A Report of the Record Commissioners containing
Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths, 1630-1699
Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers,
No. 39, Arch Street
NOTE: The following is
transcribed verbatim with all errors in spelling. ~ Sharon W.
The Record Commissioners of the City
of Boston herewith offer the ninth volume printed under their
charge. It was intended and is believed to contain every entry
of birth, death, and marriage recorded as happening in the town of
Boston in the first seventy years of its existence, and now found in
the office of the City Registrar, and every entry of baptism on the
records of the First Church for the same period.
A few words are all that it is necessary to say of the
latter. The records are perfect, and for most of the time
remarkably well kept. The volume containing them was probably
not in use in 1630, as the baptisms for the early years seem to have
been all recorded together, but apparently before 1640 Where
the mother of a child is named alone or first, it is because she was
a member of the Church, while the father was not. It was not
thought necessary to include the baptisms at other churches before
1700, for the following reasons: those recorded at the Second Church
begin only about 1690, and are already in print; those of the
Baptist Church are very few indeed; and those of the Old South will
probably soon appear in print, under the care of the member of that
The Town Records require much longer notice. The
authorities of the Colony of Massachusetts intended from the
beginning to provide for a complete record of all children born
within its limits, and of all deaths and marriages; and at various
times took action to secure such record. In September, 1639,
the General Court ordered, "That there bee records kept of all
wills, administrations & inventories, as also of the dayes of every
marriage, birth & death of every person within this jurisdiction."
In June, 1864, we read that "Whereas, at the Generall Cort the 4th
7th mo. 1639 there was provision made for the recording of severall
particulers, amongst which it is observed that birthes, deathes, &
marriages are much neglected in many townes, -
"it is therefore ordered, that hearafter the clarks of
the writts in severall townes of person in their townes; & for every
birth & death they so record they are to have alowed them the summe
of 3d & are to deliver in yearely to the recorder of the Cort
belonging to the jursidiction where they live a transcript thereof,
togeather with so many pence as there are births & deaths recorded,
& this under the penalty of 20s for every neglect; & for
time past it is ordered, they shall do their utmost indeavor to find
out in their severall townes who hath bene borne, & who hath died,
since the first founding of their townes, & to record the same as
"Also the magistrates & other persons appointed to
marry shall yearely deliver to the recorder of that Cort that is
nearest to the place of their habitation the names of such persons
as they have married, with the dayes, months, & yeares of the same;
& the said recorders are faithfully & carefully to inrolle such
birthes, deathes, & marriages as shall thus bee committed to their
trust."1 In May, 1657, it was found necessary to go
farther, and "This Court, taking into theire consideračon
the great damage that will unavoydeably acrue to the posteritie of
this common wealth by the generall neglect of observing the lawe
injoyning a record of all births, deaths & marriages within this
colony, doe therefore order, that hencforth the clarks of the writts
in each towne respectively take due care for effecting the same
according to the intent of the aforesaid lawe: and in case any
person or persons shall neglect theire duty required by the
said lawe more than one month after any birth, death, or marriage,
the clarke of the writts shall demand the same, with twelve pence a
name for his care and paynes; and in case any shall refuse to
sattisfy him, he shall then retourne the names of such person or
persons to the next magistrate or commissioners of the toune where
such person dwells, who shall send for the party so refusing, and in
case he shall persist therein, shall give order to the counstable to
levy the same. And if any clarke of the writts shall neglect
his duty hereby injoyned him, he shall pay the following penalty;
i.e., for neglect of a yearly retourne to the County Court, five
pounds, and for neglect of retourning the name of any person
retourneable by this lawe, whither borne, married, or dead, more
than thirty daies before his retourne to the County Court, five
shillings. And that no future neglect may be heerein, the
recorder of each County Court is hereby injoyned from time to time
to certify the County Courts respectively the names of all such
clarks as shall neglect to make their yearely retourne according to
this lawe, who, uppon notice given, shall send for such clarke, and
deale in the case according as lawe requireth."
For most of the years before 1700 the record of births
seems to be quite full and complete; but sometimes, as in 1675,
nearly all was lost by some chance. The years 1647-50 are also
evidently imperfect. The deaths and marriages are less
regularly recorded, and there is a long break in each. No
deaths were recorded 1665-88, and no marriages 1663-79.
The contents of this volume are found in five volumes
of manuscript. In the first volume are the following, viz: "A
register of the births & Deaths in Boston from the yeare 1630 untill
the first of the first month 1644," sixteen pages and a half in one
general alphabetical arrangement; "Boston Register from (8) 1643
unto the (1) 1646," three pages and a half in one general
alphabetical arrangement; "Boston births and burialls," 1646-50,
four pages in the same form; "Boston Birthes" 1651-57, forty pages
and a half, "by Jonathan Negus Clarke
of the Writts in Boston, 28.8. 1657;" "Deaths," 1651-57, nine pages
also by Jonathan Negus;
"Boston Marriages," 1651-57, fourteen pages also by Jonathan
Negus 28 December 1657; "Boston
Births" 1658-62, twenty-seven pages, "Boston Deathes" 16588-62, nine
pages, "Boston Marriages" 1658-62, ten pages and a half, all by
Jonathan Negus; "Boston
Births" 1657-66, seventeen pages and a half and "Boston Deathes"
1567-64, six pages. Probably a leaf at the end is missing.
The second volume contains a copy of all the births
recorded in the first, and the births 1666-89, those of each year
being arranged alphabeticallly.
The third volume contains Births 1689-92, in one
alphabetical arrangement, with the following statement.
"Whereas the Births within the Town of Boston entered by Mr.
Joseph Webb deceaced dureing the time
of his being Clerk of the Writts for the County of Suffolke have
since his deceace been misslayd so as that they came not to hand
untill the present year the which Births being then found contained
in severall wast Books on file with the Records of the sd. County
Are now digested into Alphabetticall Order and in this and the
sixteen foregoing pages are recorded being with the said wast Bookes
carefully compared & Examd in the year 17902 P.
Joseph Prout Town Clerk;" "Sundry
Births Recorded outt of Season," half a page; "Sundry more Births as
entered in the Townes waste Book kept by Capt. Ephraim Savage
when he was Clerk," half a page; Births from March 1693 to 1696,
eighteen in one arrangement; "Boston Births being transferr'd out of
a Waste book kept by Mr. William Griggs
while he was Town Clerk being such Births then brought in to him &
belonging to preceeding years," one page and a half; Births for
1697, 98, 99, each year alphabetically.
The fourth volume contains Marriages 1689-95, twenty
pages in one arrangement, (Webb's record), with statement by
Joseph Prout similar to the first in
third volume; Marriages 1693, 94, 95, 96, three pages, (Savage's
record), with statement nearly as in third volume; Marriages for
1697, 98, 99.
The fifth volume contains Deaths 1689, 90, 91, 92,
seven pages in one arrangement (Webb's record), with statement by
Prout similar to first in
third volume; Deaths for 1696, one page; Deaths 1693, 94, 95, 96,
three pages and a half in one arrangement; and Deaths for 1697, 98,
99. The number of misplaced entries in every class is very
great in each volume.
Every entry on Town Records and Church Records has been
compared with the original, and it is believed that the exact
meaning is expressed in the printed copy, though the wording has
been often changed for the sake of brevity. The editing
Commissioner claims no infallibility in reading old manuscript, but
has had the advantage of long experience. In some cases an
equally practised person might read the name differently, at least
in one or two letters; but most of the mistakes were made by the
writer of the original manuscript. No exact rule has been
followed as to duplicate entries, but generally only one has been
printed; in some cases intentionally, and in a few accidently, both
entries appear in this volume. It is hoped that the Index will
be approved. The various spellings, evidently intended for the
same name, have been generally grouped under the form most often or
most correctly used; but sometimes it has been thought best to do
otherwise, especially when it is not easy to say which is the
standard or correct form.
Readers will kindly note these two marriages as belonging to 1699,
and accidentally omitted: -
Joseph Shaw & Mercy Cross were
married by Mr. Cotton Mather
Feb. 22.
Richard Smith & Mary Clay
were married by Mr. Cotton Mather Feb. 9.
The charge of this volume, since it was put in the printer's hands,
has been entirely with the junior Commissioner, who alone is
responsible for all mistakes since the preparation of copy.
Respectfully submitted,
Record Commissioners.
BOSTON, October, 1883.
1. The action of the Selectmen of Boston upon his order may be seen
on page 71 of the second volume of the Record Commissioners.

1 - 6 * |
7 - 12
* |
13 - 18 |
19- 24 |
25 - 30 |
31 - 36 |
37 - 42 |
43 - 48 |
49 - 54 |
55 - 60 |
61 - 66 |
67 - 72 |
73 - 78 |
79 - 84 |
85 - 90 |
91 - 96 |
97 - 102 |
103 - 108 |
109 - 114 |
115 - 120 |
121 - 126 |
127 - 132 |
133 - 138 |
139 - 144 |
145 - 150 |
151 - 156 |
157 - 162 |
163 - 168 |
169 - 174 |
175 - 180 |
181 - 186 |
187 - 192 |
193 - 198 |
199 - 204 |
205 - 210 |
211 - 216 |
217 - 222 |
223 - 228 |
229 - 234 |
235 - 240 |
241 - 246 |
247 -252 |
253 * |

Edward son of Wm. and
Elizabeth Aspinwall born 26 day of 7th month and died
10th day of 8th month. |
Joy & Recompence
daugrs of
John Milles |
8 mos |
daughr of
Baulstone |
8 mos. |
Increase of Increase Nowell1 |
21 day 9 mo. |
Hannah of Wm. &
Elizabeth Aspinwall born 25 day of 10th month.
Jerusha of Edward & Margaret Gibbons born 5th
day of 8th month.
Elizabeth of Matthias & Anne Ijons born 15th
day 2nd month. |
following entries are dated 1631, but undoubtedly belong to
1632 - W. S. A.] |
Abigail of Increase Nowell1 |
3 day 4 mo. |
Samuel son of Raph Sprage1 |
3 day 4 mo. |
daughter of Ezekiel
Richardson1 |
3 day 4 mo. |
daugr of John
Perkins1 |
3 day 4 mo. |
John of Henry Harwoode1 |
3 day 4 mo. |
John of
John Milles |
3 day 4 mo. |
Mary of
Richard Gridley |
10 day 4 mo. |
Josiah & Mary of
Edward Raynsford |
17 day 4 mo. |
Willm of John Winthrope
Governor |
26 day 6 mo. |
of Thomas French |
23 day 7 mo. |
Anne of Wm. & Anne
Beamsley born 13th day of 12th month.
Jacob of Jacob Eliott born 16th day 10th month
Mary of Richard & Grace Gridley born 14th day
2nd month.
Mary of Edward & ____ Rainsford born 1st __
4th month
Joshua of Edward & ____ Rainsford born 1st
_4th month. & died 7th month.
Wife of Edward Rainsford died 4th month
1 Not called "our brother,," i.e., not
member of this Church. - W.S.A. |
Pg. 2 -
of Willm
Cheesebrough |
11 day 9 mo. |
Ruth of John Foxalls2 |
11 day 9 mo. |
Jacob of
Jacob Elyott |
16 day 10 mo. |
Elizabeth, of Wm. &
Elizabeth Aspinwall born 30th day of 7th month.
Seaborne of John & Sarah Cotton born 12 day 6
Jotham son of Edward & Margaret Gibbons born
6th day 8th month.
Nathaniel of William & Susan Hudson born 30th
day of 11th month.
John of Thomas & Anne Leverit born 7th day 7th
Jeremy son of Walter & Rebecca Merry born 11th
month & died soon after.
Hannah of John & Hannah Newgate born 1st day
6th month & died in the 11th month.
Nathaniel of Mr. Thomas Oliver died 9th month.
Mary of Mr. John & Elizabeth Wilson born 12th
- 7th month.
Timothy of Richard & Judith Tapping born &
died. |
James of
James Pennyman |
26 day 1 mo. |
William of
William Balstone |
15 day 2 mo. |
John of
John Sampford |
26 day 4 mo. |
Hannah of
Anne Newgate |
6 day 6 mo. |
Seaborne son of
John Cotton |
8 day 7 mo. |
of Anthony Colby |
8 day 7 mo. |
Mary of
John Wilson |
15 day 7 mo. |
Elizabeth of
William Aspinwall. |
22 day 7 mo. |
Jotham of
Edward Gibbon |
27 day 8 mo. |
Thomas of
Thomas Mattson |
27 day 8 mo. |
Elizabeth of
George Ruggle |
8 day 10 mo. |
Timothy of
Richard Topping |
15 day 10 mo. |
Nathaniel of
William Hudson |
19 day 11 mo. |
of Lettysse Button |
23 day 12 mo. |
of Nathaniel &
Alice Bishop born 20th day 1st month
John of Jacob Eliot born 28th day 10th month.
John of Thomas & Mary Fairewether born in the
8th month.
Sarah of Richard & Grace Gridley born 14th day
2d month.
Mary of William & ___ Pell born 30th __ 4th
John of Edward & Elizabeth Rainsford born 30th
__ 4th month. |
Mary of
William Coddington |
2 day 1 mo. |
of Thomas French |
2 day 1 mo. |
Thomas of Samuel Dudley,
grandchild to our brother John Winthrop Gov. |
9 day 1 mo. |
John of
Richard Palsgrave |
9 day 1 mo. |
of Richard Bulgar |
20 day 2 mo. |
Sarah of
William Browne |
11 day 3 mo. |
Sarah of
Richard Grydley |
1 day 4 mo. |
Sarah of John Winthrop, the
Elder. |
29 day 4 mo. |
1 Not called "our brother," ie., not
member of this Chur |
Pg. 3 -
John of
Edward Ransford |
27 day 5 mo. |
John of Edward Hutchinson, the
Elder |
31 day 6 mo. |
of William Balstone |
14 day 7 mo. |
Mary of
William Pell |
14 day 7 mo. |
of Thomas Fairewether |
21 day 7 mo. |
James of
Robert Houlton |
5 day 8 mo. |
Elyakim so of
Thomas Wardell |
23 day 9 mo. |
Samuel of
Oliver Mellowes |
7 day 10 mo. |
Jeremiah of
Waters Merry |
15 day 10 mo. |
John of Jacob
Elyott |
28 day 10 mo. |
Hannah of
Richard Brockett |
4 day 11 mo. |
Barnabas son of
Richard Brenton |
24 day 11 mo. |
Lydia of
James Pennyman |
22 day 12 mo. |
Daniel of
Lettysse & Mathias
Button |
son of Wm. &
Elisabeth Aspinwall born 30th day of 7th month.
Elizabeth daughter of Miles & Mary Awkley born
the _____
Grace of Wm. & Anne Beamsley born 10th day of
7 month.
Sarahjah daut. of John & Sarah Cotton born 12
day 7th month.
Abigail daut of Wm. & Mary Davies born 31th
day 8th month.
Thomas of ____ Dieley born 9th day 11th month.
Rebecca of Walter & Rebecca Merry born 11th
month & died soon after.
Hannah of John & Hannah Newgate born 1st day
6th month.
John of John & Margaret Odlin born 30th day
4th month and died soon after.
Anne wife of Mr. Thomas Oliver died 3d month.
Joanna of Nicholas & Anne Parker born 1st day
4th month.
Thomas of John & ____ Parker born 2d __8th
Lazarus of Philemon & Susan Pormort born 28th
__ 12th month
Elizabeth of Richard & Elizabeth Sherman born
1st -- 10th month.
Elishua of Robert & ____ Walker born 14th ___
12th month.
Shoreborne son of William & Patience Wilson
born 6th ___ 6th month.
Alexander of Alexander & Elizabeth Baker born
15th __ 11th month.
Judith wife of Richard Tapping died.
Hannah of Angel & Catherine Hollard born 8th
__ 8th month.
Peleg of William & Mary Salter born 15th __
1st month.
John of Elizabeth & William Wen born 22nd __
9th month.
Eliakim of Thomas & Elizabeth Werdall born 9th
month. |
Charity daughr of
Baker |
12 day 2 mo. |
daugr of
Coggeshall |
3 day 3 mo. |
Jabez son of Willm
Cheesebrough |
3 day 3 mo. |
Samuel of
John Sampford |
21 day 4 mo. |
John of Samuel Dudley
grandchild to our br. John Winthrop the Elder |
28 day 4 mo. |
John of
John Audley |
28 day 4 mo. |
Freegrace son of
Edward Bendall |
5 day 5 mo. |
Hannah of
John Newgate |
19 day 5 mo. |
of John Mylles |
30 day 6 mo. |
Shoreborne son of
William Wilson |
13 day 7 mo. |
Sariah of
John Cotton Teacher |
20 day 7 mo. |
Samuel of
William Aspinall |
20 day 7 mo. |
Grace of
William Beamsley |
20 day 7 mo. |
Mary of
Thomas Alcocke |
8 day 9 mo. |
Samuel of
William Dyer |
20 day 10 mo. |
Edward of
Edward Gibbon |
3 day 1 mo. |
Mary of
George Ruggle |
3 day 11 mo. |
Constance daugr of
Richard Fairebancks |
10 day 11 mo. |
Benjamin of
John Mylam |
10 day 11 mo. |
Pg. 4 -
of Richard Palsbrave |
17 day 11 mo. |
Thomas of Willm
Dyneley |
17 day 11 mo. |
Mehetabel of Willm
Balstone |
24 day 11 mo. |
of John Underhill |
14 day 12 mo. |
daugr of
Robert Walker |
28 day 12 mo. |
Hannah of Edmund
& Martha Jackson born 1st day 1st month.
Ethlan son of Wm. & Elisabeth Aspinwall born
1st day of 1st month
Free Grace son of Edw. & Anne Bendall born
30th day of 7th month
Elhanan son of Rich. & Elizabeth Cooke born
30th day 4th month & died. Nov.
Annah of John Coggan born 7th day 9th month
Thomas son of Wm. & Mary Davies born 15th day
1st month
Eleaser son of Nathaniel & Elizabeth Eaton
born 22 day 7th month.
Hannah of Jacob Eliot born 29th day 11th
Mary of Thomas & Mary Fairewether born in 9th
Zachary of Benjamin & Anne Gillom born 30th
day 7th month.
Hannah of Richard & Grace Gridley born 10th
day 2d month.
Elizabeth of George & Alice Griggs born 14th
day 3rd month.
Abraham of Thomas & Hannah Hawkins born 1st
day 11th month.
Joseph of Richard & Joan Hogge born 10th
Jonathan of Edward & Elizabeth Rainsford born
8th month.
Elizabeth of Mr. John & Elizabeth Winthrope
born 24th __ 5 month.
Sarah of Henery & Sarah Linn born 20th __ 6th
month. |
Martha of
Oliver Mellowes |
6 day 1 mo. |
Lazarus of
Philemon Pormort |
6 day 1 mo. |
daugr of Willm
Hutchinson |
13 day 1 mo. |
of Richard Grydley |
24 day 2 mo. |
Bedaiah son of
William Coddington |
1 day 3 mo. |
Ezekiel of
James Everill |
15 day 3 mo. |
Elizabeth of
James Fitch |
15 day 3 mo. |
Elyezar of Willm
Townsend |
12 day 4 mo. |
Elizabeth of John Winthrop the
younger |
3 day 5 mo. |
John of
Thomas Matson |
10 day 5 mo. |
Elhanan son of Richard Cooke |
17 day 5 mo. |
daugr of
John Coggeshall |
11 day 7 mo. |
Eleazar son of Nathl
Heaton |
2 day 8 mo. |
Jonathan of
Edward Ransford |
23 day 8 mo. |
Zechariah son of
Benja. Gillam |
23 day 8 mo. |
Hannah of
Anne &John Cogan |
6 day 9 mo. |
Rebecca of
Waters Merry |
18 day 10 mo. |
John of James Pennyman |
15 day 11 mo. |
Thomas of
Jane & John Parker |
22 day 11 mo. |
Hannah of
Jacob Elyott |
29 day 11 mo. |
Returne daughter of
Richard & Grace Gridley born 14th day of month.
Eliakim son of Thomas & Alice Marshall born
1st day 1st month.
Mercie son of Wm. & Anne Beamsley born 9th day
(10th) month.
Anne wife of Edw. Bendall died 25th day (10th)
Joseph Blanchard died in the 10th month.
Thomas of George & Anne Burden born & buried 1
day (2d) month
Thomas of Thomas & Anne Buttolph born 12 day
(6th) month.
Elisha of Richard & Elizabeth Cooke born 16th
day 7th month. |
Pg. 5 -
of John &
Sarah-Cotton born 9th day 10th month. |
Abigail of ____
Dineley born 10th month.
Sarah of George & Alice Griggs born 15th day
3d month.
Sarah of Hugh & Elizabeth Gunnison born 14th
day 12th month.
Zuriell son of Walter & Rebecca Merry born
11th month & died soon after.
Hannah of John & Margaret Odlin born 9th day
12th month & died soon after.
Daniel of Mr. Thomas Oliver died 4th month.
Another born & died 14th day 4th month.1
Elishua daughter of Arthur & Elizabeth Perry
born 20th December.
John of David & Sarah Phippeni born and died
5th month.
Joshua of Robert & Elizabeth Rice born 14th -
2nd month.
Philip of Samuel & Grace Sherman born
31st - 10th month.
Mary of John & Elizabeth Spurre born 20th -
1st month.
Elizabeth of William & Elizabeth Ting born 6th
__ 12th month.
Moses of Gamaliel & Grace Waite born 4th
Zachary of Robert & ___ Walker born
15th __ 7th month.
Meribah daughter of William & Alice Werdall
born 14th - 3rd month.
Jonathan of Thomas & Rebecca Wheeler born
20th __ 8th month.
Mary of William & Patience Wilson born 17th __
11th month.
John of Robert & Joan Wing born 22nd 5th
Mary of Richard and Mary Woodhouse born
& buried 11th month.
Samuel of Alexander & Elizabeth Baker born
16th __ 11th Month.
Job of Job & Sarah Judkins born 10th -
3rd mo. died 24th - 3rd month.
Martha of Thomas & Elizabeth Werdall born 6th
month. |
Abiah dautr of Thomas
Grubbe & it dyed that night |
5 day 1 mo. |
daugr of
Robert Potter member of Rocksbury Ch. |
5 day 1 mo. |
Mary daugr of
Faireweather |
5 day 1 mo. |
Hannah of Edmund Jackson |
5 day 1 mo. |
Ethlannah son of Willm
Aspenall |
12 day 1 mo. |
Edward of
Edward Gibbon |
26 day 1 mo. |
Jabez of
Robert Houlton |
2 day 2 mo. |
Meribah of
William Balstone |
9 day 2 mo. |
Joshua of
Robert Royce |
16 day 2 mo. |
Peter & John of
Richard Brockett |
7 day 3 mo. |
Patience of Willm
Townsend |
28 day 3 mo. |
Elisha of Willm
Cheesbrough |
4 day 4 mo. |
Mary of
John Wheelright |
25 day 4 mo. |
Meribah of Willm
Wardall |
25 day 4 mo. |
Jonathan of Elizabeth & Willm
Tuttell |
2 day 5 mo. |
son of John
Coggeshall |
30 day 5 mo. |
Ichabod of Edward Hutchinson
the Elder |
3 day 7 mo. |
Martha of
Thomas Wardell |
3 day 7 mo. |
Moses of
Gamaliel Wayte |
3 day 7 mo. |
Hannah dautr Thos
Hasard |
10 day 7 mo. |
Zacharias son of Robt
Walker |
1 day 8 mo. |
Abigal of
William Dyneley |
8 day 8 mo. |
Hannah of Rachel & Francis
Newcombe |
15 day 8 mos. |
Elishua daugr of Edward
Hutchinson the younger |
5 day 9 mo. |
Elishua son of
Richard Cooke |
5 day 9 mo. |
Jonathan of
Thomas Wheeler |
12 day 9 mo. |
Marie of
Alexander Winchester |
19 day 9 mo. |
Elizabeth of
John Cotton Teacher |
10 day 10 mo. |
Elizabeth of
Thomas Alcocke |
10 day 10 mo. |
of William Beamesley |
10 day 10 mo. |
Eliphal dau. of
John Sanford |
10 day 10 mo. |
Stephen of
Elizabeth & Robert
Meares |
10 day 10 mo. |
1 This refers to a child of Nicholas and
Anne Parker. - W.S.A. |
Hannah of
John Awdley |
4 day 1 mo. |
Deliverance daugr of
William Coursar |
4 day 1 mo. |
Sarah of
Hugh Gunnyson |
4 day 1 mo. |
1 Only found in second MS., the bottom of
leaff of oldest MS. being worn away. - W.S.A.
Pg. 6 -
John of
George Ruggle |
31 day 10 mo. |
Marie of
William Wilson |
21 day 11 mo. |
of Valentine & Frances Hill
born 17th day 1st month.
Elizabeth of John & Jane Lugg born 7th day 1st
Moses of Gamaliel & Grace Waite died 1st
John son of Thomas Bell born & died 24 day
(6th) month.
John Bill died the 10th month.
Elisha of George & Anne Burden born the 4th
(12th) month.
Grace wife of John Button died 9th day 1st
Deliverance daughtr to Wm. Courser
born 4th day 1st month.
Thomas son of Wm. & Mary Davies died 24th day
5th month.
Aaron of Wm. & Mary born 20th day 5th month.
Thomas of Wm. Davies died 5th month.
Fathergone son of ____ Dinely born 25th day
10th month.
Hannah of Madit & Joan English born 2d day of
1st month1
Mary of Thomas & MAry Fairewether died in 9th
Thomas of Thomas & Mary Fairewether
died in 6th month.
Elizabeth of Wm. & Alice Francklin born 3rd
day 8th month.
Hannah of Benjamin & Anne Gillom born 9th
month & died soon after.
John Boordley servt to Rich. Tuttle
died 10th month.
William of George Griggs buried in 10th month
John of Thomas Grubb born the 6th month.
John of Thomas Grubb born the 6th month.
John of Edmund and Martha Jackson born 20th
day 8th month.
John of Matthias & Anne Ijons born 16th day
7th month.
John of William & Elizabeth Winborne born 21st
day 7th month.
Joseph of Francis and Alice Loyall born 10th
day of 8th month.
Stephen of Robert & Elizabeth Meere born 25th
day 10th month.
Constance of John & Christian Milom born 25th
day 10th month.
John of John & Elizabeth Oliver born 21st day
9th month
Joseph of Richard & Anne Parker born 1st day
6th month & died 30th day 9th month.
Noah of John & ____ Parker born 3d ___ 2d mo.
Nathaniel of William & ____ Pell born 10th
___6th month & died 9th month.
Nathaniel of William & ____ Pell born 10th ___
6th month & died 9th month.
Anna of Philemon & Susan Pormort born 5th ___
2nd month
Ranis daughter of Edward & Elizabeth
Rainsford born 4th ___4th month
Abijah of Thomas & Faith Savage born 1st ___
6th month.
Nathaniel of Robert & Elizabeth Scott born 6th
Melatiah son of Thomas & Milcah Snow born 30th
___ 7th month.
Hannah of Miles & Sarah Terne born 8th month.
David of David & Susanna Sellick born 11th __
10th month.
Isaac of Richard & Elizabeth Waite born 9th
___ 6th month & died 21st ___ 6th month.
Grace of Gamaliel & Grace Waite born 10th ___
11th month.
Ruth of Nathaniel & Mary Williams born____.
Mary of Richard and Mary Woodhouse born 14th
___ 11th month
Ffitz-John son of Mr. John & Elizabeth Winthrop
born 14th ___ 1st month.
Samuel of Job & Sarah Judkins born 27th ___
9th month
Elizabeth of Angel & Catherine Hollard born
5th month.
Elizabeth of Henry & Sarah Linn born 27th ___
1st month
John of John & Elizabeth Oliver born 21st __
5th month.
John Awdley |
4 day 1 mo. |
daugr of
William Coursar |
4 day 1 mo. |
Hugh Gunnyson |
4 day 1 mo. |
1 Only found in second MS., the bottom of
leaff of oldest MS. being worn away. - W.S.A.