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Biographical History of Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania,
and Early Settlers and Eminent Men of the county -
by Alex. Harris
Lancaster, PA:
Publ. Elias Barr & Co.

  JAMES MACKEY was elected a member of the Legislature in the years 1831 and 1832.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 381
  PHILIP MARSTELLER, a member of the Legislature in 1776.  He was also a delegate in 1776 to the convention which adopted the first State Constitution.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 381
  B. F. MARTIN, elected Clerk of Quarter Sections.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 381
  DAVID M. MARTIN, elected Clerk of Quarter Sessions in 1848.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 381
  GEORGE MARTIN, elected Sheriff of Lancaster county in 1854.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 381
  HUGH MARTIN, was a farmer of Drumore township, and was elected to the Legislature on the Federal ticket in 1816 and 1817.  His brother, Samuel Martin, was a clergyman, who had received his education at the Rev. Mr. Latta's academy, at Chestnut Level.  He ministered at the Presbyterian church, at Chanceford, in York county.  He was a man of good ability and ripe scholarship.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 381

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 382

  JOHN MATHIOT was elected sheriff of Lancaster county in the year 1818.  He was an alderman of Lancaster and carried on the business of a scrivener.  He was elected in 1831, by city councils, Mayor of the city of Lancaster, and eleven times reelected.  He died January 22d, 1843, in the 58th year of his age.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 386
  HUGH MAXWELL was born in Ireland, Dec. 7th, 1777.  When quite a youth he came to Philadelphia, and at the age of nineteen he entered in partnership in the book publishing business with Matthew Carey, and with him published one of the first literary magazines in the city of brotherly love.  He afterwards edited the Port-Folio, a magazine of some repute in its day.   Whilst in the book publishing business, he cast his own type and made his own wood-cuts.  Having met with severe losses in the financial crisis that succeeded the war of 1812-14, he for a time abandoned the editorial career and followed agricultural pursuits.  His active temperament, however, soon introduced him into other editorial enterprises.  In 1817 he removed to Lancaster and established the Lancaster Gazette, which he conducted with decided ability for several years.  He next purchased the Lancaster Journal, one of the oldest Democratic papers of Pennsylvania, and this he published up to 1889.  As a citizen, he ever ranked amongst the most active and enterprising in all projects looking towards the establishment and promotion of public improvements.  He was one of the most active members of the company organized in 1820 for the improvement of the Conestoga navigation; and he it was who called the first meeting at Columbia, which discussed the project of uniting that place and Philadelphia by a railroad.  He was gratified to live to see this enterprise completed in spite of much opposition and ridicule.  The "Mechanics' Literary Association" of Lancaster, of which he was the first president, greatly owed its foundation to its spirit and enterprise.  Hugh Maxwell was a man of considerable mechanical ingenuity, and among his inventions the "printer's roller," patented in 1817, was a fruit of his genius.  He drew such attention to the cause of boiler explosions as elicited great praise in his day.  With Wm. White, ex-sheriff of Lancaster, he discovered the Lykens Valley and Short Mountain coal fields, and shipped the first coal to market from those mines.  As editor of a newspaper, Mr. Maxwell had a few superiors in his day.  He was a vigorous writer, and could pen an editorial of great power, and withal, couched in smooth and grateful language.  He was a bold and independent thinker and fearless leader in public affairs.  He died Nov. 1st, 1880.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 386
  ROBERT MAXWELL, was a citizen of Drumore township, and died Nov. 6th, 1819, in the 80th year of his age.  He was elected county commissioner in the year 1798.  He was elected to the Legislature of Pennsylvania in 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1812 and 1813.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 386
  DAVID MAY, elected Clerk of the Orphans' Court in 1848.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 388
  CHRISTIAN MAYER was elected State Senator in 1804 and reelected to the same position in 1808.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 388
  GEORGE MAYER, a merchant of Lancaster, and brother of Dr. Mayer.  He was possessed of a fine memory, and when a member of the Legislature of 1835, he took quite an active part  in legislative proceedings.  Abraham Kauffman, who was contemporary with him in the Legislature, speaking of him said:  "I once heard one of the canal commissioners remark of him after he had given some testimony before the House: what a mind and memory Colonel Mayer possesses; his language is fit for the press just as he speaks from recollection."  He died September 9th, 1862, and in the 82nd year of his age.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 388

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 388

  NATHANIEL MAYER was elected a member of the Legislature in the years 1862 and 1863.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 392
  ARCHIBALD McALISTER was a member of the Legislature in the year 1720.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 392
  JACOB McALISTER was elected County Commissioner in the year 1832.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 392
  JOHN McCAMANT was a member of the Legislature in the years 1824 and 1827.  In 1826 he was the Democratic competitor of James Buchanan for Congress.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 392
  CARPENTER McCLEERY, was elected Clerk of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer in the year 1845.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 392
  JOSEPH McCLURE, was elected to the Legislature in the years 1840 and 1841.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 392
  WM. McCULLOCH was a member of the Legislature in the year 1820.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 392

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 392


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 393

  JOHN McGRANN, brother of Richard McGrann, was an enterprising business man and contractor.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 393

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 393

  ZEPHANIAH McLENEGAN, appointed Prothonotary in 1839.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 394
  JOHN McMILLAN, a member of the Legislature in 1776
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 394
  JAMES McSPARREN, elected Commissioner in 1806.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 394
  HUGH MEHAFFEY was appointed Register of Wills in 1836.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 394

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 394

  JAMES MERCER, was a member of the Legislature in the yeas 1781, 1782, 1783 and 1784.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 395
  WILLIAM MICHAEL was elected clerk of the Quarter Sessions in the year 1830.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 395
  COLONEL DAVID MILES is a native of Franklin county, Pa., born in 1831.  In his youth he worked upon a farm, then learned the tin and sheet iron business, which he followed till the breaking out of the rebellion.  He went out as orderly sergeant of the Lancaster Fencibles in the three months service, and after this term of duty had expired, he again marched as First Lieutenant of company B of the 69th regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers, under Captain Duchman.  Upon the promotion of Captain Duchman to the Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment, Lieutenant Miles took his place as Captain, and afterwards succeeded him as Lieutenant Colonel when the former left the army.  He participated in the battles of Perryville, Stone River and Chickamauga, in which last he was taken prisoner, and was detained as such in Libby Prison, Richmond, at Macon, Georgia, and at Charleston, South Carolina.  After being exchanged, he served in Sherman's famous march to the sea in command of a brigade, and fought in the battle of Bentonville, where he was wounded, besides many other minor engagements.  He was discharged from service with the rank of Colonel by brevet.  In 1866 he was nominated and elected register of wills of Lancaster county, the duties of which he discharged for three years.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page
  DAVID MILLER, was elected Sheriff of Lancaster county in the year 1785, and held the same for three years.  He was elected to the Legislature in 1789.  He was also elected to the State Senate in 1794, and in 1801 returned again to the Legislature.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 395
  GEN. HENRY MILLER, a native of Lancaster county, was a conspicuous officer of the American army during the Revolutionary war.  He was engaged in many of the hard fought battles of that stirring period.  He was born in the year 1741, and died at Carlisle in the year 1824.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 395
  *HENRY MILLER was born in Reading, Berks county, Pa., Dec. 18th, 1774, came to Manheim in 1803, where he carried on the hatting business.  During life, being of a domestic, quiet disposition, he meddled little with public affairs.  In 1826 the Federal party, to which he belonged, nominated him for a seat in the Legislature without his knowledge or consent.  When apprised of it, he first declined; after considerable persuasion, his friends succeeded in having him accept the nomination.  He was elected and served the session of 1826-27.  In 1827 he was again nominated for the same position.  At this time parties were closely divided between Democrats and Federals.  General Jackson being nominated for President, strengthened the Democratic party considerably in the county, and he was this time defeated.  He spent the remainder of his life in private, much respected in the community in which he was so well known.  He died May 11th, 1847, aged 73 years, 7 months and 21 days.
* Contributed by Abraham Kauffman.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 395
  JOHN MILLER, a farmer of Manheim township, was elected County Commissioner in the year 1839.  He was one of the early anti-slavery men of his district; a great friend of the free school system, when his township was opposed to it; and an advocate of the cause of temperance.  He was one of the most devoted friends of Thaddeus Stevens in the county.  Besides agricultural pursuits, he latterly carried on the business of milling.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 396
  MARTIN MILLER was elected County Commissioner in the year 1843.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 396
  TOBIAS H. MILLER was elected Recorder of Deeds in the year 1854.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 396
  JAMES MITCHELL was elected a member of the Legislature in the years 1729, 1744, 1745 and 1746.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 396
  JOHN MOHLER was a member of the Legislature in the years 1801 and 1802.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 396
  SAMUEL MOHLER was a member of the Legislature in the year 1827.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 397
  JOHN R. MONTGOMERY1 was one of the ablest lawyers and finest pleaders that ever practiced at the Lancaster bar.  A cotemporary, writing of him, says: "His mind was well schooled and disciplined in a knowledge of all of our political institutions, in the varied systems which prevail under the constitutions and legislation of the different States; with a thorough knowledge of the adjudications of the national and State tribunals, and with all these qualifications  he possessed in an eminent degree that untiring assiduity, energy and integrity which are necessary to discharge the high responsibilities that devolve upon the profession.  In the inferior and in the superior courts, in every position in which he was placed in the profession, he displayed that legal learning that marked him as one of the ablest men of the State and nation."  James Buchanan, in speaking of the case of Reichenbach vs. Reichenbach, which was the last in which he ever appeared as an attorney, and which had been prepared for trial by John R. Montgomery, said it was the best prepared case he had ever known.  On another occasion he remarked to a legal friend, that "of all the lawyers he had ever encountered in teh trial of a cause, John R. Montgomery seemed to him the weightiest."  He died November 3d, 1854.  The subject of our notice yet lives fresh in the memory of the members of the profession and people of Lancaster city and county, and throughout Pennsylvania; and whenever ability with oratory combined are being estimated, as to members of the Lancaster bar, amongst groups of legal gentlemen, a trio of brilliant names always associated are sure to be mentioned, those of John R. Montgomery, George Washington Barton and Hopkins.
     1 When, in September, 1824, Gen. Lafayette visited Lancaster, John R. Montgomery engrossed much of his attention; and when he left Lancaster the latter escorted him in his carriage, drawn by match greys, as far as Port Deposit, Maryland.  On their way they stopped at the Black Bear tavern, and at that place met with several of his old soldiers of the Revolution, and when he shook hands with them for the last time.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 397
  JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, the father of John R. Montgomery, esq., was a member of the Legislature in the year 1782.  He carried on the business of blacksmithing, and also farming.  The following anecdote is told as regards him: Being a strict Presbyterian, his family had been in the habit of never preparing supper on Sunday.  Having an Irishman as a journeyman blacksmith in his employ, the latter was told that it was the custom of the family to have no supper, as there was no work going on.  The journeyman had been used to Sunday suppers, and, going out to the blacksmith shop, he began work hammering upon the anvil as usual.  Mr. Montgomery going to the shop, asked the Irishman what all that meant, as he did not allow working on Sunday.  The Irishman replied, that he had been told that he could get no supper unless he worked, and that he desired.  The journeyman had no occasion further to begin working in order to get his Sunday supper.
Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 397

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 398


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 399


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 400


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 401


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 401


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 402


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 402


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 403





Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 404

  HENRY MUSSELMAN, elected County Commissioner in 1848.

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 407

  MICHAEL MUSSELMAN, elected County Commissioner in 1830.

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 407


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 406

  HENRY MUSSER elected Clerk of Quarter Sessions in 1860.

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 407

  JOHN MUSSER, a member of the Legislature in 1820.

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 407

  MICHAEL MUSSER, elected County Commissioner in 1802

Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 407


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 407


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 407


Source:  Biographical History of Lancaster Co., PA - Publ. by Elias Barr & Co. - 1872 - Page 407




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