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York County, Maine
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(More Records to be added later)

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Groom Where from Bride Where from Intend Marr. Entd Married on Comments
Obrian, Anthony of York Wittum, Ruth of York Oct. 28, 1772    
Oliver, Jotham of York Cook, Susanna of York Nov. 19, 1790 Dec. 30, 1790 by Rev. Saml. Langton
Groom Where from Bride Where from Intend Marr. Entd Married on Comments
Paine, Daniel of York Tenny, Hannah of York Oct. 29, 1795 Dec. 3, 1795 by Rev. I. Lyman.
Parker, Samuel (See Note 9) of Kittery Raynes, Catherine, Miss of York Nov. 3, 1826 Nov. 30, 1826* *Certificate issued
Parsons, Charles of Vassallborough Parsons, Susanna of York Mar. 4, 1805    
Parsons, David of York Wheelwright, Alice of Wells Nov. 24, 1784    
Parsons, Elihu, Mr. of York Beal, Abigail, Miss of York Oct. 13, 1827 Oct. 27, 1827 *Certificate issued -
   Md. Nov. 6, 1827
   Signed at York, Apr. 11, 1828
   by Thomas W. Duncan -
   a true copy Attest
   by Alex McIntire, Town Clerk
Parsons, Ephraim of York of York Trafton, Olive of York Jan. 4, 1772   (erasure)
Parsons, James of York Harvy, Patty of Portsmouth May 24, 1802    
Parsons, John of York Moore, Martha of York May 4, 1781   (erasure)
Parsons, John of York Phillips, Jemima of York Apr. 3, 1799   (erasure) [a later hand has added:
   "M. May 9, 1799
   by Rev. Isaac Lyman."]
Parsons, John of York Willson, Molle of Kittery Aug. 28, 1782    
Parsons, John of Sanford Parsons, Lucy of York Dec. 2, 1802    
Parsons, John of Kittery Bean, Mary of York Jul. 19, 1806    
Parsons, Joseph of Sanford Grover, Patience of York Nov. 29, 1794    
Parsons, Joseph, Junr. of York Averill, Lydia of York Aug 28, 1797    
Parsons, Joseph, Mr. of York Washbourn, Mary, Mrs. of Wells Nov. 5, 1805    
Parsons, Nathaniel of York Underwood, Salley of Kittery Feb. 26, 1780    
Parsons, Nathaniel of York Allen, Rebekah of York Jan. 1, 1809 Married by the
   Rev. Rosewell Messenger
Parsons, Samuel O. (see note 1) of York Perkins, Hannah, Miss of Kittery Oct. 28, 1825 Nov. 16, 1825* *Certificate issued
Parsons, Samuel Odiron of York Bridges, Lucy of York Oct. 1, 1803    
Patten, Hans of Wells Woodward, Susanna of York Mar. 17, 1786    
Paul, Jeremiah, Jur of York Leavitt, Mary of York Jan. 21, 1791    
Paul, Jeremiah of York Quimby, Rebecca of Sommersworth Feb. 5, 1801    
Paul, Samuel, Jr.  of York Libbey, Anna of Kittery Jan. 6, 1785    
Payne, John, Mr. of York Billings, Lucy, Miss of Kittery Sep. 2, 1811
Payne, Samuel of York Moore, Nancy of York Jan. 18, 1809 Md. by the Rev. Rosewell Messenger
Payne, Thomas of York Moulton, Betsey of York Nov. 24, 1805
Payne, William, Mr. of York Raynes, Dorcas G., Miss of York Feb. 15, 1828 Apr. 5, 1828 *Certificate issued -
   Md. Apr. 8?, 1828 -
   Signed at York on Apr. 30, 1828
   a true copy - Attest Moses Dow,
   A true copy of the orig.
   Attest Alex. McIntire,
   Town Clerk
Pearson, Abiel, Doctr of Andover Adams, Polly, Mrs. of York Apr. 5, 1788 Jun. 12, 1788 by Rev. Isaac Lyman
Perkins, Abner of York Bragdon, Sally of York Apr. 7, 1807    
Perkins, Daniel of York Penny, Abigail  of Wels Sep. 18, 1774   (erasure)
Perkins, Isaac of York Webber, Olive of York Jun. 16, 1770   (erasure)
Perkins, Isaac1 of York Young, Sarah of York Mar. 26, 1774   (erasure)
Perkins, Jacob of York Snowman, Mary of York Nov. 11, 1780   (erasure)
Perkins, Jacob    of York Farnham, Deborah of Wells Aug. 12, 1774    
Perkins, Jacob, Jr. of Wells Trafton, Abigail of York Jan. 11, 1771   (erasure)
Perkins, James of Wells Trafton, Deboray of York Sep. 27, 1799    
Perkins, Jedidiah of York Trafton, Mary of York Aug. 30, 1777   (erasure)
Perkins, Jedidiah of York Jacobs, Hannah of Wells Jul. 3, 1779    
Perkins, Jona, Junr of York Varrell, Mary of York Aug. 29, 1796    
Perkins, Joseph of York Weare, Phebe of York Apr. 7, 1770   (erasure)
Perkins, Joseph of York chaina, Priscilla of Wells Nov. 9, 1793    
Perkins, Joseph of York Littlefield, Ruth of York Mar. 5, 1785    
Perkins, Nathanl of York Westcot, Betsy of York Mar. 13, 1779   (erasure)
Perkins, Pelariah of York Trafton, Eunice of York Jul. 13, 1776   (erasure)
Perkins, Samuel Jorden of York Cazwell, Susannah of York Nov. 9, 1782   was withdrawn
   & not publishd at this time.
Perkins, Samuel Jorden of York Kerswell, Susanna of York Dec. 5, 1783   (erasure)
Perkins, Sparks, Jr. of York Stover, Tabitha of York Aug. 9, 1774   (erasure)
Perkins, Spencer of York Spencer, Hanna of Berwick Nov. 13, 1773   (erasure)
Perkins, William of York Hutchins, Elizabeth of York Oct. 22, 1803    
Petigrow, John of Kittery Trafton, Susanna of York Jun. 10, 1796    
Philbrook, Daniel of York Todd, Mary of York Dec. 4, 1795 Dec. 25, 1795 by Rev. Isaac Lyman.
Philbrook, Daniel of Portsmouth,
   in the State of
   New Hampshire
Grover, Dolly of York Nov. 29, 1800
Phillips, George of York Weare, Theoda (Mrs.) of York Oct. 22, 1825   Joined in marriage Nov. 9, 1825
   by Ch's O. Emerson, JP
Phillips, Henry, junr of York Norton, Adah of York Jan. 25, 1799    
Phillips, Henry, jun(erasure) of York Norton, Adah of York Oct. 8, 1797    
Phillips, Norton Woodbridge of York Parsons, Mary of York Feb. 16, 1778   (erasure)
Phillips, Theodore of York Jacobs, Mary, Miss of Wells Sep. 2, 1826 Oct. 2, 1826* *Certificate issued
Pickernel, Amos of kittery McDaniel, Susan, Miss of York Nov. 7, 1826 Dec. 14, 1826* *Certificate issued
Pickernail, James, Junr. of Kittery McIntire, Mercy of York July 1, 1797    
Pickernal, William of Kittery Seymoure, Mary of York Nov. 14, 1772 Dec. 16, 1772 Revd. Saml. Langton
Pitcher, Stephen of York Treadwell, Isabella of York Oct. 15, 1808    
Place, William, Mr. of Kittery Grover, Abigail, Miss of York Jul. 27, 1811    
Plaisted, Ebenezer, Mr. of York Brooks, Mary, Miss of Eliot Oct. 24, 1827 Nov. 8, 1827 *Certificate issued
Plaisted, Francis of York Moulton, Mercy of York Jul. 29, 1799    
Plaisted, James of York Moulton, Hannah of York Sep. 12, 1789 Oct. 17, 1789 by Rev. Mr. Isaac Lyman
Plaisted, James of York Littlefield, Sally of York   Feb. 6, ____ Attested by Moses Dow
   Apr. 30, 1823 &
   Charles O. Emerson,
   Town Clerk
Plaisted, James, Junr. of York Littlefield, Sally, Miss of York Jan. 11, 1823 Feb. 1, 1823* *Certificate issued
Plaisted, John, Junr of York Carlile, Hannah of York Feb. 5, 1791    
Plumer, James of Dover Bedel, Mary Ann of York   Sept. 29 ____ Attested
   by Moses Dow Apr. 30, 1823 &
   Charles O. Emerson,
   Town Clerk
Plumer, Joshua of Glocester Lyman, Olive of York Mar. 15, 1777   (erasure)
Pope, Isaac, Jur of Wells Harmon, Polly of York Mar. 26, 1793 May 19, 1793 by Rev. Mr. Isaac Lyman
Preble, Benjamin, junr of York Beedle, Anne of York Jan. 18, 1800    
Preble, David of York Walpe, Susanna of York Sep. 18, 1784    
Preble, David of York Smith, Mary of York Oct. 2, 1784    
Preble, David, Junr of York McIntire, Mercy of York Jul. 21, 1804
Preble, Edward of York Junkins, Susanna of York July 24, 1779
Preble, Esaias, Junr of York Bell, Mary A. of New Castle Apr. 7, 1807    
Preble, James of York Dunkin, Sarah of Duck Trap Feb. 2, 1801    
Preble, Jeddediah of York Gullison, Janna? of York Dec. 7, 1808 Dec. 7, 1808 Married by the
   Rev. Rosewell Messenger
Preble, Jedediah Res. of Hollowell Preble, Sarah of York Nov. 25, 1802   (erasure) [a later hand has added:
   "M. Mar. 26, 1803
   by Rev. Isaac Lyman"]
Preble, John of York Harmon, Tabitha of York Mar. 4, 1778   (erasure)
Preble, Joseph, Jr. of York Johnson, Anne of York Mar. 30, 1779    
Preble, Joseph, Jr. of York Simpson, Mille of York Jun. 11, 1796    
Preble, Peter of York Bettis, Abigail of York Aug. 25, 1770   (erasure)
Preble, Samuel of Frenchmans bay Preble, Tabitha of York Oct. 20, 1786   (erasure)
Preble, Samuel, Junr of York Perkins, Phila of York Oct. 20, 1808 Joined in marriage
   by Rev. Rosewell Messenger.
Preble, Stephen of York Fernald, Lydia of Kittery Jan. 1, 1802
Prince, Servant of Jona Sayward Esqr. of York Dinah, Servant
   of Robert Rose
of York May 3, 1780    
Pugsley, Francis of Sanford Lindscott, Sarah of York Oct. 14, 1806
Putnam, Jeremiah S., Dr. of York Thornton, Ruth (Mrs.) of York Jun. 21, 1827 Jul. 5, 1827* *Certificate issued -
   Signed at York on Apr. 30, 1828
   a true copy -
   Attest Moses Dow,
   A true copy of the orig.
   Attest Alex. McIntire, Town Clerk
Groom Where from Bride Where from Intend Marr. Entd Married on Comments
Quen, Samuel of Boston Trickey, Ruth of York Nov. 1, 1769    
Quimby, Frederick B. of York Moulton, Mary, Miss of York Aug. 26, 1826 Sept. 19, 1826* *Certificate issued
Quimby, Wentworth, Mr. of York Jellison, Elinor of York Aug. 20, 1811    



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