The History of Delaware Co., IA
containing A History of the County, its Cities, towns, &c.,
A Biographical Directory of its Citizens, War Record of its
in the late Rebellion, General and Local Statistics,
Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men,
History of the Northwest, History of Iowa,
Map of Delaware County, Constitution of the
United States, Miscellaneous
Matters, &c
- illustrated -
Publ. Chicago: Western Historical Company
Successors to H. F. Kett & Co.
Colony Twp. -
LAWRENCE McNAMEE, farmer; Sec. 4; P.
O. Colesburg; born in Chenango Co., N. Y., Dec. 29,
1805; emigrated to Missouri Territory in 1819; came down the
Ohio River on a boat they built on the head waters of the
Allegheny River, to Shawneetown, Ill., crossed with team to
Alton, which was then only a ferrying point—only one cabin
in the place, that of the ferryman; settled at St. Charles;
was married March 25. 1829, to Errelia Cole, who was
born in Oneida Co., N. Y., Oct. 18, 1808; came to this
county in 1842; settled on the farm he now occupies; owns
480 acres, nearly all of which was wild land, hazel thicket
and timber; Mrs. McNamee died here, in Feb. 8, 1856;
she was the mother of eleven children— Eliza J. and
Martha S. (Otis) and three infants died in this
township; those living are Cyrus L., Mary E. (Otis),
Edwin L., Medora H. (Lang), Sarah E. (Fitch) and
Evaline; Mr. M. was again married Dec. 11, 1856,
to Mrs. Sebrah Clark (maiden name, Cole), born
in Oneida Co., N. Y., Dec. 6, 1806 has four children by
first marriage—Harriet C. (Bailey), Benjamin A. and
Samuel C.; .lost two—Seth, died here in 1845, and
Norman L., died at Rocky Bar, Idaho, in 1873; Mr.
McN. served as County Commissioner, two terms;
Justice of the Peace, six years; County Assessor, two,
Township Assessor, about fifteen years; family attend the M.
E. Church.
Source: The History of Delaware Co., IA - Illustrated
- Publ. Chicago: Western Historical Company - Successors to
H. F. Kett & Co., 1878 - Page 612 and Portrait on
Page 635 |
Proprietor of the Martin House, near Ill. C. Depot; was born
Champaign Co., Ohio, August 20, 1820; emigrated to this
county, arriving Sept. 20, 1842, coming with his step-mother
and uncle; they settled in Ead's Grove, where he lived until
15 years ago, when he came to this city; married Francis
Frink April 8, 1862; she was born in Woodstock, Vt.,
Dec. 20, 1830.
Source: The History of Delaware Co., IA - Illustrated
- Publ. Chicago: Western Historical Company - Successors to
H. F. Kett & Co., 1878 - Page 585 |
Colony Twp. -
RACHEL MONTGOMERY, widow (maiden name Porter);
resides on farm; Sec. 5; P. O. Colesburg; born in Crawford
Co., Pa., July 30, 1808; lived there on her father's farm
until she was married, Feb. 19, 1852, to Archibald
Montgomery; he was born in Mercer Co., Pa., Oct. 22,
1805; he came to this county in 1843; was among the first
settlers; he buried his first wife here in 1849; married in
Pa.; she was the mother of nine children; Mr. M. died
July 30, 1875; at the time of his death, he owned 1,200
acres of land, of which Mrs. M. is now the owner of
440; she is a member of the United Presbyterian Church.
Source: The History of Delaware Co., IA - Illustrated
- Publ. Chicago: Western Historical Company - Successors to
H. F. Kett & Co., 1878 - Page 613 |