City of Decatur and Macon Co., Illinois
A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and
Hon. William E. Nelson, Editor
"Local history is the ultimate substance of national history." -
Volume II
- Illustrated -
Chicago - The Pioneer Publishing Company 1920
retired farmer living on section 4, Niantic township, where
his father located in 1851 and obtained six hundred and
eighty acres of land, a part of which he secured through a
Mexican land warrant that called for one hundred and sixty
acres. He also entered a portion of his farm from the
government. The father, Thomas Acom, was born
in Yorkshire, England, on the 1st of November, 1819, and was
a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Raines) Acom.
His youthful days were spent upon a farm in his native
country and there he acquired a fair common school
education, after which he learned and followed the
carpenter's trade. In 1840, however, he determined to
try his fortune on the west side of the Atlantic and came to
the new world, making his way to St. Louis, where he had a
brother were engaged for a time to have charge of the stage
stables which sent the stage coaches into Illinois.
Thus he made his start in life, giving proof of his industry
and ability and therefore gradually working his way upward.
On the 31st of March, 1844, Thomas Acom was
married in Morgan county, Illinois, where he had been
residing for a year, to Miss Juliana Munson, who was
a native of Emmitsburg, Maryland, and was a daughter of
Samuel and Elizaeth (McDonald) Munson. Mrs. Acom
had removed to Morgan county, Illinois, when she was a young
lady of about twenty years, making her way to her brother's
home in 1838. After a year or more spent in Morgan
county following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Acom
removed to Sangamon county, Illinois, where he rented land,
and during the period of their residence there three
children were born. In March, 1850, the family arrived
in Macon county and in 1851 took up their abode on what has
since been known as the homestead farm. It was there
that Thomas Acom spent his remaining days, diligently
devoting his time and attention to general agricultural
pursuits and at the same time faithfully performing every
duty of citizenship that devolved upon him. He was
ever mindful of his obligations toward his fellowmen and to
the community at large and no trust reposed in him was ever
betrayed in the slightest degree. In politics he was
an earnest republican and for many years served as
supervisor of Niantic township, discharging his duties with
promptness and fidelity. The cause of education found
in him a warm friend and he acceptably filled the office of
school director for many years. He was always foremost
in all good things for the benefit of the community and was
a strong temperance man. On one occasion he and a
friend bought out a saloon and then poured the whiskey in
the ditch that no one might be the victim of its power of
inebriation. He had the moral courage of his
convictions in every respect and stood fearlessly in support
of what he believed to be right. He was reared in the
faith of the Church of England and while he was never
identified through membership with any church here, he
assisted efficiently in raising money to pay off the
indebtedness of the Methodist Episcopal church in Niantic.
He believed in progress along agricultural as well as other
lines, was an active member of the Grange and of the Farmers
Club and was the first man to tile land in Niantic township.
The death of Thomas Acom occurred on the 20h of
September, 1899, about eighteen months after the demise of
his wife, who passed away Mar. 28, 1898.
In the family of his worthy couple were eight children.
Sarah Elizabeth, who was born in Sangamon county,
Illinois, is still living. Sophia became the
wife of Silas Grosh and for a time they made their
home in Macon county but afterward removed to Chicago.
After her death Mrs. Grosh left three children:
Mary Laura, John Thomas and Frank Milton.
The last named is married and has one child, Frances,
living in Chicago. Henry Acom married Belle
Harnsbarger. John W., born in this county, wedded
Miss Mary J. Coble and lives in Moultrie county,
Illinois. He has four children: Thomas Herman, Owen
Huber, William Henry and Hazel Mildred. Martha
Jane Acom became the wife of George Jacobson and
died leaving one child who passed away soon afterward.
Mary Ellen is the wife of Charles
Bruce, living in Niantic. Robert Allen
died at the age of six years. Laura A. died at
the age of nineteen months. The only members of the
family now living are Sarah Elizabeth, John W.,
Henry Owen Acom and Mrs. Bruce.
To the son Henry O., we are indebted for the history
of the family. He is following in his father's
business footsteps and is now a representative and
progressive agriculturist of the community, owning and
conducting an extensive and valuable tract of land
which readily responds to the care and labor which he
bestowes upon it.
Source: City of Decatur and Macon Co., Illinois -
Volume II
- Illustrated - Publ.
Chicago - The Pioneer Publishing Company - 1920 - Page 340 |