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Androscoggin County, Maine
History & Genealogy

List of Pensioners on the Rolls - January 1, 1883

Pgs. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

Some of the Certificate #'s are probably incorrect as the copy it was transcribed from was a little blurry.
~ Sharon

Cert # Name of Pensioner PO Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Date of Original allowance
16480 Abbott, Mary or Polly Lewiston Wid. 1812 $8.00 Jan. 3
84850 Adams, Charles B. Mechanic's Falls g.s.w. abdom. & heart $6.00 --
135915 Adams, Moses Auburn Father $8.00 1872 Jul. 5
14581 Alden, Charlotte Leeds Center widow 1812 $8.00 1879 Jan. 7
22598 Allen, Benjamin Minot Survivors 1812 $8.00 1878 Jun. 22
44414 Allen, Francis M. Auburn loss l.arm $24.00 --
10346 Allen, Mary West Minot Wid. 1812 $8.00 1878 Oct. 23
19099 Allen, Rhoda West Poland Mother $8.00 1864 Apr. 15
57100 Allen, Ruel D. Auburn dis. Lungs and kidneys $8.00 --
91229 Andrews, Hannah Lewiston Widow $8.00 Mar.
67929 Andrews, John Lewiston w.r.thigh $4.00 --
61382 Andrews, Reuben Auburn g.s.w.l.hand, inj. L.arm $6.00 --
187570 Aris, Robert J. Lewiston chr. Diarrh., int. fever $6.00 1881 Apr. 29
85361 Arno, James G. Lewiston inj. r.eye, lumbago $8.00 --
29878 Arno, Joanna Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 1880 Jun 30
191796 Arnold, Jane C. Lewiston Widow $10.00 Apr. 1
166197 Atwood, Sarah C. Livermore Falls Mother $8.00 1874 Oct. 8
63598 Austin, Daniel Lewiston w.l.leg $6.00 1866 May 17
112520 Bachford, Eunice T. Lisbon Mother $8.00 Nov. 1
72798 Bailey, Chandler B. Turner Center w.rt. Leg &c. $8.50 --
142039 Bailey, Hiram P. Mechanic's Falls dis. Eyes $6.00 --
220096 Bailey, Luther Turner Center Survivor 1812 $8.00 1878 May 22
15581 Bailey, Mary Mechanic's Falls Widow 1812 $8.00 1879 Jan. 20
19932 Bailey, Susan H. Lewiston Wid. 1812 $8.00 Mar.
125825 Bard, Leeman H. Lisbon Falls partial deafness $6.00 --
142171 Barker, Albert North Turner Bridge dis. Throat & lungs $8.00 --
69370 Barnard, Otis M. East Auburn g.w.l. shoulder $4.00 1866 Aug. 9
61206 Barnes, Ruth J. Lewiston Mother $8.00 Dec.
178420 Barrows, Caleb S. West Minot Father $8.00 1877 Aug. 18
202281 Barrows, William C. Lewiston malar. Poisoning $6.00 1882 Feb. 3
20757 Bartlett, Huldah Livermore Falls Widow 1812 $8.00 1879 Mar. 12
23903 Bartlett, Mary J. Lewiston Widow $8.00 May 1_
70199 Batchelder, Mary J. Auburn widow $8.00 1867 Feb. 21
108594 Bates, George Curtis Corner w.r. arm $4.00 1871 Mar. 16
23517 Bates, Levi Curtis Corner Surv. 1812 $8.00 1878 Jul. 31
103259 Beal, Hiram Minot loss sight both eyes $24.00 --
32614 Beals, Benjamin F. Auburn loss r. forearm $24.00 --
24494 Beals, Luthen North Turner Bridge Widow $8.00 1878 Oct. 31
118251 Bean, Samuel Livermore Falls chr. Nephritis $2.00 1872 Jul. 31
27772 Bearce, Lucy G. Auburn widow 1812 $8.00 1879 Nov. 11
24039 Benjamin, David E. E. Livermore Mills Surv. 1812 $8.00 --
137998 Benner, Catharine Lewiston Mother $8.00 Dec. 3
27623 Bennett, James A. Southwest Bend loss use r. thumb $12.00 --
8320 Berry, Olive M. East Auburn Wid. 1812 $8.00 1878 Sep. 5
65446 Berry, William Lisbon Falls wd. Head and l. eye $24.00 1867 Aug. 23
87046 Besse, Constantine D. Lewiston w.l.jaw bone and hip $18.00 --
32294 Besse, Louis Sabuttus Survivor 1812 $8.00 1882 Mar. 29
173803 Bibber, Benjamin P. Lewiston g.s.w.r. fore-arm $4.00 1880 Sep. 22
210623 Bickford, Rufus F. Auburn inj. To back $4.00 1882 Jun. 7
124298? Bigelow, John W. Livermore Centre. chr. Diar. $6.00 1873 Jul. 30
71794 Billington, Betsy S. Lewiston Widow $8.00 May. 1
12033 Blair, Sally Mechanic's Falls Widow 1812 $8.00 1878 Nov. 25
144189 Blaisdell, Fred. P. Auburn injury to abdomen $4.00 --
197557 Blake, Mary A. Mechanic's Falls Mother $8l.00 1882 Oct. 30
185447 Blake, Patience Lisbon Mother $8.00 Nov.
16809 Blanchard, Joanna Lewiston Widow $8.00 Feb.
29230 Blethen, Thankful Lisbon Falls Wid. 1812 $8.00 1879 Mar. 5
9126 Blossom, Jane Turner Widow 1812 $8.00 1878 Sep. 24
179225 Bodge, Sally North Turner Bridge Mother $8.00 1877 Nov. 27
152566 Bodge, William East Turner inj. To abdominal viscera $4.00 --
100330 Borden, Cathrine Chase's Mills Mother $8.00 1867 Oct. 8
69986 Brackett, Edward J. Lewiston hydrocele & en'ged test's $6.00 --
19054 Brackett, Williams North Auburn dis. Heart  $8.00 --
44390 Bradford, Lydia Turner Widow $8.00 1867 Apr. 20
24063 Bradford, Samuel West Minot Surv. 1812 $8.00 1878 Sep. 4
45974 Bradford, Zilpha Turner Widow $8.00 1865 Apr. 28
12806 Brady, Edward Lewiston amp. R.arm, w.hip $18.00 --
145964 Bragdon, Eliza  West Poland Mother $8.00 1870 Nov. 17
9408 Bragdon, Ruhama Lisbon Wid. 1812 $8.00 Sep. 3
76330 Brickerton, William Auburn chills and diarr $5.33-1/3 1867 Jan. 17
116208 Brickford, George H. Lisbon aphonia chr. Bronch $6.00 Apr.
15295 Bridgham, Caroline West Minot Wid. 1812 $8.00 1879 Jan. 17
175431 Briggs, Jemima Auburn Mother $8.00 1876 Oct. 27
31781 Briggs, Tabitha Livermore Wid. 1812 $8.00 1881 Jun. 6
133613 Briggs, Uriate W. Mechanic's Falls parallysis low. Extrem. $6.00 --
167873 Bronson, Orestus A. Lewiston chr. Hepatis $4.00 1880 May 7
100915 Brooks, Joseph Lewiston g.s.w.l.arm, inj. Arm $8.00 --
83215 Brooks, Thomas H. Poland w.r. leg $4.00 --
80414 Brown, Arthur M. Lewiston g.s.w.r.arm $4.00 --
12974 Brown, David E. Livermore Mills Surv. 1812 $8.00 1872 Feb. 24
13959 Brown, Jane North Turner Bridge Widow $8.00 1879 Jan. 3
45543 Bryant, Henry S. Curtis Corner w.l. forearm $3.00 --
117757 Bryant, John Lewiston dis. Heart res. Rheum $4.00 --
7890 Bubier, Betsey Lewiston Surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 2
169928 Buch, Octaria Auburn widow $10.00 1875 Jun. 27
104415 Buckly, Ann Lewiston Mother $8.00 Dec. 1
24403 Buckman, Hamlin T. Mechanic's Falls g.s.w. shoulder $20.00 --
135186 Bucknam, Amos Lewiston w.face $2.00 1875 Aug. 10
21978 Bumpus, Calvin North Livermore Surv. 1812 $8.00 1878 May. 4
151965 Burbank, George L. Livermore Falls g.s.w.r. thigh $3.00 1878 Mar. 25
58200 Burgess, Romanzo Lewiston w.l. shr $18.00 1867 Feb. 12
132622 Burket, Miles Lewiston asthma $6.00 --
129271 Burnham, Milton W. Curtis Corner dis.liver debil.sunstroke $6.00 --
2286 Burns, Mary Lewiston mother $8.00 --
139036 Burr, Charles F. Auburn w. lower jaw $3.75 1876 May 3
77033 Campbell, Charles W. Mechanic's Falls chr. Diarr $4.00 --
Carlton, Samuel G. Lewiston inj. L.side hip (Navy) $6.00 --
111259 Carney, Olive A. Lewiston Mother $8.00 1868 Apr. 8
67160 Carver, Willard Auburn loss 1. arm above elbow $24.00 --





This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
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