From 1640 to 1873
Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths
Alphabetically and Chronologically Arranged By
Edward F. Johnson
Woburn, Mass.,
Andrews, Cutler & Co., Steam Book and Job Printers
For Explanation of Signs, see
Death Date |
Age at Death |
wife of Michael |
1655 Aug. 26 |
wife of Michael, |
1670 May 19 |
s. of ____, |
1688 Jul. .4 |
wife of Jonathan, |
1748 Mar. 3 |
s/o Jacob, |
1775 Aug. 20; |
4 y. |
Edward J.,
s/o John and Mary, of fits, |
1849 Jul. 13; |
1 y. 11 m. 5.d |
s/o James and Betsey [b. in Billerica, Sept. 8, 1798,
gravestone], of paralysis, |
1868 Feb. 6; |
60 y, 4 m. 29 d. |
widow of Jonas, d/o Jacob and Ruth Richardson, of
inflammation of the bowels, |
1862 Apr. 1; |
60 y. |
Jonas, s/o Jonas
and Louisa (b. in Henniker, N. H.), in Salisbury, N. C., |
1861 Dec. 30; |
21 y. |
Grace Ann, wife of
Alfred, |
1837 May 21; |
24 y. |
____, s/o Lorenzo, |
1841 Aug. 18; |
1 d. |
Orlando, s/o
Orlando W. and Mary, |
1841 Nov.16; |
4 y 5 m. |
Charles H., s/o
Lorenzo and Sarah, of consumption, |
1844 Oct. 10; 1 y. 2 m. |
Charles H., s/o
Lorenzo and Sarah, of cholera infantum, |
1847 Sept. 2; |
21 d. |
Alvah Orendo, s/o
Lorenzo and Sarah, of cholera infantum, |
1859 Sept. 11; |
1 y. 1 m. |
Sarah J., d/o
Lorenzo and Sarah, of cholera infantum, |
1854 Sept. 19; |
28 d. |
Clarence, s/o
Lorenzo and Sarah, of scarlet fever, |
1856 Apr. 29; |
3 y. 5 m. |
Lorenzo D., s/o
Andrew H. and Martha (b. in Warren), by accident, |
1867 Aug. 24; |
52 y. |
____, wife of Mr. Daniel,
1827 Sept. 20; |
51 y. |
Miss Lucinda, d/o
Jonathan and Mary (b. in Townsend), of apoplexy, |
1851 Jun. 24; |
76 y. |
Daniel, s. of
Jonathan and Mary (b. in Townsend), of apoplexy, |
1851 Jun. 24; |
76 y. |
Olive, d/o Daniel
and Jemima, of apoplexy, |
1858 Mar. 1; |
52 y. |
Abba, wife of
Ebenezer, d/o James and Abba Paul (b. in Elliot, Me.),
of consumption, |
1858 Mar. 25; |
28 y. |
Marietta, d. of
Ebenezer and Abba (b. in Chichester, N. H.), of
scarlatina, |
1858 May 14; |
3 y. 2 m. |
George F., s/o
Ebenezer and Abba (b. in Chichester, N. H.), of
scarlatina, |
1858 May 17; |
1 y. 6 m. |
Joseph, s/o John, |
1657 Dec. 26; |
Susanna, d. of
John, |
1662 Apr. 1; |
____, s/o John, |
1664 Mar. 15; |
Hannah, d/o John
and Hannah, |
1683 Dec. 11; |
Joseph, s/o ____
and Sarah, |
1689 Jul. __ |
Samuel, s/o Samuel
and Hannah, |
1693 _____ |
Thomas, s/o Samuel
and Hannah, |
1693 Dec. 5 |
John, s/o ____, |
1695 Nov. 6 |
Old Goody, d/o
____, |
1714 Dec. 3 |
Thomas, s/o Samuel
and Hannah, |
1715 Mar. 17 |
Hannah, wife of
Samuel, |
1745 Dec. 23 |
Ruth, widow of
John, d/o Josiah and Mary Smith (b. in Pembroke),
of old age, |
1855 Sept. 9; |
83 y. |
Susanna, d/o
Henry, |
1651 Sept. 28 |
Mary, d/o Henry, |
1664 Jan. 8 |
Elizabeth, d/o
Timothy, |
1691 Apr. 4 |
Hannah, d/o
Timothy and Elizabeth |
1692 Sep. 6 |
Henry, s/o Daniel
and Hannah, |
1693 Mar. 12 |
Joseh, s/of Daniel
and Hannah, |
1693 Mar. 12 |
Deacon Henry, s/o
____, |
1698 Feb. 14? |
Dorcas, d/o Daniel
and Hannah, |
1698 Mar. 7 |
Abigail, d/o Henry
and Abigail, |
1704 Sept. 4 |
Phebe, d/o Daniel
and Hannah, |
1707 Mar. 10 |
James, s/o Henry
and Abigail, |
1709 Jun. 12 |
Phebe, widow of
____, |
1716 Sept. 13 |
Elizabeth, d/o
Timothy and Hannah, |
1717 Dec. 9 |
Daniel, Sen, s/o
____, |
1719 Jan. 24 |
Daniel, s/o ____,
slain by the Indians, near Dunstable, N. H., |
1724 Sep. 5 |
Ruth, wife of
Joseph, |
1733 Dec. 15 |
Rebecca, d/o ____, |
1736 Mar. 10 |
Benjamin, s/o
____, |
1736 Apr. 28 |
Hannah widow of
___, |
1736 Sept. 28 |
Henry, s/o ____, |
1739 Jul. 7 |
Joseph, s/o ____, |
1745 Feb. 3 |
Reuel, s/o James
and Ruth, |
1746 Feb. 21; |
3 y. |
Mrs. Abigail,
widow of Henry, |
1771 Jan. __; |
96 or 97 y. |
Mr. Reuel, s/o
____, |
1775 Apr. 18 |
Mary, d/o Col.
Loammi, |
1776 May 15 |
Mary, wife of
Loammi, Esq., |
1786 Sept. 29; |
39 y. |
Cyrus, Esq., s/o
____, drowned in Dunstable, |
1790 Nov.5 |
Ruth, wife of
James, |
1791 May 12; |
77 y. |
James, s/o ____, |
1791 Jun. 28; |
81 y. |
Margery, wife of
Col. Loammi, |
1799 Aug. 8 |
Hon. Loammi, s/o
____, |
1807 Oct. 20; |
_3 y. |
Clarissa, d/o Col.
. F., |
1813 Jul. 15; |
y. |
Mary B., d/o
Benjamin F., Esq., |
1817 Dec. 28; |
9 y. |
Col. Benjamin Franklin,
s/o ____, |
1821 Oct. 11; |
43 y. |
Samuel Williams
s/o Loammi, |
1822 Dec. 28; |
5 y. |
Abigail, widow of
____, |
1843 Mar. 31; |
70 y. |
Charles, s/o
Hartwell and Mary, of affection of the head, |
1849 Jun. 6; |
6 y. 11 m. 5 d. |
Fanny L., d/o
Hartwell and Mary, of Phthisis, |
1870 Mar. 24; |
9 y 7 m. |
Otis, s/o Hartwell
and Mary, of consumption, |
1870 Oct. 9; |
21 y 9 m. |
Corp. Alexander,
s/o ____ (b. in Nantucket), of typhoid fever, in
Baltimore, Md., |
1862 Jul. 12 |
David, s/o ____,
of dysentery, at his brother-in-law's, Jeremiah
Converse, Jr., |
1817 Jul. 2; |
8 y |
Jesse, s/o ____,
1817 Jul. 12; |
50 y. |
Silas, s/o Simon
and Lucy, |
1827 Mar. 3; |
1 y. 10 m. |
Mrs. Lucy, wife of
Simon, |
1842 Aug. 13; |
46 y. |
William, s/o Simon
and ____, of fever, |
1844 Jan. 19; |
22 y. |
William R., s/o
____, |
1851 Jan. 27; |
2 y. (Gravestone) |
Simon, s/o ____
(b. in ____), of consumption, |
1872 Feb. 12; |
80 y. |
Samuel, s/o Henry
and Jane (b. in Portsmouth, Eng.), of paralysis, |
1857 Nov. 24; |
60 y.? |
Betsey, widow of
Isaac, d/o John and ___ Beers (b. in Boston), of old
age, |
1868 Aug. 21; |
91 y. 4 m. 12 d. |
Leslie R., s/o
Charles C. and Addie, of marasmus, |
1871 Aug. 28; |
1 m. 21 d. |
Sophronia, wife of
Charles, d/o Job and Phebe Tyler (b. in Boston), of
hepatitis, |
1860 Oct. 21; |
58 y. |
Irene V., d/o
Henry D. and Irene V...... (b. in Vermont), of whooping
caugh, |
1867 June 6; |
2 y. 7 m. |
Saraaaaah, wife of
____, d/o John an dSarah C. Doherty (b. in Ireland), of
laryngitis, |
1869 May 23; |
45 y. |
____, child of Jonas, |
1808 Feb. 17; |
4 m. |
Sally, wife of
Jonas, |
1817 Apr. 7; |
35 y. |
George T., s/o ____, |
1845 Mar. 29; |
11 m. (Gravestone) |
Anna F., d/o Prescott and
Augusta, of fits, |
1846 Dec. 22; |
11 m. 11 d. |
Cynthia Elizabeth, d/o James F.
and Mary G., |
1847 Aug. 9; |
4 m. 26 d. (Gravestone) |
James F., s/of Jonas P. and Sally
(b. in Ashby), of consumption, |
1851 Dec. 19; |
45 y. [46 y. 8 m., gravestone] |
George H., s/of ____, |
1852 Dec. 14; |
2 y. 7 m. 6 d. (Gravestone) |
Charles R., s/o Prescott and
Augusta A., of consumption, |
1857 Dec. 8; |
17 y. |
Jonas P., s/o Jonas and Sarah (b.
in Salem), of consumption. |
1859 Mar. 26; |
49 y. 3 m. |
Charles P., s/o ____, |
1859 Jun. 13; |
1 m. (Gravestone) |
Mary J., d/o J. Prescott and
Augusta, of consumption, |
1861 May 26; |
26 y. 5 m. |
Josephine, d/o J. Prescott and
Augusta, of consumption, |
1861 Sept. 12; |
18 y. 11 m. |
William T., s/o John and Mary (b.
in Boston), of typhoid fever, in Washington, D. C., |
1863 Jan. 29 [26, gravestone] |
24 y. 8 m. 3 d. |
Augusta, widow of Pescot, d/o
Daniel and Bridget Reed (b. in Concord), of consumption, |
1870 Jul. 2; |
58 y. 2 m. |
Sarah A., wife of William [M.
gravestone}, d/o Joseph and Marah Reed (b. in
Burlington), of consumption, |
1856 Jul. 21; |
30 y. |
Carrie E., d/o Henry and Mary E.
(b. in Andover), of consumption, |
1862 Feb. 25; |
5 y. 2 m. |
John, s/o David and Honora (b. in
Ireland), of fever and ague, in Point of Rocks, Va., |
1865 Feb. 5; |
22 y. 6 m. |
Julia, wife of John, d/o David
and Margaret Hines (b. in Ireland), of consumption, |
1865 May 15; |
28 y. |
Peter, s/o ____, |
1676 Feb. 13 |
William s/o John and Abigail, |
1692 Jul. 7; |
1 y. 9 m. |
Romelia G. d/o Harrison and Mary
P. (b. in Brewer, Me.), of brain fever, |
1845 Apr. 10; |
4 y. 3 m. 20 d. |
Henry L., s/o Perry G. and ____
(b. in Newton), of consumption, |
1871 Dec. 28; |
24 y. 4 m. |
Bowen, s/o Alexander and Julia A.
(b. Oct. 28, 1853), |
1855 Apr. 26; |
2 y. (Gravestone) |
William, s/o Merrill, |
1812 Sept. 22; |
2 y. 5 m. |
Reuben, s/o ____, run over on B.
& L. R. R., |
1853 Aug. 3; |
38 y. |
Julia, wife of Law (b. in
Canada), of consumption, |
1844 Dec. 23; |
65 y. |
William Perry, s/o John, |
1814 Aug. 26; |
6 m. |
Lucy, wife of John, |
1818 Sept. 25; |
36 y. |
____, child of William, |
1821 Sept. 7; |
1 y. |
Mrs. Esther, wife of Joseph, |
1833 Jan. 15; |
67 y. |
Mr. Joseph, s/o ____, |
1833 Feb. 2; |
69 y. |
Mr. Uri, s/o ____, |
1833 May 1; |
34 y. |
____, s/o William and Betsey, of
fits, |
1843 Sept. 20; |
2 y. |
Angeline, d/o John and Hannah (b.
in Reading), of consumption, |
1850 Oct. 20; |
20 y. |
Elizabeth E., d/o William and
Betsey, of scarlet fever, |
1851 May 4; |
7 y. |
Hannah, 2d wife of John, d/o John
and Martha Knight (b. in Newburyport), of scrofula, |
1853 Oct. 10; |
54 y. |
John B., s/of Joseph and Esther,
of heart disease, |
1855 Sept. 23; |
65 y. 1m. 5 d. |
Besey S., wife of ____, d/o Lotan
and Susan Eames, of inflammation of the heart, |
1855 Nov. 8; |
25 y. |
Layfayette, s/o John B. and
Hannah, of consumption, |
1856 Mar. 4; |
30 y. 6 m. |
Eliza A., d/o Reuben L. and
Betsey S., of cholera infantum, |
1867 Sept. 26; |
1 y. 11 m. 8 d. |
Jerusha, wife of Joseph W., d/o
Paul and Jerusha Upton (b. in Wilmington), of
consumption, |
1858 Aug. 3; |
67 y. |
Reuben B., s/o Joseph W. and
Esther, of lung fever, |
1864 Jan. 31, |
72 y. 28 d. |
William s/o Joseph W. and Esther,
of hydrothorax, |
1866 May 5; |
72 y. |
Jane R., d/o Joseph W. and
Jerusha, of phthisis, |
1869 Apr. 30; |
45 y. 2 m. 27 d. |
Edwin L., s/o Joseph and Eliza
Ann (b. in Roxbury), of scarlet fever, |
1852 Aug. 9; |
3 y. |
John M., s/o James and Mary A.,
of Pneumonia, |
1868 Jan. 11; |
1 y. 4 m. 24 d. |
____, d. of Thomas and Jane, |
1712 Oct. 26 |
Ruth, d/o Samuel and Lydia, |
1734 Jun. 27; |
2 y. 7 m. 16 d. |
Hannah, d/o Mr. William, |
1753 Jul. 31 |
Samuel, s/o Mr. William, |
1756 Aug. 22 |
Josiah, s/o Mr. William, |
1756 Aug. 26 |
Abigail, wife of Mr. Samuel, |
1761 Oct. 16 |
Hannah, wife of Mr. William, |
1763 Apr. 3 |
Raphael, s/o Mr. Samuel, |
1765 Sept. 24 |
Lieut. William, s/o ____, |
1767 Feb. 2 |