The Adams family, several of whose members now reside
in the borough of Leechburg, Armstrong county, has been
settled in this part of Pennsylvania for several
John Adams, grandfather of Samuel J. and
Alexander L. Adams, brothers, lived and died in
Allegheny county, Pa. His children were: Samuel,
Lewis, John, Alexander, Mary (who married Joseph
McLaughlin), and Joseph.
Alexander Adams, son of John, was born in
1813, and died Nov. 10, 1887, aged seventy-four years.
He is buried in Pleasant View cemetery in Westmoreland
county. In his earlier life Mr. Adams died
day's work, and he also engaged in the manufacture of salt
along the Allegheny river. Later he became the owner
of a small farm along Pine Run, in Westmoreland county, and
he was well and favorably known in his community. He
was a large man physically. By his first wife,
Eliza (Bollinger), daughter of Peter Bollinger,
he had children: John, who died at the age of
eighteen years; Samuel J.; Mary, who married
Andrew Halk; Alexander L.; and Thomas B.,
who is living in Allegheny county, Pa. His second
marriage was to Hilinda Rankin and they had children:
Hilinda, Blanch, Esther, Joseph, and Harvey.
SAMUEL J. ADAMS, son of Alexander, was born Aug.
10, 1844, in Allegheny township, Westmoreland county, and
received his education in public school in Allegheny county.
He went to work at the age of twelve years, assisting his
father, who was then engaged in making salt, and later
became employed as an office boy at Natrona, Allegheny
county. His next employment was in a tinshop, after
which he was engaged at coal mines for eight years.
Then followed his service in the Civil war. He
enlisted in Company F, 123d Regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteers, under Capt. John Boyd of Tarentum, Pa.,
and served nine months, upon his discharge re-enlisting, in
Company I, 5th Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, with which he
served until the close of the war. Returning home
after the war Mr. Adams became engaged in
construction work on the Pennsylvania railroad, and later
went into the oil country, where he drilled wells, remaining
there until 1882. He has since been located at
Leechburg. Armstrong county. For one year after his
arrival at this place he engaged in mining. For three
years he ran a hammer at Major Beale's mill, in
Leechburg, and then became an engineer in the employ of the
Moesta Machine Company, with which concern he continued for
ten ears. At the end of that period, in 1901, he
became an employee of the American Sheet & Tin Plate Company
as engineer in charge of the electrical engine. A
truthworthy and reliable man, he was always enjoyed the the
full confidence of his employers, who appreciate his
faithful service. Mr. Adams has served one year
as councilman of Leechburg, and he has been quite active in
church work as a member of the Hebron Lutheran Church, in
which he has held office as deacon and elder. He is a
Mason, belonging to Leechburg Lodge, No. 577, F. & A. M.,
and to Pittsburgh Consistory (thirty-second degree).
On political questions he is a Republican.
On Sept. 9, 1874, Mr. Adams married Naomi J.
Kelly, daughter of Squire John Kelly of Bruin,
Butler Co., Pa., and they have one daughter, Daisy May,
now the wife of Harry L. Clark and living in Ellwood
City, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Clarke have two children,
Naomi J. and Bessie M.
Alexander, was born Mar. 16, 1848 in Allegheny
county, Pa. His school days over, he went to work in a
tinshop, and when about eighteen years of age became
employed in mines. Later he was engaged at mine work
in Clearfield county, Pa., and about 1881 came to Leechburg,
where he lived for a short time. He was next at Bruin,
Butler Co., Pa., for three years, doing pumping in the oil
fields, at the end of that time returning to Leechburg,
where he is now employed at the mines of the American Sheet
& Tin Plate Company. He is an industrious and
respected man, well known in his community.
Mr. Adams married
Bessie Ashbaugh, daughter of Andrew and Mary (John)
Ashbaugh, and they have two children: Lula
is the wife of David McGeary and has two children,
Mary F. and Clair A.; Samuel J. is foreman
in a tin mill at New Castle, Pa. Mr. Adams is a
member of the loyal Order of Moose in fraternal connection,
and belongs to the Lutheran Church. In political
sentiment he is a Republican.
Source: Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People, Past and
Present in two volumes Illustrated - Vol. II - Chicago: J.
H. Beers & Co., 1914 - Page 943-945 |