Source: Perry Republican - Perry,
Dated: May 30, 1918
The wedding of Miss Bertha Wolff
and Mr. Charles F. Malzahn was celebrated Wednesday, May 22,
at 3 o'clock p.m. at the beautiful country home of the bride's
parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wolff, in Lowe township.
A distinctive military tone predominated in the decorations of
the home, flags and streamers of the national colors being used
effectively over the doors, widows and the balustrade of the
stairs. Roses in baskets and vases filled every
conceivable space.
The ceremony took place under the canopy of flags and
wedding bells in one corner of the parlor.
The wedding march was rendered on the piano by Miss
Anna Budzene as the bride and groom and their
attendants descended the stairs. A they stopped beneath
the canopy the song "He Is So Precious To Me" was sung by a
The Rev. Henry Rieder of Marshall, Okla., read
the double ring service.
The attendants were Dora Wolff and Marie Malzahn,
sisters of the bride and groom, and Michael Wolff, uncle
of the bride. The little eight year old sister of the
bride, Mollie May Wolff, bore the ring in the heart of
the Calla Lily.
The flowers were carried by Gertrude Wolf and
Clara Glockler.
Following the ceremony a two course luncheon was
The bride is an accomplished young woman whose charming
personality has won her a wide circle of friends. She is
one of Noble county's successful school teachers.
The groom is a popular and substantial business man of
Perry. He is a member of several lodges and has served for
the past year as the Noble Grand of the I. O. O. F. Lodge.
Mr. Malzahn, better known as Charley,
left Sunday evening, May 26, for Ft. Riley, Kans., to join the
colors. While he is serving his country Mrs. Malzahn
will make her home with her parents.
May the God of War guide, protect and bring safely back
to the young wife her soldier husband is the sincere wish of
their many friends. |