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History & Genealogy

City Directory
Source:  History of Coles County, Illinois - Chicago - Wm. LeBaron, Jr., & Co. - 1879
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)



Alshuler, M., & Co., Dealers in Dry Goods and Notions; the only one-price store in the city.  Staples and fancy goods, with all the novelties of hte season, at lowest cash prices.
Aubert, J. L., County Surveyor.  Office, head of First street.  All business neatly executed and promptly attended to.
Ayer, J. I., Dealer in Books, Stationery and Music.  Complete stock of Music and Picture-frames always on hand.  Broadway avenue, under Dole House.
Beall, J. J., Attorney at Law.  Office with Craig Brothers.  Collections and remittances promptly made.
Benefiel, J. B., Boss Meat Market, Western avenue.  The best meat the market affords at the lowest cash prices.
Bostwick, C. B., & Co., Publishers and Proprietors Mattoon Weekly Gazette.  All kinds of Commercial Printing promptly executed in the latest styles.
Bridges, V. R., M. D., oldest practitioner in the township.  Office, Broadway avenue, between Second and Third streets; residence, corner Third and Richmond.
Burgess, William, The oldest Boot and Shoe House in the city.  Manufacturers to order and deals in Custom-Made Boots, Shoes and Rubbers.  Motto: "Good goods, quick sales and small profits."  No. 4 East Broadway.
Campbell, S. A., Surgical Dentist-Special attention given to filling Teeth with Gold.  Dental Parlors in Goldgart's Block, over Isaac's Clothing Store.
Cassell, J. D., Restaurant and Confectionery, Broadway avenue, three doors west of First street.
Clark & Scott, Attorneys at Law.  Office over Mattoon National Bank.  Special attention given to practice in State and Federal Courts.
Craig, Jas. W. & I. B., Attorneys at Law.  Office in F. and M. Bank Building.  Practice in State Courts, and loan money on farms and city property.
Dora, J. W., M. D., Physician and Surgeon.  Office and residence, East Broadway, between Third and Fourth streets.
Donnell, John K., Wholesale Grocer, No. 10 East Broadway.  Coal Oil a specialty.
Drish, J. F., Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Builders' Supplies, etc., Broadway avenue, east First National Bank.
Everharty, M., City Meat Market, west end of Broadway avenue.
Garthwait, Frank, Commission and Auction Merchant.  Broadway avenue, Broadway avenue, opposite Dole House.
Gibbs, J. M., Livery and Sale Stables.
Gogin, O. W., Justice of the Peace.  Collections promptly made and remitted.  Office, north side Broadway avenue.
Gray, R. M., Prosecuting Attorney of Coles County.  Office, Broadway ave.
Hanna, John W., under Dole House, Dealer in Books, Music and Stationary, School and College Text-books and School Supplies of every kind.
Hashbrouck, Abram, Mayor of City, and Dealer in Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Stoves, Tinware, etc., Broadway avenue, two doors east of First street.
Hughes, Jas. F., Attorney at Law.  Office over First National Bank.  Gives prompt attention to practice in the various Courts of the State and in United States Court.
Hunt, John, Meat Market, corner of Broadway and Second street.  Best of meat always on hand, cheap for cash.
Jackson, Ira B., Insurance Agent.  Represents the following reliable Companies:  Home, N. Y.; Franklin, Philadelphia; Underwriters, N. Y.; Manhattan, Girard, German-American, Continental, Travelers' Accident, Railway Passengers' Assurance, etc., etc.  Office up-stairs, Broadway avenue, first door east I. C. R. R.
James, Ira, Wholesale Dealer in Coal Oil.  Country merchants supplied on short notice.
Jonte, Theodore, Dealer in  Harness, Saddles, Whips, etc.  Harness made to order.  All goods cheap for cash.  Sign, big saddle, Broadway ave.
Kahn Bros., oldest established Clothing House in the city.  Merchant Tailoring Department full and complete at all times.  East Broadway, five doors south Mattoon National Bank.
Kemper, P. A., M. D., Physician and Surgeon.  Office over Kilner's Drug Store, Broadway avenue.  All calls promptly attended, day and night.
Kilner, George T., Druggist, oldest established business in the city.  Full line of Drugs on hand at all times; Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes.
Linn, P. B., Groceries and Provisions, corner Broadway avenue and Fifth street.  The most goods for the least cash, is my motto.
Logan, Tiffin P., District Western Emigrant Agent for Kansas Lands.  Also deals in Wood and Coal.  Office in Mattoon National Bank Building.
McCormick & Ewing, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions, Broadway avenue, between Second and Third streets.
McFadden, R. H., Police Justice and Pension Attorney.  Office over F. and M. Bank, Broadway avenue.  Pensions procured; charges moderate.
Magee, Harvey W., Attorney at Law.  Office up-stairs, first door east National Bank.  Money to loan on improved farms and city property.
Messer, Daniel, Proprietor Essex House.  First-class accommodations.   Charles moderate.
Moore, John W., Lumber Yard, and Dealer in Sash, Doors and Blinds, west end Broadway avenue.
Morse, L. F., M. D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon.  Office corner First street and Wabash avenue.  All calls promptly attended day and night.
Mulford, J. A., Wholesale Dealer in Leather, Hides, Furs, Shoe-Findings, etc., west end Broadway avenue.
Paugh, W. H., M. D., Physician and Surgeon.  Office, First street, opposite Post Office.
Pile, W. H. K., Real Estate and Insurance Agent.  Farms and City Property for sale or rent.  Insurance in reliable Companies at low rates.
Rickett, A. J., M. D., Physician and Surgeon.  Office, First Street, opposite Post Office.
Roberts, L. G., Practical and Surgical Dentist.  Teeth filled and extracted without pain.  Full or partial sets made to order and warranted to give satisfaction.
Scott, Jas. L., Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries and Provisions.  Large stock, low prices.  East Broadway.
Soules, John W., Meat Market, between Second and Third Street, south side Broadway avenue.
Sumerlin, Adolf, Attorney at Law and Editor Mattoon Weekly Commercial.  Will give prompt attention to all business intrusted to his care.
Woods, T. E., & Bro. Editors and Proprietors Daily and Weekly Journal, First Street, south of Post Office.





This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights