A Part of Genealogy Express


Welcome to
 Norfolk County, Massachusetts
History & Genealogy



of Many of its
Pioneers and Prominent Men
Compiled Under the Supervision of
D. Hamilton Hurd
Part 1
J. W. Lewis & Co.



Adams, Daniel 16
Adams, Thomas 375
Adams, Thomas 28
Adams, Thomas B. 16
Alden, Cyrus 17
Alden, Ebenezer 208
Ames, Ellis 972
Ames, Fisher 7
Ames, Fisher 26
Ames, John W. 18
Ames, William 111
Aspinwall, Thomas 889
Aspinwall, William 894
Aspinwall, William 891
Atherton, James 415
Atherton, Samuel 417
Atwood, Shadrach 186
Avery, Edward 24
Babcock, S. B. 93
Bacon, Joseph T. 670
Baker, John 2d  
Barrows, Thomas 93
Baxter, Daniel 388
Beals, E. S. 618
Berry, Nehemiah C. 24
Bird, Francis W. 729
Bishop, Jonathan Parker 18
Blake, George B. 883
Bleakie, Robert 916
Brewer, William 28
Bullard, Isaac 29
Bullard, John 92
Bumpus, Everett C. 26
Burgess, Ebenezer 95
Candage, R. G. F. 887
Capen, Nahum 957
Carpenter, E. 703
Chapman, O. S. 962
Chickering, Jabez 17
Churchill, Amos 380
Churchill, Asaph 15
Churchill, Asaph, Jr. 21
Churchill, C. C. 109
Churchill, Chauncey C. 29
Churchill, Joseph McKean 26
Clap, Lucius 424
Clark, Joseph W. 102
Clarke, John Jones 19
Cleveland, Ira 101
Cleveland, Ira 19
Cobb, John D. 26
Cobb, Jonathan H. 19
Colburn, Waldo * 12
Cook, Horace L. 672
Cook, Nathan A. 159
Cotter, James E. 27
Crane, Elijah 28
Crocker, L. O. 142
Curtis, Daniel D. 452
Cushing, Abel 18
Cushing, Abner L. 21
Cutler, Benjamin Clarke 28
Davis Family, (The) 881
Davis, Edmund 27
Deane, Francis W. 971
Derby, John B. 18
Dizer, M. C. 616
Draper, James 967
Du Bois, A. E. 215
Dunbar, William 16
Eldridge, John L. 27
Ellis, George 29
Ely, Frederick D. 26
Endicott, Charles 25
Everett, George 514
Everett, Meletiah 18
Faxon, Henry H. 376
Field, William 381
Fisher, Lewis Whiting 18
Fisk, Emery 488
Fiske, Isaac 453
Fiske, Josiah J. 668
Fiske, J. N. 669
Fisher, Jabez 672
Fisher, M. M. 557
Fiske, Josiah J. 17
Flagg, Solomon 489
Fogg, John S. 615
Fogg, David S. 515
Frederick, Eleazer 382
French, Asa 25
French, Charles H. 960
Gardner, Samuel J. 17
Gaston, William, Hon. 21
Gay, J. W. 110
Gourgas, John Mark 19
Greenleaf, Thomas 15
Greenleaf, Thomas, Jr. 17
Gridley, Jeremiah 886
Griggs, Thomas 871
Grover, Edwin 894
Grover, Thomas E. 26
Hall, Elijah Fox 24
Harrington, Joseph 16
Haven, Samuel 15
Heath, William 13
Hewins Family (The) 470
Hewins, James 27
Hodges, Alfred 708
Hodges, Benjamin 706
Hodges Family (The) 705
Hodges, Leonard 418
Hodges, Sewell 706
Hodges, William A. 386
Holbrook, Amos H. 158
Holbrook, E. N. 437
Hollingsworth, E. A. 132
Holmes, Warren M. 473
Howe, Appleton 611
Humphrey, James 24
Kimball, Daniel 540
King, John 17
King, John 21
Kingman, Bradford 883
Kingsbury, Fisher A. 21
Lamson, Alvan 99
Leland, Sherman 14
Leland, William Sherman 14
Lincoln, James D. 670
Lisle, Henry Maurice 16
Loring, Abner 18
Loud, Samuel P. 17
Lovering, Warren 18
Lyon, E. A. 539
McDonnell, Patrick 384
Mansfield, William 963
Mann, George H. 470
Mann, Horace 19
Mann, Jerauld Newland Ezra 28
Marden, Oscar A. 27
Martin, N. C. 782
Monk, Elisha C. 422
Morrison Family (The) 133
Morse, Elijah A. 965
Morse, Luther 473
Morse, Otis 516
Morton, William S. 19
Noyes, Samuel Bradley * 22
Orr, Galen 538
Parsons, Thomas 880
Paul, Ebenezer 108
Peirce, Henry 879
Pierce, Edward L. 777
Pierce, Edward Lillie 24
Pierce Family (The) 408
Pierce, Henry L. 410
Pierce, Jesse 408
Porter, Robert 425
Prescott, Aaron 19
Ray, James P. 184
Ray, Joseph G. 185
Richards, Moses 472
Richardson, James 16
Richardson, Stephen W. 187
Robbins, Edward Hutchinson 14
Safford, Nathaniel Foster 19
Sampson, Ezra Weston 18
Sanford, M. H. 555
Sargent, James H. 560
Shaw, Nathaniel 613
Sheldon, Rhodes 671
Shepard, James S. 964
Sherburne, William 671
Sherman, Job 707
Simmons, David Allen 16
Slafter, Carlos 107
Smith, Isaac 702
Smith, Lyman 513
Southgate, George A. 109
Southworth, Amasa 421
Southworth, Asahel 419
Southworth, Consider 419
Southworth, Consider, Col. 420
Spaulding, Corodon 970
Stetson, Caleb 131
Stetson, Everett 727
Stetson, J. A. 376
Stone, Ebenezer 727
Stone, Eliphalet 107
Stuart, William J. 917
Taft, Ezra W. 106
Talbot, Warren 473
Thayer, Atherton 28
Thayer, David 136
Thayer, Ebenezer 17
Thayer, Ebenezer 27
Thayer, Gideon L. 16
Thomas, John W. 29
Tinker, Francis 515
Tirrell, James 613
Tirrell, James E. 26
Tolman, Thomas 18
Torrey, James 620
Townsend, Horatio 15
Wales, Martin 414
Wales, Nathaniel 412
Ware, Jairus 16
Ware, Josiah 976
Warner, Samuel * 21
Washburn, Andrew 917
Wason, Elbridge 878
Webb, Christopher 17
Wentworth Family (The) 968
Whitaker, E. K. 535
White, George 15
White, George, Judge 492
White, N. L. 139
White, Naaman L. 19
White, Thomas 438
Whiting, Edwin 110
Wiggin, George Winslow 27
Wild, Charles 874
Wild, Edward A. 876
Wilde, George C. 19
Wilkinson, Ezra 11
Williams, John Shirley 15
Wolcott, H. F. 779
Wood, Henry 490
Wood, Rufus C. 29
Worthington, Ellis 21
Worthington, Erastus* 25
Worthington, Erastus 17


Adams, John facing 320
Adams, John Quincy facing 354
Adams, Thomas facing 375
Alden, Ebenezer facing 208
Ames, William facing 111
Atherton, James facing 415
Atherton, Samuel facing 417
Atwood, Shadrach facing 186
Babcock, S. B. facing 93
Bacon, Joseph T. facing 670
Baxter, Daniel facing 388
Barrows, Thomas betw. 92,93
Beals, E. S. facing 618
Bird, Francis W. facing 729
Blake, George B. facing 883
Bleakie, Robert facing 916
"Boylston Place," Residence of Henry Lee facing 860
Burgess, Ebenezer facing 95
Bullard, John facing 92
Candage, R. G. F. facing 887
Canton Memorial Hall facing 951
Capen, Nahum facing 957
Carpenter, J. E. facing 703
Chapman, O. S. facing 962
Churchill, Amos facing 380
Churchill, C. C. betw. 108,109
Clapp, Lucius facing 424
Clark, Joseph W. facing 102
Cleveland, Ira facing 101
Colburn, Waldo facing 12
Cook, Horace L. facing 672
Cook, Nathan A. facing 159
Crocker, L. O. facing 142
Curtis, Daniel D. facing 452
Davis, Robert S. facing 882
Deane, Francis W. facing 971
Dizer, M. C. facing 616
Draper, James facing 967
DuBois, A. E. facing 215
Everett, George facing 514
Faxon, Henry H. facing 377
Field, William facing 381
Fisher, M. M. facing 557
Fisk, Emery facing 488
Fiske, Isaac facing 453
Fiske, J. N. facing 669
Flagg, Solomon facing 489
Fogg, David S. facing 515
Fogg, John S. facing 615
Frederick, Eleazer facing 382
French, Charles H. facing 960
Gaston, William facing 21
Gay, J. W. betw. 110, 111
Gaston, William facing 21
Gay, J. W. betw. 110, 111
Griggs, Thomas facing 871
Hewins, Whiting acing 471
Hodges, Alfred facing 708
Hodges, Benjamin facing 706
Hodges, Leonard facing 418
Hodges, Sewall facing 705
Hodges, William A. facing 386
Holbrook, Amos H. facing 158
Holbrook, E. N. facing 437
Hollingsworth, E. A. facing 132
Holmes, Warren M. facing 473
Hunnewell, H. H., Res. & Views of Grounds 478-480
Howe, Appleton facing 612
Lamson, Alvan facing 99
Lawrence, A. A., Residence of facing 859
Lincoln, A. A., Residence of betw. 670, 671
Lyon, E. A. facing 539
Mansfield, William facing 963
McDonnell, Patrick facing 384
Monk, Elisha C. facing 422
Morrison, A. facing 134
Morrison, A. S. facing 135
Morrison, B. L. facing 136
Morse, Elijah A. facing 965
Morse, Otis facing 516
Noyes, Samuel B. facing 22
Ott, Galen facing 538
Parsons, Thomas facing 881
Paul, Ebenezer facing 109
Peirce, Henry facing 880
Pierce, Edward L. facing 777
Pierce, Henry L. facing 410
Pierce, Jesse facing 408
Porter, Robert facing 425
Ray, James P. facing 184
Ray, Joseph G. facing 185
Richards, 'Moses facing 472
Richardson, Stephen W. facing 187
Sanford, M. H. facing 555
Sargent, James H. facing 560
Shaw, Nathaniel facing 613
Sheldon, Rhodes facing 671
Shepard, James S. facing 964
Sherburne, William betw. 670, 671
Sherman, Job facing 707
Slafter, Carlos facing 107
Smith, Isaac facing 702
Smith, Lyman facing 513
Southworth, Amasa facing 421
Southworth, Consider facing 419
Southgate, George A. facing 109
Spaulding, Corodon facing 970
Stetson, Caleb facing 131
Stetson, Everett facing 727
Stetson, J. A. facing 376
Stone, Ebenezer facing 728
Stone, Eliphalet facing 108
Stuart, William J. facing 917
Taft, Ezra W. facing 106
Talbot, Warren betw. 472, 473
Thayer, David facing 137
Tinker, Francis betw. 514, 515
Tirrell, James betw. 612, 613
Tirrell, Minot betw. 612, 613
Torrey, James facing 620
Wales, Martin facing 414
Wales, Nathaniel facing 412
Ware, Josiah facing 976
Warner, Samuel facing 20
Washburn, Andrew facing 918
Wason, Elbridge facing 878
Wellesley College 482
Wellesley College, East Lodge 483
Wellesley College, Library 485
Wellesley College of Music 487
Wellesley College, Stone Hall 486
Wellesley Town Hall & Library facing 477
Wentworth, Edwin facing 969
Whitaker, E. K. facing 536
White, George, Judge facing 492
White, N. L. facing 139
White, Thomas facing 438
Whiting, Edwin betw. 110, 111
Wild, Charles facing 874
Wild, Edward A. facing 876
Wood, Henry facing 499
Wolcott, H. F. facing 779
Worthington, Erastus facing 25

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