Armstrong County, Pennsylvania
Her People, Past and Present
in two volumes Illustrated
Vol. II
Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914
attorney, of Kittanning, Armstrong Co., Pa., was born at New
Lisbon (now Lisbon), Ohio, Jan. 28, 1870. His father,
Rev. J. F. Jones, D. D., was a Methodist Episcopal
clergyman. His mother was Frances (McGill) Jones,
a daughter of John McGill, a prominent merchant of
Pittsburgh in its early days.
Mr. Jones graduated at Washington and Jefferson
College, Washington, Pa., in the class of 1889; read law
with W. D. Patton, Esq., afterward judge in Armstrong
county, Pa., for two terms; was admitted to the bar Dec. 11,
1893. He married Mar. 16, 1898, May B. Gault,
daughter of J. A. Gault of Kittanning, and has three
children, James G., Floy C., Jr. and
William B. He lives on the hill just below
Kittanning, on the tract known as "Appleby Manor."
Source: Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People, Past and
Present in two volumes Illustrated - Vol. I - Chicago: J. H.
Beers & Co., 1914 - Page 356 |