Cottonwood Twp. -
JAMES A. CARRELL, farmer and stock-raiser,
was born Nov. 9, 1841 (forty-two years ago this day), in Morgan
County, Ind. His parents are John H. and Catherine E.
(Laughlin) Carrell, the former a native of Kentucky, the
latter of Indiana. The father was a farmer, a member with
his wife of the Society of Friends, and in politics a Democrat.
He is living at present with his son James; is in a
helpless condition; his age, sixty-five. The mother is
still living at the age of sixty. These parents had
fifteen children, five of whom are now living. James A.
made his father's house his home until he was twenty-one.
The following five years he spent in traveling; was in Missouri,
Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, Arkansas, etc. He was married in
September, 1866, to Sarah A. Heddins, of this county.
At this time he owned no land, but farmed near where he now
lives. He bought a small farm of twenty acres in 1869, and
has been adding since, until he now owns 100 acres of good land.
He has been quite successful, all things considered, in his
business relations. IN 1874 he was elected Collector of
this township. He served as Commissioner of Highways the
three years following. He is at present Supervisor of his
township. All the above offices he filled to the
satisfaction of his constituency. He is classed among the
responsible, well-to-do farmers of the county. By his
first wife he had five children - Thomas C., Luther F.,
Eleazer O., Parmelia J. and Edwin J. Thomas C.
died at the age of nine months, in 1868. Eleazer
died in 1875, at the age of four years. Mrs. C.
died July 29, 1876, at the age of thirty-four years.
Mr. C. married, for his second wife, Hepsy J. Starbuck,
of this county. Their children are Letha, who died
in infancy; Ross and Horra M. Mr. C. is a
member of the K. of H., and in politics a Democrat.
Source: Counties of Cumberland, Jasper and
Richland, Illinois - Historical and Biographical - Publ.
Chicago: F. A. Battey & Co. - 1884 -
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