City of Decatur and Macon Co., Illinois
A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and
Hon. William E. Nelson, Editor
"Local history is the ultimate substance of national history." -
Volume II
- Illustrated -
Chicago - The Pioneer Publishing Company 1920
deceased, who was a highly respected member of the farming
community of Hickory Point township, Macon county, was born
in Ohio, in September, 1838. He was a son of Henry
Lehman, a native of Pennsylvania, who moved to Ohio,
where he was married, and came to Illinois in 1843, first
settling in Decatur. He became the owner of one
hundred and sixty acres of land in the county and moved to
the farm about 1858, and there he died twenty years, later,
in 1878. The mother of our subject was before her
marriage Mary Cushner. She was a native of
Maryland and was born in 1818 and died in this county two
years before her husband was called away. There were
ten children in their family, two of whom are now living:
Mrs. Bixler, of Decatur; and Mary.
The subject of our review came to Illinois with his
parents and was educated in the public schools, working upon
the farm as he grew up and becoming thoroughly familiar with
its operations. He was still at home at the time of
the Civil war and was one of the valiant young men who went
forth under the stars and stripes to defend the Union.
He enlisted in the Eighth Illinois Volunteers and served
with the highest credit to himself and his regiment for
three years. At the close of his period of service he
was honorably discharged and returned to the home farm,
continuing there until 1873, when he began farming upon his
own account. In 1874 he bought the present homestead
of the family, which is located in Hickory Point township
and consists of one hundred and ten acres with a handsome
residence and all the improvements of a modern farm.
He also acquired eighty acres of land in the northern part
of the county and became recognized as one of the
enterprising and successful farmers of his region.
Politically Mr. Lehman supported the principles
of the republic party for a number of years but later
changed his allegiance to the democratic party as best
representing the ideals of a free people. He was a man
of good discernment, a wise manager and one who was
devotedly attached to his wife and children. His
death, July 21, 1902, caused general regret throughout the
region where he was well known and much esteemed for his
noble qualities.
In 1873 occurred the marriage of Jacob M. Lehman and
Miss Catherine Weaver, a daughter of Samuel and Sarah
(Seiler) Weaver, who were natives of Pennsylvania and
came to Illinois in 1850 and settled in Macon county.
Here the head of the family bought one hundred and sixty
acres of land, upon which he began operations and evinced
such an ability as an agriculturist and stockraiser that at
the time of his death, in 1905, at the age of eighty-two
years, he was the owner of about twenty-five hundred acres
of land in Macon, Shelby and Piatt counties. Mrs.
Weaver was born in 1825 and departed this life in the
same year as her beloved husband. They were the
parents of five children: Alfred and Charles,
both of Decatur; Nancy, now Mrs. Keister, of
Decatur; Catherine, herein mentioned; and Mrs.
Susan Crossman, of Harristown, this county. The
Union of Mr. and Mrs. Lehman was blessed by the
arrival of seven children, all of whom are now living:
Ruth, the wife of Dr. Albert Mowry, of Chicago,
and the mother of one child, Marian; Alfred, who
married Irene Stone, of Macon county, and is the
father of two children, Ralph and Ruth; Charles,
who married Maude Cox, of Piatt county, this state,
and has three children, Owen, Gladys and Lola;
Jacob, who married Nellie Cress, now deceased,
who was the mother of one child, Merle, also
deceased; Bertram, who is living with his brother in
Piatt county; Ivah, who married Charles Lyman
and is the mother of two children, Maxine and
Rhonette; and John, who is living at home.
Mrs. Lehman is now living on the family homestead and
is accorded the respect of friends and acquaintances and the
love of her children, to whom she has been, indeed, a true
and self-sacrificing mother.
Source: City of Decatur and Macon Co., Illinois -
Volume II
- Illustrated - Publ.
Chicago - The Pioneer Publishing Company - 1920 - Page 131 |