FIRST Century
AUGUST 29, 1885.
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The enterprise of the Pillsbury Brothers, sons of
David and Sally (Banks) Pillsbury, deserves brief mention.
They have erected a large boarding-house at Kezar Falls, which
they occupy during the summer months, and which is deservedly
well patronized. They are all young men of much ambition,
and carry on quite an extensive business at 74 East Dedham
street, Boston, where they have a sale, livery, and boarding
stable. They are also extensively engaged in the
manufacture and sale of carriages and sleighs. These
brothers, Oliver, D., John, and Jacob Banks, were
born in Parsonsfield. There is one sister, Abby,
and the widowed mother. One of the brothers is married. |
was one of the early settlers of Parsonsfield. He was born in
Stratham, New Hampshire, June 17, 1746. At an early age he
married Sarah Barker, and after living in Stratham a few years,
he purchased a farm in Wakefield, New Hampshire, not far from
Province Pond, and moved there with his family about 1772. He
lived there between eight and nine years, but the farm proving
frosty, he resolved to sell, and purchase in some other
locality. He directed his course to the new town of Parsonsfield,
or Parsonstown, as it was then called. A short time was occupied
in prospecting for a farm in the fan season of 1778, and during
that time, he amused himself about a week in hunting with George
Kezar, a famous hunter, who then resided in the north part of
the town. A farm was soon selected, and he first purchased lot
No. 25, ill the second range, of Benjamin Hilton, of Parsonstown,
for one hundred and twenty-five pounds, the deed being dated
November 5, 1778, and on this lot he settled. He subsequently
purchased four other lots-lot No. 171, in the tenth range, of
Alpheus Spring, of Kittery, for five pounds, deed dated November
28, 1785; lot No. 51, in the third range, of John Brown, of
Parsonsfield, for five hundred dollars, deed dated May 13, 1790;
lot No. 13, in the first range, which was a tax sale, for six
shillings and two pence, deed dated June 27, 1791; lot No. 88,
in the fifth range, of Chase Wiggin of Stratham, New Hampshire,
for forty-five pounds (A pound was worth at that time about
three dollars, thirty-three and one-third cents), deed dated
February 15, 1793.
In June, 1779, the next year after his first purchase, he came
over from Wakefield to Parsonsfield, built him a log camp,
covered with hemlock bark, and felled several acres of trees. He
then returned to his family in Wakefield, and in March of the
next year, 1780, went back to Parsonsfield. As there were no
roads passable for teams at that season of the year, he hauled
his camp furniture, consisting of a bed and a few
cooking-utensils, on a hand-sled over Ricker's Mountain on the
crust. Before the season arrived for burning the trees felled
the previous season, he was employed in preparing materials for
building a log-house for his family. In May he burned the felled
trees, and planted the ground with corn and such other crops as
he would need for the support of his family the next winter. His
planting was all completed before the nineteenth of May, and on
that day, which was the famous Dark Day * of 1780, he was
helping his neighbor, Mr. George Bickford, finish planting his
corn. After his crops were harvested, and his log-house
completed, he returned to Wakefield again to move his family,
consisting of his wife and six small children. He moved with an
ox-team on the snow, late in the year 1780, probably in
December, as the day is represented as having been extremely
cold the coldest of that winter.
He was now in the prime of life, being thirty-two years of age
when he made his first purchase in 1778, and with his wife, who
was two years younger, and his children around him, was fairly
settled down to the business of farming, which he pursued
successfully and scientifically, although he had never received
any instruction in scientific farming. His whole mind was
absorbed in his business. His land was fertile and his crops
abundant. The log-house was succeeded in a few years by a neat
one-story frame-house, and finally, in about 1812, a story was
added to this, and the whole neatly finished and painted. It is
now standing, and occupied by his descendant Samuel F. Piper.
The lower story is nearly, if not quite, a hundred years old.
To each of two of his sons he gave a farm, and assisted the
others in purchasing theirs. To each of his daughters he gave
the usual sum of one hundred dollars, as her marriage portion.
He always kept money by him, usually not less than one hundred
dollars, and I have known him to have five hundred in his desk
at a time, obtained from the sale of stock and products of the
farm. He did not permit any of his neighbors to be in advance of
him in any of their farm work, or surpass him in their farm
His farm stock was of good breed and carefully selected; and
having good pasturage, and being fed in winter on hay cured in
the best manner and oŁ the best quality, it was unsurpassed in
size and beauty by any in town. It, therefore, sold for the
highest market prices. He kept one hired man through the year,
and in the haying season one additional and sometimes two, if
needed to secure the crop at the best time for cutting it; so
that his haying was always finished in season, generally about
the end of July, and the hay was of the choicest kind.
In person, he was of middle size, quick and active, and of the
Anglo-Saxon type. He was a religious man and never omitted to
ask a blessing at the table. He died March 10, 1836, 011 the
homestead, at the age of about ninety years.
*I have often heard him speak of the Dark Day " being a very
wonderful phenomenon. The darkness began about ten o'clock in
the forenoon, and was so great that candles had to be lighted,
common print could not be read. fowls retired to their roost.
and cattle returned to the barn. It continued about fourteen
hours. Its cause has never been satisfactorily explained. It was
not an eclipse. Meteorologists think that it was caused by 0.
very dense vapor, charged, perhaps, with foreign matter, which
shut out the light of the sun; but how the vapor' was produced
is unknown. See an interesting account of it in a work entitled
Our First Century, from which the preceding has been taken.
~ Pgs. 264 - 266 |
PIPER was born in Parsonsfield; December 30, 1788, and for many
years was a prominent citizen of the town and county in which he
resided. He received a good common-school and academical
education, the latter of which he completed at Fryeburg Academy,
under the instruction of Daniel Webster, who had charge of the
institution at that time and afterward became so distinguished
as a lawyer, orator and statesman. He often spoke of Mr.
Webster, and of the high estimation in which he was then held
for his abilities, by the Trustees of the Academy.
He married Mary Burbank, of Parsonsfield, daughter of
Silas Burbank, Captain in the Army of the, Revolution, and had a
family of three sons and one daughter. He settled in Parsonsfield, on the South road, opposite the residence of his
father, where he lived many years, and where all his children
were born. He subsequently, in 1837, moved to the North road. He
adopted the business of farming and teaching for a livelihood.
He was engaged in teaching a part of the time for about thirty
years, and attained a high reputation as a good disciplinarian
and thorough instructor. He was not, however, born for a farmer,
and never took a deep interest in the business like his father;
yet he made it a success, having begun with a farm worth a
thousand dollars, and ending with a farm and other landed
property worth at least six times that sum. He had a natural
love for books and reading, and would often sit up till twelve
o'clock at night, after the severe labors of the day on the
farm, reading history, travels and poetry, so that he became
well acquainted with the history and literature of his own and
other countries. He had also some taste for music, could read it
readily, and sung in the church choir for many years. On the
tenor drum he was a first-class player, and major drummer of his
In politics he was a Whig and subsequently a republican, but
not a partisan; and although he was unreserved in expressing his
opinions, he never lost the confidence of his political
opponents in his integrity. Notwithstanding the democratic party
was largely in the majority, he was elected nine years in
succession a selectman of the town, and most" of the time was
chairman of the board. He was a member of the superintending
school committee for twelve years, a Justice of the Peace, and
for many years was extensively engaged in land-surveying. He was
also one of the surveyors appointed to determine the boundary
line between Maine and New Hampshire, and County Commissioner
for York County.
In person, he was a little below the middle size, decided in
action, and quick in all he did. He was of high integrity and
moral character, and gained the confidence and respect of those
with whom he associated. He died in Parsonsfield, July 11,
1873, at his residence near Parsonsfield Seminary, where he had
lived after leaving the South road. He was eighty-four years of
age at the time of his death.
Pgs. 266 - 267 |