Source: San Antonio Express - Texas
Dated: Oct. 24, 1901
-- Guy Carroll of Corsicana is registered at the
-- A. Harvey and wife of Fort Worth are guests at
the Bexar
-- E. R. Bircher and wife of Denison are
guests at the Bexar
-- John Welden and wife of Victoria are guests at
the Mahneke
-- J. B. Moore, wife and son of Ozona are guests
at the Mahneke.
-- L. J. Nebert and wife of Beaumont are guests
at the Maverick
-- B. T. Killough of Carlsbad, N. M. is
registered at the Elite.
-- D. C. Denmark and wife of Rancho are guests at
the Southern.
-- Andy Armstrong, Jr., a ranchman of Hondo, is
at the Elite.
-- B. F. Griffin and family of Staples are guests
at the Maverick.
-- W. H. Cockcraft and wife of Waco are guests at
the Maverick.
-- J. W. Yarborough and wife of Mahon? are guests
at the Southern.
-- W. E. Upman and wife of Matchunia, Mex. are
guests at the Menger.
-- Manuel Alvarez, a merchant of Mexico City, is
registered at the Elite.
-- Judge C. W. Nugent, wife and son of Conroe are
guests at the Mahneke
-- Wyndham Kemp and Thos. J. Beall of El
Paso are registered at the Menger.
-- Mrs. H. J. Ware? and Miss May Crary
of Chicago are guests at the Mahneke
-- L. E. Oltorf? of Marlin is among the arrivals
at the Elite to attend the Fair.
-- A. S. Rife and wife and Miss Annie Palmer
of Lytton Springs are guests at the Southern.
-- Dr. Joseph Klugsley has removed her office to
her residence __ Starr street, corner of Elm.
-- Col. A. C. Jones of Beeville, one of Bee
County's wealthiest and most popular citizens is in the
-- Hon. John Rhodes of San Angelo, is in the city
renewing old acquaintances and visiting the Fair.
-- Jesse Edmonston and wife and Miss Caroline
Kope of San Marcos are registered at the Menger.
-- Mrs. J. M. McKnight and Miss Sue G. Harris
of Laredo, Tony Goodrich of Monterey, Mex., and
J. D> Goodrich of the Sequin Daily Anchor, were in
the city yesterday, guests of Mrs. C. M. Harris,
404 Sixth Street.
-- Mrs. Anna Lord of Galveston is in the city,
visiting her daughter. Mrs. M. Rice, 514
South Presa street.
-- Dr. E. W. Hall, proprietor of the Texas
wonder, Hall's Great Discovery, is in the city for a few
-- D. Herff and Jas. Lyons, two popular
young men of Atacosa county, are in the city to see the
-- William Norris, a prominent ranchman of
Comstock, is here taking in the Fair, and stopping at
the Elite.
-- Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Baker of Corsicana are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Roberts of Travis
-- W. M. Hanson, deputy United States marshal, of
Laredo, and E. Hellig of Eagle Pass are at the
-- Mrs. A. Senftenberg, Mrs. M. Reichman, and the
Misses Senftenberg of Hallettsville visited
Mrs. M. Rice yesterday.
-- Dr. H. M. Hunter has returned from a visit to
the Eastern Sates and can be found at his office, 203
Alamo Plaza.
-- Mr. W. C. Justice, business manager for "A
Runaway Girl," is in the city. The Runaway Girl
has a date at the Grand.
-- Mrs. James Kray and family of Le Grange are in
the city, visiting Mrs. Kray's sister, Mrs. Max
Rice, 514 South Presa street.
-- Mrs. C. N. Owen, Miss Augusta Horka, Miss Lucy Horka
of Mobile, Ala., and Miss Kate Shelton of
Nashville, Tenn., are guests at the Bexar.
-- Mr. J. M. J. Kane, representing Al. G.
Field, is in the city arranging for the appearance
of that popular minstrel at the Grand Opera House.
-- F. C. Damm and wife of Durango, Mex., on
their return from Europe, are stopping for a few
days to attend the Fair. They are guests at the
-- Mr. C. W. Cain, editor of the Bastrop
Advertiser, was a visitor at the Fair yesterday.
Mr. Cain's paper is one of the oldest in Texas,
having been established by his father in 1853.
-- Mrs. Rafacia M. de G. Carazos, widow of the
late Hon. Pedro g. Carazos, will leave today with
one of her daughters for Galveston, where she is going
to make visit to the tomb of her daughter, who died a
few days after the storm of September, 1900. |