Oklahoma Genealogy Express

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State of Oklahoma
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Source:  Tampa Tribune - Tampa, Florida - Page 1
Dated: Saturday, Aug. 25, 1906

Believing She Had Killed Cousin, Girl Commits Suicide.
(By Associated Press.)
     ANADARKO, Okla., Aug. 24 - Annie Dresback, aged 16, today accidentally shot Newton Multiken her cousin, and believing she had killed him, shot herself.
     Both will die.

Source:  Perry Republican - Perry, Oklahoma
Dated: May 30, 1918
     Mr. and Mrs. LIVINGSTON
, were called to Kanopolis, Kans., Wednesday afternoon on account of the serious illness of Mr. LIVINGSTON's brother.
     Mrs. C. F. TRUAX and daughter Clydene, of Hansford, Texas, are visiting at the Pickering home.
     Mrs. ERNST, aunt of Mr. EVANS has returned to her home at Coffeyville, Kansas
     The "Conservation" Social held at the McQUISTON home was a decided success in every way.  A short but excellent musical program was given in the parlor, while on the lawn ice cream was served and the children enjoyed themselves as happy, hearty American youngsters usually do.  Something like $35 was the proceeds, which will go to the Red Cross fund.
     Mr. and Mrs. Lester CRAMTON entertained with a dinner party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar HUNT of Arkansas City Sunday.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry SMOOT and children, and Wm. UPSON family, Mrs. KIRKPATRICK and Mr. and Mrs. HUNT.
     Mrs. Grant FAWCETT
was in Sumner and vicinity visiting relatives and old time friends a few days last week.
     Rev. HURT preached at the Baptist church Sunday.
     Mr. and Mrs. Mallet, of Morrison made a flying trip to Sumner Sunday.
     Dick Dawson spent Monday in Morrison on business for his father.  A trusty little man.
     Lawrence HANSEN and wife spent Sunday at the MOSENA home.
     Grandma NICHOLS is on the sick list.
     Memorial services will be held Thursday from the Baptist church.
     Mr. and Mrs. Edgar HUNT of Arkansas City are visiting at the home of Mrs. HUNT's parents the Wm. UPSON family.
     Mrs. Earl PICKERING and Mrs. Clyde TRUAX, visited at the UPSON home Tuesday p.m.
     Miss Maude ADAMS will organize a Junior Red Cross in Sumner Friday afternoon.
     Mrs. Henry SMOOT and family are enjoying a visit from Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, mother of Mrs. SMOOT.

     Lester ELLEDGE
was visiting and bidding farewell to his many friends Sunday.  He left for Oregon Monday to assist Uncle Sam in ship building.  We wish this worthy young man every success.
     Edna BUNNEY, daughter of Noah BUNNEY died May 14th of appendicitis.  Their many friends offer their sincerest sympathy.
     A large crowd attended the ice cream social at Cottonwood May 18th in behalf of the Red Cross.  The proceeds were about $215.  Miss Nancy WEATHERS received the most votes for the cake for the prettiest girl.  Miss Milo HORTON second.  The votes for the cake amounted to $37.
     James DeMOSS is driving a new Chevrolet.
     J. H. Highfill and wife and Jesse BILYEU were Stillwater callers Saturday.
     Mrs. Marie De MOSS WILLETS, closed a successful term of school at Cherokee with a pie supper and a very pleasing entertainment despite the rain.  Miss Edna COATE  receiving the majority of votes for a cake for the most popular young lady.  Mrs. WILLETS second.  The proceeds $23, went to the Red Cross.
     Grandpa CANNARRO, formerly a resident of this vicinity but who has resided in California the past few years, arrived Sunday orning to visit his son and daughters around and near Yates.
     Mr. and Mrs. KEEL who have been on the sick list for the past few weeks are reported improving in health at this writing.
     Mrs. WHITE, formerly of this vicinity, is up from Guthrie visiting friends and to be present at Decoration Day exercises.
     Russell HIGHFILL, Edna COATE and Herbert COATE attended the birthday party at Mrs. Anna Wretling's Saturday night in honor of John WRETLING who celebrated his 18th birthday.
     Miss Rosa SWART was a Swartsville visitor Sunday.
     Sunday, May 19th, Mrs. Stolts and daughter Goldie were surprised by their relatives and friends.  Well filled baskets were in abundance.  We wish them every success in their new home in Washington.
     Miss Winifred HUGHES was a pleasant caller at the COATE home Thursday evening.

     Joe HOWARD
and family were Perry visitors Sunday afternoon.
     Merle WALDON and Lena MATHIS who have been attending high school in Perry are home now to spend their summer vacation.
     Mrs. Edwin VILE spent Friday at the J. S. MATHIS home.
     S. A. PLATNER and family spent Sunday with Mrs. PLATNER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. SENETT.
     Mrs. MATHIS
and daughter Mary were Perry visitors Tuesday afternoon.
     Mrs. C. M. BRENGLE is in Arkansas City assisting in the care of a new grandson who has arrived at the R. W. WILSON, Sat. May 18.  We notice the grandfathers, Mr. WILSON and Mr. BRENGLE were wearing big grins over the event.

Born May 20, to Mr. and Mrs. F. O. SEARS, a fine nine pound boy.  Mother and son doing nicely.
     An entertainment and pie supper were given at the Lone Elm school house last Friday night.  Quite a large crowd was in attendance.  A cake was sold for the prettiest girl which netted the neat sum of $25.65, all for the Red Cross.

Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Jun. 14, 1925
Sprinkled Lye on Her, Police Charge.
(By United Press)
     OKEMAH, Okla.., June 13 - Mrs. Mary Cook 38, farmer's wife near here, was suffering from what was believed to be lye burns and attempted poisoning.  Preston Cook, her husband, was held by authorities charged with maiming and poisoning.
     County Attorney Gene Gatlett of Okfusgee county investigating the case reported he found lye near the Cook homeCook is said to have sprinkled lye on his wife and child while they were asleep.
     A note found in the yard pinned to a stick said: "Now see if you can quit talking about people."
     Officials said milk given to the woman by Cook killed several domestic animals about the farm when they drank it.
     Preliminary hearing, which was to have been  held today for Cook was postponed on account of tense feeling existing in the community, county officials said.







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