The following list of natives of this county who have been
honored by their fellow-citizens, as well as those of other
States and territories, is not complete, for the reason of
the neglect of officials in the past, who failed to make
complete records of the names of the office-holders of their
Among the natives of Armstrong county who held office
in other parts of this country were: Walter A.
Burleigh Congressman from the territory of Dakota;
Andrew J. Faulk, Governor of Dakota territory; G. W.
Rutter U. S. Senator from the State of Washington;
Thomas Hays, State Senator from Butler county; C. M.
C. Campbell, representative from Allegheny county; and
John A. Crum, State Senator from Venango county.
Armstrong county has contributed one governor of
Pennsylvania, William F. Johnston, and the following
Congressmen; Gen. Robert Orr, Samuel S. Harrison, Joseph
Buffington, Darwin Phelps, James B. Mosgrove. The
present official is J. N. Laangham, of Indiana, whose
term expires in 1915. The Congressional district
includes Armstrong, Indiana, Jefferson and Clarion counties.
Robert Orr, Jr., 1822-25;
Eben Smith Kelley, 1825-29 (died in the
discharge of his duties at Harrisburg, Saturday,
Mar. 28, 1829);
Philip Mechling, 1830-34;
William F. Johnston, 1847, until he was
inaugurated governor in January, 1849;
Jonathan E. Meredith, 1859-62;
S. M. Jackson, 1875-6; |
Edward D. Graff, 1879-80;
William B. Meredith 1885-88;
J. B. Showalter 1889-92;
William B. Meredith, 1895-1900;
Andrew G. Williams, 1901-04;
George W. McNees, 1905-08;
J. Frank Graff, 1911, term expires in 1917. |
Philip Klingensmith, 1800;
James Sloan, 1808-9;
Samuel Houston, 1817-18;
Robert Orr, Jr., 1818-21;
James Douglass, 1834-6;
William F. Johnston, 1836-41;
Jacob Hill, 1847-50;
John S. Rhey 1850-52;
J. Alexander Fulton 1853-5;
Darwin Phelps, 1856;
John K.Calhoun 1857-8;
Andrew Craig 1860-61;
J. A. McCullough, 1862-3;
J. W. McKee 1864;
Alexander Anderson 1865;
Franklin Mechling 1866-67;
S. M. Jackson, 1868-69;
M. M. Steele 1872;
George S. Putney, 1871;
Philip R. Bowman, 1872-3;
Robert Thompson, 1874-6;
J. A. Hunter, 1875 (died without taking his
seat); |
William G. Heiner, 1877-8;
W. F. Rumberger, 1878-9;
E. D. Graff, 1879-80;
Francis Martin, 1880-81;
Lee Thompson, 1881-84;
A. D. Glenn, 1883-86;
Robert Daugherty, 1885-88;
Andrew J. Elliott, 1887-8;
S. B. Cochran, 1889-96;
Frank Mass, 1891-96;
J. W. McKee, 1891-96;
Geo. W. McNees, 1897-1900;
Joel Crawford, 1901-2;
J. Frank Graff, 1901-04;
Frank W. Jackson, 1903-06;
Geo. W. McNees, 1905-08;
Hiram J. Sedwick, 1905-08;
S. B. Cochran, 1908-09;
R. H. Megraw, 1909-10;
John M. Williams, 1909-10;
Robert P. Hunter, 1911-13;
George W. Larkins, 1911-13. |
The present representatives are Harry H. Irwin of
Laneville, South Buffalo township, and Elmer B. Latshaw,
of Kittanning.
Page 64 -
J. A. Campbell,
Robert W. Smith,
John A. Calhoun,
James Richey,
William Davis,
Hugh McCandless, |
Samuel Murphy,
A. D. Glenn,
D. C. Stockdill,
W. M. Jackson,
W. A. Patton. |
Robert Richards, J. E. Meredith, Jackson Boggs.
Page 65 -
went into effect lengthening the terms of several of the
county officers.
The number of residents of Armstrong county who fought in
the Revolutionary war and against the Indians was probably
large, but there is no method of ascertaining their exact
names and location. Below will be found the names of
the applicants for annuities from the State between 1812 and
1844, as veterans of the wars or widows of veterans.
George Buyers,
Eve Daugherty, widow
of Patrick;
William McConnell,
John Vasey,
Henry Zerfoss,
William Harbison,
William Guthrie,
Elizabeth Sloan, widow of James;
John Lemon,
Mary Lemmonton, widow of
John Davis, |
William Stitt,
Massey Harbison,
widow of John;
Abraham Fiscus,
John Smith,
Elizabeth Guthrie, widow of William;
Daniel Yount,
Mary McKee,
John Brown,
John Fulton,
John Hawk; |
Page 66 -
Church Smith,
Jacob Willard,
Daniel Davies,
Alexander Lowry,
Margaret Laughery,
James McCain,
John Sipes,
Daniel Gould,
Thomas Taylor,
Michael Truby,
Isaac Steele,
William Hill,
Henry Haller,
Gideon Gibson,
Eleanor Rayburn,
Joseph Everett,
Hugh Callan,
James Walker,
Martha Sloan,
John Wilson,
Adah Anderson,
Archibald Jameson, |
James Scott,
John King,
Elizabeth Painter,
Catharine Fiscus,
Elizabeth Rasher,
John Boney,
Robert Simpson,
Mary Davis,
Peter Yungst,
David Shields,
Thomas Meredith,
James McCaine,
James Buchanan,
Samuel Austin,
Manasseh McFadden,
Joseph McDonald,
Samuel Murphy,
Andrew Daugherty,
Killian Briney,
Michael Hartman,
Robert Patrick, Sr. |
WAR OF 1812
Apollo -
Daniel Jack,
Casper Ketterng,
James Salsgiver, |
R. E. McAuley,
T. A. Cochran |
Page 67 -
Apollo (continued)
D. B. Coulter,
John Marshall,
S. F. Hildebrand,
S. A. Alms,
William Dickey,
Joseph McGuire,
J. W. Ross,
J. M. Walker,
D. B. Freetley,
Samuel M. West,
J. A. Bair.
Freeport -
Herman H.
John Drake,
James G. Stewart,
George Heck,
George Treisch,
Alex. Burkett,
Simeon Pettit,
Albert H. Clawson,
Elijah Myers,
Nelson McCracken,
George McCrecken,
Robert Shields,
Joseph Beckett,
Timothy Gowen,
George Call,
William Haines,
Barton Robinson,
Samuel Steele,
H. L. Sourwine,
H. S. Smith,
Peter Redfox,
Henry Petsinger,
Frank Maxler,
John Shirley,
R. B. McKee,
Joseph Weinel,
Simon Hawley.
Dayton -
G. F. Currie,
J. A. Glenn,
W. F. Allen,
D. L. Coleman,
A. K. Goodhart,
J. H. Wadding, |
Dayton - (continued)
D. S. Cochan,
J. S. Snyder,
J. T. Matthews,
F. P. Hinkley,
R. L. McGaughey,
Oliver Henry,
J. A. Foreman,
M. L. Thounhurst,
J. B. Schall,
C. A. Logan,
T. M. Allen,
Samuel Borland,
Henry Hallman,
G. H. Jewart,
R. C. Ellenberger,
Jackson Schreckengost,
Samuel Brumbaugh,
G. H. Clever,
Jonathan Farster,
J. M. Silvis,
G. W. Hankey,
Eli Fox,
Solomon Long,
Frederick Haines.
Parker's Landing -
W. E. Allen,
T. H. Bowser,
Joseph Bullman,
James Billingsley,
S. C. Burkholder,
J. H. Boyles,
William Crooks,
Jacob Diehl,
James Harrison,
Dr. A. M. Hoover,
S. H. McNaughton,
Rev. John Leisher,
W. B. Ramsey,
Wesley Verner,
H. Say,
A. Shidemantle,
George Shaw,
Charles Miller,
W. J. Riddle,
George Parker,
J. Armstrong. |
The posts of
the Grand Army of the Republic in Armstrong county are:
John F. Croll,
No. 156, Kittanning;
John A. Hunbter, No. 123, Leechburg;
Henry A. Weaver, No. 32, Freeport
Charles S. Whitworth, No. 89, Apollo; |
J. E. Turk,
No. 321, Dayton;
C. A. Craig, No. 75, Parker's Landing;
Anderson, No. 149, Rural Valley |
record of Armstrong county in the war with Spain was too
short for the accomplishment of any deeds of valor
individual or collective, but during the few months that the
members of Company D were in service they were enabled to
view the seat of war, although not engaged in active
service. Company D, 16th Regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteer Infantry, of the First Brigade, First Division,
First Army Corps, First Battalion, was recruited in the
northern part of the county and borough of Kittanning
principally, although many of the members came from
Leechburg and Apollo. It was mustered in on July 13,
1898, under Colonel Willis Hullings of Oil City, and
after a short stay at Chickamauga was sent to San Juan,
Porto Rico, but did not land on the island. The
company was mustered out Dec. 28, 1898.
The company roster is as follows:
Austin Clark, captain;
Frank W. Jackson, first lieutenant;
Harry W. Bolar, second lieutenant;
James W. Thompson, first sergeant;
Grant B. Townsend, quartermaster
Johnnnn S. Schaul,
William L. McBryar,
Phillip A. Roller,
G. F. Stivanson.
Alfred Thompson,
Fred Stull,
Carl L. Henderson,
Andrew F. McCormick,
Fred. E. Weinel, |
Corporals (continued)
Jacob F. Carnahan,
William H. Morrow,
Clarence S. Coller,
John H. Croll,
Edward S. Golden,
Edwin T. Mercer,
John A. Woffington,
Milton S. Jack,
Jacob O. Rhodes;
William R. Clark;
company clerk,
David B. Williams. |
Privates -
Harry P. Allen,
Craig N. Anthony,
Lafe Blose,
Harry A. Powers,
David S. Bowser,
Wood M. Bowser,
William Bruner,
Richard A. Butler,
Homar C. Church,
Patrick J. Curley,
William R. Clark,
Amos W. Clever,
Edward E. Cline,
Harry H. Cline,
William D. Collins,
Arthur N. Cunningham, |
Privates (continued)
Lon C. Dale,
William H. Dickey,
Peter D. Dunkle,
Joseph K. Dunmire,
Wilson M. Edwards,
Rosswell D. Fickthorn,
William S. Fitzgerald,
Edward J. Flesher,
Joseph Forney,
Harvey J. Frantz,
William T. Gamble,
Alexander Gillies,
James T. Glenn,
John M. Grafton,
Charles W. Gray,
Edward K. Gray,
Marlin E. Gray, |
Page 68 -
Delbert S. Guthrie,
Michael Galentine,
John Henry Hare,
Clark W. Hazlett,
William E. Himes,
Clew C. Hunter,
Alfred Jewell,
Golden H. Keener,
Evan J. Kenmuir,
Charles A. Kinnard,
Thomas A. Kline,
Samuel T. Klingensmith,
Harry A. Lambing,
George H. Long,
Wallace A. Ludwig,
Irvin E. McDermott,
William P. McDowell,
Kelly P. McMcMillen,
Harry V. Matthews,
Archibald M. Mulholland,
Frank J. Mulholland,
Silas E. Myers,
Frank M. Newingham,
Thomas R. Newmann,
Henry B. Orr,
Jerome C. O'Donnell, |
James C. Reesman,
Ellsworth Reighert,
Lewis Ruby,
Harry B. Rumbaugh,
Alton C. Say,
James L. Schall,
Harry J. Schumaker,
Thomas E. Shearer,
Samuel T. Shepherd,
Joseph R. Smith,
Edward F. Stein,
Thomas Stennett,
William J. Stewart,
Charles A. Stitt,
Henry A. Stull,
William A. Swauger,
John N. Thompson,
Elias O. Truby,
Ward W. Whited,
Hayes Weinel,
James R. Wilson,
Samuel R. Wilson,
David M. Wolfe,
Zeph Yockey,
Frank Zurney. |
Besides the members of Company D, the followoing
Armstrong county men were engaged in this war, being
members of different companies, recruited at Varying
Frank Jecency,
Matthew O'Neal,
Charles Shall,
Harry Shall,
James Kain,
Robert Shall, |
Edward Kain,
Robert Shall,
Edward Lawhead,
William Kipp,
Archie Lyle,
John Truby. |