City Directory
Source: History of Coles County, Illinois - Chicago - Wm. LeBaron,
Jr., & Co. - 1879
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Ashmore & Mitchell |
(successors to B. M. Payne), Boots and Shoes, south of the Public
Square |
Bain, A. N., & Co., |
Manufacturers of Stoves, Hollow-ware, Iron House-fronts and all
kinds of Castings. Established 1857 |
Bishop, Frank L., |
Proprietor of the Bee Hive Store. Headquarters for Dry goods
and Millinery. Black Casmeres, Alpacas, Mohairs and Silks a
Specialty. Also Agent for Wm. Hall & Co.'s Jamestown Mohairs.
We buy for cash, sell strictly for cash, and cash customers will
find it to their advantage to trade with us. |
Briggs, C. R., |
Portrait and Live-Stock Painter, southwest corner Public Square. |
Brown, Jacob I., |
Justice of the Peace, and General Collector. Office, Owen's
Block, east side Public Square. Collections promptly attended
to. |
Calvert, D. H., |
Proprietor Crystal Palace Drug Store. Dealer in Pure Drugs,
Medicines, Points, Oils, Dyestuffs, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, and
Manufacturer of Bitter Sweet, the greatest tonic of the age.
West side Public Square. |
Charleston Plaindealer, The |
Published every Thursday by M. A. McConnell & Co., at $2 per year.
Office in "Plaindealer" Building, on Lafayette street |
Charleston Courier, The |
Issued every Thursday, E. B. Buck, Editor and Proprietor.
Terms - $1.50 per year in advance. If not paid in advance, 50
cents extra will be charged. Clubs of ten from one post
office, $1 per year, invariably in advance. All kinds of Job
Printing executed in the best style of the art, promptly and at
reasonable rates. |
Charleston Hotel, |
West Side of Public Square, Daniel A. Van Sickle, Proprietor; Joseph
Venneman, Clerk. First-class in all its appointments.
Free bus to and from the depot. |
Chambers, W. M., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon |
Connolly, James A., |
Attorney at Law. United States Attorney, Southern District of
Illinois. |
Davis, Jewell, Dr., |
Physician and Surgeon. |
Davis, Warren, |
Dealer in Choice Family Groceries. |
Dunn & Connolly, |
Attorneys at Law. |
First National Bank, |
T. G. Chambers, President; W. E. McCrory, Cashier; Curtis L. Davis,
Teller. Does a general banking business. Exchange bought
and sold. East side Public Square. |
Ginther, Wm. E. |
Dealer in Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Also General
Insurance Agent. Represents Home, N. Y.; Continental, N. Y.;
Phoenix, Brooklyn; Insurance Co. of North America, Philadelphia;
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Franklin, Philadelphia; Royal,
Liverpool; North British and Mercantile, Imperial and Northern and
others. |
Gramesly, C., |
Liquor Dealer, No. 5 west side Public Square. |
Harrah, J. P., |
Attorney at Law. Office with O. B. Ficklin, south side Public
Square. |
Huron, Eli |
City Book Store. Dealer in Music and Musical Instruments,
Toys, Notions and Fancy Goods, No. 8 west side of Square. |
March, T. J., Sr., |
Dealer in Furniture |
Miller, J. M., |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Notions, etc., northeast corner of square. |
Minton, Alvey & Van Meter, |
Proprietors of the City Mills. Dealers in Flour, Meal, Bran,
ship-stuff, Grain, etc. Custom grinding a specialty. |
Mitchell, I. B., |
Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, northeast corner Public Square.
Sells strictly for cash. |
Monroe & Co., |
Manufacturers and Dealers in Flour, Feed and Meal, wholesale and
retail. Terms, cash. |
Neal, J. W., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon. Attends all calls promptly.
Office over Wright, Hodgen & Co.'s store. |
Neal, J. F., |
Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, north side of the Public Square. |
Patton, W. R., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon, east side of Public Square. |
Poxton & Mitchell |
Dealers in Books, Stationery, Toys, etc. |
Perkins, A., |
Dealer in Family Groceries |
Peterson & Adams |
Attorneys at Law. Office in Court House |
Prevo, A. H., |
Stock raiser and Breeder of Poland China Swine. |
Ray & Hampton, |
Dry Goods and Notions, Boots and shoes, Hats and Caps, No. 4, west
side. |
Ricketts, William, |
Land Agent and Conveyancer, southwest corner Public Square. |
Second National Bank |
I. H. Johnston, President; Charles Clary, Cashier; Felix Johnston,
Book Teller, Southeast corner Public Square. |
Shepard & Alexander, |
Breeders and Shippers of Thoroughbred Poland - China Swine |
Shriver, A. C., & Sons |
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tinware, Queensware,
Glassware, Cutlery and Plated Goods, south side Square. |
Silverthorn, L. L., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon. |
Steigman, Wilson & Co., |
Pork-Packers and Dealers in Provisions. |
Stoddert, T. & Son, |
Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, etc., No. 3 west side. |
Stoddert, R., & Sons, |
Dealers in Hardware, Luther and Building Material of all kinds,,,
southeast corner Public Square. Agent for Schuttler, Wagon and
Brown Corn Planter. |
Traver & Nixon, |
Dealers in and Manufacturers of Brooms, Brushes, etc., also dealers
in broom-corn and broom machinery, broom-corn machinery and broom
material. Established 1864. |
Vail, Isaac, |
Livery, Sale and Fred Stable. |
VanMeter, S., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon. |
Weber Brothers, |
Bakery and Restaurant. Dealers in Confectionery, Fruit,
Cigars, Tobacco, etc. Oysters and Ice Cream in their season.
Northwest corner Public Square. |
Weiss & Frommell, |
Proprietors Charleston Woolen-Mills, Manufacturers and Wholesale
Dealers in Woolen Goods. |
Wiley & Neal, |
Attorneys at Law. Office east side Public Square. |
Wright, Hodgen & Co., |
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, corner of
Jackson and LaFayette Streets. |
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