City Directory
Source: History of Coles County, Illinois - Chicago - Wm. LeBaron,
Jr., & Co. - 1879
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Ashmore, H. B., |
Breeder and Shipper of Thoroughbred Poland-China Hogs. |
Austin, Brown & Kimball, |
Dealers in Furniture, Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement, Paints, Oils,
Hardware, Howe Sewing Machines, Farm Implements. Also
Undertakers and Builders. |
Comstock, W. R., |
Dealers in Groceries, Drubs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soap,
Fancy Hair and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles,
Trusses and Shoulder-braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, Pure Wines and
Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and
Dye-stuffs, Letter paper, Pens, Ink, Envelopes, Glass, Putty, Carbon
Oil, Lamps and Chimneys. Physicians' prescriptions accurately
compounded. |
Lane, Jeremiah, |
Breeder of Fine Horses. Proprietor of the celebrated stallion,
"Red Buck." This horse is a beautiful chestnut brown, fully
sixteen hands high, fourteen years old; sired by Sir Dick; he by old
Imported Packelet, the noted race-horse of Kentucky. To judges
of good stock this splendid horse will quickly recommend himself.
One-half mile eat of Ashmore. |
Ricketts, Joshua, |
Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Queensware, Glassware, Notions,
Grain and Country Produce. |
Robertson, A. T., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, etc. |
Steele, A. T., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon. |
Waters, F. M., |
"The Boss" Dry Goods and Clothing, Staple and Fancy Notions
Merchant. Where cash does wonders. Boots and shoes a
specialty. Produce taken in exchange for goods. |
Zimmerman & Monroe, |
Dealers in Dry Goods and Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Stationery, etc. |