of Many of its
Pioneers and Prominent Men
Compiled Under the Supervision of
D. Hamilton Hurd
Part 1
J. W. Lewis & Co.
Adams, Daniel |
16 |
Adams, Thomas |
375 |
Adams, Thomas |
28 |
Adams, Thomas
B. |
16 |
Alden, Cyrus |
17 |
Alden, Ebenezer |
208 |
Ames, Ellis |
972 |
Ames, Fisher |
7 |
Ames, Fisher |
26 |
Ames, John W. |
18 |
Ames, William |
111 |
Aspinwall, Thomas |
889 |
Aspinwall, William |
894 |
Aspinwall, William |
891 |
Atherton, James |
415 |
Atherton, Samuel |
417 |
Atwood, Shadrach |
186 |
Avery, Edward |
24 |
Babcock, S. B. |
93 |
Bacon, Joseph T. |
670 |
Baker, John 2d |
Barrows, Thomas |
93 |
Baxter, Daniel |
388 |
Beals, E. S. |
618 |
Berry, Nehemiah
C. |
24 |
Bird, Francis W. |
729 |
Jonathan Parker |
18 |
Blake, George B. |
883 |
Bleakie, Robert |
916 |
Brewer, William |
28 |
Bullard, Isaac |
29 |
Bullard, John |
92 |
Bumpus, Everett
C. |
26 |
Burgess, Ebenezer |
95 |
Candage, R. G. F. |
887 |
Capen, Nahum |
957 |
Carpenter, E. |
703 |
Chapman, O. S. |
962 |
Jabez |
17 |
Churchill, Amos |
380 |
Asaph |
15 |
Asaph, Jr. |
21 |
Churchill, C. C. |
109 |
Churchill, Chauncey C. |
29 |
Joseph McKean |
26 |
Clap, Lucius |
424 |
Clark, Joseph W. |
102 |
Clarke, John
Jones |
19 |
Cleveland, Ira |
101 |
Cleveland, Ira |
19 |
Cobb, John D. |
26 |
Cobb, Jonathan
H. |
19 |
Colburn, Waldo * |
12 |
Cook, Horace L. |
672 |
Cook, Nathan A. |
159 |
Cotter, James
E. |
27 |
Crane, Elijah |
28 |
Crocker, L. O. |
142 |
Curtis, Daniel D. |
452 |
Cushing, Abel |
18 |
Cushing, Abner
L. |
21 |
Benjamin Clarke |
28 |
Davis Family, (The) |
881 |
Davis, Edmund |
27 |
Deane, Francis W. |
971 |
Derby, John B. |
18 |
Dizer, M. C. |
616 |
Draper, James |
967 |
Du Bois, A. E. |
215 |
Dunbar, William |
16 |
Eldridge, John
L. |
27 |
Ellis, George |
29 |
Ely, Frederick
D. |
26 |
Charles |
25 |
Everett, George |
514 |
Meletiah |
18 |
Faxon, Henry H. |
376 |
Field, William |
381 |
Fisher, Lewis
Whiting |
18 |
Fisk, Emery |
488 |
Fiske, Isaac |
453 |
Fiske, Josiah J. |
668 |
Fiske, J. N. |
669 |
Fisher, Jabez |
672 |
Fisher, M. M. |
557 |
Fiske, Josiah
J. |
17 |
Flagg, Solomon |
489 |
Fogg, John S. |
615 |
Fogg, David S. |
515 |
Frederick, Eleazer |
382 |
French, Asa |
25 |
French, Charles H. |
960 |
Gardner, Samuel
J. |
17 |
Gaston, William, Hon. |
21 |
Gay, J. W. |
110 |
Gourgas, John
Mark |
19 |
Thomas |
15 |
Thomas, Jr. |
17 |
Gridley, Jeremiah |
886 |
Griggs, Thomas |
871 |
Grover, Edwin |
894 |
Grover, Thomas
E. |
26 |
Hall, Elijah Fox |
24 |
Joseph |
16 |
Haven, Samuel |
15 |
Heath, William |
13 |
Hewins Family (The) |
470 |
Hewins, James |
27 |
Hodges, Alfred |
708 |
Hodges, Benjamin |
706 |
Hodges Family (The) |
705 |
Hodges, Leonard |
418 |
Hodges, Sewell |
706 |
Hodges, William A. |
386 |
Holbrook, Amos H. |
158 |
Holbrook, E. N. |
437 |
Hollingsworth, E. A. |
132 |
Holmes, Warren M. |
473 |
Howe, Appleton |
611 |
Humphrey, James |
24 |
Kimball, Daniel |
540 |
King, John |
17 |
King, John |
21 |
Kingman, Bradford |
883 |
Kingsbury, Fisher A. |
21 |
Lamson, Alvan |
99 |
Leland, Sherman |
14 |
Leland, William
Sherman |
14 |
Lincoln, James D. |
670 |
Lisle, Henry
Maurice |
16 |
Loring, Abner |
18 |
Loud, Samuel P. |
17 |
Warren |
18 |
Lyon, E. A. |
539 |
McDonnell, Patrick |
384 |
Mansfield, William |
963 |
Mann, George H. |
470 |
Mann, Horace |
19 |
Mann, Jerauld
Newland Ezra |
28 |
Marden, Oscar
A. |
27 |
Martin, N. C. |
782 |
Monk, Elisha C. |
422 |
Morrison Family (The) |
133 |
Morse, Elijah A. |
965 |
Morse, Luther |
473 |
Morse, Otis |
516 |
Morton, William
S. |
19 |
Noyes, Samuel Bradley * |
22 |
Orr, Galen |
538 |
Parsons, Thomas |
880 |
Paul, Ebenezer |
108 |
Peirce, Henry |
879 |
Pierce, Edward L. |
777 |
Pierce, Edward
Lillie |
24 |
Pierce Family (The) |
408 |
Pierce, Henry L. |
410 |
Pierce, Jesse |
408 |
Porter, Robert |
425 |
Prescott, Aaron |
19 |
Ray, James P. |
184 |
Ray, Joseph G. |
185 |
Richards, Moses |
472 |
James |
16 |
Richardson, Stephen W. |
187 |
Robbins, Edward
Hutchinson |
14 |
Nathaniel Foster |
19 |
Sampson, Ezra
Weston |
18 |
Sanford, M. H. |
555 |
Sargent, James H. |
560 |
Shaw, Nathaniel |
613 |
Sheldon, Rhodes |
671 |
Shepard, James S. |
964 |
Sherburne, William |
671 |
Sherman, Job |
707 |
Simmons, David
Allen |
16 |
Slafter, Carlos |
107 |
Smith, Isaac |
702 |
Smith, Lyman |
513 |
Southgate, George A. |
109 |
Southworth, Amasa |
421 |
Southworth, Asahel |
419 |
Southworth, Consider |
419 |
Southworth, Consider, Col. |
420 |
Spaulding, Corodon |
970 |
Stetson, Caleb |
131 |
Stetson, Everett |
727 |
Stetson, J. A. |
376 |
Stone, Ebenezer |
727 |
Stone, Eliphalet |
107 |
Stuart, William J. |
917 |
Taft, Ezra W. |
106 |
Talbot, Warren |
473 |
Atherton |
28 |
Thayer, David |
136 |
Ebenezer |
17 |
Ebenezer |
27 |
Thayer, Gideon
L. |
16 |
Thomas, John W. |
29 |
Tinker, Francis |
515 |
Tirrell, James |
613 |
Tirrell, James
E. |
26 |
Tolman, Thomas |
18 |
Torrey, James |
620 |
Horatio |
15 |
Wales, Martin |
414 |
Wales, Nathaniel |
412 |
Ware, Jairus |
16 |
Ware, Josiah |
976 |
Warner, Samuel * |
21 |
Washburn, Andrew |
917 |
Wason, Elbridge |
878 |
Christopher |
17 |
Wentworth Family (The) |
968 |
Whitaker, E. K. |
535 |
White, George |
15 |
White, George, Judge |
492 |
White, N. L. |
139 |
White, Naaman
L. |
19 |
White, Thomas |
438 |
Whiting, Edwin |
110 |
Wiggin, George
Winslow |
27 |
Wild, Charles |
874 |
Wild, Edward A. |
876 |
Wilde, George
C. |
19 |
Wilkinson, Ezra |
11 |
Williams, John
Shirley |
15 |
Wolcott, H. F. |
779 |
Wood, Henry |
490 |
Wood, Rufus C. |
29 |
Ellis |
21 |
Worthington, Erastus* |
25 |
Erastus |
17 |
Adams, John |
facing 320 |
Adams, John
Quincy |
facing 354 |
Adams, Thomas |
facing 375 |
Alden, Ebenezer |
facing 208 |
Ames, William |
facing 111 |
Atherton, James |
facing 415 |
Samuel |
facing 417 |
Shadrach |
facing 186 |
Babcock, S. B. |
facing 93 |
Bacon, Joseph
T. |
facing 670 |
Baxter, Daniel |
facing 388 |
Barrows, Thomas |
betw. 92,93 |
Beals, E. S. |
facing 618 |
Bird, Francis
W. |
facing 729 |
Blake, George
B. |
facing 883 |
Bleakie, Robert |
facing 916 |
Place," Residence of Henry Lee |
facing 860 |
Ebenezer |
facing 95 |
Bullard, John |
facing 92 |
Candage, R. G.
F. |
facing 887 |
Memorial Hall |
facing 951 |
Capen, Nahum |
facing 957 |
Carpenter, J.
E. |
facing 703 |
Chapman, O. S. |
facing 962 |
Churchill, Amos |
facing 380 |
Churchill, C.
C. |
betw. 108,109 |
Clapp, Lucius |
facing 424 |
Clark, Joseph
W. |
facing 102 |
Cleveland, Ira |
facing 101 |
Colburn, Waldo |
facing 12 |
Cook, Horace L. |
facing 672 |
Cook, Nathan A. |
facing 159 |
Crocker, L. O. |
facing 142 |
Curtis, Daniel
D. |
facing 452 |
Davis, Robert
S. |
facing 882 |
Deane, Francis
W. |
facing 971 |
Dizer, M. C. |
facing 616 |
Draper, James |
facing 967 |
DuBois, A. E. |
facing 215 |
Everett, George |
facing 514 |
Faxon, Henry H. |
facing 377 |
Field, William |
facing 381 |
Fisher, M. M. |
facing 557 |
Fisk, Emery |
facing 488 |
Fiske, Isaac |
facing 453 |
Fiske, J. N. |
facing 669 |
Flagg, Solomon |
facing 489 |
Fogg, David S. |
facing 515 |
Fogg, John S. |
facing 615 |
Eleazer |
facing 382 |
French, Charles
H. |
facing 960 |
Gaston, William |
facing 21 |
Gay, J. W. |
betw. 110, 111 |
Gaston, William |
facing 21 |
Gay, J. W. |
betw. 110, 111 |
Griggs, Thomas |
facing 871 |
Hewins, Whiting |
acing 471 |
Hodges, Alfred |
facing 708 |
Benjamin |
facing 706 |
Hodges, Leonard |
facing 418 |
Hodges, Sewall |
facing 705 |
Hodges, William
A. |
facing 386 |
Holbrook, Amos
H. |
facing 158 |
Holbrook, E. N. |
facing 437 |
E. A. |
facing 132 |
Holmes, Warren
M. |
facing 473 |
Hunnewell, H.
H., Res. & Views of Grounds |
478-480 |
Howe, Appleton |
facing 612 |
Lamson, Alvan |
facing 99 |
Lawrence, A.
A., Residence of |
facing 859 |
Lincoln, A. A.,
Residence of |
betw. 670, 671 |
Lyon, E. A. |
facing 539 |
William |
facing 963 |
Patrick |
facing 384 |
Monk, Elisha C. |
facing 422 |
Morrison, A. |
facing 134 |
Morrison, A. S. |
facing 135 |
Morrison, B. L. |
facing 136 |
Morse, Elijah
A. |
facing 965 |
Morse, Otis |
facing 516 |
Noyes, Samuel
B. |
facing 22 |
Ott, Galen |
facing 538 |
Parsons, Thomas |
facing 881 |
Paul, Ebenezer |
facing 109 |
Peirce, Henry |
facing 880 |
Pierce, Edward
L. |
facing 777 |
Pierce, Henry
L. |
facing 410 |
Pierce, Jesse |
facing 408 |
Porter, Robert |
facing 425 |
Ray, James P. |
facing 184 |
Ray, Joseph G. |
facing 185 |
'Moses |
facing 472 |
Stephen W. |
facing 187 |
Sanford, M. H. |
facing 555 |
Sargent, James
H. |
facing 560 |
Shaw, Nathaniel |
facing 613 |
Sheldon, Rhodes |
facing 671 |
Shepard, James
S. |
facing 964 |
William |
betw. 670, 671 |
Sherman, Job |
facing 707 |
Slafter, Carlos |
facing 107 |
Smith, Isaac |
facing 702 |
Smith, Lyman |
facing 513 |
Amasa |
facing 421 |
Consider |
facing 419 |
George A. |
facing 109 |
Corodon |
facing 970 |
Stetson, Caleb |
facing 131 |
Everett |
facing 727 |
Stetson, J. A. |
facing 376 |
Stone, Ebenezer |
facing 728 |
Eliphalet |
facing 108 |
Stuart, William
J. |
facing 917 |
Taft, Ezra W. |
facing 106 |
Talbot, Warren |
betw. 472, 473 |
Thayer, David |
facing 137 |
Tinker, Francis |
betw. 514, 515 |
Tirrell, James |
betw. 612, 613 |
Tirrell, Minot |
betw. 612, 613 |
Torrey, James |
facing 620 |
Wales, Martin |
facing 414 |
Nathaniel |
facing 412 |
Ware, Josiah |
facing 976 |
Warner, Samuel |
facing 20 |
Andrew |
facing 918 |
Wason, Elbridge |
facing 878 |
College |
482 |
College, East Lodge |
483 |
College, Library |
485 |
College of Music |
487 |
College, Stone Hall |
486 |
Wellesley Town
Hall & Library |
facing 477 |
Edwin |
facing 969 |
Whitaker, E. K. |
facing 536 |
White, George,
Judge |
facing 492 |
White, N. L. |
facing 139 |
White, Thomas |
facing 438 |
Whiting, Edwin |
betw. 110, 111 |
Wild, Charles |
facing 874 |
Wild, Edward A. |
facing 876 |
Wood, Henry |
facing 499 |
Wolcott, H. F. |
facing 779 |
Erastus |
facing 25 |
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