City Directory
Source: History of Coles County, Illinois - Chicago - Wm. LeBaron,
Jr., & Co. - 1879
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Alshuler, M., & Co., |
Dealers in Dry Goods and Notions; the only one-price store in the
city. Staples and fancy goods, with all the novelties of hte
season, at lowest cash prices. |
Aubert, J. L., |
County Surveyor. Office, head of First street. All
business neatly executed and promptly attended to. |
Ayer, J. I., |
Dealer in Books, Stationery and Music. Complete stock of Music
and Picture-frames always on hand. Broadway avenue, under Dole
House. |
Beall, J. J., |
Attorney at Law. Office with Craig Brothers. Collections
and remittances promptly made. |
Benefiel, J. B., |
Boss Meat Market, Western avenue. The best meat the market
affords at the lowest cash prices. |
Bostwick, C. B., & Co., |
Publishers and Proprietors Mattoon Weekly Gazette. All
kinds of Commercial Printing promptly executed in the latest styles. |
Bridges, V. R., M. D., |
oldest practitioner in the township. Office, Broadway avenue,
between Second and Third streets; residence, corner Third and
Richmond. |
Burgess, William, |
The oldest Boot and Shoe House in the city. Manufacturers to
order and deals in Custom-Made Boots, Shoes and Rubbers.
Motto: "Good goods, quick sales and small profits." No. 4 East
Broadway. |
Campbell, S. A., |
Surgical Dentist-Special attention given to filling Teeth with Gold.
Dental Parlors in Goldgart's Block, over Isaac's Clothing Store. |
Cassell, J. D., |
Restaurant and Confectionery, Broadway avenue, three doors west of
First street. |
Clark & Scott, |
Attorneys at Law. Office over Mattoon National Bank.
Special attention given to practice in State and Federal Courts. |
Craig, Jas. W. & I. B., |
Attorneys at Law. Office in F. and M. Bank Building.
Practice in State Courts, and loan money on farms and city property. |
Dora, J. W., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon. Office and residence, East Broadway,
between Third and Fourth streets. |
Donnell, John K., |
Wholesale Grocer, No. 10 East Broadway. Coal Oil a specialty. |
Drish, J. F., |
Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Agricultural Implements,
Builders' Supplies, etc., Broadway avenue, east First National Bank. |
Everharty, M., |
City Meat Market, west end of Broadway avenue. |
Garthwait, Frank, |
Commission and Auction Merchant. Broadway avenue, Broadway
avenue, opposite Dole House. |
Gibbs, J. M., |
Livery and Sale Stables. |
Gogin, O. W., |
Justice of the Peace. Collections promptly made and remitted.
Office, north side Broadway avenue. |
Gray, R. M., |
Prosecuting Attorney of Coles County. Office, Broadway ave. |
Hanna, John W., |
under Dole House, Dealer in Books, Music and Stationary, School and
College Text-books and School Supplies of every kind. |
Hashbrouck, Abram, |
Mayor of City, and Dealer in Hardware, Agricultural Implements,
Stoves, Tinware, etc., Broadway avenue, two doors east of First
street. |
Hughes, Jas. F., |
Attorney at Law. Office over First National Bank. Gives
prompt attention to practice in the various Courts of the State and
in United States Court. |
Hunt, John, |
Meat Market, corner of Broadway and Second street. Best of
meat always on hand, cheap for cash. |
Jackson, Ira B., |
Insurance Agent. Represents the following reliable Companies:
Home, N. Y.; Franklin, Philadelphia; Underwriters, N. Y.; Manhattan,
Girard, German-American, Continental, Travelers' Accident, Railway
Passengers' Assurance, etc., etc. Office up-stairs, Broadway
avenue, first door east I. C. R. R. |
James, Ira, |
Wholesale Dealer in Coal Oil. Country merchants supplied on
short notice. |
Jonte, Theodore, |
Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Whips, etc. Harness made to
order. All goods cheap for cash. Sign, big saddle,
Broadway ave. |
Kahn Bros., |
oldest established Clothing House in the city. Merchant
Tailoring Department full and complete at all times. East
Broadway, five doors south Mattoon National Bank. |
Kemper, P. A., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon. Office over Kilner's Drug Store,
Broadway avenue. All calls promptly attended, day and night. |
Kilner, George T., |
Druggist, oldest established business in the city. Full line
of Drugs on hand at all times; Wines and Liquors for Medicinal
Purposes. |
Linn, P. B., |
Groceries and Provisions, corner Broadway avenue and Fifth street.
The most goods for the least cash, is my motto. |
Logan, Tiffin P., |
District Western Emigrant Agent for Kansas Lands. Also deals
in Wood and Coal. Office in Mattoon National Bank Building. |
McCormick & Ewing, |
Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions, Broadway
avenue, between Second and Third streets. |
McFadden, R. H., |
Police Justice and Pension Attorney. Office over F. and M.
Bank, Broadway avenue. Pensions procured; charges moderate. |
Magee, Harvey W., |
Attorney at Law. Office up-stairs, first door east National
Bank. Money to loan on improved farms and city property. |
Messer, Daniel, |
Proprietor Essex House. First-class accommodations.
Charles moderate. |
Moore, John W., |
Lumber Yard, and Dealer in Sash, Doors and Blinds, west end Broadway
avenue. |
Morse, L. F., M. D., |
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office corner First street
and Wabash avenue. All calls promptly attended day and night. |
Mulford, J. A., |
Wholesale Dealer in Leather, Hides, Furs, Shoe-Findings, etc., west
end Broadway avenue. |
Paugh, W. H., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon. Office, First street, opposite Post
Office. |
Pile, W. H. K., |
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Farms and City Property for
sale or rent. Insurance in reliable Companies at low rates. |
Rickett, A. J., M. D., |
Physician and Surgeon. Office, First Street, opposite Post
Office. |
Roberts, L. G., |
Practical and Surgical Dentist. Teeth filled and extracted
without pain. Full or partial sets made to order and warranted
to give satisfaction. |
Scott, Jas. L., |
Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries and Provisions. Large
stock, low prices. East Broadway. |
Soules, John W., |
Meat Market, between Second and Third Street, south side Broadway
avenue. |
Sumerlin, Adolf, |
Attorney at Law and Editor Mattoon Weekly Commercial.
Will give prompt attention to all business intrusted to his care. |
Woods, T. E., & Bro. |
Editors and Proprietors Daily and Weekly Journal, First
Street, south of Post Office. |
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