City of Decatur and Macon Co., Illinois
A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and
Hon. William E. Nelson, Editor
"Local history is the ultimate substance of national history." -
Volume II
- Illustrated -
Chicago - The Pioneer Publishing Company 1920
Among the men prominently operating in real-estate circles
is B. Hilton Cassell, and his efforts are an element
in the substantial growth and development in the city.
When Decatur contained only a few hundred inhabitants he
started upon life's journey here, the date of his birth
being Mar. 20, 1846. His parents were Berry H. and
Louise M. (Shultz) Cassell, natives of East Hanover,
Pennsylvania and Maryland, respectively. They were
pioneer people of Macon County, arriving when Decatur had
not yet emerged from villagehood and gave but little
evidence of future growth and development. The father
was a tinner by trade and carried on that business for
several years, after which he turned his attention to the
hardware business, becoming a junior partner in the firm of
Prather & Cassell, their store being upon the present
site of the Morehouse & Wells building which is now
being erecte4d. From time to time he extended the
scope of his activities and became a prominent factor in the
substantial growth of the city. In 1856 he was in the
hotel business as a member of the firm of Cassell, Stroh
& Henderson, the hostelry being known as the Cassell
House, which stood on the present site of the St.
Nicholas. He varied business activities and his
prominence in other directions made him well known
throughout this section of the state. A tract of land
which he purchased at the east end of the city at an early
day is now built up almost solidly with residences. He
also purchased eight acres of land known as Cassell
Hill, a tract almost circular in form, and on this he
erected a beautiful residence now owned and occupied by
B. Hilton Cassell, and designated throughout the city as
Cassell's Castle. The death of Mr.
Cassell occurred Oct. 12, 1904. His wife had
passed away Oct. 21, 1903.
Mr. Cassell was reared in
Decatur, attended the public schools and after his marriage
removed to a farm in Decatur township, which remained his
place of abode until 1901. He is still the owner of
two hundred acres of valuable land, to the cultivation and
development of which he devoted a number of years,
transforming it into one of the valuable and highly
productive properties of this region. In 1901 he
removed into his father's old home which is now his
residence. HE also owns about twenty houses in Decatur
which he leases, and as a speculative builder he has become
well know, erecting various dwellings for the purpose of
sale. His intention is to divide the old homestead,
consisting of eight acres, into building lots and make it
one of the ideal residence districts of the city.
In 1872 Mr. Cassell was married to Miss
Fannie W. Harrison, of Ohio, and unto them have been
born three sons: Louis B., now engaged in the
practice of law; Fred R., who follows farming; and
Otto D., who is engaged in the real estate business.
Mr. Cassell is a daughter of Matthew and Lydia
(Plummer) Harrison, both natives of Ohio, where the
father died. He was a farmer by occupation.
After his death Mrs. Harrison came to Macon county,
Illinois, and here she passed away in October, 1898.
In their family were fourteen children, seven of whom are
living at the present time. Two sons died in
Andersonville prison during the Civil war.
Mr. Cassell is a thirty-second degree Mason, a
member of Macon Lodge, No. 8, A. F. & A. M., Macon Chapter,
No. 21, R. A. M.; Decatur Council, No. 12, R. & S. M.;
Beaumonoir Commandery, No. 9, K. T.; Peoria Consistory, S.
P. R. S.; Decatur Chapter, No. 111, O. E. S.; Mecca Shrine,
No. 15; and the White Shrine of Jerusalem, and his wife is
also a member of the Eastern Star and the White Shrine.
Mr. Cassell was born in the house which stood on
the site of the Linn & Scruggs dry goods store, in a long
building which had been used for a wagon and paint shop.
His father had a little tin shop in the east end of the
building, the family occupying the west end. Decatur
at that time had less than a thousand population. He
has, therefore, witnessed its growth to a city of
thirty-five thousand - one of the most progressive and
enterprising in Illinois. He has not only maintained a
deep interest in what has been accomplished but has also
borne his share in the work of development, his cooperation
being a tangible factor in various movements for the general
good. He is today one of Decatur's most popular and
prominent residents and a well spent life is indicated in
the fact that many of his stanchest friends are those who
have known him from his boyhood to the present time.
Source: City of Decatur and Macon Co., Illinois -
Volume II
- Illustrated - Publ.
Chicago - The Pioneer Publishing Company - 1920 - Page 129
NOTE: My Great Great Grandmother
Milly Earp Grindle (Grinnell), worked for Mr. Cassell. ~
Sharon Wick. |