Counties of Cumberland, Jasper and Richland,
Historical and Biographical -
Publ. Chicago: F. A. Battey & Co.
Neoga Twp. -
JAMES EWING, pioneer, was born in
Tennessee, Nov. 3, 1804, the son of James and Mary (Thompson)
Ewing, is the fourth in a family of six children, and is of
Scotch-Irish extraction. The father of Mr. Ewing
was a native of Virginia, and his mother of North Carolina.
His parents were deceased in Tennessee. His father had
attained to the advanced age of more than ninety years.
The year 1827 dates of the subject of this sketch to Edgar
County, Ill. There he resided until 1854, when he came to
Cumberland County. He is one of the few men yet living
that served as a soldier in the Black Hawk War. In 1833,
he was united in marriage to Miss Rachel Ewing, an own
cousin of his. Mrs. Ewing died in November of the
year following, and he was next married, three years later, to
Miss Mary Alexander, and to them were born four sons and
four daughters, viz.: Milton A., Sirus K., George F., Josiah
A., Martha V., Flora E., Linda J., and Emma C. Mrs.
Ewing died in May, 1864, since which time Mr. Ewing
has remained a widower. In 1874, he quite the farm and
became a resident of Neoga, but still owns a farm, which is
moderately well improved, and is located two miles east of
Neoga. Mr. Ewing has long been a thorough advocate
of the principles of Republicanism. He is one of the men
who cast their ballots in what was known as the Wabash Precinct.
The Ewing family has a long line of ancestors, and was
known in America many years before the war between the United
States and Great Britain. Mr. Ewing is one of the
first settlers of Illinois, and is one of its representative
Source: Counties of Cumberland, Jasper and
Richland, Illinois - Historical and Biographical - Publ.
Chicago: F. A. Battey & Co. - 1884 -
Page 326 |
Neoga Twp. -
JAMES M. EWING, farmer, was born in Vigo
County, Ind., July 31, 1825; son of Alexander and Margaret L. (McColloch)
Ewing, and is of Scotch-Irish extraction. The parents of
Mr. Ewing were natives of East Tennessee. In 1824, they
emigrated to Vigo County, Ind., and there remained two years; then
removed to Edgar County, Ill., and here his father died in 1851.
His mother died in Cumberland County, in 1866. In 1854, the
subject of our notice came to Cumberland County, in 1866. In
1854, the subject of our notice came to Cumberland County, Ill., and
settled three miles west of Neoga, in Neoga Township, and here he
has since resided. His marriage took place Feb. 12, 1861, to
Miss Prudentia T. Stone. Mrs. Ewing was born in
Livingston County, N. Y. They have three children viz.:
Whitney L., Norton E., and James T. He is a
thorough Republican. In 1877, Mr. Ewing was elected
Supervisor of Neoga Township, and served three terms. He is a
Royal Arch Mason; made a Mason in 1860. He is one of the best
and most successful farmers in Neoga Township; owns 239 acres of
good land. He is a prominent citizen and a most honorable man.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewing are members of the Presbyterian Church.
He is one of the early settlers of the county.
Source: Counties of Cumberland, Jasper and
Richland, Illinois - Historical and Biographical - Publ.
Chicago: F. A. Battey & Co. - 1884 -
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