Vital Records of Ashburnham, Massachusetts
To the end of the year 1849
Worcester, Massachusetts
Published by Franklin P. Rice
a. - age
b. - born
bap. - baptized
ch. - child
C. R. - church record
d. - daughter; day; died
Dea. - deacon
dup. - duplicate entry
G. S. I. - gravestone, Old Cemetery
G. S. 2. - gravestone, Fairbanks Cemetery
G. S. 3. - gravestone, Russell Cemetery |
G. S. 4. - gravestone, New Cemetery
h. -husband
inf. - infant
int. - publishment of intention of marriage
Jr. - junior
m. - male; married; month
P. R. - private record
s. - son
Sr. - senior
w. - wife
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