History of Berks County, Pennsylvania
in the Revolution from 1774 to 1783,
by Morton L. Montgomery,
Vols. I & II,
publ. Reading, PA: Chas. F. Haage, Printer, Seventh and Court
NOTE: If you want a
biography transcribed, you MUST list the State and the County in the
Thank you, Sharon Wick
was born of German parentage at Germantown, near
Philadelphia, on Jan. 22, 1740, and removed to Amity
township, in Berks County, and removed to Amity township, in
Berks County, when a young man. By the year 1767, he
was living in Oley township, employed as a gunsmith.
While in Oley, he was married to Catharine Hunter (Iaeger),
a daughter of Anthony Iaeger, and a sister of Col.
Daniel Hunter. In 1771, he purchased a large
plantation of nearly 500 acres in Bern township, several
miles to the south of the Blue Mountain, and moved upon it
in 1772.
When the Revolution began, he was a man of large
influence in the northern section of the county, and upon
the selection of a Standing Committee in 1774, for a proper
guidance of popular sentiment in its behalf, he was
naturally chosen to represent that section on this important
committee. In the formation of the Associators of
Pennsylvania, Balser Geehr was one of the five
delegates from Berks County who attended a meeting at
Philadelphia in August, 1775. These delegates were
known as the "Colonels of the Associated Battalions."
He took an active part in the county militia. In 1775
and 1776 he was lieutenant-colonel of the 4th Battalion,
which was composed of companies in the northern section of
the county. In September, 1776, his battalion
participated in the campaign about New York, but I cannot
state what particular service was rendered.
He officiated continuously as a judge of the county
courts from 1775 to 1784, and represented the county in the
General Assembly for the years 1782, 1786, and from 1792 to
1799. These positions show the popular esteem in which
he was held.
It is stated that he attended a levee given by
President Washington in Independence Hall, in company
with friends from Reading. In that day, cards were not
commonly used but the names were announced. Upon
arriving at the hall door, he gave his name upon request,
and then it was called out to an usher at the first landing
of the stairway, who in turn called it out again to another
at the doorway of the assembly room, where it was again
announced in a distinct manner. Not having been
acquainted with the custom, this public use of his name
excited him so that he exclaimed in a loud tone of voice -
"Yes, yes, I'm coming; give me time," to the great amusement
of other invited guests about him.
He carried on farming extensively on the Bern
plantation until 1796, and then removed to a farm of 231
acres in Maxatawny township, several miles north of
Kutztown, which he had purchased shortly before. He
died June 19, 1801, and his remains were interred in a
private burying ground near the centre of the plantation
last mentioned.
By his decease without a last will, and the decease of
his two sons John and Jacob also, and his two
granddaughters (the children of Jacob), dying
intestate without issue, the Maxatawny farm became
involved in very tedious and costly ejectment litigation,
covering a period of fifteen years. One of the cases
involving the trial is reported in Outerbridge Reports
(Penna. State) vol. 9, p. 577, (1884); and another in
Crumrine Reports, (Penna. State) vol. 28, p. 311 (1891).
The trials exccited much general interest amongst the legal
profession, and the cases reported are regarded as leading
cases on the subject of title to land by descent.
History of Berks County, Pennsylvania in the Revolution from 1774 to 1783,
by Morton L. Montgomery,
Vols. I & II,
publ. Reading, PA: Chas. F. Haage, Printer, Seventh and Court
1894 - Page 227 |
was born at Bristol, in Bucks County, Penn'a, on Apr. 10,
1852. He went to Philadelphia while young and was
educated principally at the Quaker school. He then
studied law, but did not come to be admitted to the Bar at
that place. He was a volunteer in the Revolution, and
commanded a company in the Long Island campaign. In
the capture of Fort Washington, he was taken prisoner.
Upon his release, he afterward went to Reading and was
admitted to the Bar on May 14, 1779. He carried on
practice for a time, then removed to Harrisburg, where he
died, May 2, 1818. His remains were buried in the Old
Pine Street Presbyterian Church burial ground at
Philadelphia. While at Harrisburg, his memories were
published in 1811. William Graydon, a
practicing lawyer at that place, and the author of
Graydon's Forms, was a brother.
History of Berks County, Pennsylvania in the Revolution from 1774 to 1783,
by Morton L. Montgomery,
Vols. I & II,
publ. Reading, PA: Chas. F. Haage, Printer, Seventh and Court
1894 - Page 230 |