," and many of the people were made to "see the error of their ways," and were converted to God.  In 1847, under the ministry of Rev. George W. Brush, the present church was built.  This church has been a station in the Kentucky Conference for some twenty years.  It has had seasons of prosperity and times of adversity, and now numbers about two hundred members, with a good Sunday school.  The Presbyterians had a church organization very early in Millersburg, but of its history, either past or present, we have been able to learn nothing, owing to the negligence of its friends.  It seems that one of the first churches in Millersburg was the Old Republican Church which stood in the public square, in which all denominations worshiped for a time.  A Sunday school, we learn, was established in it by the Presbyterians as early as 1824, and was the first one in Millersburg.
     The Baptist Church of Millersburg is supposed to have been organized as early as 1818, and that the following were among the original members: John James, Mathew Denman, Joseph Kethley, Jemima Nicholson, Elizabeth Ishara, Susan Denton and others.  These were regularly organized into a church, as above mentioned, which, for a time, seems to have been, next to the Presbyterians, the leading denomination in this section of the State.  Further particulars of this church, however, could not be obtained, and brief as is the above sketch, we are forced to pass it without further notice.
     The Christian Church, a branch of the Baptists who held different views on some points, organized a society about 1831-32.  Among their original members were Thomas Eads, William Miller, E. Owens, James Batterton, Joseph McKine, Roger Laughlin, Thankful West, Nancy Miller, Patsey Miller, Anna Adair, Sally Cook, Lucinda Throckmorton, Patsey M. Baker, Dr. A. W. Bills and wife, John Batson, Elizabeth Cress and perhaps others.  Rev. Robert M. Batson preached for them until his death in 1833.  They held their meetings in the same church with the Baptists, occupying it one-half the time.  In 1838, they united with the New-Lights, a branch of "dissenters" from the Presbyterian Church, under the leadership of Barton W. Stone.  They continued to worship in the Baptist Church until 1842, when they built their present brick edifice, at a cost of about $3,000.  Elder Taylor Sharrard is the present Pastor.  The church has a good membership and Sunday school.
     This comprises the church history of Millersburg, so far as we are able to obtain it, and, though meager, is the best we can give under the circumstances, and were the editor to express himself frankly, he would say it is better than the churches deserve.  They have had ample time, and have been repeatedly urged to furnish their history, but have not done so, and we have been forced to use such facts as we could obtain elsewhere.  To sum up, there are four churches in the town - Presbyterians (who have the finest building), Methodists, Baptists and Christians.  In addition to these, there are three colored churches, viz.: Baptist, Methodist Episcopal and Christian.  These colored churches are in a flourishing condition, and have large memberships.  The colored people are very zealous in religious matters, and these churches attest their devotion to the Master's cause.  They also have a very flourishing school, which is attended by all the colored children who can afford to indulge in the luxury of education.
     The Masonic Order is represented in Millersburg by Amity Lodge, No. 40, F. & A. M., and Millersburg R. A. Chapter, No. 46.  Among the records we find "A History of Masonry in Kentucky," in which it is stated that a charter was granted to "Unity Lodge, No. 10, Millersburg, Ky.," Sept. 18, 1805, but we find no record of charter members, or when the charter was surrendered.
     Amity Lodge, No. 40, was chartered Aug. 27, 1817, with John H. Sanders, Master; William Bowles, S. W.; and Allen Trigg, J. W.; by the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, at Mason's Hall in Lexington.  John Willett, D. G. M. and R. T. Todd, Grand Secretary, P. T.  A charter was granted

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Millersburg Chapter, No. 46, by the Grand Chapter in Louisville, August, 1851; with M E Joseph Brubb, H. P.; E William Nunn, K.; and E Caleb Lettin, Scribe; and recharered Oct. 20, 1874, with MEH Bassett, H. P.; E James M. Collier, K.; and E John G. Smedley, S.   The present officers are: M E  W. M. Miller, Jr., H. P.; E S. C. Allen, K.; and E E. P. Thomason S.  The present officers of Amity Lodge are:  Garrett, Mann, W. M.; W. C. Goodman, S. W.; and I. L. Ylursley, J. W.
     We find from the records and our own observation, that the membership has always included some of our best Citizens, and many donations have been made in a quiet but effectual way to the distressed and needy.  Amity Lodge donated at one time $100 to the Masonic Widows' and Orphans' Home, at Louisville.  Her membership voted almost unanimously to pay the $1 assessment for each an every member for five years to the same and paid it; and at the last election did the same thing in reference to paying 50 cents for five years on each member to the same charity, and they will pay it.
     Halleck Lodge, I. O. O. F., was instituted Sept. 22, 1853, with the following charter members; James Nelson, G. W. Hughes, Malcom McBride, James McGriffin and John S. Elkington.  For several years are membership averaged from thirty to forty, but declined during the war, though it never suspended work.  It has dwindled down to twelve active members.  This hall property, with a comfortable storeroom underneath valued at $2,000, together with about $1,000 in Widows' and Orphans' Fund, $800 in cash and notes constitute the assets of the lodge, with no outstanding liabilities.  The present officers are: W. H. Payne, N. G.; G. W. Hervey, V. G.; J. T. Batson, P. G.; W. H. H. Johnson, Treasurer; and Bruce Champ, Secretary.
     As to the common schools of Millersburg, there is but little to be said.  The place being what is termed a "college town," it is almost needless to say, that the common schools have never flourished to any great degree.  Who taught the first school in the place, or where the first schoolhouse stood, is alike unknown at the present day.  The early history of its schools is similar to that of other Kentucky towns, and while better than no schools at all, were far inferior to our present system of schools.  Without going into an extended sketch of the common schools, we devote a brief space to the colleges and acadamies, which have made Millersburg widely and favorably known throughout the country.
     The following sketch of the Millersburg Female College, is written by Dr. Gould, the President, for this work:
     What is now known as Millersburg Female College was originally opened as the Millersburg Male and Female Seminary, in September, 1852, by Rev. John Miller, M. D., of the Kentucky Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church South, Col. Johnson had previously conducted in the village a female branch of his military school located at Blue Lick Springs.  In 1854, Dr. George S. Savage, of the same church and conference, succeeded Dr. Miller; and in 1856 the name was changed to the Millersburg Male and Female Collegiate Institute.  In 1859, the male department was set off as the Kentucky Wesleyan College; and the female, remaining in the old buildings, took the style and designation of Millersburg Female College.
     In 1867, Dr. Savage was succeeded by Prof. Hamilton; he, in 1869, by Prof. Brown; he, in 1870, by Prof. W. H. Savage; he, in 1872, by Savage and Gould they, in 1874, by Savage, Gould and Abbett; they, in 1875, by Gould and Abbett; and they, in 1877, by George T. Gould who has since remained as sole proprietor and President.
     On the night of Dec. 29, 1878, the entire buildings, with their contents of pianos, desks, apparatus, furniture, etc., was destroyed by fire.  The President, nothing daunted by such overwhelming loss, rented at once houses, rooms, furniture, everything necessary for continuing the school, and without the loss of a single day, conducted it to the close of the term in June.  The community showed its interest by raising a fund of $3,500, as a loan, to aid in the erection of new buildings.  These were begun in March, 1879, and in September of the same year, the school moved into the large, handsome and convenient edifice, which it now fills to overflowing.
     This building is one of the largest and best arranged for the education of young ladies, to be met with anywhere in the State, and with its large and handsome grounds it is one of the chief ornaments of the county; heated by steam, and with numerous halls, galleries, and ventilating flues, comfort, health and convenience are admirably combined.
     The school has shown a steady growth under its present management, until now it is the largest female school in the State, both in faculty and in number of students, and is rapidly spreading the fame of Bourbon County, as an educational center, throughout the South and West.
     The course of study is extensive in literature, business, music and art; the corps of teachers, arranged upon the plan of subdivision of labor, is composed of eighteen specialists, able and distinguished in their respective departments; and the teaching is thorough and fully abreast of the times.
     Altogether, the school is one of the most widely known and popular of the many schools in the South for the edu-

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cation of young women; and its progressive history in the last few years, gives large hope of even more eminent success in the future.
     The following excellent sketch of the Kentucky Wesleyan College was written at our request, by Prof D. W. Batson.  President of the institution, and will be read with interest by all of its friends:  The Kentucky Wesleyan College, located at Millersburg is the property of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and is now under the immediate control of the Kentucky and Western Virginia Annual Conferences of that church.
     Previous to the session of the Kentucky Conference in 1858, several friends of education in Millersburg undertook to establish in that town a male and female collegiate institute.  The prime mover in the enterprise was Rev. T. P. C. Shellman, but he succeeded soon in interesting several others, and they were but a short time in raising some $10,000 or more.  A building committee was appointed at once, consisting of Dr. A. G. Stitt, Mr. Alex S. Miller, and Mr. William Nunn; the grounds were purchased, just without the northern limits of the town, on a commanding eminence, and soon the foundations for a large building for the institute were in process of construction.  This much was done in the summer of 1858.
     In September of that year, the Kentucky Conference met in session in Millersburg.  The members of the Conference catching the spirit of education of the people of Millersburg, resolved during the session to establish a school of high grade in the interest of the church, "for the promotion of literature, science, morality and religion."  The grounds purchased for the Male and Female Collegiate Institute, with the incomplete foundations, together with all the subscriptions, were tendered the Conference just at that time by the proper authorities, and the Conference at once accepted, laying the corner-stone of the main building for the new institution they were about to establish, with imposing Masonic ceremonies, on the Saturday of the Conference session, Sept. 11, 1858.  Addresses were delivered on the occasion of laying the corner-stone, by Bishop H. H. Kavauaugh, Rev. Jefferson Hamilton, D. D., Judge William T. Moore and Hon. Garrett Davis.  The building committee of the first enterprise was continued, and soon the walls of the Kentucky Wesleyan were in process of construction upon the foundations which had been begun for a male and female institute.  An agent was appointed also before the adjournment of the Conference to secure subscriptions and donations toward an educational fund for the support of the new institution.  By the succeeding fall, the fall of 1859, the sum of $57,000 in cash and in good and reliable notes had been secured, and Jan. 12, 1860, the Board of Education of the Kentucky Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South was chartered by the Legislature of Kentucky, with "all the rights and privileges of corporations, aggregate, etc, for the proper conduct and government of said college,'' subject to the supervision of the Conference, to whom the board was to report their acts and doings annually.  The first Board of Education elected by the Conference consisted of the following gentlemen, six ministers and six laymen: Rev. W. C. Dandy, Rev. Daniel Stevenson, Rev. J. H. Linn, Rev. J. W. Cunningham, Rev. J. C. Harrison, Rev. Robert Hiner, David Thornton, Moreau Brown, Hiram Shaw, B. P. Tevis, William Nunn and A. G. Stitt.  The members of the board were divided into three sections, consisting of two ministers and two laymen each, one section of four members going out of office each year, and the Conference electing each year four new members.
     The outbreak of the civil war prevented the college from being opened at once.  The building was used for a high school in charge successively of Prof. A. G. Murphy, Rev. T. J. Dodd and Rev. S. L. Robertson, till 1866.  In September of that year, a Faculty of four Professors in the Literary Department and one in the Theological, having been duly elected, the college was opened in regular form Rev. Charles Taylor, A. M., M. D., D. D., was the first President.  The Board of Education at that time consisted of Rev. Robert Hiner, Rev. H. P. Walker, Rev. T. N. RalstonRev. Seneca H. Hall, Rev. S. L. Robertson, Rev. T. J. Dodd,  Dr. Joshua Barnes, Dr. A. G. Stitt, Moreau Brown, David Thornton and W. M. Leathers, with Rev. Robert Hiner, Chairman; Rev. S. L. Robertson, Secretary and Agent; and David Thornton, Esq., Treasurer.  The total number of students the first year, the year 1866-67, was ninety; but there were no graduates till 1868, when Benjamin D. Best graduated in the Bachelor of Science course of study.  Dr. Taylor continued President of the college till June, 1870, four years only.  The last year the students numbered one hundred and forty-four - the largest attendance the institution had yet had.  Dr. Taylor, however, felt under the necessity of resigning, and Rev. B. Arbogast, A. M., was elected President.  About this time, the Western Virginia Conference was invited by the Kentucky Conference to become part owners of the college, and to give it their patronage.  They subscribed a small amount toward erecting a building for students to room in, and have since had two representatives on the Board of Education.  In June, 1872, President Arbogast, having become involved in business matters, resigned his position, and Prof. John Darly, A. M., Ph.. D., who had been Professor of Natural Sciences in the institution for two years, was elected President.  He con-

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tinned in the office till June, 1875, when he resigned, and gave up all farther work in the school-room, having been actively engaged in teaching in schools of advanced grade for over forty years.  He went to spend his remaining days with his daughter in New York City, but died the following year, after a very short illness.  After Prof. Darly's resignation, Rev. T. J. Dodd, D. D., was elected President for a term of three years, but after serving the institution one year only, he was elected to a professorship in Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn., and resigned the presidency of the Kentucky Wesleyan; Rev. W. H. Anderson, D. D., was then elected President.  He held the position also only three years, till June, 1879.  In July, 1879, Prof. D. W. Batson, A. M., was elected President, with a Faculty consisting mostly of Alumni of the institution.  Prof. Batson had been connected with the college himself ever since 1868, entering as a student in September of that year, graduating in June, 1874, and since that time tilling the chair of Mathematics.  At the time of his election to the presidency, he was the youngest College President in the United States, but being thoroughly interested in the work the board had called him to do, he succeeded in restoring the institution to something like its former prosperity, the attendance being almost doubled within the first two years after his election.  He is President of the college at this (1882) writing.
     The endowment of the college has never been what it should be, and the mistake was made of securing what endowment it has had, by granting scholarships entitling the holders to keep one student for each scholarship in the institution free of tuition, one year for every $10 contributed to the endowment.   Hence, the college has had to labor under many difficulties that money would have removed.  There have been several agents appointed at different times, but very little if anything has been added to the endowment since the war, so that now the productive funds of the institution amount to something more than $32,000 only.
     The buildings and grounds, however, are well located, costing something near $30,000, and are capable of accommodating 150 to 200 students.  A college library has also been begun in addition to two very respectable society libraries, and the institution is well supplied with chemical and philosophical apparatus, maps, charts, etc., and possesses the foundation of an excellent museum.  The attendance upon the college for the first fifteen years of its existence, has averaged a little over eighty-five students a year, representing some nine or ten different States.
     The number of graduates ranging, since 1868, from one to seven each year, up to June, 1881. is fifty-five.  Of that number, thirteen have entered the ministry of the church.  Eleven have already entered, or are intending to enter, the law.  A very respectable part of the number have chosen teaching as their life business, while a few have taken up medicine or pharmacy.  The other avocations of life such as farming, merchandising, banking, etc., are also pretty generally represented among the graduates.  Of those who have spent a time at the college, without graduating, many occupy at present prominent places, both in Church and State.  The college, therefore, considering the difficulties it has had in its way, has been a large success, and has occupied a worthy place among the institutions of learning throughout the land. - Perrin.


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